Youth volunteers from Beijing University visited Songtang Hospital, a care clin

Youth volunteers from Beijing University visited Songtang Hospital, a care clin


Youth volunteers from Beijing University visited Songtang Hospital, a care clinic for the aged and dying patients, on April 21, the second Global Youth Service Day.
Thirty student volunteers from the university’s School of International Studies sat at the beds of the patients in their specially-decorated “care huts”. They talked with them and gave messages to patients kept in their beds.
“I felt sorry that I could not offer more to these people except talking with them and trying to cheer them up”, said Deng Yetao, a third-year student, “But it occurred to me that they need more care and love than babies. They are afraid of the coming death. Their loneliness is worse than physical pains.”
“Even though they are suffering a lot, the majority of the elderly people want to talk to us. Each of them has a lot of life experiences and philosophies to share. Instead of doing them a favor, I felt I was gaining a valuable lesson,” said Mao Xiaohua, another third-year student.
Mao talked with two elderly patients for a whole afternoon. The fact that most of the patients in the 80-room clinic are aged people with diseases which will lead to death soon made the volunteers’ hearts heavy.
Ninety-one percent of the patients will spend the last days of their lives in the clinic, according to a survey by the hospital.
Daily visits and services by social workers and youth volunteers are a very important part of their programme. A total of 330,000 Beijing students from 119 universities and colleges have visited the hospital. Many continue to offer services in their spare time. Some of them volunteer to hold the hands of dying patients during the last minutes of their lives.
Yin Hang, a student from Beijing Medical College, said he felt “the glory of life” as he saw the fading smile on the face of the old man who slipped into a deep unconsciousness while he was holding his hands.
61. Youth volunteers from Beijing University went to Songtang Hospital to ______.
A. pay a visit to the wounded        B. talk with the aged
C. offer services to the aged          D. learn something from the aged
62. What the aged most suffered from is ______.
A. loneliness          B. death                       C. physical pain            D. disease
63. According to what Mao Xiaohua said, we know that_____.
A. the elderly taught him a good lesson when he talked to them
B. he learned something important from the elderly instead of only helping them
C. he only wanted to get something rather than do them a favor
D. he was glad to have given them a favor
64. When volunteers know most of the aged people in the clinic are dying patients, they feel _____.
A. sad                   B. disappointed             C. hopeless                   D. worthless
65. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A. The youth are fond of doing popular things.
B. The Second Youth Service Day is started by the Chinese government.
C. 91% of the aged in China are facing death.
D. The volunteers are taking an active part in the activity

61---65   CABAD 

第二节. 任务型阅读
Directions: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from the list A---F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.
Attention must be paid to environmental factors.
Principles of curing cancers.
It will take long to find perfect cures.
An important discovery in the research.
The causative factor of cancer is very clear.
The survival rate differs among patients with various cancers.
71. _____This year, 50 percent of the 910,000 people who suffer from cancer will survive at least five years. In the year 2000 , the National Cancer Institute estimates, that figure will be 75 percent. For some skin cancers, the five-year survival rate is as high as 90 percent. But other survival statistics are still discouraging-----13 percent for lung cancer, and 2 percent for cancer of the pancreas (胰腺) .
72. _______I have great confidence that by the end of the decade we"ll know in vast detail how cancer cells arise, " says microbiologist Robert Weinberg, an expert on cancer. "But, " he cautions, "some people have the idea that once one understands the causes, the cure will rapidly follow. Consider Pasteur. He discovered the causes of many kinds of infections, but it was fifty or sixty years before cures were available. "
73. ______The exact process involved is still mysterious, but the likelihood that many cancers are initiated at the level of genes suggests that we will never prevent all cancers. "Changes are a normal part of the evolutionary process,” says oncologist William Hayward. Environmental factors can never be totally eliminated; as Hayward points out, "We can’t prepare a medicine against universe rays.”
74. ______With as many as 120 varieties in existence, discovering how cancer works is not easy. The researchers made great progress in the early 1970s, when they discovered that oncogenes, which are cancer-causing genes, are inactive in normal cells. Anything from universe rays to radiation to diet may activate an inactive gene, but how remains unknown. If several oncogenes are driven into action, the cell, unable to turn them off, becomes cancerous.
75. ______The prospects for cure, though still distant, are brighter. "First, we need to understand how the normal cell controls itself. Second, we have to determine whether there are a limited number of genes in cells which are always responsible for at least part of the trouble. If we can understand how cancer works, we can reduce its action. "
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More than a century after its discovery, Alzheimer’s disease is still destroying people’s brains. The cause remains unknown.
Alzheimer’s disease is the most common disability or mental sickness called dementia. Dementia is the loss of thinking ability that is severe enough to interfere with daily activities.
About thirty million people around the world have Alzheimer’s disease. In the United States, more than five million people are said to suffer from this slowly increasing brain disorder (疾病).
Alzheimer’s disease generally develops differently in each person. Yet some early signs of the disease are common. The victims may not recognize changes in themselves. Others see the changes and struggle to hide them.
Probably the most common early sign is short-term memory loss. The victims cannot remember something that happened yesterday, for example. Also, the victims have increasing difficulty learning and storing new information. Slowly, thinking becomes much more difficult. The victims cannot understand a joke, or cannot cook a meal, or perform simple work.
Another sign of the disease is difficulty solving simple problems. The patients might not know what to do if food on a stove is burning. Also, people have trouble following directions or finding their way to places they have known all their lives.
Yet another sign is struggling to find the right words to express thoughts or understand what is being discussed. Finally, people with Alzheimer’s disease seem to change. Quiet people may become noisy. They may easily become angry and lose their ability to trust others.
Alzheimer’s disease affects memory and personality. The victims slowly lose their ability to deal with everyday life.
Victims of Alzheimer’s disease do die from its effects or conditions linked to it. But death may not come for many years.
Patients cannot fully recover from the disease. But many can be helped by medicine. That is especially true if the disease is found early.
Alzheimer’s disease: The World’s Most Common Form of Dementia
Current situations
★ The disease was _76_  over a century ago, and is still destroying people’s brains.
★ About thirty million people worldwide _77_  from the disease.
★ More than five million Americans have this slowly increasing brain disorder.
It is still__ 78__.
 _ 79_
★ Short-term memory loss.
★ The victims find it more difficult to learn and __80_ new information.
★ The victims have difficulty in thinking.
★ Solving simple problems has become difficult for them.
★ The victims struggle to express themselves __81__.
★ The victims’ __82__ seem to change .
Memory and personality are affected.
The basic ability will be slowly_84__.
Death may occur to victims of the disease.
The patients can be helped at an early stage by medicine but cannot be __85__of the disease.

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On April 16th,don`t be surprised if the womann next to you on the subway looks like she forgot to get dlessed for work.She won`t be alone.People in their pajamas(睡衣裤)will be spotted all across the country一traveling on the subway,in line for their morning coffee,and even walking into office buildings.That`S because people will be trading in their business suits for pajamas and celebrating National Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day.
There is nothng more comfortable than sitting at your desk in soft cotton flannel(法兰绒的)paiamas or wearing your favorite slippers while you deeply think about the day`s tasks,The PajamaGram Company,Which produces and sells pajamsa,believes that Americans need a break,especially the day aher income taxes are due.That`s why they are celebrating National wear Your Pajamas to Work Day.
Wearing pajamas to work can be relaxing and can actually help employees be more productive.David Alien,author of The Art of Stress-free Productivity,promotes(倡导)relaxation to increase Productivity."Our ability to be Productive is directly proportional(成比例的)to our ability to relax,"said Allen."Only when our minds are clear and our thoughts are organized can we achieve stressftee productivity."
At the Pajama Gram Company,it`s not unusual to find employees Wearing their pajamas at important meetings or at their desks.The Company even invented the term "life is bananas,send some pajamas," to describe how they feel about the world we live in.
The PajamaGrma Company offers over 100 styles of pajamas,robes,slippers and spa products.Each PajamaGram gift comes along with beautiful Pajamas,lavender(熏衣草)bath tea,Do-Not-Disturb sign for the door and a gift card.
61. On APril 16th,people in America often ____________.
A.forget to change pajamas for work pajama business on the way to Work
C.go to wook in their pajamas
D.celebrate their traditional festival
62. People celebrate this special day because they are expected to
A.Work in a more effective way
B.increase their ability to relax
C.spend less on their daily clothes
D.have more time to rest
63. The underlined word "bananaS" in the last paragraph can be replaced by ___________.
A.easy and free                   B.happy and interesting
C.crazy and busy           D.full of fruits
64. According to the passage,which gifts will you receive from the PaiamaGram Company?
a.a sleepwear  
b.a beautiful box    
c.a Do-Not-Disturb sign
d.lavder bath tea
e.a personalized gift card
A.c,d,e          B.a,c,d          C.b,c,d,e   D.a,c,d,e
65. The main purpose of the passage is to _________.
A.advertise the PajamaGram Company
B.introduce a special day in America
C.describe the busy life In America
D.advise people to buy more pajamas
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A new study has found that a fat cell gene may reduce the risk of colon cancer in some people.The study provldes what scientists say is the first evidence of a genetic link between a fat cell gene and colon cancer.The research could lead to better tests for the disease as well as measures to help prevent it.
Current evidence suggests a relationship between obesity,insulin resistance and colon cancer risk.The scientists say what they have found now is an area of a gene that is connected with the cancer risk.They say this area is most probably not the cause of the disease,but they think it is where the connection comes from.
The gene is involved in the formation of a hormone called adiponectin.Some people have higher levels of this hormone in their blood,____________.Higher levels have been
linked with lower rates of obesity and insulin resistance.And lower levels have been linked with higher rates.
The Journal of thM American Medical Association published the new findings last week.BorisPasche from the Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Alabama at Birmingham led the research.
Colon cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer deaths. Every year it kills almost six hundred eighty thousand people around the world.And doctors find more than one million new cases.The disease is highly treatable if disovered early.
The research involved two studies with a total of about one thousand five hundred people.The lager of the two studies involved Nes Yorkers of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry.Coln cancer is more common in Jews of eastern European ancestry than in the general population.The other study invdVed people of different ethnicities from Chicago,Illinois.
Currently,in the United States,the general advice is for colonoscopy tests(结肠检查)for colon cancer to begin at the age of fifty. A colonoscopy can find and remove growths before they become cancerous. But the test is invasive and can be uncomfortable.
A study last month in the New England Journal of Medicine expressde support for a test called a virtual colonoscopy.It uses X-ray and computer technology to search for growths,but cannot remove them.There are still some questions about the effectiveness of a virtual colonoscopy compared to a traditional one .But doctors hope it might appeal to people who would otherwise not be tested at all。
76.What is the best title of the passage?(Within 10 words.)
77.Fill in the blank with proper words.(Within 7 words.)
78. Which sentence in the passage can replace the following one?
If it is diagnosed early,the disease is most likely to be cured.
____________________________________________________________________________                     79.Do you think the new research is practical and useful?Why?(Within 30 words.)
80.Translate the underlinde sentence in the last paragraph.
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An old woman went suddenly blind. She promised a doctor a lot of money if he could make her see again. “If you fail”, she said , “ you will get nothing,” The doctor agreed with her.
The doctor soon discovered what was wrong with her, but he decided not to cure her right away. Instead, each time he visited, he secretly took some of her things. When he had taken everything that he wanted, he cured her blindness and sent her a large bill. Now when the old woman could see again she noticed that all her things had gone and she refused to pay the bill. So the doctor took her before a judge.
“What the doctor says is true.” she said to the judge. “But I say I’m not cured, because I still can’t see any of the things in my house.”
The old woman won her case and the doctor went away unhappily without getting his pay.
71. The doctor didn’t cure the old woman right away because __________.
A. He didn’t know how to cure her              B. He wanted to get a lot of money
C. He wanted to take the woman’s things       D The woman refused to pay him
72. The woman was _______ .
A. clever       B. greedy        C. cruel       D. dishonest
73. The doctor was ________.
A. honest       B. a cheat       C. a kind man      D. ready to help others
74. Which sentence is right according to the passage?
A. The judge didn’t believe the old woman    
B. The doctor cured the woman’s blindness in a short time.
C. The woman got back all her things taken by the doctor.
D. The doctor failed to get his pay.
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