Young drivers are over-represented in alcohol--related driving accidents. In rec

Young drivers are over-represented in alcohol--related driving accidents. In rec


Young drivers are over-represented in alcohol--related driving accidents. In recent years, people aged 16 to 24 were involved in 28 percent of all alcohol--related driving accidents, although they make up only 14% of the U. S. population. Young people are also over--represented in drinking driver injuries and deaths. Even when their blood alcohol contents (BACs) are not high, young drinkers are involved in driving accidents at higher rates than older drivers with similar BACs.
Fortunately, driving accidents have been declining among young people, just as they have among the general population. And deaths associated with young drinking drivers (those 16 to 24 years of age) are down, having dropped 47% in a recent 15--year period.
In contrast to popular belief, drinking among young people is dropping and has been doing so for many years. For example, statistics demonstrate that within a period of about 20 years, the proportion of American high school seniors who have ever consumed alcohol is down 13%;the proportion of those who have consumed alcohol within the previous year is down 15%.
Exaggerating the degree of drinking problems of young people may create an unexpected problem. When young people go to college falsely believing that most others are drinking heavily, then they may try to follow suit. Thus, those who exaggerate the problem of alcohol abuse actually contribute to the problem and make it worse. However, when students find out that most others don’t drink as much as they incorrectly believed, they are very likely to drink less and even give up. So, honest accuracy rather than dishonest exaggeration is the most effective way to reduce alcohol abuse and the problems it causes.
60. We can learn from the first paragraph that ____.
A. in the U. S. people aged 16 to 24 caused half of the alcohol--related driving accidents
B. young drinkers are more likely to cause accidents than adult drinkers
C. young drinkers are able to keep calm when their BACs are not high
D. people aged 16 to 24 make up a quarter of the U. S. population
61. It can be inferred from Para. 3 that ____.
A. high school seniors turn to alcohol to get rid of their pressure
B. it’s a fact that young people are drinking more nowadays
C. the number of high school students in the U. S is dropping
D. most people believe more and more young people are becoming addicted to drinking
62. The underlined phrase “follow suit” in the last paragraph means ____.
A. stop drinking
B. wear the same suit as others do
C. start drinking
D. hate what others do
63. Which of the following statements does the author agree to?
A. Driving should be forbidden among people aged 16 to 24.
B. Many young people in the U. S. are acting totally irresponsibly.
C. The drinking problems of young people are turning for the better.
D. Students will stop drinking if they believe most others are drinking heavily.


From age eight to eleven, I attended a small school in Bath, England. It was a small school of four classes with about twenty-five children in each class according to age. For the most part, one teacher had to teach all subjects to the children in the class. However, sometimes the headmaster, Mr. Ronald Broaches, would come in and spend an hour or so, teaching some subjects in which he was especially interested. He was a large man with a very happy nature. He had a sense of humor and would delight in telling the children small stories that would make us laugh. He was a very fair man and had a great influence on many of the children. In my own case, I found that he took great interest in me and he quickly found that I enjoyed puzzles. He would often stop me as I was going to class and take a piece of paper out of his pocket, often with a puzzle already on it. The puzzles were usually mathematical or logical. As time went on, they slowly got more difficult, but I loved them. Not only that, they made me interested in math and problem solving that stays with me to this day. They also served to show me that intellectual activity was rewarding when the correct answers were found, but perhaps more importantly it was great fun. To this day, I can remember Mr. Broaches’ cheerful cry of “Well done!” whenever I got a problem right. The simple communication with a man whom I loved greatly has had a deep influence on my life. I shall forever be thankful that our paths crossed. Mr. Broaches died just two weeks after I had won the 1993 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Unluckily, I had no chance to speak to him before he died. I learnt later that he had heard of my success and I will always hope that he knew the deep influence he had made on my life.
56. There were ________ children in each class when Richard was in     the school in Bath, England.
A. 4          B. 8        C. 11              D. 25
57. From the text, we can learn that ___________.
A. the puzzles made the students laugh
B. the students were afraid of the headmaster
C. the puzzles made Richard enjoy math
D. the headmaster never taught in the school
58. The writer felt sorry because __________.
A. Mr. Broaches had passed away before he won the Nobel Prize
B. he didn’t express his thanks before Mr. Broaches died
C. he couldn’t find Mr. Broaches after he grew up
D. Mr. Broaches didn’t know his success
59. What is the best title(标题)for the text ?
A. The Story of Mr. Broaches.
B. The Story of Richard J. Roberts.
C. My Early School Life.
D. An Important Teacher in My Life.
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One day the employees of a large company in St Louis, Missouri returned from their lunch break and were greeted with a sign on the front door. The sign said: "Yesterday the person who has been hindering ((阻碍) your growth in this company passed away. We invite you to join the funeral (葬礼) in the room that has been prepared in the gym."
At first everyone was sad to hear that one of their colleagues had died, but after a while they started getting curious about who this person might be.
The excitement grew as the employees arrived at the gym to pay their last respects. Everyone wondered: "Who is this person that was hindering my progress? Well, at least he"s no longer here."
One by one the employees got closer to the coffin (棺材) and when they looked inside it they became speechless. They stood over the coffin, shocked and in silence, as if someone had touched the deepest part of their soul.
There was a mirror inside the coffin: Everyone who looked inside it could see himself. There was also a sign next to the mirror that said: "There is only one person who can set limits to your growth: it is YOU."
You are the only person who can revolutionize (彻底改变) your life. You are the only person who can influence your happiness, your realization and your success. You are the only person who can help yourself.
Your life does not change when your family changes, when your friends change, when your boss changes, and when your company changes.
Your life changes when YOU change, when you go beyond your limiting beliefs, when you realize that you are the only one responsible for your life.
60. The writer"s purpose in writing the article is to tell us that ____.
A. the harder we work, the more successful we will become
B. our work and life are closely connected with others
C. changing our lives is down to us
D. we will have a better future if people do not hinder our development
61. People were speechless when they looked inside the coffin because ____.
A. there was nothing but a mirror inside    B. they could see their own souls inside
C. their closest colleague lay inside         D. what was inside told a great truth
62. Who probably wrote the sign on the front door?
A. The company boss.                    B. A worker who liked to make fun of others.
C. The director in charge of production. D. A worker who wanted to teach others a lesson.
63. What can we conclude from the article?
A. The employees went to the gym to join the funeral.
B. The lesson the employees learned would influence them greatly.
C. The employees’ lives depended on the attitude of their boss.
D. The employees got angry after the funeral.
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第二节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)
Not long ago, someone asked the dad of a young pop star what his son would have done if he hadn’t become a singer. The father said he had  36 considered anything else. This was his Plan A. There had been no Plan B. I  37 this to my son Marty, who was studying musical theater at college,when he was thinking about a second   38 in business or teaching.
“Just study what you’re interested in ,” I said.
“But what if I can’t   39   it?” he asked.
“It’ll still be worth it.” I answered.
My friends think I’m   40  . They’ve advised their own children to   41  something they think will bring them financial rewards, ___42   they don’t love it. “Times are hard: get your son into something that can   43  a good job.” A friend told me.
Of course I understand their   44 , and want to protect my son. But why should he  45
his “best years” studying things that hardly hold his   46 ? Is that really a wise use of his
  47 ?  I think fear leads nowhere, while enthusiasm can lead anywhere.
The wisest parents are the ones who   48  their children toward the things that already interest them. It’s   49 that sometimes such parents will feel afraid. When Marty stepped into the extraordinarily   50  field of performance, I was worried about his future. Yet I have watched him grow. I have witnessed the   51 he has made to run after his dream, and how much he has enjoyed the   52 .
It may be that my son will   53  because of dreaming big. But I believe that seeking one’s own dream is one’s only real chance of happiness. I’d rather he  54  than hung back.(退缩).
As he   55  his choices, my best advice to him is: Risk everything. Plan B, C, D and E will always be there. Grasp Plan A.
36. A. still              B.never                C. ever                 D. yet
37. A. refused          B. promised           C. mentioned                  D. complained
38. A. major           B. career              C. experiment          D. skill
39. A.try                  B. finish                C. make                D. seize
40. A. considerate     B. wise                   C. unusual              D. crazy
41. A. absorb                 C. realize               D.overcome
42. if               B. in case                C. even if                     D. now that
43. A. refer to          B. lead to                     C. belong to            D. adapt to
44. A.concern        B. humor              C.judgement            D. favor
45. A. keep          B. offer              C. spend               D. take
46. A. opinion          B.interest             C. personality         D. identity
47. A. energy                B. money             C. time                 D. mind
48.           B. follow             C. signal               D. command
49. A.impossible      B.certain               C. embarrassing             D. rough
50. A.magical        B. competitive                C. traditional         D.fantastic
51. A. effort           B.appointment                 C. decision            D. effect
52. A. experiment     B.process               C. course             D.practice
53. A. operate        B. suffer               C. enjoy               D. perform
54. A. went ahead     B. sped up             C.look forward         D. started over
55. A. designs        B.rejects               C. evaluates            D. weighs
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Forgiving is easy. Forgeting the experience that comes before the forgiveness, however, always remains with us. Choosing to forgive means choosing to let go of the bad or negative emotions that one experiences so that we can live in peace and harmony.
Five years ago I went through a painful divorce. My elder brother, a great believer of our faith, was very angry at my decision to divorce. Despite his response I felt my decision was correct. After two years of arguing over the phone and hurtful words in emails my brother and I ended our friendship in a cold silence.
Out of the blue(意想不到地) he visited the same city that I was living in to see our mother. I thought for nights about how to react to his visit. I sought advice from many friends---all of whom said I should wait for his apology before trying to repair our friendship. Since I had done nothing wrong, it was he that needed to come to me.
A very close friend advised me otherwise. He said, “Choose to be the bigger person here; forgive and forget. Let go and move on.” Though his words gave me courage, I still felt very angry and betrayed(背叛). My dear friend gave me a gentle shove(推,促使) and even stayed on the phone while I went over to greet my brother and family. When I did, I felt so relieved.I felt peace at last!
Todady I am so grateful to my friend for encouraging me. If I hadn’t taken his advice, I wouldn’t enjoy the loving relationship that I do now with all of my family. Still, it would be a lie if I said that I didn’t think about the past sometimes. The difference is that I do not feel angry. I am at peace and have a greater understanding and acceptance of the whole experience. In short I feel I have grown since then.
56. In the author’s opinion, the purpose of forgiving is _________.       
A. to forget the unpleasant experience make up with relatives or friends let go of the bad or negative emotions
D. to make ourselves live in peace and harmony
57. What was the problem between the author and her elder brother ?
A. They had different attitudes of life.
B. They had different views towards her marriage.
C. They belonged to different political parties.
D.They had a quarrel about properties.
58. What drove the author to forgive her brother?
A. One close friend’s encouragement.
B. The friend’s staying on the phone.
C. Her mother’s persuasion.
D. Her own understanding with growth.
59. It can be inferred that the author______.
A. realized her mistake in her divorce in the end                             
B. learned how to forget unpleasant experiences
C. felt having learned to forgive means growth                 
D.thought friendship is the most important of all
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Chicago, a city in the State of Illinois, is the second largest in the United States. It stretches for 29 miles along the southwest shore of Lake Michigan. Its splendid centre faces the lake behind a pleasant park. The Chicago River flows through the heart of the city. The city of Chicago, 713 miles west of New York and 1858 miles east of San Francisco, is located at the conjunction(连接) of the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River system and surrounded by the productive farmlands of the Midwest. This makes the city the crossroads of the nation and the “ bread basket” of the nation. From its beginning as a frontier fort(要塞) settlement in 1803, commerce(商业) has been the key to Chicago’s development, especially since the railroads and stockyards(牲畜围栏) were built in the 1840s and 1850s. Thousands of foreigners, attracted by the promise of steady jobs, have lived and worked there since the second half of the 19th century; thousands more come to visit its famous fairs, and millions of others cross it every day by road or railway. Chicago is the world’s biggest road and railway centre, and it should claim(要求得到身份或权利的承认) the world’s busiest airport.
66. If you go to New York from Chicago, you go _____ for _____ miles.
A. east…713   B. west…713   C. east…1858   D. west…1858
67. From the passage, we can see that there is _____.
A. a lake right in the middle of the city
B. the Mississippi River in the middle of the city
C. a park in the middle of the city
D. a lake 29 miles away from the city
68. Chicago is called the “ bread basket” of the nation because _____.
A. there is a river flowing through the city
B. it is located at the conjunction of the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River system
C. it is near the city of New York
D. there are rich farmlands around the city
69. _____ the city developed fastest.
A. Early in the 19th century
B. Around the middle of the 19th century
C. At the end of the 19th century
D. During the second half of the 19th century
70. Since the late 19th century thousands of people have kept coming to Chicago _____. Which of the following is wrong?
A. on business     B. for a visit
C. for better jobs   D. to claim the world’s biggest seaport
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