AMy friend Robert started a new job this week and he’s been in the training clas

AMy friend Robert started a new job this week and he’s been in the training clas


My friend Robert started a new job this week and he’s been in the training class for two days. The employer has a very strict dress code—dark blue shirts and pants.
On the first day, an older gentleman in his class did not have the proper clothes and he was strictly told that he would be fired if he didn’t have the right clothes the next day. He explained, “Sir, I had not been told about this. Because of my larger size, it’s sometimes difficult to find the right clothing for a price I can afford.”
Last night, Robert and I decided that this old man shouldn’t lose the chance of work simply because he couldn’t afford the clothes. I had some cash on hand and Robert took it with him this morning just in case it was needed.
When training started this morning, the trainer was ready to fire the older gentleman. “You have 10 minutes to be in proper clothes,” he was told. At this point, Robert spoke up and asked if he could have 10 minutes to get him the clothes. He then ran out to the store and bought the proper-sized pants and a shirt; he returned with both and gave them to the older man.
The older gentleman began to cry and told him that he couldn’t accept such a gift from a stranger. Robert told him he had to because he had lost the receipt(收据) and couldn’t return them—a little white lie. The pants were a perfect fit, the shirt was a bit tight but he was able to keep his job.
“My wife and I tried to gather together some money last night, but we didn’t have enough to buy the clothes,” he told Robert. “It’s unbelievable to me that anybody would do such a thing for only knowing me a day!”
More unbelievable is how good it has made Robert and me feel to do this.
小题1:If the older man did not have the proper clothes, he would _____ offered another job
C.put off the training classD.lose his job
小题2: The money which was paid for the clothes belonged to _____
A.the trainerB.the older man
C.the writer D.Robert
小题3:How did Robert persuade the older man to accept the clothes?
A.He told the older man that he would lose his job if he did not take them.
B.He told a lie that the clothes didn’t fit himself.
C.He told the older man that he could save money and return it later.
D.He told the older man that he had no way to send them back.
小题4:What might be the best title for the passage?
A.Proper clothes for a strangerB.Fight against strict rules
C.A strange employerD.An unbelievable thing



小题1:D 细节题根据第一段:and he was strictly told that he would be fired if he didn’t have the right clothes the next day 可知选项D正确
小题2:C推断题 根据第二段:Robert and I decided that this old man shouldn’t lose the chance of work simply because he couldn’t afford the clothes. I had some cash on hand and Robert took it with him this morning just in case it was needed. 可知选项C正确
小题3:D推断题根据文章倒数第二段:Robert told him he had to because he had lost the receipt(收据) and couldn’t return them—a little white lie 可知选项D正确
You might say that Barack Obama was elected President of the US because he knows how to give a speech. In 2004, the little-known Obama gave a speech at the Democratic National Convention (民主党全国会议). It was a great speech — poetic, and inspiring. The people who heard it would remember it for a long time.
Since 2004, Obama has written and delivered thousands of speeches. There are usually praised for two reasons: he treats the audiences like intelligent adults, and he is able to express complicated ideas in a straightforward, natural way.
Before becoming President, Obama was a lawyer, a college professor, and a successful writer – his two memoirs (回忆录) have become best sellers. The skills he needed to succeed in his previous jobs have also contributed to his success as a speechmaker.
As a lawyer, Obama learned how to make strong, convincing arguments. As a professor, he learned how to explain complex subjects in ways that helped students understand without boring them. As a writer, he learned how to use languages to have a powerful influence on his audience. A famous American musician even turned one of Obama’s early speeches into a song during the election campaign.
Secret weapons of Obama
Writing team: Obama has a team of people who write his speeches. The writers chat with Obama for hours about what he wants to say. Then listen to recordings of past presidential addresses and seek advice from advisers. Obama usually edits and rewrites the drafts several times.
Make fun of the guests: Obama starts his speech by gently making fun of his guests. His opening lines attract the audience’s attention while giving them an opportunity to relax and laugh at themselves and each other.
Make fun of himself: Obama laughs at his past mistakes and is never afraid of showing them to the public.
Obama delivers speeches to audiences large and small. He can make his audiences laugh or cry. His speeches are always thoughtful, well written and just right for each occasion.
小题1:The third and fourth paragraph mainly talk about _______.
A.why Obama’s speeches are praised Obama acquired his speaking ability
C.what subjects Obama’s speeches are about
D.Obama’s success as a writer and a lawyer
小题2:What do we know about Obama’s writing team according to the passage?
A.They always seek advice from the ordinary people.
B.They analyze the speeches given by former US Presidents.
C.They usually have to finish writing a speech in a short time.
D.They try not to mention Obama’s past mistakes in the speeches.
小题3:When delivering a speech, Obama __________.
A.usually starts with some famous saying
B.sometimes turns his speech into a song
C.sometimes shares a joke with the audience very strict most of the time
小题4:What’s the author’s attitude towards Obama’s speeches?

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
An artist went to beautiful part of the country for a holiday, and stayed with a famer. Every day he went out with his paints and his brushes and painted from morning to evening. When it got dark, he went back to the farm and had a good dinner before he went to bed. At the end of his holiday, he wanted to pay the farmer, but the farmer said, “No I do not want money, but give me one of your pictures”, .The farmer smiled and answered, “It’s not that. I have a son in London. He wants to become an artist. When he comes here next month. I will show him your picture, and then he will not want to be an artist any more, I think.”
小题1:What did the artist go to the country for?
A.To look for the farmerB.To spend a holiday
C.To teach the farmer’s sonD.To see the farmer’s son
小题2:What did the artist do every day in the country?
A.He chatted with the farmer every dayB.He went out to paint every day
C.He played cards with the farmer every dayD.He worked for the farm
小题3:Where did the artist live in the country?
A.In a hotelB.He was in France
C.He was in Britain.D.In his own house

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I often think if I am as important to you as you are to me.
We had an unhappy time yesterday. I really felt sad after it and almost apologized (道歉) to you. However,you could still laugh and talk with others like nothing had happened. I suddenly realized that I was not that important to you. You didn’t even realize that I was angry and sad. What’s more,you even forgot my birthday this year.
Goodbye,my friend. I have closed my feeling toward you. It is sad to say goodbye,my friend. But it is meaningless for us to be friends any longer.
Dear Lucy,
I’m sorry that I hurt you so much yesterday. But here is something I really need to tell you. I never thought the quarrel we had yesterday was as serious as you thought. I just felt tired and didn’t feel like going shopping. Susan and Lily are also my good friends. I couldn’t pretend (假装) not seeing them when they passed by. I also couldn’t let them know I was blue because of the quarrel. I didn’t want them to feel sad just because I was sad. I’m your best friend,but I don’t want to be your only friend. I don’t want to be with you all the time because sometimes I need to have my own time. I want to spend some time with my other friends and my brother. Please try to make more friends. You will feel much happier if you have more friends. And remember,I’m your best friend forever!
小题1:What’s the purpose of Lucy’s letter?
A.To tell Jenny that she is really sorry for what happened yesterday.
B.To tell Jenny she doesn’t want to be friends with her any longer.
C.To ask Jenny not to be friends with Susan or Lily.
D.To ask Jenny if she means much to her.
小题2:What’s the cause of the quarrel yesterday?
A.Jenny laughed and talked with others.
B.Jenny didn’t notice that Lucy was sad.
C.Jenny didn’t want to go shopping.
D.Jenny didn’t remember Lucy’s birthday.
小题3:In the letter,Jenny suggests Lucy should________.
A.make more friendsB.leave her alone
C.make friends with Susan and LilyD.spend more time with her family
小题4:According to the passage,if we say someone is blue,we mean he/she is________.
小题5:After reading Jenny’s letter,we learn that________.
A.Jenny and Lucy are both students
B.Lucy doesn’t know how to keep a healthy friendship
C.A friend in need is a friend indeed
D.Lucy is Jenny’s only friend

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
A few years ago, I moved into a new house in Los Angeles. Soon after, a family moved in next door. It wasn’t the best of times for me. I had just divorced(离婚) from my second wife, and I wasn’t working. I’d come home each day and sit by myself in the backyard. One night, I heard someone from the yard next door, “Tom ! How are you, Tom? ” 
I couldn’t see anybody through the trees, but I answered, “I’ m good.”
“Good!” said the voice.
“What’s your name?” I asked.
“Eric.” Then I heard someone say, “Eric, don’t bother him.”
“Okay!” Eric said. “Talk to you tomorrow!”                                                                           
Months later, on Halloween, we finally met face to face. Eric came to the door dressed like a rap star. We became friends. We’d hang out in our yards, and Eric, who was almost 17 at the time and look liked a 13-year-old, would tell me his ideas and dreams. Eric’s dad, Alec Gores, is a billionaire(亿万富翁), the head of Gores Technology Group.
One day, Alec called me and said, “I know you are an actor. My son’s an actor, too. And he’s very good. I want you to write a movie for him. He wants to do something like True lies.” That’s the movie I made in 1994. His father has given Eric the great gif of confidence. He believes he can do anything he wants. He also offered to fund the movie. And that’s how The Kid & I, which opens in November, began.
Well, I really have to say that opportunity(机会)lies anywhere.
小题1:What do we learn about the writer when he had just moved into his new house in Los Angele?
A.He often came back very late.
B.He was working in the city at that time.
C.He and his second wife had just gotten divorced.
D.He often talks with others in the backyard.
小题2:The writer of this passage is a(an)        .
小题3:What do we learn about Eric from the passage?
A.He lives alone with his father.B.He has a very rich father
C.He often feels very lonely.D.He is a rap star.
小题4:The second last paragraph(倒数第二段)mainly tells us        . The Kid & I beganB.the roles in The Kid & I the writer met Eric’s fatherD.what The Kid & I is about
小题5:From his experience in Los Angeles, the writer learnt that        . 
A.where there is a will, there is a way. should always learn from the past. can find opportunity anywhere. can always be better.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
“I don’t believe in Santa Claus!” Trogmire announced.
Tremor looked shocked. “Why not?” he asked.
“Because he never leaves me any gifts at all,” Trogmire growled.
Tremor thought about the evidence for a few seconds. “Maybe,” he suggested, “it’s because when Santa checked his list, your name wasn’t in the ‘nice’ column.”
“So, he could at least bring me a lump of coal!” Trogmire replied. “And,” he went on, “Troubled doesn’t believe in Santa, either.”
“Right,” Tremor said, “because he saw his parents putting the ‘From Santa’ presents under the tree. But I know the truth about that. My mother found out from Troubled’s mother. When Troubled’s parents got an e-mail from Santa, saying that he would never bring Troubled another gift, they didn’t want to tell him the truth. So now they buy presents and pretend they’re from Santa.”
“What did Troubled do to get Santa so mad?” Trogmire questioned.
“I think it had something to do with the time he put glue paper all over the living room floor on Christmas Eve, and left a sign that said, ‘Trapped like a rat!’ hanging over the fireplace.” said Tremor.
“I guess Santa doesn’t have a sense of humour,” sighed Trogmire. “Well, at least I’m not the only one who Santa scratched off his name list.”
小题1:Why doesn’t Santa leave presents for Trogmire or Troubled?
A.Their parents won’t let him leave gifts.B.He can’t find their homes.
C.He often forgets their names.D.They have behaved badly.
小题2:Trogmire and Troubled don’t believe in Santa because ________.
A.Santa has no sense of humorB.Santa doesn’t give them anything
C.they are too naughty to believeD.Tremor convinced them he wasn’t real
小题3:Troubled’s parents never ________.
A.told him about the message from SantaB.loved him very much
C.cared about how he behavedD.bought him anything
小题4:Trogmire’s last comment could be an example of the saying _______.
A.Misery(苦难,不幸) loves company B.Easy come, easy go
C.Beauty is only skin deepD.Love me, love my dog

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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