Chicago, a city in the State of Illinois, is the second largest in the United S

Chicago, a city in the State of Illinois, is the second largest in the United S


Chicago, a city in the State of Illinois, is the second largest in the United States. It stretches for 29 miles along the southwest shore of Lake Michigan. Its splendid centre faces the lake behind a pleasant park. The Chicago River flows through the heart of the city. The city of Chicago, 713 miles west of New York and 1858 miles east of San Francisco, is located at the conjunction(连接) of the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River system and surrounded by the productive farmlands of the Midwest. This makes the city the crossroads of the nation and the “ bread basket” of the nation. From its beginning as a frontier fort(要塞) settlement in 1803, commerce(商业) has been the key to Chicago’s development, especially since the railroads and stockyards(牲畜围栏) were built in the 1840s and 1850s. Thousands of foreigners, attracted by the promise of steady jobs, have lived and worked there since the second half of the 19th century; thousands more come to visit its famous fairs, and millions of others cross it every day by road or railway. Chicago is the world’s biggest road and railway centre, and it should claim(要求得到身份或权利的承认) the world’s busiest airport.
66. If you go to New York from Chicago, you go _____ for _____ miles.
A. east…713   B. west…713   C. east…1858   D. west…1858
67. From the passage, we can see that there is _____.
A. a lake right in the middle of the city
B. the Mississippi River in the middle of the city
C. a park in the middle of the city
D. a lake 29 miles away from the city
68. Chicago is called the “ bread basket” of the nation because _____.
A. there is a river flowing through the city
B. it is located at the conjunction of the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River system
C. it is near the city of New York
D. there are rich farmlands around the city
69. _____ the city developed fastest.
A. Early in the 19th century
B. Around the middle of the 19th century
C. At the end of the 19th century
D. During the second half of the 19th century
70. Since the late 19th century thousands of people have kept coming to Chicago _____. Which of the following is wrong?
A. on business     B. for a visit
C. for better jobs   D. to claim the world’s biggest seaport


第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
It was summer and I had gotten one of the few jobs a 14-year-old can find—working at Burger King,a fast-food restaurant.It  31  wasn’t a good job,but it meant money,  32  was something I needed.
One day,I was working behind the front counter,taking  33  .The customers were coming and going,and the woman who  34  didn’t seem any different from most others. She ordered her meal and I told her the total. As she searched  35  her purse to find some change,the woman soon  36  that she was about a dollar short.  “I’m  37  to say this, but I guess I won’t be able to make my purchase 38,”she said sadly.
That’s when I had the idea of 39 the difference for her. She refused at first,but after I 40, she agreed. She thanked me and moved to the end of the counter to  41  her order. I continued with my work and thought  42  more of it.
About an hour later  43  had slowed down and I was waiting for my next customer. Then I glanced over towards the  44  and saw the same woman whom I’d helped with the money entering again.I  45  recognized her.
She walked straight up to me and said,“I want to thank you again for what you did. You see,I’m a diabetic(糖尿病患者),and  46  I need to eat something right away.That’s  47  I came in earlier.If you hadn’t helped me as you did,I might have fainted(晕倒). Thank you.”
She  48  me two dollars, twice I’d given her.   
49  the woman walk away, I realized that God had used me to help me. In the end, I was  50  not only with money but also with the satisfaction of knowing that I’d helped someone out of a tight spot.
31.A.firstly          B.badly       C.certainly          D.finally
32.A.which          B.what            C.that       
33.A.menus             B.orders              C.water   
34.A.reached           B.moved             C.left         D.approached
35.A.through       B.over                  C.about               D.across
36.A.recognized       B.knew           C.admitted          D.said
37.A.glad              B.disappointed     C.sorry     D.surprised all all        C.above all               D.after all
39.A.costing    B.spending            C.paying          D.taking
40.A.supported            B.insisted           C.stuck          D.watched
41.A.pick up               B.put up         C.pick out            D.put out
42.A.none               B.anything          C.nothing            D.something
43.A.customers        B.orders              C.service 
44.A.entrance         C.counter            D.window
45.A.suddenly          B.immediately     C.surely              D.completely
46.A.seldom         B.always             C.never         D.sometimes
47.A.when               B.where              C.why      
48.A.threw                B.handed                C.showed              D.put
49.A.Watching         B.Looking           C.Observing        D.Noticing
50.A.awarded          B.honored           C.returned           D.rewarded
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III 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
I sit at my kitchen table, while my daughter, Anna, sits next to my mother. On the wall hangs a photo of my father.
“When is Rick going to be here?” My mother asks, referring to my husband. 
“I don’t know, Mom,” I answer patiently. “He’ll be here for dinner.”
I sigh and get up from the table. This is at least the tenth time she has asked that question. 
While my mother and daughter play, I busy myself making a salad. 
“Don"t put in any onions,” Mom says. “You know how Daddy hates onion.”
“Yes, Mom,” I answer. 
I scrub(洗擦) off a carrot and chop it into bite-size pieces.
“Don"t put any onions in the salad,” she reminds me. “You know how Daddy hates onion.”
This time I can’t answer. 
My mother had been beautiful. She still is. In fact, my mother is still everything she has
been, just a bit forgetful.
I cut off the end of the cucumber and rub it to take away the bitterness. Cut and rub. This  is a trick I have learned from my mother, along with a trillion other things: cooking, sewing, 
dating, laughing, thinking. I learned how to grow up. 
And I learned that when my mother was around, I never had to be afraid. So why am I afraid now? 
I study my mother"s hands. Her nails are no longer a bright red, but painted a light pink.。Almost no color at all. And as I stare at them, I realize I am feeling them as they shaped my 
youth. Hands that packed a thousand lunches and wiped a million tears off my cheeks. 
Now my hands have grown into those of my mother"s. Hands that have cooked uneaten 
meals, held my own daughter"s frightened fingers on the first day of school and dried tears 
off her face. 
I grow lighthearted. I can feel my mother kiss me goodnight, check to see if the window is
locked, then blow another kiss from the doorway. Then I am my mother, blowing that same
kiss to Anna. 
Outside everything is still. Shadows fall among the trees, shaped like pieces of a puzzle.
Someday my daughter will be standing in my place, and I will rest where my mother now sits. 
Will I remember then how it felt to be both mother and daughter? Will I ask the same
question too many times? 
I walk over and sit down between my mother and her granddaughter. 
“Where is Rick?” my mother asks, resting her hand on the table next to mine. And in that
instant I know she remembers. She may repeat herself a little too much. But she remembers. 
“He’ll be here,” I answer with a smile. 
46. What’s wrong with the writer’s mother?
A. She is very old.           B. She suffers forgetfulness.
C. She is absent-minded.      D. She is eager to see Rick.
47. What can we learn about the writer’s father according to the passage?
A. He might have passed away for years.
B. He goes out for a walk by himself.
C. He is out doing something with Rick.
D. He loves the writer’s mother deeply.
48. The underlined sentence “I realize I am feeling them as they shaped my youth” probably means that ______. 
A. Mother’s hands witnessed my growth as a youth
B. Mother’s hands are similar to mine as a youth
C. I like to feel mother’s hands when she was young
D. I realize her hands were exactly like those in her youth
49. Which of the following words best describe the writer’s mood towards her mother?
A. Content.    B. Disappointed.     C. Loving.    D. Considerate.
50. The best title for the passage would be ______.
A. Mother’s beauty          B. My father hates onion 
C. Hard-working mother       D. Mother’s hands
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On Sunday, while I was having my own Father’s Day celebration, I thought of my father. 36  the time I called to tell him I loved him, he had already gone to bed.I  37  him a lot, so I thought I would write  38  about what he means to me.
39  happened about 28 years ago.My father was a used-car salesman and owned his own car garage.Most of the time I drove a car over there for him  40  he could sell it.
One day I was in the car with my father  41  he noticed a man with a backpack who wanted a  42 .Without hesitation, he  43  and offered him a ride.Dad told him we were heading for Shreveport, so that was as  44  as we could take him.The man thanked him for his kind  45 .
Once we got to the highway at 9 p.m., Dad asked him where he  46 .The man said that he was headed out west.I can’t  47  why but he told us a  48  of the things that had happened to him to make that decision.It was quite an exchange and they talked  49 .It was  50  cold outside and the man was very happy to have the heater  51
It was half past ten before we had to  52  the highway.We pulled over and Dad told him to keep his head  53  and that things would start  54  for him soon.He  55  into his pocket and handed the man a thirty dollar bill.The guy was cheerful then.He nearly lit up right there on the cold, dark highway.
36.A.At     B.During     C.For   D.By
37.A.called      B.sentC.missed     D.owed
38.A.nothing    B.something       C.everything       D.anything
39.A.This        B.These       C.Those      D.They that that     C.except that that
41.A.when       B.while     D.before
42.A.restB.break       C.lift   D.bill
43.A.pulled over     B.took over        C.went over        D.turned over
44.A.long        B.far
45.A.thing       B.matter      C.affair       D.deed
46.A.will go    B.was going       C.had goneD.has gone
47.A.recall       B.react        C.respond    D.reflect
48.A.dealB.plenty      C.lot    D.sum
49.A.all the way the way the way the way
50.A.much       B.fairly       C.quite        D.frozen
51.A.gone        B.going       C.go    D.went
52.A.exitB.escape      C.enter        D.endanger
53.A.down       B.up   D.on
54.A.looking up      B.turning up up        D.putting up
55.A.looked     B.reached   D.headed
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My grandmother has been suffering from a bad cough these days.  36 old people seem to get diseases often, I got  37 about my grandmother when a friend told me about her grandfather  38  a stroke and diabetes.
I  39  my grandmother every day asking about her sleep, her diet or what she buys, to  40  she is all right. It is now that I  41  how much my family   42  to me. Remembering my grandma cooking dinner for me, I am  43  to find that if I think about it, there are lots of things that move me to  44  . I found that my dad was taking   45  of the roses in my bedroom to make sure they were  46  when I went back from school on the   47  . On the Sunday , my parents take me   48  to campus and gave me fruits, snacks, and drinks as if nothing was  49  at college.
But I   50   none of this before. I used to phone them if I had problems and would   51   without a thank-you as soon as I got the   52  . My grandma’s problem   53   me of how important family is. The world is attractive to us teenagers and we seem to have a great career to pursue and many   54  . But most important of all, we have a   55    to care for and love for.
36.A.Unless                     B Although              C.Until                 D.D.Whether
37.A.bored                      B.delighted              C.disappointed            D.worried
38.A.having                    B.considering           C.curing                     D.governing
39.A.write                                                 D.dream
40.A.carry out                 B.make sure             C.point out                 D.put forward
41.A.realize                     B.miss                     C.regret                      D.doubt
42.A.excites                    B.touches                C.means                     D.encourages
43.A.amazed                   B.interested             C.frightened               D.annoyed
44.A.thanks                     B.sweaters               C.tears                       D.hopes                         B.part                     C.hold              
46.A.worse                      B.friendly                C.valuable                  D.lovely                      B weekend               C.time              
48.A.back                       B.right                    C.straight                   D.away
49.A.beneficial                         C.available                 D.comfortable
50.A.noticed                    B.accepted               C.adapted                   D.performed up                  B.hang up                C.burn up                   D.bring up
52.A.agreement               B.decision                      D.solution
53.A.reminds                   B.informs                C.approves                 D.robs
54.A.impressions        B.invitations      C.responsibilities        D.explanations
55.A life                                 C.friend                     D.soldier
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It was a sunny summer day last year when I got the news that I was admitted by the university.
Soon the news spread all over the village. Hearing the news, my parents were more than(不止) happy: big smiles formed on their faces. But behind their happiness and pride for my success, I noticed my parents worries about the heavy financial burden on their shoulders. I kept being calm.
In order to prepare for my study expenses, my parents worked hard day after day all that summer. And the day finally came when I had to go to school which was far away from my hometown. I still remember it was in the morning that we arrived at the bus station. My parents had helped me get everything ready. It was so hot that day: the scorching sun baked the ground dry. The heated air was filled with the crowds’ noise and all kinds of smells coming from the station. Sweat streamed down my parents’face. I took my seat on the 11 AM bus and looked at my parents through the window, waiting for the bus to start. Two minutes to 11:00! My heart leapt (强烈跳动). I suddenly recalled all the efforts they made for me, all the energy and all the sweat they spent on me. They were so selfless! I almost burst into tears! While I kept my tears back, I turned around, for I didn’t want them to see me crying…
The last moment came. The bus started and was moving further away from my parents. They waved at me and I turned toward them, watching their shadows disappearing gradually into the sea of people. I, an 18-year-old girl, who had never left my hometown, began my long trip to my school.
I didn’t know what would the future be, but I knew that I would have a long way to go, and I believe I could be brave enough to take up all the challenges in my future life with my family’s love, their wordless and selfless love.
I will be always thankful for this love.
56.From the passage, we can learn that ______.
A.her parents are very rich and generous
B.her parents wouldn’t support the writer to further study
C.her parents think high education is very important for their child
D.her parents have been always happy on hearing the news
57.The writer’s parents have the following feelings except _______ according to the passage.
A. pride     B. happiness     C. worry      D. regret
58.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A. Her parents worked hard day and night in order to prepare for the study cost.
B. Her parents had helped her get everything ready before she arrived at the station in the morning.
C. It was so hot and windy and they feel comfortable.
D. The writer took her seat on the 11 PM bus and looked at her parents through the window.
59.Which of the following is the closest in the meaning to the underlined word?
A. Provided.  B. Understood.   C. Offered.    D. Remembered.
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