阅读下列材料, 从所给的五个选项(A、B、C、D、E)中,选出符合各小题要求的最佳选项,其中有一项是多余选项。53. ___________ Rik has g

阅读下列材料, 从所给的五个选项(A、B、C、D、E)中,选出符合各小题要求的最佳选项,其中有一项是多余选项。53. ___________ Rik has g

阅读下列材料, 从所给的五个选项(A、B、C、D、E)中,选出符合各小题要求的最佳选项,其中有一项是多余选项。
53. ___________ Rik has graduated from ahigh school and he wants to find a job with high pay in the town. He has just passed his driving test. He loves vehicles a lot.
54. ___________ Mrs. Sphinx is a middle aged woman. She is out of work now. It is hard for her to find a suitable job for the lack of special train when young. However, she has a large family with four children to support.
55. ___________ Christina, young and attractive, is good at English. She wants to go abroad to run a hotel after graduation. But she is lack of experience. So she needs practice.
56. ___________ Jacky is a newly-graduated college student. He majors in computer. He also plays guitar fairly well. So he entertains himself with it when he is free.
English, Maths, Physics, Computer
Call Miss Smith, 800-3595
Wants students. Folk/ Jazz, Bob, 800-7535
Call 800-0552 or 800-9668, ask for Steve.
HELP wanted for housework half a day per week.
When—to be discussed. Good wages.
Sylvan Street. Call 800-2817
If you are available a few hours during the day, some evenings and weekends to care for a school age
child, please call Gayle Moore, days 800-1111, evenings and weekends 800-4964.
PERSONS wanted for delivery work..
Own transportation.
Good pay. Apply 2311 E. Stadium.   
Office 101. After 9 a.m.
WAITRESSES wanted to 10 a.m.—2 p.m. or 10:30 a.m.—5 p.m.
Apply in person, 207S.
Main. Curtis Restaurant.
53--56 DCEA

Watching some children trying to catch butterflies one hot August afternoon, I was reminded of an incident in my own childhooD.When I was a boy of 12 in South Carolina, something happened to me that cured me forever of wanting to put any wild creature in a cage.
We lived on the edge of a wood, and every evening at dusk the mockingbirds would come and rest in the trees and sing. There isn’t a musical instrument made by man that can produce a more beautiful sound than the song of the mockingbird.
I decided that I would catch a young bird and keep it in a cage and in that way would have my own private musician.
I finally succeeded in catching one and put it in a cage. At first, in its fright at being captured, the bird fluttered about the cage, but eventually it settled down in its new home. I felt very pleased with myself and looked forward to some beautiful singing from my tiny musician.
I had left the cage out on our back porch, and on the second day of the bird’s captivity my new pet’s mother flew to the cage with food in her mouth. The baby bird ate everything she brought to it. I was pleased to see this. Certainly the mother knew better than I how to feed her baby.
The following morning when I went to see how my captive was doing, I discovered it on the floor of the cage, dead. I was shocked! What had happened! I had taken excellent care of my little bird, or so I thought.
Arthur Wayne, the famous ornithologist, happened to be visiting my father at the time, hearing me crying over the death of my bird, explained what had occurred. “A mother mockingbird, finding her young in a cage, will sometimes bring it poison berries. She thinks it better for her young to die than to live in captivity.”
Never since then have I caught any living creature and put it in a cage. All living creatures have a right to live free.
64.Why did the writer catch a mockingbird when he was a boy of 12?
A.He had just got a new cage.         B.He liked its beautiful feather.
C.He wanted it to sing for him.         D.He wanted a pet for a companion.
65.The mockingbird died because it ______.
A.was frightened to death          B.ate the poisonous food its mother gave it
C.refused to eat anything            D.drank the poisonous water by mistake
66.An ornithologist probably means ______.
A.a religious person                 B.a kind person
C.a schoolmaster                   D.a expert in birds
67.What is the most important lesson the writer learned from the incident?
A.Freedom is very valuable to all creatures.
B.All birds put in a cage won’t live long.
C.You should keep the birds from their mother.
D.Be careful about food you give to baby birds.
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阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
If you asked high school girls to name their favourite sports, most would probably say basketball or volleyball. I happen to be one of the few girls who would  21 : surfing. But isn’t that a boy thing? Some people  22 .  
I started surfing about five years ago and  23  in love with the sport on the very first day. Riding that first wave was the best feeling I had ever  24 .
When I try to  25  surfing with other things, I find it very difficult because, in my  26 ,
there’s nothing like it. It involves(涉及)body,  27 , and soul. There’s sand between my toes and cool, salt water all  28 us. The feeling I get when I’m surfing across that   29 , becoming one with the ocean, is like I’m   30  .
The one thing I can get from surfing and not any other sport is endless   31  . You can never be the “best surfer” because the ocean   32  an uncountable variety of waves that nobody can ever master. The variations of surfing styles are wonderful. Some surfers are free and flowing;   33  are very aggressive(攻击性的)and sharp. All of these things attract me to surfing and make it   34  from any other sport.
I’ve   35  to tell every girl I know to do something that people don’t think girls can do. It’s part of being human to advance to new levels, so shouldn’t it be   36  that girls should step up and start pushing the limits of things boys and men   37  dominate (主宰)?
There’re women   38  side by side with the President of our country, so why not side by side with the boys   39  the football team or out in the water surfing? Give girls a chance to succeed, and they   40  .
21.A. tell                            B. answer                     C. give                         D. realize
22.A. wonder                          B. understand                   C. reply on                      D. believe
23.A. stayed                            B. came                              C. dropped                     D. fell
24.A. experienced                 B. adventured                   C. worked out                D. discovered
25.A. bring                               B. connect                         C. compare                    D. tie
26.A. work                               B. study                              C. holiday                       D. life
27.A. mind                               B. figure                             C. health                         D. control
28.A. over                                B. above                             C. around                       D. among
29.A. beach                             B. water                                      C. board                                   D. lake
30.A. weight                           B. overweight                    C. weight-loss                 D. weightless
31.A. success                          B. challenge                      C. ability                         D. trouble
32.   A. catches                          B. includes                         C. offers                                   D. collects
33.A. others                            B. other                              C. another                      D. the other
34.A. exciting                          B. attractive                      C. enjoyable                  D. different
35.A. chosen                           B. tried                               C. learned                      D. promised
36.A. expected                       B. supposed                      C. achieved                    D. proved
37.A. hated to                        B. hoped to                        C. used to                       D. had to
38.A. sitting                            B. walking                          C. fighting                      D. working
39.A. of                                     B. from                               C. on                                    D. with
40.A. had                                 B. will                                  C. have                               D. do
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Husband had just bought a new washing machine for me. I decided to use it and I washed a lot of things. Everything worked well, but I found one of my husband’s socks missing. I looked everywhere for it, but I couldn’t find it anywhere.
The next morning, I got ready for school as usual. When the bell rang, the students came in. I greeted them first and then told them what we were going to do that day.
When I turned around to write on the blackboard, the class broke out a roar!
They laughed and laughed. They laughed so much, in fact, that I was afraid the headmaster would be into seeing all this.
I asked the class to stop, but the more I talked, the more they laughed. I decided to pay no attention to them and I continued to write on the blackboard. When I did this, they roared even more.
Finally, the teacher who had the room next to mine came in to see what all the laughter was about. When he came in, he started laughing, too!
“Good heavens,” I said. “Will someone please tell me what is so funny?’
“Oh, God,” said the teacher. “You have a brown sock to the back of your skirt!”
So that’s how I found my husband’s missing sock.
“Oh, well,” I said to the class. “Let’s just say you have had an unforgettable lesson on static(静止的)electricity.”
41. What was the writer?
A. A washer           B. A student          C. A headmaster           D. A teacher
42. What happened when the writer turned around to write on the blackboard?
A. The class roared with anger.                      B. The class began to laugh loudly.
C. Another teacher came in.                       D. There was a loud noise outside the room.
43. Why couldn’t she find one of her husband’s socks?
A. Because some students had hidden it.
B. Because her husband had taken it away.
C. Because she had left it in the classroom.
D. Because she never expected that it would stick to her skirt.
44. Why did the teacher from the next room laugh?
A. Because the whole class laughed.
B. Because he saw the writer fooled by the class.
C. Because he saw some of the students making faces.
D. Because he found a sock on the back of the writer’s skirt.
45. Which of the following statements is WRONG?
A. The writer had just bought a new washing machine.
B. The writer found one of her husband’s socks missing.
C. The students told her about the laughing.
D. She was afraid of being seen by the headmaster.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
The Conservative(保守的) Party leader David Cameron has become the British prime minister. The 43-year-old Cameron is the youngest to hold the post in almost 200 years.
Cameron grew up with poor school reports but has become a famous political figure. He is reportedly a descendant(后裔)of King William IV. Cameron studied at the elite(精英的)Eton College. He went to Oxford University, where he graduated with a first-class honors degree in philosophy, politics and economics.
At Eton, Cameron was a problem boy. In 1983, he allegedly(涉嫌) took drugs. He was punished, and ordered to copy 500 lines of Latin text. He later passed the Oxford entrance exam. Now he is British’s prime minister, he has to deal with the country’s deep economic troubles.
46. How old was David Cameron allegedly took drugs?
A.15                          B.16                          C.17                        D.18
47. What can you infer about David Cameron from the text?
A. He is the youngest prime minister in history.     B. He often got high scores at school.
C. He is handsome.                                                         D. He didn’t behave well at Eton.
48. Which was David Cameron’s favorite subject?
A. Internet                   B. biology                        C. politics                    D. maths
49. According to the text, we know that      
A. As a punishment, he copied 50 lines of Latin text.
B. David Cameron passed the Cambridge entrance exam.
C. British has trouble with economy now.
D. David Cameron is a heavy smoker.
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One morning a few years ago,Harvard President Neil Rudenstine overslept. For this busy man,it was a sort of alarm: after years of non-stop hard work,he might wear himself out and die an early death.
Only after a week"s leave—during which he read novels, listened to music and walked with his wife on a beach—was Rudenstine able to return to work.
In our modern life, we have lost the rhythm between action and rest. Surprisingly, within this world there is a universal but silly saying:“I am so busy.”
We say this to one another as if our tireless efforts were a talent by nature and an ability to successfully deal with stress. The busier we are, the more important we seem to ourselves and, we imagine, to others. To be unavailable to our friends and family, and to be unable to find time to relax—this has become the model of a successful life.
Because we do not rest, we lose our way. We miss the guide telling us where to go, the food providing us with strength, the quiet giving us wisdom.
How have we allowed this to happen? I believe it is this: we have forgotten the Sabbath, the day of the week—for followers of some religions—for rest and praying. It is a day when we are not supposed to work, a time when we devote ourselves to enjoying and celebrating what is beautiful. It is a good time to bless our children and loved ones, give thanks, share meals,walk and sleep. It is a time for us to take a rest, to put our work aside, trusting that there are larger forces at work taking care of the world.
Rest is a spiritual and biological need;however,in our strong ambition to be successful and care for our many responsibilities,we may feel terribly guilty when we take time to rest. The Sabbath gives us permission to stop work. In fact, “Remember the Sabbath ”is more than simply permission to rest;it is a rule to obey and a principle to follow.
50. The “alarm” in the first paragraph refers to “______”.
  A. a signal of stress                                  B. a warning of danger
  C. a sign of age                                      D. a spread of disease
51. According to Paragraph 4,a successful person is one who is believed to ____.
  A. be able to work without stress              B. be more talented than other people
  C. be more important than anyone else   D. be busy working without time to rest
52. Some people feel guilty when taking time to rest because they ____.
  A. think that taking a rest means lacking ambitions
  B. fail to realize that rest is an essential part of life
  C. fail to realize that religions force them to rest
  D. think that taking a rest means being lazy
53. What is the main idea of this passage?
  A. We should balance work with rest.
  B. The Sabbath givers us permission to rest.
  C. It is silly for anyone to say “I am so busy.”
  D. We should be available to our family and friends.
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