BDeep into the night, the bus pulled into a Howard Johnson’s restaurant and ever

BDeep into the night, the bus pulled into a Howard Johnson’s restaurant and ever


Deep into the night, the bus pulled into a Howard Johnson’s restaurant and everybody got off the bus except Vingo. The young people began to wonder about him, trying to imagine his life:perhaps he was sea captain; maybe he had run away from wife; he could be an old soldier going home. When they went to the bus, one of the girls sat beside him and introduced herself. After a long time, slowly and painfully, he began to tell his story. He had been in prison in New York for the last four years, and he was going home.
“Well, when I was in prison I wrote to my wife. I said, Martha, I understand if you can’t stay married to me. I said I was going to be away a long time, and that if she couldn’t stand it, if the kids kept asking questions, if it hurt her too much, well, she could just forget all about me. I told her she didn’t have to write to me, and she didn’t. Not for the three and a half years.”
“Last week, when I was sure freedom was coming through, I wrote to her. I told her if she had a new young man, I would understand. But if she didn’t, if she would take me back, she should let me know. We used to live in this town, Brunswick, and there’s a great big oak tree just as you come into the town. I told her if she could take me back, she should put a yellow handkerchief on the tree, and if she didn’t want me, forget me, no handkerchief and I’d keep going on through.”
Soon all the others were in it. When they were 20 miles from Brunswick, the young people took over window seats on the right side, waiting for the approach of the great oak tree. Vingo stopped looking, tightening his face into the excon’s mask. Then it was 10 miles, and five, and the bus became very quiet.
Then suddenly all of the young people were up out of their seats, screaming and shouting and crying, doing small dances. All except Vingo.
39.In the story, the yellow handkerchief probably means_______.
A.happiness     B.sadness         C.I hate you         D.I still love you
40.The bus became quiet when it came near the town because all the passengers_______. tired after a long journey too sad to say anything
C.were anxious to see the oak tree      D.were touched by the story
41.The underlined part “All except Vingo” probably implies_______.
A.he found no handkerchief on the oak tree
B.he feared that his wife was playing a joke
C.he felt he could not match his wife any longer, afraid to face her
D.he had complicated feelings at the moment:guilty, grateful as well as excited
42.What is the best title for the passage?
A.Going Home                       B.A Handkerchief and an Oak Tree
C.A Long Bus Journey                  D.A Story of an Oak Tree

39---42   DCDA  


With a VISA card in your hand, the world opens up to you. With more than 24 million places across the world accepting VISA, you can use your VISA card instead of cash to pay for your everyday purchases—whether you are shopping at the grocery store, dining at a restaurant, filling your car with petrol or buying the perfect gift on your travels. You can even use it to get cash from more than one million ATMs around the world.
To avoid even that inconvenience, you can take the following basic precautions:When you get your card:
Sign the signature panel immediately;4BIf you have been given a PIN(personal identification number) to use at a cash machine or in shops, memorize it—never write it down;
If you choose your own PIN, or change the one you were given, avoid obvious choices such as your date of birth or telephone number;
Do not tell anyone your PIN;
At home
Keep your sales and cash machine receipts and check them against your card or bank statement;
If any amount is incorrect or you spot a transaction you did not make, call the bank or other organizations that issued your card immediately;
Keep a list of your card numbers, along with the telephone numbers you should call if they are lost or stolen.
In the shop
Check the sales slip to ensure the amount is correct and the total has been filled in before you sign;
Make sure the retailer gives the card back to you, along with your copy of the voucher(收据);
Keep your card close to you—be ware of pickpockets(扒手);
Do not leave your card in your car’s glove compartment.
Telephone and mail order shopping:
When you place an order over the telephone or by mail, give your card number only if you are confident about the company’s reputation;
You might be asked for your VISA card security code—the three digits at the end of the card number printed on the signature panel. Give the seller that code but never give your PIN.
43.If you were asked for your VISA card security code, what would you do?
A.Never tell the card number to anybody
B.Check the card number and never give your PIN
C.Give your card number only if you are confident about the company
D.Call the bank or other organizations for help
44.What’s a VISA card?
A.It’s a card that you can use to pay for something.
B.It’s a card which includes a PIN, without that it is penniless.
C.It’s another form of money, which can buy anything around the world.
D.It’s something that you can place an order over the telephone or by mail.
45.What’s the title of the passage?
A.VISA Card Is Important            B.ATM’s Replacement—VISA Card
C.Inconvenient, Safe But Cheap       D.VISA Card—Another World Opens to You
46.Which of the following statements is right?
A.We can buy anything in the world with a VISA.
B.If your VISA card is stolen, you should tell the bank your card number.
C.In case of forgetting your PIN, you can tell your mother your PIN.
D.You can put your VISA card in your car if there’s nobody around you.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

When I was 14, my family went on our first trip to the United States. My uncle moved there several years ago to work in the    36    industry in California.
Although we flew several times before. this trip seemed really    37   because I had never been to America before. However, to our disappointment, the ride was    38    this time. People smoked and the air quality was very poor.
Moreover, it was    39    to see American money—it was very ugly and boring, all green and white, but what it could ___40   —freedom, Hollywood—was    41    . I didn’t see any movie stars in fur coats    42    their lovely dogs, either. I   43   , “Is this California?Where are the beaches, the sun and the blonde girls? ”   44    a land of dark-haired people, seeing blondes was    45    one of the extremely    46    parts of the trip. However, I was rather disappointed.    47    , the weather was really foggy, the city looked kind of old and the traffic was lerrible.
We droved north to Sonoma where my    48    had his house. The wine industry to a     49    can be both extremely boring and endless exciting. It was great to see my cousins and they    50    that they would take me out when the weather was nicer. We rode for miles and miles and played in the hills where no one could    51    us.
By the time we     52    to see the city of San Francisco all my bad thoughts had been    53   . I was having so much fun with my cousins that I wanted to move there.
I saw neither blonde girls nor   54    on that trip, but I met a lot of nice People and    55   that wherever you live it’s always a nice place if you like the people there. I hope I can travel back to California soon.                          C.service          
37.A.interesting                     B.fearful                    C.boring                    D.common
38.A.lovely                    B.smooth                   C.expensive                D.terrible
39.A.surprising               B.helpful                   C.disappointing          D.meaningful
40.A.impress                  B.change                    C.realize          
41.A.frightening             B.moving                   C.exciting               D.depressing
42.A.walking                  B.marching                C.approaching            D.fighting
43.A.explained                B.complained             C.wondered                D.announced
44.A.Rounding up           B.Looking through      C.Resulting from        D.Coming from
45.A.impossibly              B.surely                     C.seriously                 D.fortunately
46.A.beneficial               B.wonderful               C.effective                 D.ordinary
47.A.After all               B.As a result          C.First of all              D.Worse still
48.A.uncle                      B.father                                     D.friend
49.A.native                 B.child                      C.cousin                D.worker
50.A.imagined                B.promised                C.believed                  D.appealed
51.A.hate                                  C.bother                    D.miss
52.A.spread out               B.held back                C.turned up       around
53.A.turned down           B.given away             C.washed away           D.put forward
54.A.beaches                  B.cities                     C.planes                     D.hills
55.A.appreciated             B.identified                C.realized                  D.imagined
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Spending time together is very important for a family. Parents can use this time to really get to know their children, and children love spending time together with their parents.
Whether it is breakfast, lunch or dinner, families can always come together at the table. Meal time can feed more than just the baby alone, family relations can be promoted as well. Eating breakfast together is a great way to start the day. Eating dinner together every night allows families to share the happening of the day and plan for tomorrow.
Everyone loves a good movie. Break out a bowl of popcorn and gather on the couch together for a family movie night once a week. After a week or two, families begin to really look forward to this relaxing and quiet family time.
Pack up your tent and head for the hills. Going camping is a great way for families have some of that special time together, and a great way to have a holiday too!
Games are fun for both kids and adults. There are so many games to choose from ! This is a wonderful way to bring families together as games make family time so fun !
Gather your family together for a story. Kids just love bedtime stories, This allows parents to spend a bit of time with their kids, too. Children will fall asleep much easier after having a story read to them. This little bit of family time is beneficial in a lot of ways.
Enjoy your family time and have fun with it . You’ll remember the special time for the of your lives.
56.The author thinks playing games is a good way to bring family together because_________. time is always a fun game
B.both parents and children like games
C.there are so many games for children are to children what movies are to parents
57.The author seems to believe that________.
A.eating dinner together is to prepare for tomorrow
B.parents should treat children as readers
C.children need parents to read to them
D.watching movies is always special
58.The author implies that_________.
A.watching a movie with popcorn is a practice
B.there is little time for a family to read together
C.meal time can help to strengthen family ties
D.camping is good way to stay away from stress
59.By writing the passage, the author intends to__________.
A.tell readers why it’s necessary to spend family time together people like spending family time together his appreciation of the time his family spent is important
D.explain why reading to children before they go to sleep is important
60.The main purpose of the text is to________.
A.give advice        B.provide facts      C.tell a story opinions
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Until I started my Happiness Project, I didn’t think much about rituals and whether they made me happy. But when I reflected on them, I realized that I found rituals both calming and energizing.
For example, in my high school, exams were taken very seriously. When everyone was steeled at a desk, the teacher would pass out the papers, and we would lay them face down. She would return to the front of the classroom, look at the clock, and say quietly, “It is 9:10 now. You have two hours. Be sure to read all the instructions carefully”—then a pause —“you may turn over your test paper and begin now.” This familiar, quiet formula made the start of an exam into a little ritual that put me in the right frame of mind to  face a tense exam.
In kindergarten, after singing a good-bye song, the children stand in a circle in the classroom, while the grown-ups wait in a line outside the door. The teacher calls the children’s names, one by one, and the child comes to the door to get a big hug and to leave. The orderliness of this process keeps everyone calm and cheerful.
So think about rituals in your life. Take a moment to taste the enjoyable ones. Think about opportunities to heighten the experience of an ordinary occasion by treating it with special consideration. This is particularly useful if it’s a stressful or emotional experience, discussing a child’s report card, giving a performance review. Packing for a trip, or getting ready for a date.
Studies show that family traditions and family rituals encourage children’s social development and improve feeling of family. They’re not just important for children but for the whole society. 
61.From the passage we know that__________.
A.rituals can make the whole society happy and peaceful
B.the author felt nervous when he took exams in high school
C.the exams in high school was a mess
D.the children are nervous as the adults wait to watch their performance
62.The author mentions all of the ritual items in paragraph 3 EXCEPT _________ .
A.singing a good-bye song
B.standing in a circle in the classroom
C.children getting a big hug
D.grown-ups shaking hand with the teacher
63.Studies show that one way to encourage child’s social development is to___________.
A.train their parents for rituals
B.communicate with children
C.form family rituals
D.praise their good actions
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

I have been employed by a charity organization for less than a year now and I have the privilege of finding foster homes for abandoned children. It has always been my dream to work with adopted children because I myself was an adopted child.
I was born in California in September of 1976 and was adopted in Ohio in March of 1977. I have no memory of being told that I was adopted, however, I have always known. I have been told that I was wanted and I was special.
Even though my parents provided me with lots of love, I was always annoyed by the questions about my origin and my feeling of being unwanted. I constantly scanned every crowd I was in for another human that looked like me or laughed like me.
I began searching for my birthparents in 1999 and I imagined every possible scene of my birth family.
I went to a local agency for support and five days later I met my birth mother. The story unfolded. She flew me to Los Angeles the next day and I spent the weekend connecting with another person who looked just like me. We have had a worthwhile relationship over the past years although she could not give me any information about my birth father.
In June of last year a member of my birth father’s family contacted me. Now, he and I are just beginning to get to know what it is like to be a birth child, Without the support of my parents who raised me I would have never experienced the feeling of being truly wanted accepted. For that, I am forever grateful.
64.What’s the author’s attitude towards working with adopted children?
A.He feels it is worth a try.
B.He is eager to work with them.
C.He is strongly against it .
D.He thinks it is painful.
65.How does the author feel about his birth family?
A.He feels that he can’t forgive his birth parents.
B.He understands his birth parents.
C.He misses his birth parents very much.
D.He is afraid of being hurt by them again.
66.Why does the author writes this passage?
A.To complain about being abandoned by his birth parents.
B.To show how deep his desire to work with adopted children is.
C.To encourage other people to find their birth parents.
D.To show his love to his birth parents and his foster parents.
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