(2013·高考山东卷,A)Jimmy is an automotive mechanic,but he lost his job a few months a

(2013·高考山东卷,A)Jimmy is an automotive mechanic,but he lost his job a few months a

(2013·高考山东卷,A)Jimmy is an automotive mechanic,but he lost his job a few months ago.He has a good heart,but always feared applying for a new job.
One day,he gathered up all his strength and decided to attend a job interview.His appointment was at 10 am and it was already 8:30.While waiting for a bus to the office where he was supposed to be interviewed,he saw an elderly man wildly kicking the tyre of his car.Obviously there was something wrong with the car.Jimmy immediately went up to lend him a hand.When Jimmy finished working on the car,the old man asked him how much he should pay for the service.Jimmy said there was no need to pay him;he just helped someone in need,and he had to rush for an interview.Then the old man said,“Well,I could take you to the office for your interview.It’s the least I could do.Please,I insist.”Jimmy agreed.
Upon arrival,Jimmy found a long line of applicants waiting to be interviewed.Jimmy still had some grease on him after the car repair,but he did not have much time to wash it off or have a change of shirt.One by one,the applicants left the interviewer’s office with disappointed looks on their faces.Finally his name was called.The interviewer was sitting on a large chair facing the office window.Rocking the chair back and forth,he asked,“Do you really need to be interviewed?”Jimmy’s heart sank.“With the way I look now,how could I possibly pass this interview?”he thought to himself.
Then the interviewer turned the chair and to Jimmy’s surprise,it was the old man he helped earlier in the morning.It turned out he was the General Manager of the company.
“Sorry I had to keep you waiting,but I was pretty sure I made the right decision to have you as part of our workforce before you even stepped into this office.I just know you’d be a trustworthy worker.Congratulations!”Jimmy sat down and they shared a cup of well­deserved coffee as he landed himself a new job.
小题1:Why did Jimmy apply for a new job?
A.He was out of work.
B.He was bored with his job.
C.He wanted a higher position.
D.He hoped to find a better boss.
小题2:What did Jimmy see on the way to the interview?
A.A friend’s car had a flat tyre.
B.A wild man was pushing a car.
C.A terrible car accident happened.
D.An old man’s car broke down.
小题3:Why did the old man offer Jimmy a ride?
A.He was also to be interviewed.
B.He needed a travelling companion.
C.He always helped people in need.
D.He was thankful to Jimmy.
小题4:How did Jimmy feel on hearing the interviewer’s question?
A.He was sorry for the other applicants.
B.There was no hope for him to get the job.
C.He regretted helping the old man.
D.The interviewer was very rude.
小题5:What can we learn from Jimmy’s experience?
A.Where there’s a will,there’s a way.
B.A friend in need is a friend indeed.
C.Good is rewarded with good.
D.Two heads are better than one.


小题1:解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第一段中的he lost his job可知他失业了,因此要去申请一份新工作。选项B“他厌倦了他的工作”,选项C“他想得到一个更高的职位”以及选项D“他想找到一个更好的老板”在文中均未提及。
小题2:解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第二段中的...he saw an elderly man...there was something wrong with the car.可推知吉米看到一位老人的车坏了。选项A“一个朋友的车瘪胎了”中的朋友与文章内容不相符;选项B“一个疯狂的男人在推车”与文中的“一个上了年纪的人在使劲地踢他汽车的轮胎”不相符;选项C“发生了一场可怕的事故”在文中未提及。
小题4:解析:选B。推理判断题。由第三段中的倒数第二句Jimmy’s heart sank.可推知他感觉自己已经没有希望得到这份工作了。选项A“他为其他的申请者感到遗憾”,选项C“他后悔帮助了那位老人”,选项D“这位面试官很粗鲁”在文中均未提及。
(2013·高考浙江卷,D)In 1974,after filling out fifty applications,going through four interviews,and winning one offer,I took what I could get—a teaching job at what I considered a distant wild area:western New Jersey.My characteristic optimism was alive only when I reminded myself that I would be doing what I had wanted to do since I was fourteen—teaching English.
School started,but I felt more and more as if I were in a foreign country.Was this rural area really New Jersey?My students took a week off when hunting season began.I was told they were also frequently absent in late October to help their fathers make hay on the farms.I was a young woman from New York City,who thought that“Make hay while the sun shines” just meant to have a good time.
But,still,I was teaching English.I worked hard,taking time off only to eat and sleep.And then there was my sixth­grade class—seventeen boys and five girls who were only six years younger than me.I had a problem long before I knew it.I was struggling in my work as a young idealistic teacher.I wanted to make literature come alive and to promote a love of the written word.The students wanted to throw spitballs and whisper dirty words in the back of the room.
In college I had been taught that a successful educator should ignore bad behavior.So I did,confident that,as the textbook had said,the bad behavior would disappear as I gave my students positive attention.It sounds reasonable,but the text evidently ignored the fact that humans,particularly teenagers,rarely seem reasonable.By the time my boss,who was also my taskmaster,known to be the strictest,most demanding,most quick to fire inexperienced teachers,came into the classroom to observe me,the students exhibited very little good behavior to praise.
My boss sat in the back of the room.The boys in the class were making animal noises,hitting each other while the girls filed their nails or read magazines.I just pretended it all wasn’t happening,and went on lecturing and tried to ask some inspiring questions.My boss,sitting in the back of room,seemed to be growing bigger and bigger.After twenty minutes he left,silently.Visions of unemployment marched before my eyes.
I felt mildly victorious that I got through the rest of class without crying,but at my next free period I had to face him.I wondered if he would let me finish out the day.I walked to his office,took a deep breath,and opened the door.
He was sitting in his chair,and he looked at me long and hard.I said nothing.All I could think of was that I was not an English teacher;I had been lying to myself,pretending that everything was fine.
When he spoke,he said simply,without accusation,“You had nothing to say to them.”
“You had nothing to say to them.”he repeated.“No wonder they’re bored.Why not get to the meat of the literature and stop talking about symbolism.Talk with them,not at them.And more important,why do you ignore their bad behavior?”We talked.He named my problems and offered solutions.We role­played.He was the bad student,and I was the forceful,yet,warm,teacher.
As the year progressed,we spent many hours discussing literature and ideas about human beings and their motivations.He helped me identify my weaknesses and my strengths.In short,he made a teacher of me by teaching me the reality of Emerson’s words:“The secret to education lies in respecting the pupil.”
Fifteen years later I still drive that same winding road to the same school.Thanks to the help I received that difficult first year,the school is my home now.
小题1:It can be inferred from the story that in 1974________.
A.the writer became an optimistic person
B.the writer was very happy about her new job
C.it was rather difficult to get a job in the USA
D.it was easy to get a teaching job in New Jersey
小题2:According to the passage,which of the following is most probably the writer’s problem as a new teacher?
A.She had blind trust in what she learnt at college.
B.She didn’t ask experienced teachers for advice.
C.She took too much time off to eat and sleep.
D.She didn’t like teaching English literature.
小题3:What is the writer’s biggest worry after her taskmaster’s observation of her class?
A.She might lose her teaching job.
B.She might lose her students’ respect.
C.She couldn’t teach the same class any more.
D.She couldn’t ignore her students’ bad behavior any more.
小题4:Which of the following gives the writer a sense of mild victory?
A.Her talk about symbolism sounded convincing.
B.Her students behaved a little better than usual.
C.She managed to finish the class without crying.
D.She was invited for a talk by her boss after class.
小题5:The students behaved badly in the writer’s classes because________.
A.they were eager to embarrass her
B.she didn’t really understand them
C.they didn’t regard her as a good teacher
D.she didn’t have a good command of English
小题6:The taskmaster’s attitude towards the writer after his observation of her class can be best described as ________.
A.cruel but encouraging
B.fierce but forgiving
C.sincere and supportive
D.angry and aggressive

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(2013·高考广东卷,C)One day,when I was working as a psychologist in England,an adolescent boy showed up in my office.It was David.He kept walking up and down restlessly,his face pale,and his hands shaking slightly.His head teacher had referred him to me.“This boy has lost his family,”he wrote.“He is understandably very sad and refuses to talk to others,and I’m very worried about him.Can you help?”
I looked at David and showed him to a chair.How could I help him? There are problems psychology doesn’t have the answer to,and which no words can describe.Sometimes the best thing one can do is to listen openly and sympathetically.
The first two times we met,David didn’t say a word.He sat there,only looking up to look at the children’s drawings on the wall behind me.I suggested we play a game of chess.He nodded.After that he played chess with me every Wednesday afternoon—in complete silence and without looking at me.It’s not easy to cheat in chess,but I admit I made sure David won once or twice.
Usually,he arrived earlier than agreed,took the chess board and pieces from the shelf and began setting them up before I even got a chance to sit down.It seemed as if he enjoyed my company.But why did he never look at me?
“Perhaps he simply needs someone to share his pain with,”I thought.“Perhaps he senses that I respect his suffering.”Some months later,when we were playing chess,he looked up at me suddenly.
“It’s your turn,”he said.
After that day,David started talking.He got friends in school and joined a bicycle club.He wrote to me a few times,about his biking with some friends,and about his plan to get into university.Now he had really started to live his own life.
Maybe I gave David something.But I also learned that one—without any words—can reach out to another person.All it takes is a hug,a shoulder to cry on,a friendly touch,and an ear that listens.
小题1:When he first met the author,David________.
A.felt a little excited
B.walked energetically
C.looked a little nervous
D.showed up with his teacher
小题2:As a psychologist,the author________.
A.was ready to listen to David
B.was skeptical about psychology
C.was able to describe David’s problem
D.was sure of handling David’s problem
小题3:David enjoyed being with the author because he________.
A.wanted to ask the author for advice
B.needed to share sorrow with the author
C.liked the children’s drawings in the office
D.beat the author many times in the chess game
小题4:What can be inferred about David?
A.He recovered after months of treatment.
B.He liked biking before he lost his family.
C.He went into university soon after starting to talk.
D.He got friends in school before he met the author.
小题5:What made David change?
A.His teacher’s help.
B.The author’s friendship.
C.His exchange of letters with the author.
D.The author’s silent communication with him.

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(2013·高考重庆卷,D)Not all bodies of water are so evidently alive as the Atlantic Ocean,an S­shaped body of water covering 33 million square miles.The Atlantic has,in a sense,replaced the Mediterranean as the inland sea of Western civilization.Unlike real inland seas,which seem strangely still,the Atlantic is rich in oceanic liveliness.It is perhaps not surprising that its vitality has been much written about by ancient poets.
“Storm at Sea”,a short poem written around 700,is generally regarded as one of mankind’s earliest artistic representations of the Atlantic.
When the wind is from the west
All the waves that cannot rest
To the east must thunder on
Where the bright tree of the sun
Is rooted in the ocean’s breast.
As the poem suggests,the Atlantic is never dead and dull.It is an ocean that moves,impressively and endlessly.It makes all kinds of noise—it is forever thundering,boiling,crashing,and whistling.
It is easy to imagine the Atlantic trying to draw breath-perhaps not so noticeably out in mid­ocean,but where it meets land,its waters bathing up and down a sandy beach.It mimics(模仿)nearly perfectly the steady breathing of a living creature.It is filled with symbiotic existences,too:unimaginable quantities of creatures,little and large alike,mix within its depths in a kind of oceanic harmony,giving to the waters a feeling of heartbeat,a kind of sub­ocean vitality.And it has a psychology.It has personalities:sometimes peaceful and pleasant,on rare occasions rough and wild; always it is strong and striking.
小题1:Unlike real inland seas,the Atlantic Ocean is________.
A.always energetic
B.lacking in liveliness
C.shaped like a square
D.favored by ancient poets
小题2:What is the purpose of using the poem “Storm at Sea” in the passage?
A.To describe the movement of the waves.
B.To show the strength of the storm.
C.To represent the power of the ocean.
D.To prove the vastness of the sea.
小题3:What does the underlined word “symbiotic” mean?
A.Living together.
B.Growing fast.
C.Moving harmoniously.
D.Breathing peacefully.
小题4:In the last paragraph,the Atlantic is compared to________.
A.a beautiful and poetic place
B.a flesh and blood person
C.a wonderful world
D.a lovely animal

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(2013·高考山东卷,D)Sparrow is a fast­food chain with 200 restaurants.Some years ago,the group to which Sparrow belonged was taken over by another company.Although Sparrow showed no sign of declining,the chain was generally in an unhealthy state.With more and more fast­food concepts reaching the market,the Sparrow menu had to struggle for attention.And to make matters worse,its new owner had no plans to give it the funds it required.
Sparrow failed to grow for another two years,until a new CEO,Carl Pearson,decided to build up its market share.He did a survey,which showed that consumers who already used Sparrow restaurants were extremely positive about the chain,while customers of other fast­food chains were unwilling to turn away from them.Sparrow had to develop a new promotional campaign.
Pearson faced a battle over the future of the Sparrow brand.The chain’s owner now favored rebranding Sparrow as Marcy’s restaurants.Pearson resisted,arguing for an advertising campaign designed to convince customers that visits to Sparrow restaurants were fun.Such an attempt to establish a positive relationship between a company and the general public was unusual for that time.Pearson strongly believed that numbers were the key to success,rather than customers’ spending power.Finally,the owner accepted his idea.
The campaign itself changed the traditional advertising style of the fast­food industry.The TV ads of Sparrow focused on entertainment and featured original songs performed by a variety of stars.Instead of showing the superiority of a specific product,the intention was to put Sparrow in the hearts of potential customers.
Pearson also made other decisions which he believed would contribute to the new Sparrow image.For example,he offered to lower the rent of any restaurants which achieved a certain increase in their turnover(营业额).
These efforts paid off,and Sparrow soon became one of the most successful fast­food chains in the regions where it operated.
小题1:Which was one of the problems Sparrow faced before Pearson became CEO?
A.The number of its customers was declining.
B.Its customers found the food unhealthy.
C.It was in need of financial support.
D.Most of its restaurants were closed.
小题2:What does the underlined word“them”in Paragraph 2 refer to?
A.Customers of Sparrow restaurants.
B.Sparrow restaurants.
C.Customers of other fast­food chains.
D.Other fast­food chains.
小题3:For what purpose did Pearson start the advertising campaign?
A.To build a good relationship with the public.
B.To stress the unusual tradition of Sparrow.
C.To learn about customers’spending power.
D.To meet the challenge from Marcy’s restaurants.
小题4:The TV ads of Sparrow ________.
A.changed people’s views on pop stars
B.amused the public with original songs
C.focused on the superiority of its products
D.influenced the eating habits of the audience
小题5:What was Pearson’s achievement as a CEO?
A.He managed to pay off Sparrow’s debts.
B.He made Sparrow much more competitive.
C.He helped Sparrow take over a company.
D.He improved the welfare of Sparrow employees.

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(2013·高考福建卷,A)When I was 12,all I wanted was a signet (图章) ring.They were the “in” thing and it seemed every girl except me had one.On my 13th birthday,my Mum gave me a signet ring with my initials(姓名首字母) carved into it.I was in heaven.
What made it even more special was that it was about the only thing that wasn’t being “replaced”.We’d been burnt out in fires that swept through our area earlier that year and had lost everything—so most of the “new” stuff (东西) we got was really just to replace what we’d lost.But not my ring.My ring was new.
Then,only one month later,I lost it.I took it off before bed and it was missing in the morning.I was sad and searched everywhere for it.But it seemed to have disappeared.Eventually,I gave up and stopped looking for it.And two years later,we sold the house and moved away.
Years passed,and a couple of moves later,I was visiting my parents’ when Mum told me that she had something for me.It wasn’t my birthday,nor was it Easter or Christmas or any other gift­giving occasion.Mum noticed my questioning look.“You’ll recognize this one,”she said,smiling.
Then she handed me a small ring box.I took it from her and opened it to find my beautiful signet ring inside.
The family who had bought our house 13 years earlier had recently decided to do some redecorations,which included replacing the carpets.When they pulled the carpet up in my old bedroom,they found the ring.As it had my initials carved into it,they realized who owned the ring.They’d had it professionally cleaned up by a jeweler before sending it to my mother.
And it still fits me.
小题1:The underlined word “in” in the first paragraph probably means“________”.
A.fashionable B.available
C.practical D.renewable
小题2:When she got the ring back,the writer was about ________.
A.13 years old B.15 years old
C.26 years old D.28 years old
小题3:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The writer’s family moved several times.
B.The writer never stopped looking for her ring.
C.The writer’s ring was cleaned up by the new house owner.
D.The writer lost her ring in the morning when she took it off.
小题4:What would be the best title for the passage?
A.My New RingB.Lost and Found
C.Lost and Replaced D.An Expensive Ring

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