对话填空。K=Kathy   M= MumM: Kathy,have you decided what you"re going to do in the va

对话填空。K=Kathy   M= MumM: Kathy,have you decided what you"re going to do in the va

对话填空。K=Kathy   M= Mum
M: Kathy,have you decided what you"re going to do in the vacation?
K: I need to 1.e_________ some money. I"d try to find a job
   looking after children. What do you think, Mum?
M:It"s not an easy job and you don"t have any particular 2.k        
  about childcare. Some children could be noisy
  and badly 3.b____ .Do you have any other ideas?
K:Not 4.r____.I don"t think much of the jobs I"ve seen 5.a        in the newspaper.
(A week later)
M:Kathy,are you still looking for a childcare job?
K:No,Mum.1 6.m____to tell you earlier. I"ve been offered
  a job in the office of the local computer factory and it"s well
  paid. I"ve decided to take it and will 7.s____on Monday.
M:Good!  Tell me more 8.d____ about the job.
K:I will work as a 9.s        ,typing letters, answering phone calls and so on.
M:Some people may find it busy and 10.b         ,and you need to be patient and careful.
K:Thank you,Mum.I"ll try my best.
1.earn   2.knowledge   3.behaved   4.really   5.advertis(z)ed
6. meant   7. start   8. detail(s)   9.secretary   10. boring
Husband: Hi, darling, I"m home.
Wife:  1  
Husband: Well, just as usual.
Wife: Come on, I"ve known you for years.Your face tells me something has happened.
Husband: Is that so?
Wife:  2  .Tell me, what happened?
Husband: Guess!
Wife: You"re promoted?
Husband:  3  
Wife: You got a raise?
Husband: Right!You deserve a reward.   4  
Wife: Sure.But tell me everything from the very beginning.You didn"t mention anything about this to me.
Husband: I wasn"t expecting a raise myself.I wasn"t even aware that today was payday when I
               got to work this morning.
Wife:  5  
Husband: No, I think I was the only one.The manager talked to me this morning.He said I had 
               been working quite hard and wanted me to keep up the good work.
Wife: Congratulations!Now let"s go celebrate.
A. Did things go well today?
B. Did other colleagues in your company get a raise, too?
C. How about eating out tonight?
D. Yes, you are right.
E. Your eyes are shining and your mouth is smiling.
F. How did things go in your office today?
G. No, but very close.
题型:陕西省同步题难度:| 查看答案
(O: Operator L: Li Dong)
O: Hello, Emergency Line.__1__
L: Yes.I am calling to report you an accident.
O: __2__
L: A truck hit a car on highway 320.
O: Has anyone been badly hurt?
L: __3__The driver of the truck says he is OK.But the woman must have had her leg broken.
O: __4__
L: Li Dong.
O: OK.Mr Li.We will immediately send an ambulance and a police car.It is 11?55 now, and they should be there by 12?00.__5__
L: That is nothing.
A. Thanks very much.
B. What can I do for you?
C. You are so great.
D. Would you please give me some details, sir?
E. I am not quite sure.
F. May I have your name, sir?
G. What happened?

题型:陕西省同步题难度:| 查看答案
情景对话.M:Hi,Lily,how"s your new flat?
W:It"s great.I really like it.
W:It"s one big room,but it has a bathroom and a small kitchen,too.
W:It"s only about 10 minutes.
M:10 minutes by bus or by car?
W:__3__I walked to work this morning.I was 10 minutes early.
M:You are lucky.I was 10 minutes late.
M:All the buses came late.
W:What did your boss say?
M:She was late too.
W:What happened to her?
W:Well,then you"re really lucky after all.But what are you going to do tomorrow?
M:I"ll start 15 minutes earlier.
A.Is it big?
B.What happened?
C.How far is it from the office?
D.She took the train,and it was late too.
E.On foot.
F.How big is it?
G.What time is it?
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
A: Hello,   1  
B. Hello!   2  
A: I"m sorry he is out. He"s at the cinema at the moment.
B: Is that Mrs. Brown?
A: Yes.   3   Do you have anything important to tell Tom?  4  
B: Sure. This is Bill. We"re going to have a picnic next Sunday. Please remind him to bring
     something to drink.
A: OK. I"ll leave the message on his desk.
B:  5   Bye!
A: Bye.  
A. Can I take a message?
B. Thanks a lot.
C. 85776186.
D. This is Tom"s mother. E. Speaking.
F. Can I speak to Tom?
G. Who is that speaking?

题型:江苏模拟题难度:| 查看答案
情景对话.M:Sir,did I do anything wrong?
W:__1__You ran through the stop sign.May I see your driver license,please?
M:Oh,I"m sorry,I didn"t see the stop sign at the corner.__2__
W:That doesn"t justify your violation.__3__
M:__4__I don"t have it on me.Honestly,I forgot it back at the house.But I have
the insurance policy with me.Here it is.
W:__5__I"ll come back in a moment.
A.May I see your license,please?
B.What can I do for you?
D.Please wait here,sir.
E.Oh,sorry sir.
F.I didn"t mean it.
G.What a pity!You are wrong.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案


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