A very strict officer was talking to some new soldiers whom he had to train. He

A very strict officer was talking to some new soldiers whom he had to train. He

A very strict officer was talking to some new soldiers whom he had to train. He had never seen them before, so he began, “My name is Stone, and I’m even harder than stone, so do what I tell you or there’ll be trouble. Don’t try any tricks (诡计) with me, and then we’ll get on well together.”
Then he went to each soldier one after the other and asked him his name, “Speak loudly so that everyone can hear you clearly,” he said, “and don’t forget to call me ‘sir’.”
Each soldier told him name, until he came to the last one. This man remained silent, and so Captain Stone shouted at him, “When I ask you a question, answer it! I’ll ask you again: What’s your name, soldier?”
The soldier was very unhappy, but at last he replied, “My name’s Stonebreaker, sir,” he said nervously.
小题1:The officer was strict______.
A.because the soldiers were new.B.with any of his soldiers, new or old.
C.because he was named Stone.D.only when he was before soldiers.
小题2: According to what the officer said,_______.
A.obeying his orders would sometimes bring no trouble.
B.trouble would come if anybody made tricks.
C.he always got on well with his soldiers.
D.he often had trouble with his soldiers.
小题3:The last soldier remained silent because_______
A.he didn’t like the way the officer spoke to them.
B.he wanted to see what would happen if he disobeyed his order.
C.the question was difficult for him to answer.
D.he was afraid the officer would be angry when he heard his name.
小题4:According to the officer, how to answer the question, “How old are you ?”
A.(sadly)Twenty, sir.B.(clearly)Twenty.
C.(loudly)Twenty, sirD.(quickly)Ten years younger than you, sir
小题5:Which is the best title for the passage?
A.A Clever AnswerB.A Terrible Answer
C.A Sorry AnswerD.A Strange Answer



There are many ways to find a job. It can be as easy as walking into a neighborhood store to look at its announcement board. Local stores often have areas where people can put small signs telling what kind of service they need or can provide. Such services include caring for children or cleaning houses.
Or, job searchers can look in the newspaper. Local newspapers have employment announcements placed by companies seeking workers.
Another popular tool for finding jobs is the Internet. For example, people in four hundred and fifty cities around the world can use the Craigslist Web site to buy objects, meet people or find a job. Craigslist says that it receives two million new job listings each month.
Another useful way to find a job is through a college or university. For example, students at the University of Texas in Austin can go to the Career Exploration Center to get help in finding a job. Of course, looking for a job requires knowing what kind of work you want to do. For example, there is a book called “What Color is Your Parachute ?” by Richard Bolles. This book has been helping people choose a career since it was first published in nineteen seventy.
Some experts also help people find jobs. Susan W. Miller owns a company called California Career Services in Los Angeles. She says her company helps people find jobs by first helping them understand their strengths, goals and interests. Then she provides them with methods and resources to help them find the right job.
小题1:What is the passage mainly about?                                    
A.Finding a job.
B.College students’part-time jobs.
C.Craigslist Web site.
D.The relation between study and work.
小题2:By logging on the Craigslist Web site, you can ______.
A.sell your old things
B.do some shopping online
C.create your own announcement board
D.get useful information about 450 cities
小题3:“What Color is Your Parachute?” is a book which gives tips to those who want to _____.
A.work on the airplane B.buy a parachute
C.publish a bookD.find a suitable job
小题4: It can be learned from the passage that ______.
A.companies often put job information in local shops
B.the Internet is the most popular tool for job hunters in the USA
C.Susan W. Miller’s company is helping people choose careers
D.California Career Services mainly serves university students
小题5:How many ways of finding a job are mentioned in the passage?
A.Three. B.Four. C.Five.D.Six.

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One day a few years ago, a very funny thing happened to a neighbor of mine. He is a teacher at one of London"s big medical schools. He had finished his teaching for the summer term and was at the airport on his way to Russia to give a lecture.
He had put a few clothes and his lecture notes in his shoulder bag , and he had put Rupert, the skeleton (人体骨架)to be used in his lecture, in a large brown suitcase. At the airport desk, he suddenly thought that he had forgotten to buy a newspaper. He left his suitcase near the desk and went over to the shop.
When he got back, he discovered that someone had taken his suitcase by mistake. He often wonders what they said when they got home and found Rupert.
小题1:Who wrote the story?
A.Rupert"s teacher.B.The neighbor"s teacher.
C.A medical school teacher.D.The teacher"s neighbor.
小题2:Why did the teacher put a skeleton in his suitcase?
A.He needed it for the summer term in London.
B.He needed it for the lecture he was going to give.
C.He wanted to take it to Russia for medical research.
D.He wanted to take it home as he had finished his teaching.
小题3:What happened at the airport?
A.The skeleton went missing.B.The skeleton was stolen.
C.The teacher forgot his suitcase.D.The teacher took the wrong suitcase.
小题4:Which of the following best tells the teacher"s feeling about the incident?
A.He was angry.B.He thinks it very funny.
C.He feels helpless without Rupert. D.He feels good without Rupert.
小题5:Which of the following might have happened afterwards?
A.The teacher got back the suitcase but not Rupert.
B.The teacher got back neither the suitcase nor Rupert.
C.The teacher got back Rupert but not the suitcase.
D.The teacher got back both the suitcase and Rupert.

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Five years ago, Wang Baoqiang was a nobody to most Chinese people. However, he is now a household film star in China.
Wang is the youngest child of a poor family in Hebei province . Dreaming of becoming an actor, he left home at the age of 8 to study kung fu at Shaolin Temple, since kung-fu actors seemed to appear most often on the big screen.
At 14, he moved to Beijing for his acting career for the first time, with little money in his pocket. He worked at a construction site(建筑工地)for 20 to 25 yuan per day, and spent his free time standing in front of the Beijing Film Studio, eager to be chosen as temporary(临时的)actors.
This was the most difficult time for the boy. His opportunity finally came one day after he went for a role in the movie “Blind Shaft”. He was chosen to play a young coal miner. The movie won him three prizes in Thailand, France and Taiwan. But his success didn’t make any difference to his life.
That year, he went home for the Spring Festival. He gave his family his earnings from the movie, around US$250 and then returned to Beijing with 500 yuan, the same amount he had when he first set foot in the city. His life was as simple as before.
Thanks to his natural performance in “Blind Shaft,” he was invited by the famous director Feng Xiaogang to act in the film “A World Without Thieves” in 2004, which made him famous
immediately. People called him “Shagen,” the name of his character in the movie.
Wang’s latest work, “Soldiers’ Sortie” has made him the most popular actor on the Chinese mainland . For the actor, it’s a dream coming true.
“Dreams come true. I think my life is exactly a course of pursuing(追求)dreams. No matter how tough one thing is, I can make it as long as I put great effort into it,” he said.
小题1:   Why does Wang Baoqiang leave for Shaolin Temple at his early age ?
A.To study kungfu to build up his strength .
B.He has seen through the human society .
C.To realize his childhood dream to be an actor .
D.To make money in support of his family .
小题2:Which of the following films made him win three prizes ?
A.A World Without Thieves B.Soldiers’ Sortie .
C.Plot AgainstD.Blind Shaft
小题3:What would be the best title for this passage ?
A.The Movies about Wang BaoqiangB.Pursuing Dreams
C.How to Become FamousD.Overnight Well-known

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
I have a friend named Monty Roberts who owns a horse ranch in San Ysidro. He has let me use his house to put on fund-raising events to raise money for youth at risk programs.
The last time I was there he introduced me by saying, "I want to tell you why I let Jack use my house.” It all goes back to a story about a young man who was the son of a horse trainer who would go from stable to stable, race track to race track, farm to farm and ranch to ranch, training horses. As a result, the boy"s high school career was continually interrupted. When he was a senior, he was asked to write a paper about what he wanted to be and do when he grew up.”
That night he wrote a seven-page paper describing his goal of someday owning a horse ranch.He wrote about his dream in great detail and he even drew a diagram of a 200-acre ranch, showing the location of all the buildings, the stables and the track. Then he drew a detailed floor plan for a 4,000-square-foot house that would sit on a 200-acre dream ranch.”
He put a great deal of his heart into the project and the next day he handed it in to his teacher. Two days later he received his paper back. On the front page was a large red F with a note that read, "See me after class.”
小题1:Why can the writer use Roberts"s house to raise money for youth at risk programs?
A.Because they are good friends.
B.Because Monty Roberts has a poor childhood.
C.Because Monty Roberts like to help youth.
D.Because the youth has the same dream as Montv Roberts.
小题2:What do you think of Monty Koberts" goal of a horse ranch at that time?
小题3:What would happen after the teacher gave a note "See me after class.”?
A.Monty Roberts got very angry at this.
B.The teacher would criticize him.
C.The teacher wanted to tell him that his dream would come true.
D.The teacher would encourage him.

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For the last couple of weeks, I had been stuck in front of my computer working on a project that was very important to me. My every waking hour was consumed by the project and although I imagined that I would feel happy after completing parts of the project, I was confused to find that instead, I was feeling rather depressed. I tried a range of methods to help cheer myself up. I had a relaxing bath, cooked a delicious meal to enjoy with my family and even watched a lighthearted movie, but to no avail. It was only when I turned to meditation(沉思)for a solution that the answer came to me: turn to nature!
The very next day, I grabbed my camera and a bottle of water and set off to spend a few hours walking in a nature reserve, even though it was pouring with rain. Within a couple of minutes I felt alive again. To be honest, I felt like a young school girl again and had to stop myself from hopping along the path singing, "I"m singing in the rain", a song I used to sing when I was a child. I think as adults we often try too hard to control our inner children and as a result we restrain(限制) our own spirits, which only leads to depression and stress.
Interestingly, it has been shown that people who spend 40 minutes walking in a nature reserve have a drop in their blood pressure levels, but this does not happen when they spend a similar amount of time walking in a busy city centre.
If you feel a little low in spirit and know that you have spent too much time indoors, relax completely, remove your shoes and let your inner child come out and play.
小题1: The author felt depressed because she __________.
A.couldn"t consume her waking hour
B.had not seen a film for a long time.
C.had not finished her work on time
D.had worked on a hard job for too long
小题2:The author walked in a nature reserve in the rain in order to__________.
A.take photosB.find a solution to the project
C.hop along the pathD.cheer herself up
小题3: The underlined part "to no avail" in Paragraph 1 probably means " __________.".
小题4:In the author"s opinion, __________.
A.a bath can make people relaxed
B.depression is usually caused by hard work
C.walking in a busy city centre harms people"s health
D.adults should express their inner feelings freely
小题5:The last paragraph mainly serves as a(n) __________.

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