It was an early morning in summer. In the streets, sleepy-eyed people were movin

It was an early morning in summer. In the streets, sleepy-eyed people were movin

It was an early morning in summer. In the streets, sleepy-eyed people were moving quickly, heading towards their  36 .This was the beginning of another  37  day in New York City.   38  this day was to be different.
Waiting  39 the crowded streets, on top of a  40 110 stories high, was Philippe Pettit.This daring Frenchman was about to  41 a tightrope(绷索)between the two towers of the World Trade Center.
Philippe took his first  42  with great care.The wire held. Now he was 43 he could do it.  44 only a balancing Polar, Philippe walked his way across, a  45 of 131 feet.
Soon the rush-hour  46 began to notice. What a   47  !There, 1350 feet above the street, a 48 figure was walking on air.
Philippe made seven  49 , back and forth(来回).He wasn"t satisfied with just  50  .At times,he would turn,sit down,and  51 go on his knees.Once,he had the astonishing  52  to lie down on the thin thread. And thousands of  53  watchers stared with their hearts beating fast.
After the forty-five-minute  54 ,Philippe was taken to the police station. He was asked  55  he did it.Philippe shrugged(耸肩)and said,“When I see two tall buildings, I walk.”
36.A. homes                 B. jobs                    C.buses                          D.offices
37.A.working                           C. ordinary                   D. same
38.A.And                   B.So                                   C.But                           D.Thus
39.A.for                                                               D.above
40.A.roof                            B.position                     C.wall                          D.building
41.A.throw                   B.walk                         C.climb                        D.fix
42.A.act                    B.landing                        C.step                          D.trip
43.A.sure                            B.uncertain                   C.glad                          D.nervous
44.A.Through               B.Against                     C.With                         D.On
45.A.distance                B.height                                     D.rope
46.A.streets                  B.crowds                  C.passengers       
47.A.height                  B.pleasure                    C.wonder                        D.danger
48.A.great                    B.strange                  C.public                       D.tiny
49.A.experiments     B.circles                       C.trips                  D.movements
50.A.walking           B.staying                  C.acting                       D.showing
51.A.almost                  B.even                         C.often                         D.rather
52.A.spirit                    B.result                        C.strength                     D.courage
53.A.patient                  B.terrified                    C.pleased              D.enjoyable                    B.trick                         C.try                            D.program                            B.why                          C.whether                     D.when
36-40BCCDD  41-45BCACA  46-50BCDCA  51-55BDBAB

36. 此题考查生活常识。人们正在上班的路上,但上班的人并不是都坐办公室。heading towards的意思是“(向特定的方向)出发;动身”。
37.  纽约城的又一个普通的一天开始了。根据下文,故事情节与天气没有关系。
38.  But表示转折关系。但是这一天将与往日不同。
39.  根据下文,Philippe既不是等待某人或某物的出现,也不是在街上等待,而是正在拥挤的街道上空等待。
40.  Philippe正站在一座一百一十层高的大楼顶上。
41.  此处意为“走绷索”。walk在此为及物动词,意为“在……上走”。
42.  take one"s step意为“迈步”。
43. Philippe十分小心地在绷索上迈出第一步,绷索吃得住。这时他确信可以走绷索了。
44.  他手里只拿着一根保持平衡的杆子。
45. 他在绷索上走了一百三十英尺的距离。
46. 很快处在交通拥挤时间的人群开始注意到街道上空发生的一切。
47. 真是一大奇观。
48. 从地面上看,在一千三百五十英尺高的空中行走的人,当然是极小的隐约可见的人影。
49. trip在此意为“一次来回;往返”。
50.  根据上下文,他来回走了七趟后,已不仅仅满足于走了,他要在绷索上做出难度更高的动作。
51. 他时而转身,坐下,甚至跪在绷索上向前移动。
52. 敢于躺在细细的线上,的确需要惊人的勇气,而不是力量。
53. 看到这么惊险的动作,大饱眼福的观众心跳加速,十分害怕,都为表演者捏着一把汗。
54.  四十五分钟的空中表演后,他被带到了警察局。
55.  Philippe在上班高峰时间在繁忙的街道上空进行表演,严重干扰了正常的交通秩序,所以警察问他这样做的原因。
Alexis was hot and tired. With rage (愤怒) in her voice she shouted,“Pull me up! I give up. I hate this. This is stupid!” It was at that moment when Jason, the adviser on the trip, looked at me and said,“Ed, I"m going to go down and talk with her.”I then shouted down to Alexis,“ Hold on! You can do this. We know you can!”
Jason grasped another rope, put this climbing harness (系带) on and began to move down the cliff. Within moments Jason was beside Alexis. She had her cheek directly against the face of the rock with her feet barely resting on a small piece of the cliff that jetted (急突) outward. Jason said to Alexis,“I know that you have been on this cliff now for what seems like a long time. Your feet and fingers are cramping (痉挛) up and your forearms feel as though they are on fire. But, Alexis, you are strong. Look how far up you are already. You have taken one of the more difficult parts up the cliff. Alexis, look at the path you have taken.”At that moment, Alexis moved her cheek away from the rock face and looked down. The bright white chalk she used in her hands to give her a better hold, showed the path where her tired hands had moved her upward on the cliff. Jason was right. Alexis had taken the hardest way up the cliff. Jason then looked straight into Alexis" eyes and in a calm voice he said,“You are not alone out here. There are people who care about you, who want to help you and see you succeed. We are going to do this together. Are you ready?” Slowly she nodded and took a deep breath.
小题1:Jason went down the cliff because _______.
A.Alexis took a wrong path
B.Alexis was trapped in rocks 
C.Alexis didn"t believe in herself
D.Alexis" forearms were badly hurt 
小题2: We can infer from the passage that _______.
A.Alexis was finally pulled up by Ed
B.Alexis regretted having taken the wrong path up the cliff
C.Alexis was immediately sent to hospital after she was pulled up 
D.Alexis successfully rock-climbed
小题3:The underlined word “hot” in the story means_______.
A.disappointed B.angry
C.uncomfortableD.running a high body temperature
小题4:Alexis would probably become _______.
A.more strongmindedB.easier to give up 
C.poorer in healthD.less interested in rock climbing 

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Ann: Well, Bob, what a surprise! It"s nice to see you again!
Bob: Hello, Ann!  61  Wasn"t it a year ago Christmas, the last time we saw you?
Ann: You know, I think you"re right.How are your wife and the children?
Bob: Oh, they"re fine.Billy fell down and broke his leg a few months ago.  62  
Ann: Wasn"t Joey learning to play the violin? Seems to me I remember something about that.
Bob:   63  He"s all excited about sports now.
Ann: And you wife, what is she doing these days?
Bob:? She"s going to a night school on Mondays and Thursdays.She"s studying French now.But last year she studied typing and sewing.  64  Next it’ll probably be cooking.
Ann: How nice for her!   65 But say hello to Mrs James for me, will you?
Bob:?Sure I will, and remember me to your husband.Goodbye.
A.Oh, he"s given that up.
B.Oh, I"m sorry.I"ve got to rush.
C.She"s made great progress in that.
D.How long has it been?
E.I think she just enjoys going to school.
F.Joey"s getting on well with her.
G.But other than that, there"s been nothing special.
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A man who served 11 years in prison after being wrongly convicted of murdering his wife was officially cleared yesterday, walking free from Jingshan County People"s Court—the same body that sentenced him to a 15year jail term in 1998—as over 2000 local residents cheered.
“Police and other law enforcers made the errors,”39yearold She Xianglin told China Daily, “I believe the law will punish them and give me a just result.”
The original conviction came based on a confession which She said was extracted under police torture and the misidentification of a still-unknown woman"s body.
“The provincial Hubei government has sent a team of police, procurators and high people"s court officials to investigate the case,” a spokesperson for the Jingmen government, which administrates Jingshan County, said yesterday.
The miscarriage of justice only came to light when Shen"s wife, Zhang Zaiyu, resurfaced late last month after being thought missing for 11 years.
This was despite at least five letters from Zhang to her brother over the last two years, which he said he didn"t report to police because he thought they were a hoax.
Zhang disappeared in January 1994 from Yanmenkou Township, and 3 months later a body was found in a pond that her relatives positively identified.
Local police arrested Shen for murder in April 1994,although questions had been raised about discrepancies between the features and clothes of the body and Zhang. Confirmation through DNA testing had not been attempted.
  Zhang Chengmao, Shen"s lawyer, said yesterday he would seek State compensation “but we have not reached a figure yet”.
When asked about compensation, Shen said, “My mother, who died from the stress of continually appealing, cannot be bought. Eleven years of freedom cannot be bought. Schooling of my daughter that was stopped because of poverty cannot be bought.”
As for his wife, the man said he did not hate her at all. “If she had not reappeared, maybe I would have been wronged for life,” he said.
He also said he did not plan to sue Zhang for bigamy, though she had remarried in Shandong Province without divorcing him.
小题1:Why did She Xianglin served 11 years in prison?
A.Because She Xianglin was convicted of murdering his wife.
B.Because the Police and other law enforcers made the errors.
C.Because through DNA testing the dead woman was his wife.
D.Because her wife was missing.
小题2:Which of the following is NOT true?
A.The miscarriage of justice only came to light when Shen"s wife reappeared.
B.The man said he did not hate her at all.
C.Zhang Zaiyu wrote at least five letters to her brother over the last two years to hoax him.
D.She Xianglin"s mother died from the stress of continually appealing.
小题3:We can infer from the passage _______.
A.She Xianglin will get State compensation
B.She Xianglin"s daughter dropped out of school because of poverty
C.She Xianglin stayed in prison for 11 years
D.who murdered the woman is known to all
小题4:The underlined word “cleared” in the first paragraph means _______.

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Visitors from space may have landed on our planet from time to time, maybe hundreds of times during the long, empty ages while Man was still a dream of the far future. Indeed, they could have landed on 90% of the earth as recently as two or three hundreds years ago, and we could never have heard of it. If one searches through old newspapers and records from some certain places, one can find many reports of strange events that could be some explanations about visiting from outer space. A writer, Charles Fort, has made a collection of UFO sightings in his book Lo! One is tempted(引诱) to believe them more than any modern reports, for the simple reason that they happened long before anyone had ever thought of space travel. Yet at the same time, one cannot take them too seriously, for before education on science was popular, even sightings of meteors(流星) and comets(彗星) made people believe the most unbelievable stories, as they still do today.
56.小题1:According to the passage, visitors from outer space may have landed on the earth      .
A.long before man had dreamed of itB.long before there were human beings the last few hundred yearsD.after the space travel began
57.小题2:Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A.Charles Fort sighted a lot of UFOs himself.B.All sightings of UFOs are believable.
C.There may be living things on other planets.D.People have seen visitors from other planets everywhere.
58.小题3:According to the passage,           .
A.UFOs are only seen in recent yearsB.UFOs sightings are not new
C.UFOs are just meteors and cometsD.UFOs are invented by people

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President Clinton was born in the little southern town of Hope, Arkansas, on August 19,1946. But his name was not Bill Clinton. It was William Jefferson Blythe. His mother named his for his father, who had been killed in a car accident a few months before he was born. When Bill was four years old, his mother married Roger Clinton who then legally became Bill’s father. Roger Clinton and Bill’s mother had a son, Roger Jr.
Bill Clinton studies international affairs at Georgetown University in Washington, D. C. He won a Rhodes scholarship to study at Oxford University in Britain. There, he met other students with whom he has continued life-long friendships. One of them is Robert Reich, who was just nominated to be Secretary of Labor. After Oxford, Bill Clinton earned a law degree at Yale University.
In 1973, Bill Clinton became a law professor at the University of Arkansas, but he was too interested in politics to stay at the university. He campaigned for the House of Representatives but was defeated. In 1976, he was elected General for the state of Arkansas, the state government’s chief lawyer.
Two years later, Bill Clinton was elected Governor of Arkansas. He was defeated for re-election after his first two-year term. But he was elected Governor again in 1982. He has been re-elected to that office every two years since then.
Bill Clinton married lawyer Hillary Rodham Rodham in 1975. She kept Rodham as her last name until it became an issue during her husband’s 1980 campaign for governor. Since then, she has been known as Hillary Rodham Clinton. The Clintons have a daughter, Chelsea.
70.小题1:We learn that Bill Clinton’s father ________.
A.died before Bill Clinton was born
B.died when Bill Clinton was a few months old
C.left his wife after Bill Clinton was born
D.was his mother’s second husband
71.小题2:Bill Clinton was elected Governor of Arkansas in ________.
72.小题3:Hillary Rodham did not change her last name until ________.
A.she married Clinton
B.she gave birth to their daughter
C.Clinton campaigned for President
D.Clinton was defeated in his campaign for governor

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