BModern MannersPhilip Howard answers your questions on contemporary etiquette (礼

BModern MannersPhilip Howard answers your questions on contemporary etiquette (礼


Modern Manners
Philip Howard answers your questions on contemporary etiquette (礼仪)
Philip Howard,
When my friend and I (two ladies of a certain age) go out to have a meal, she always leaves an extremely large tip. At times, the tip will equal the amount of one of the main dishes—sometimes it comes to about 30 per cent of the bill. I feel 15—20 per cent is adequate for services offered and depending on the type of restaurant. At a cafe I would like to leave 15 per cent or a bit more depending on the service and etc. A larger tip would be appropriate if we are in a big city or a nicer place. My friend says “Well, I am sure they are not driving a Mercedes (奔驰汽车).” Well, neither am I, and how does she know? Who is correct and how can I make changes? I might add I do truly feel tipping should be based on good service, and also if you frequent a place and know the staff a larger tip is OK. I would never hesitate to tip a waitperson. I always leave to the higher side.  
Barbara Bade
Barbara Bade,
Americans are more generous tippers than the British. I suspect that 10 per cent for a tip is about normal in the UK. Tipping is a strange survival in our age of supposed equality and minimum wages. Your friend has a generous nature and deep purse. I do not see why you cannot let her tip whatever she wants, and do your own thing. I agree that a tip should be a reward for good service and general good feeling. If the service is rotten and the meal a disaster, we should withhold a tip and explain why we are doing so. Few of us have the chutzpah (厚颜) to do this. Sensible restaurants have a box for tips, so that they are shared out among the staff, including those in the kitchens whom we do not see. (I trust that the management does not receive the money as extra profit.) I look forward to the day when waiters and other servants are paid a good enough living wage, so that they do not have to depend on the generosity of strangers to survive. To wait at table is just as honorable a way to earn a living in this wicked world. If you are pleased with the meal and cheerful service, you should tip as handsomely as your purse affords. I don’t suppose that your waiter / waitress is driving a Mercedes, even in the States. 
Philip Howard
60. We can learn from the first letter that Barbara prefers ___________.
A. changing her own ideas on how to tip waiters
B. leaving a bigger tip to the familiar waitpersons
C. eating at a café rather than in a nice restaurant
D. saving as much money as possible for herself
61. It can be inferred that Barbara’s friend tips waiters heavily ________.
A. to show that she is well off                              B. because they are thought to be poorly paid
C. to show that she is generous                          D. because they have offered her full service
62. Besides quality of service, Philip regards __________ as principles of tipping.
A. taste of food and amount of one’s money
B. taste of food and the number of servants
C. generosity of strangers and the number of servants
D. amount of one’s money and generosity of strangers

60---62   BBA  


III. Cloze   (20 points)
I’d meant to go to Miros that day. I’d packed my bag and was ready. The motor-boat__36__ in on time. The sky was cloudy, but the wind wasn’t too strong for the two-hour __37__. I stood at my window, staring at the boat. Then I lost __38__ of her, an old light-house partly blocked my view of the harbour. A dozen passengers were __39__ their way there. I was about to join them---when a man’s face __40__ at the light-house window.
This was strange, because the light-house had been empty, unused and __41__ for thirty years. It was stranger still---because I’d seen that __42__ before. I couldn’t place it but it was, or had once been, familiar to me. I opened my window and __43__ across.
“I know we’ve met before, but I can’t remember where.”
I __44__ him to open his if he could and answer me. He did neither. The face behind the glass __45__ motionless. Seeing him more clearly now, I knew he was not looking at me. He seemed to be looking upwards, __46__ the clouds. How well I’d known that face, sometime, somewhere!
I __47__ again. “We met years ago. Was it in Athens in the 1950s? I used to live in Plaka.”
He didn’t reply nor give any __48__ that he’d heard. I went back further, to __49__ I was in the navy.” Perhaps we met at sea during the war,” and that thought at once __50__ him to mind. Commander Leftis! He was Commander Leftis of course! How could I have forgotten? I’d saved his life once. But surely he…
The motor-boat __51__ her bell. I turned my eyes. The wind had risen, but she was pulling. __52__. Laughing, I called, “Now I’ve missed her, and it’s your __53__, Commander!’
As the boat drew away, the face at the window faded. __54__ minute it was there, looking up. I could see the whites of the eyes. The __55__ it was gone.
Well, I didn’t rush to the light-house. I knew that Leftis was dead. He died at sea in 1963 or ’64. But there’s one other thing I ought to tell you: the motor-boat never reached Miros. It was lost in a storm, with all the passengers.
36.A.reached    B.arrived     C.went  D.came     B.crossing       D.boating
38.A.sight B.way   C.patience    D.chances
39.A.searching  B.finding     C.making     D.hurrying
40.A.placed      B.existed      C.occurred   D.appeared
41.A.locked      B.opened     C.rebuilt      D.chained  B.face   C.window    D.light-house
43.A.jumped     B.ran    C.shouted     D.screamed
44.A.expectedB.hoped       C.believed    D.asked
45.A.became     B.remained  C.seemed     D.grew
46.A.through    B.after  C.for
47.A.persuaded B.repeated    C.tried  D.continued
48.A.suggestion       B.answer      C.sign   D.action
49.A.when B.which       C.where
50.A.kept  B.brought    C.caused      D.changed
51.A.beat  B.rang  C.turned on  D.put on
52.A.up    B.down      D.out
53.A.problem   B.question    C.duty  D.fault
54.A.Each B.Every       C.One   D.Some   C.other D.last
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IV. Reading Comprehension   (40 points)
So far as I know, Miss Hannah was the first person to give the basic difference between work and labor. To be happy, a man must feel, firstly, free and secondly, important. He cannot be really happy if he is forced by society to do what he does not enjoy doing, or what he enjoys doing lowly thought of by society as valueless or unimportant. In a society where slavery in the strict sense has been got rid of, the sign that what a man does is of social value is that he is paid money to do it, but a laborer today can rightly be called a wage slave. A man is a laborer if the job that society offers him is not interesting to himself but he has to take it just owing to the necessity of earning a living and supporting his family.
The opposite side to labor is play. When we play a game, we enjoy what we are doing, otherwise we should not play it, but it is a purely private activity; and society could not care less whether we play it or not.
Between labor and play stands work. A man is a worker if he is personally interested in the job which society pays him to do; what from the point view of society is necessary labor is from his own point of view willing play. Whether a job is to be classified as labor or work depends, not on the job itself, but on the tastes of the individual who does it. The difference does not, for example, agree with the difference between a physical and a mental job; a gardener or a copper may be a worker, a bank clerk is a laborer.
Which a man is can be seen from his attitude toward leisure. To a worker, leisure means simply the hours he needs to relax and rest in order to work efficiently. He is therefore more likely to take too little leisure than too much; workers die of heart attack and forget their wives" birthday. To the laborer, on the other hand, leisure means freedom from compulsion(强迫), so that it is natural for him to imagine that the fewer hours he has to spend laboring, and the more hours he is free to play, the better.
56. A man feels happy when ____________.
A. he is supposed to do what is important in his opinion
B. he has to take a job to earn a living and support his family
C. he is doing something personally interesting and socially valuable
D. what he enjoys doing is what he thinks highly of
57. The reason why a laborer can be called a wage slave is that ___________.
A. he has a family to support
B. his wages are as low as what a slave used to make
C. society doesn"t care whether he plays or not
D. he is doing the job only for money, not for interest
58. Whether a job can be classified as labor or work depends on _____________.
A. whether it is a physical or mental    B. the tastes of the person who does it
C. the attitude of the society toward it D. the necessity of the job to the society and individual
59. Which of the following can be the best title of the text?
A. Whether to Work or to Play              B. Work, Labor, and Play
C. Differences between Labor and Play        D. Leisure, Key to Work, Labor and Play
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Stress is an uncomfortable feeling in the mind from any situation or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or anxious. Stress if often accompanied by physical symptoms, including twitching or trembling, muscle tension, headaches, sweating, dry mouth, difficulty swallowing, rapid or irregular heart rate, rapid breathing, fatigue, loss of temper, sleeping difficulties and nightmares, decreased concentration.
Stress is a normal part of life. In small quantities, stress is good – it can motivate you and help you be more productive. However, too much stress, or a strong response to stress, is harmful. It can cause general poor health as well as specific physical or depression. Persistent and never-ceasing stress often leads to anxiety and unhealthy behaviors like overeating and abuse of alcohol or drugs.
Certain drugs can lead to symptoms of stress due to side effects. Such drugs include caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, cocaine and diet pills. A poor diet – for example, low levels of vitamin B 12 – can also contribute to stress or anxiety. Performance stress is related to specific situations, like taking a test or making a presentation in public. Posttraumatic stress develops after an unforgettably shocking event like war, physical attacks, or a natural disaster.
Any effective ways to cope with your stress or anxiety? One step is to make a list of what you think might be making you ‘stress out’: What do you worry about most? Is something constantly on your mind? Does anything in particular make you sad or depressed?
Then, find someone you believe in who will listen to you. Often, just talking to a friend or loved one is all that is needed to relieve anxiety. Most communities also have support groups and hotlines that can help. Social workers, psychologists, and other mental health professionals may be needed for therapy and medication (疗法和打坐).
Also, find healthy ways to deal with stress. For example, eat a well – balanced, healthy diet, don’t overeat, get enough sleep, exercise regularly, limit caffeine and alcohol. Don’t use nicotine, cocaine, or other recreational drugs. Learn and practice relaxation techniques like yoga and tai chi. Take breaks from work. Make sure to balance fun activities with your responsibilities. Spend time with people you enjoy. Find self – help books at your local library or bookstore.
Title: Stress
The (71)       of stress
And uncomfortable feeling in the mind, making you feel frustrated, angry and anxious, (72)       by many symptoms
The (73)      stress has on people
Positive / good stress
(74)        people more productive
(75)        /harmful stress
Causing poor health as well as physical and psychological illnesses
Possible causes of stress
Side effects of certain drugs
Poor diets not (76)        in certain vitamins
Stress (77)        with specific situations, like taking a test or making a presentation in public
Stress developing after unforgettably shocking events, like war, physical attacks, or a natural disaster
Effective (78)        to coping with stress
(79)       what makes you ‘stress out’
Finding someone you trust who will listen to you
Finding healthy ways to deal with it, such as (80)       good habits and living a healthy life

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III. Cloze (15 points)
Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words marked A,B,C and D. Fill in each blank with the word that best fits the context.
When I was younger, I thought that boys and grown men shouldn’t cry. The tears were signs of being __36__, which a man isn’t supposed to be.
But later, I discovered that courage isn’t all about trying to keep all the pain in check and trying to hide the__37__.
My 18-year-old sister eloped(私奔) and with it, I saw how weak my father’s heart was. We were used to seeing him as a(n) __38__ father.
For three days he wouldn’t talk. He would just sit __39__ outside our house in the dark. On the fourth night, I sat beside him and __40__ him to tell me what he feels about everything.
It has been years since I have laid my hand on my father’s shoulder as we have drifted apart (疏远) farther and farther while I was __41__ up. That night though, I sensed my father trying to __42__ his pain and I wanted him to be able to let it out. We all have cried over what happened except him.
The simple touch and my words, “Dad, it’s not your __43__”, broke my father’s dam(水闸). In the darkness, he began to cry. I __44__ his shoulders shaking as he whispered, “__45__ did I go wrong? All I ever wanted was for my children to grow up right. Why couldn’t your sister wait?”
I understood then why he __46__ to be in the dark. __47__ being there, he hoped to spare his family of a father’s pain. His tears, __48__ we didn’t see them before that night, were there all the same.
I saw his __49__, that night when my father cried with my hand on his shoulder, and __50__ his pain.
36. A. weak                  B. poor                        C. sad                   D. honest
37. A. secrets                B. tears                        C. opinions            D. qualities
38. A. hard-working      B. easy-going                C. kind-hearted      D. strong-willed
39. A. quietly                B. impolitely                C. gently               D. carefully
40. A. reminded            B. asked                       C. ordered             D. suggested
41. A. bringing                B. giving                      C. growing            D. turning
42. A. forget                 B. reduce                      C. control                     D. bear
43. A. character             B. daughter                   C. fault                 D. duty
44. A. noticed               B. felt                          C. heard                D. imagined
45. A. How                   B. What                       C. When                  D. Where
46. A. preferred            B. managed                  C. stayed               D. agreed
47. A. For                       B. On                           C. By                    D. Of
48. A. if                       B. because                    C. until                 D. though
49. A. condition            B. pain                         C. courage             D. trouble
50. A. understood          B. remembered             C. touched             D. respected
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There is no doubt about it. The best way to learn new words is to do it unconsciously. I don’t mean while you’re unconscious. I mean while you are unconscious of the fact that it is sinking in.
That is how I learnt the 30,000 words in my vocabulary by living in an English-speaking world, mother tongue. I just pick them up. But some of them may be misunderstood. Now, to misunderstand does not mean not to understand. To misunderstand is to understand but incorrectly.
The 5 % mislearnt of all the words we “know” will be the least frequently used words, as the more frequently used words are less likely to be mislearnt. Some of the misunderstandings may live with all our lives, without knowing that we got them wrong.
Many English teachers think that this natural method of learning words in one’s own mother tongue can be used for a second language learning. They teach their students how to play the Guessing Game. “There is no time to look up in your dictionaries all the new words you come across,” they will say. “You have to practise guessing what the word means from the context.”
This method of guessing in a second language learning does not work. It may succeed in many cases, but results in hundreds or thousands of wrongly-guessed meanings of words.
And what’s more, there are more separate meanings than there are words themselves. Our learners’ dictionaries usually have many meanings. A good dictionary is what makes self-learning possible.
Don’t guess! Look it up!
55. It is certain that the best way to learn new words is _____________.
A. to learn them by oneself
B. to learn by living in an English-speaking world and using them frequently
C. to guess them from the context
D. to get more separate meanings of each word
56. The underlined word “them” in Paragraph 2 refers to _________.
A. the 30,000 words           B. English teachers
C. misunderstood words      D. frequently used words
57. Which of the following is most likely NOT true?
A. Some of the words the writer knows must have been misunderstood.
B. Most of the 30,000 words the writer learned are frequently used ones.
C. How many words the writer got wrong are not known.
D. All the words the writer knows were learned by reading them.
58. It can be inferred that _________.
A. when somebody is conscious, he or she usually can’t learn new words by heart
B. we must use the words as often as possible in order to master them
C. it’s the best way to learn new words that one should only guess their meanings from the
D. only dictionaries can help us learn language well
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