After blogging regularly for two months, people felt they had better social sup

After blogging regularly for two months, people felt they had better social sup


After blogging regularly for two months, people felt they had better social support and friendship networks than those who didn’t blog. Blogging can help you feel less isolated, more connected to a community and more satisfied with your friendships. Both online and face-to-face, a new Australian research has found
Researchers James Baker and Professor Susan Moore from Swinburne have written two papers investigating the psychological benefits of blogging-regularly updating personal web pages with information that invites others to comment.
The first, published in the latest issue of the journal CyberPsychology and Behaviour.  compares the mental health of people intending to blog with that of people not planning to blog. Moore says the researchers messaged 600 MySpace users personally and directed them to an online survey. A total of 134 completed the questionnaire. 84 intended to blog and 50 didn’t.
“We found potential bloggers were less satisfied with their friendships and they felt less socially integrated; they didn’t feet as much part of a community as the people who weren’t interested in blogging …”Moore says. “It was as if they were saying ‘I’m going to do this blogging and it’s going to help me’.”
And it seemed to do the trick, as the researchers’ second study shows. This study which is yet to be published, was conducted two months later. The researchers sent out questionnaires(调查问卷)to the same group of MySpace users, this time 59 responded Bloggers reported a greater sense of belonging to a group of like-minded people and feeling more confident because they could rely on others for help. All respondents, whether or not they blogged, reported feeling less anxious, depressed and stressed after two months of online social networking.
“So going onto MySpace had lifted the mood of all participants in some way,” Moore says. “Maybe they’d just made more social connections.”
Moore acknowledges this is early research and hopes to follow a larger group of people for a longer period time to test some of the research findings.
66. What does the passage mainly tell us?
A. The mental health of bloggers.
B. Blogging improves one’s social life.
C. What kind of people are likely to blog.
D. Blogging has become more and more popular.
67. It can be inferred from the fourth paragraph that _________.
A. those who were not interested in blogging didn’t have good mental health
B. people were likely to become bloggers if they felt socially isolated
C. potential bloggers were those who had mental health problems
D. potential bloggers usually held a wrong view about blogging
68.The purpose of the second study is to find out _________.
A. what people do on MySpace
B. how many people became bloggers
C. how people felt after blogging for two months
D. how many people kept blogging after two months
69. The second study shows that________.
A. online social networking can do people good
B. only bloggers benefit from online social networking
C. not many potential bloggers became real bloggers
D. not all bloggers found the help they needed
70. The main purpose of people going onto MySpace is probably to _______.
A. exchange goods                  B. entertain themselves
C. seek help                           D. exchange views


第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后所给题的四个选项(A 、B、C 、和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
The other day, I happened to meet someone I hadn’t seen for many years. I couldn’t believe the change in him. In fact, he didn’t even seem like the 21  person.
When I first knew Bill, back in  22 , he was one of the most carefree (无忧无虑) people I had ever  23  . He was always ready to have a party. He thought  24  of going out for beer at three o’clock in the morning or driving 50 miles to see an old  25 he really liked. Bill and I were in the same class in college, and  26  was never dull when he was  27 . With him there was one wild  28  after another. Sometimes I wonder how we 29   to study for our exams.
Last week I was in Houston on business and I ran into Bill in the bar at the hotel.  30  , I wasn’t even sure it was  31 . Was this short-haired businessman really the same person? I wasn’t really sure until I came near him but it indeed was Bill. Now he works for a bank. He   32  most of the evening about his job, his new car and his house. How he had changed! Back when we were in college, the  33  thing Bill cared about was possessions. Now they seemed to be his main  34 . Although I have changed quite a bit myself, somehow, I never  35 Bill changing so much. My image of him 36  the one I had formed  37__ the time when we were college students together.
I suppose it’s 38 to expect people to remain the same, especially 39  I have changed so much myself. But I must say that I enjoyed the old Bill much more than the new Bill. Maybe he  40  the same way about me.
21. A. proper                B. same                C. usual                 D. right
22. A. childhood           B. the army          C. his thirties                D. college
23. A. considered          B. supposed          C. met                   D. expected
24. A. nothing               B. much               C. most                 D. none
25. A. man                   B. hospital            C. movie               D. country
26. A. learning                     B. life                  C. work                 D. fun
27. A. in                       B. out                  C. away                 D. around
28. A. adventure            B. mistake            C. chance               D. joke
29. A. decided           B. intended           C. managed            D. hoped
30. A. First of all          B. At first         C. Now and then    D. All the time
31. A. that                    B. us                    C. there                 D. him
32. A. thought               B. talked          C. argued               D. spent
33. A. first                    B. last                  C. next                  D. only
34. A. interest               B. event               C. subject              D. problem
35. A. forgot             B. minded              C. liked               D. imagined
36. A. remained            B. reminded            C. suggested         D. became
37. A. since                  B. from                  C. at                    D. till
38. A. unnecessary         B. foolish                   C. common          D. unusually
39. A. because               B. that                   C. how                       D. when
40. A. felt                     B. acted            C. looked             D. discovered
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

  Even though he has been caught, the former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein is still causing trouble. His arrest has thrown up as many questions as it has answers. Top of the list is what should happen to Saddam now, closely followed by calls for information from him about Iraq"s weapons of mass destruction(大规模***伤性武器). He is currently being held by American troops at a secret place. The US says he will stand trial(审判) for his cruel actions during his years in power. This is likely to take place at a court set up two weeks ago by the US-backed Iraqi Governing Council(伊拉克临管会). The council"s president Abdul Azizal-Hakim has warned Saddam could be executed(处死) if found guilty by the court. And the US supports this.“I think he ought to receive the worst punishment for what he has done to his people,”said US President George W. Bush, without directly stating that Saddam should be put to death. However, many nations, including Saddam"s long time enemy Iran, believe he would receive a fairer trial in an international court. Even Britain, America"s closest supporter, said it would not take part in any trial that could lead to Saddam"s execution. The UN Security Council(联合国安理会) has yet to make its position clear. But UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan did say that“the UN does not support a death penalty.”Besides waiting for a trial of Saddam, the world wants to see if the US and Britain can find the banned weapons they gave as the reason for the war in Iraq. Asked if Saddam"s capture could lead to a breakthrough in the hunt for the weapons of mass destruction, British Prime Minister Tony Blair said,“there"s obvious possibility there. But I think we should carry on what we"re doing in Iraq”.
50.After the arrest(逮捕) of Saddam, people are most concerned with the question that _____.
 A.whether there are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq  B.where he is held now he will be punished   D.none of the above
51.Which of the following is not true?
 A.Saddam will be punished for his cruel actions. B.An international court will be set up.
  C.UN does not support a death penalty.
  D.Many nations think it is not fair to have the trial in the court set up by the US-backed Iraqi Governing Council.
52.Tony Blair"s words implies that _____.
 A.he is not sure whether they can find the weapons  B.Britain will not take part in trial
 C. Both A and B      D. Neither A nor B
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

  As the proverb says,“No one knows the value of health until he loses it.”In other words, nothing is more valuable than health.
  It is clear that health is the foundation(基础) of one"s future success. If you become sick, it is scarcely possible to pursue(从事) your career effectively, much less make your dreams come true. On the other hand, if you are strong, you can go all out to overcome the obstacles(障碍) that lie ahead of you.
  Health is the resource of our energy. What should we do to maintain(保持) our health? First we should exercise every day to strengthen our muscles. Second, we might as well keep good hours. If we get up early, we can breathe fresh air and see the sunrise. This habit can do wonders for our outlook on life. Third, there is a proverb that says,“Prevention is better than cure.”If you pay close attention to your health, you can avoid getting sick, or at least cure yourself of a disease while it is still in its beginning stage.
  In conclusion, health is more important than wealth. Those who are rich but poor in health are no more fortunate than those who are poor, and healthy in body. If you want your wish to come true, health is the most important component(组成部分) of your success.
  57.A man knows the value of health _____.
 A.till he loses B.before he loses it C.after he loses it D.when he doesn"t lose it
 58.In the second paragraph,“go all out to”means _____.
 A.go yourself outside to B.try very hard to C.go with your friends to your energy to
 59.In the third paragraph, the topic sentence is _____.
  A.Health is the resource of our energy  B.Prevention is better than cure
  C.We might as well keep good hours  D.This habit can do wonders for our outlook on life
 60.“Those who are rich but poor in health are no more fortunate than those who are poor, and healthy in body”this sentence is understood as “_____”.
  A.Those who are rich but poor in health are less fortunate than those who are poor, and healthy in body.
  B.Those who are rich but poor in health are as fortunate as those who are poor, and healthy in body.
  C.Those who are rich but poor in health are not more fortunate than those who are poor, and healthy in body.
D.Those who are rich but poor in health are as unfortunate as those who are poor, and healthy in body.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

阅读下面短文,从短文后所给四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。    ‘
In the wake Of Chicago"s worst ever winter,it snowed heavily for almost  10 days off and on,until all of the rooftops were loaded,many overloaded,with snow.Robert McGrath saw  36  run out to the  37   to fetch some boxes.
Seconds   38  while he was  39 on his work,he heard a crash!
  40 ,he saw the roof of the garage bad  41  in. McGrath did not stop to put his hat or coat on. He 42 out of the house.grabbed a snow shovel,and called    43  for his neighbors to come and help.
Yelling and digging,with   44  freezing on his face-clearing snow,pulling   45  
boards and anxiously calling his wife"s name---he heard her   46  and then saw he hand. He kept digging,clearing and pulling...
Within   47  he had his wife in his arms and was sobbing,"Are you all right? Are you all right? I   48  you were dead.On baby,I love you so much!”She was  49   .
What Robert McGrath did NOT know was this:Mrs. McGrath had gone into the garage  50 one door and out through another. She was   51  in the house when she heard her husband"s voice.   52  she went to the window to took out and saw her husband digging and shouting her  53  and pulling out planks of wood,feverishly trying to rescue her. She could not let her gallant rescuer   54  .So she put her coat on again,went outside and quietly entered the garage through the back door----and   55   her husband to be her hero.
36. A. his friend        B. his wife         C. his neighbor       D. a stranger
37. A. garage            D. kitchen
38. A. ago             B. before          C. later             D. after
39. A. paying          B. confusing        C. drawing          D. focusing
40. A. Looking out      B. Rushing out      C. Getting out       D. Coming out
41. A. made           B. fallen           C. pulled            D. let
42. A.found          B. walked          C. rushed           D. showed
43. A. proudly         B. kindly           C.friendly         D. loudly
44. A.snow          B. ice              C. sweat            D. water
45. A. down           B. away            C. on             D. toward
46. A. voice           B. sound            C. noise            D. name
47. A. minutes         B. days             C. hours            D. time
48. A. intended        B. wondered         C. thought           D. considered
49. A.hurt           B. wounded          C. frightened        D. fine
50. A. around          B. through           C. into             D. past
51. A. safe            B. quiet             C. peaceful          D. worried
52. A. However        B. Or               C. But             D. So
53. A. helps           B. mothers           C. name            D. neighbors
54. A. up             B. down             C. out               D. in
55. A. allowed         B. made             C. advised            D. Persuaded
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题:每小题2分,满分40分)
Wishing to encourage her young son to make more progress on the piano,a mother took her boy to a Paderewski concert. After they were seated,the mother spotted a friend in the audience and walked down the aisle to greet her. Seizing the opportunity to explore the wonders of the concert hall,the little boy rose and eventually found his way through a door marked "NO ADMITTANCE.” When the house lights dimmed and the concert was about to begin, the mother returned to her seat and discovered that the child was missing.
Suddenly,the curtains parted and spotlights focused on the impressive Steinway on stage. To her horror,the mother saw her little boy sitting at the keyboard,innocently picking out Twinkle,Twinkle Little Star.
At that moment, the great pianist made his entrance, quickly moved to the piano, and whispered in the boy"s ear, "Don"t quit. Keep playing." Then leaning over, Paderewski reached down with his left hand and began filling in a bass part. Soon his right arm reached around to the other side of the child and he added a melody. Together, the old master and the young beginner transformed a frightening situation into a wonderfully creative experience. The audience was amazed and, as it finished, they cheered.
That"s the way it is in life. What we can accomplish on our own is hardly noteworthy. We try our best, but the results aren"t exactly graceful flowing music. But when we put our trust in the hands of a Greater Power, our life"s work can be truly beautiful. Next time you set out to accomplish great feats, listen carefully. You can hear the voice of the Master, whispering in your ear, "Don"t quit, keep playing.
56. The mother took her son to the concert so that the boy could _______.
A. be encouraged to be a brave man          B. become a famous pianist
C. be inspired to achieve more              D. be a great artist
57. The reason why the boy went to the piano was that
A. he was encouraged to explore  B. his mother forced him to have a look
C. be was invited to by the pianist           D. he was exploring the concert hall
58. What the famous pianist did at the beginning of the concert showed ________.
A. what a great pianist he was              B. what a skilled pianist he was
C. what an upright man he was               D. what a strong man he was
59. What did the author really want to tell us in the last paragraph?
A. Not being interrupted by others is important.
B. Life needs one"s own effort combined with guidance and cooperation.
C. It is necessary for us to keep doing everything.
D. It is important for us to get help from a famous person.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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