完形填空。     A concert violinist was performing a difficult piece in front of a lar

完形填空。     A concert violinist was performing a difficult piece in front of a lar

完形填空。     A concert violinist was performing a difficult piece in front of a large audience. Suddenly there was a loud
snap(断裂声), and the _1 could be heard throughout the auditorium (礼堂). The audience _2 knew that
a string(弦) had broken. They all _3 the concert to stop for a short time _4 another instrument was brought
to the musician.
    But instead, the _5 calmed herself down and then signaled the conductor to start again. The orchestra
continued where they had _6 and the musician played the music on three strings. In her mind she _7   new
fingering to make up for the missing string. A work that few people could play _8 on four strings, the
violinist played on three.
     When she _9 and bowed(鞠躬) to the audience, there was a silence in the hall. And then the crowd rose
to their feet and cheered wildly. The violinist 10 and wiped sweat from her forehead. When   11    returned
to the hall, she explained  12  she had continued to play although there was a   13  string. "You know," she
said, "sometimes it is the artist"s   14 to find out how much music they can still    15 with what has been
     Maybe we"ve _16  most of our lives and we have only a little time left. Maybe disease has robbed(夺走)
us of our capacity to work. Or perhaps a financial loss has left us very 17 . Can we still make "music"?
     There will come a time when we all  18 loss. Can we find the courage to discover how much "music" we
can still make with what has been left, just like the violinist? And if it takes extra courage to make the
"music", others will applaud (拍手称赞)your _19_. Some people have lost more than others,  20   they
are brave enough to face it. They inspire the rest of us to reach greater heights.
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题型:天津同步题难度:| 查看答案
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(     )1. A. voice  
(     )2. A. immediately
(     )3. A. forced  
(     )4. A. while  
(     )5. A. audience  
(     )6. A. gone    
(     )7. A. put on  
(     )8. A. fast    
(     )9. A. started
(     )10. A. worried
(     )11. A. thought
(     )12. A. if    
(     )13. A. broken
(     )14. A. dream  
(     )15. A. take  
(     )16. A. supported
(     )17. A. poor  
(     )18. A. appreciate
(     )19. A. wisdom  
(     )20. A. and    
B. sound
B. gradually
B. advised
B. until
B. conductor
B. stopped
B. carried out
B. badly
B. performed
B. smiled
B. surprise
B. that    
B. lost  
B. plan  
B. get  
B. lived  
B. brave  
B. ignore
B. effort
B. but    
C. music
C. finally
C. allowed
C. after
C. violinist
C. remained
C. depended on
C. well  
C. finished
C. apologized
C. pleasure
C. why    
C. bad  
C. idea    
C. make    
C. starved
C. nervous
C. experience
C. talent  
C. or    
D. scream    
D. lately  
D. expected  
D. since      
D. director  
D. arrived    
D. worked out
D. gently    
D. rested    
D. agreed    
D. silence    
D. when      
D. difficult  
D. task      
D. enjoy      
D. longed    
D. angry      
D. improve    
D. ability    
D. so        
1-5:  BADBC   6-10:  BDCCB    11-15:  DCADC     16-20:  BACBB
     During my elementary school years, I used to compare my mom with my best friend Tiffany"s mom.
     Tiffany"s mom always gave her lots of money to buy the most fashionable clothes and favorite food.
Her mom allowed her to do anything she liked. I really admired Tiffany. My mom didn"t give me much
pocket money and she always told me that I should behave myself. I was annoyed with her.
     Whenever I didn"t get what I wanted, I would complain to my mom, Tiffany"s mom would give her
that! I wish she were my mom. Every time, my mom would calmly say "Poor Tiffany". I couldn"t
understand her. "She shouldn"t be feeling sorry for Tiffany!" I thought, "She should be feeling sorry for
     One day, I couldn"t help saying to Mom, "Poor Tiffany? Lucky Tiffany! She gets everything she
wants! Why do you feel sorry for her?" I burst into tears.
     My mom sat down next to me and said softly, "Yes, I do feel sorry for her. I have been teaching you
a lesson that she will never be taught."
     I looked up at her, "What are you talking about?"
     Mom said with care, "One day she will really want something. Maybe she"ll find out that she can"t
have it. Her mother won"t always be around to give her money, and what"s more, money can"t buy
     She continued, "I have taught you valuable lessons by not giving you everything you want. You"ll
know how to look for bargains and save money, but she won"t. You"ll understand that you need to
work hard to get the things that you want but she won"t. When Tiffany is a grown woman, she"ll wake
up one day and she will be wishing that she had a mom like the one you"ve got. Life lessons are more
important than modern clothes and delicious food."
     It took some time, but I eventually understood my mom"s words. Now I am a happy and successful
1. During the author"s elementary school years, she __________.
A. wished that her mom were as good as Tiffany"s
B. went to school with Tiffany every day
C. usually compared her lesson with Tiffany"s
D. sometimes gave lots of money to Tiffany 
2. Why did the author"s mom always say "Poor Tiffany"?
A. She felt sorry for Tiffany because Tiffany was poor.
B. She wanted to tell a lie to comfort the author.
C. She thought that Tiffany was spoiled by her mother.
D. She told the author this and wanted her to help Tiffany.
3. What do we learn about the author"s mother?
A. She was strict and taught the author to be independent.
B. She cared for other people"s children more than her own.
C. She thought that life lessons were as important as money.
D. She was so poor that she couldn"t give the author much money.
4. What can we infer from the passage?
A. The author was quite annoyed with her mother in the past.
B. The author"s mother felt sorry for Tiffany.
C. Tiffany"s mother took the author"s mother"s advice.
D. The author is thankful to her mother now.
     After a disabled woman"s cat started a house fire, her specially trained dog came to the rescue and then died when trying to help the cat still in the house, Jamie Hanson said the 13-year-old dog named Jesse,
brought the phone so she could call 911 and also brought her artificial leg.
     "She got me outside and then she heard the cat upstairs and went up there to get the cat out but she
wouldn"t come back to me," Hanson, 49, said at a news conference at Aurora Sheboygan Memorial
Medical Center where she was being treated for her injuries.
     "She received third-degree burns on an arm in the fire at her home," the Sheboygan County Sheriff"s
Department said, adding that both pets died in the fire.
     Hanson, who lost a leg in a car accident three years ago, said she was on the couch watching television when the cat ran over the back of the couch.
     "And he jumped onto a table that had a candle on it and tipped it over and finally set the artificial plants on fire," she said.
     Hanson said she fell off the couch and was unable to get her artificial leg from the table. "So my dog got my leg for me and went to get the phone and brought it to me, so I could call 911."
     She said she tried to put the prosthetic leg on, but it was too hot, and the dog, a German shepherd,
came to her aid again before going back inside for the cat.
     When rescuers arrived, the house was fully engulfed in flames, the Sheriff"s Department said. Hanson
was in the doorway and was assisted by a deputy (警官).
1.What was the cause of the fire?
A. The disabled woman fell off the cough.
B. The cat ran down the lighted candle on the table.
C. The woman"s artificial leg caught fire.
D. The dog ran after the cat.
2.Which of the following is RIGHT?
A. As soon as it brought Hanson her leg, the dog went to save the cat.
B. The dog went to save the cat after it helped Hanson put on the leg.
C. Hanson fell off the couch when the cat jumped over the couch.
D. The dog went to save the cat after it helped Hanson call 911.
3.When the story was reported, Hanson most probably _____.
A. at her own home
B. at a news conference
C. was being treated in a medical center
D. was looking for her dog and cat
4.We can infer from the passage that _____.
A. the German shepherd dog was 13 years old
B. it was too late for the rescuers to save the pets
C. Hanson lost her leg in a car accident
D. there were three people in Hanson"s family
5.What would be the best title of the text?
A. The difference between a dog and a cat.
B. A dog saves her owner but kills a cat.
C. The importance of keeping a pet dog.
D. A dog saves her owner, dies trying to save a cat.
     It was a beautiful day. The weather was perfect for a picnic, so when lunch time came, we set our
sights on a small    1   in town. We decided to    2   up by the pond near the entrance.
     Then my friend Robby    3  for a hot dog stand (摊), and I decided to keep her company (陪伴).
We    4   the man put together the perfect hot dog just the way Robby wanted it.    5  when she took
out her money to pay him, the man    6   us. He said, "This is my freebie (免费赠品) of the day." We
thanked him and    7   our friends in the park. On our way back, I was    8   by a man sitting alone
nearby,    9    at us. I could tell by his appearance that he hadn"t    10   for days. Another homeless
person, I thought.
     But when Robby and I went to the garbage can to    11   away our lunch bag, I heard a    12   voice
ask, "There isn"t any    13   in the bag, is there?" It was the man who had been watching us. "No, I    14    
it already." "Oh" was his only answer, with    15   in his voice. He was obviously   16   . Suddenly Robby
said, "I"ll be right back. Please wait for a minute," and ran off. I watched with    17   as she went across to
the hot dog stand. Then I    18   what she was doing. She bought a hot dog and gave it to the man.
     "I was just passing on the   19   that someone gave to me," Robby said. That day I learned how
generosity can go    20  than the person you give to. By giving, you also teach others how to give.
(     )1. A. park      
(     )2. A. show      
(     )3. A. sought   
(     )4. A. watched  
(     )5. A. So        
(     )6. A. frightened  
(     )7. A. reminded  
(     )8. A. attracted
(     )9. A. waving  
(     )10. A. drunk      
(     )11. A. throw    
(     )12. A. serious  
(     )13. A. trash    
(     )14. A. sold    
(     )15. A. doubt    
(     )16. A. hungry  
(     )17. A. admiration
(     )18. A. recognized
(     )19. A. kindness
(     )20. A. wider
B. yard        
B. meet        
B. searched    
B. helped      
B. And         
B. amused      
B. invited     
B. pulled      
B. staring      
B. worked      
B. put          
B. low          
B. paper        
B. fell        
B. shame        
B. angry        
B. curiosity    
B. believed    
B. friendship  
B. further  
C. garden    
C. dress    
C. looked    
C. ordered  
C. But      
C. surprised
C. called    
C. attacked  
C. laughing  
C. exercised  
C. get      
C. sweet     
C. food      
C. ate      
C. pleasure  
C. calm      
C. excitement  
C. imagined  
C. peace    
C. deeper
D. beach        
D. pick          
D. headed        
D. made          
D. Thus          
D. interested    
D. joined        
D. injured      
D. smiling      
D. showered      
D. take          
D. strong        
D. bottles      
D. bought        
D. disappointment
D. nervous      
D. concern      
D. realized      
D. respect      
D. higher 
     "Everything happens for the best," my mother said whenever I faced disappointment. "If you can   1   ,
one day something good will happen. And you"ll   2   that it wouldn"t have happened if not for that   3   
     Mother was   4  , as I discovered after graduating from college in 1932. I had decided to try for a job
in    5  , then work my way up to sports announcer. I hitchhiked (搭便车) to Chicago and knocked on
the door of every station-and got   6    every time.
     In one studio, a kind lady told me that big stations couldn"t risk    7    inexperienced people. "Go out in
the sticks and find a small station that"ll give you a   8    ," she said.
     I hitchhiked home to Dixon, Illinois. While there was no radio-announcing jobs in Dixon, my father said Montgomery Ward had opened a store and    9    a local athlete to manage its sports department. Since
Dixon was where I had played high school football, I    10  . The job sounded just right for me. But I wasn"t hired.     
     My disappointment    11   have shown. "Everything happens for the   12  ," Mom reminded me. Dad
offered me the car for job hunting. I tried WOC Radio in Davenport, Iowa. The program director, a
wonderful Scotsman named Peter MacArthur, told me they had already hired a(n)   13  .  
     As I left his office, my   14   boiled over. I asked a1oud,"   15   can a fellow get to be a sports
announcer if he can"t get a job in a radio station?"
     I was waiting for the elevator   16   I heard MacArthur calling, "What was that you said about sports?
Do you know anything about football?" Then he let me stand   17   a microphone and asked me to
broadcast an imaginary   18  .
     On my way home, as I had many times   19   my graduation, I thought of my mother"s words. I often
wonder what    20   my life might have taken if I"d gotten the job at Montgomery Ward.
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题型:天津同步题难度:| 查看答案


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(     )1. A. turn on     
(     )2. A. hope        
(     )3. A. present     
(     )4. A. right       
(     )5. A. camera      
(     )6. A. kept away  
(     )7. A. hiring      
(     )8. A. choice     
(     )9. A. ordered    
(     )10. A. meant      
(     )11. A. could      
(     )12. A. moment    
(     )13. A. reporter    
(     )14. A. frustration
(     )15. A. Why       
(     )16. A. when       
(     )17. A. upon       
(     )18. A. story      
(     )19. A. until      
(     )20. A. direction  
B. get on    
B. realize  
B. first      
B. impolite
B. bicycle    
B. held on     
B. reading    
B. step      
B. enjoyed      
B. happened    
B. must        
B. extra      
B. writer    
B. excitement
B. What       
B. while       
B. beyond      
B. game      
B. later      
B. situation  
C. carry on  
C. recognize  
C. recent    
C. wrong      
C. typewriter
C. turned down
C. writing    
C. measure    
C. wanted    
C. seemed    
C. need      
C. heart      
C. announcer  
C. joy    
C. Whether    
C. which    
C. before    
C. memory    
C. since      
C. position  
D. look on    
D. prove      
D. previous    
D. perfect    
D. radio      
D. left behind
D. meeting    
D. chance      
D. chose      
D. applied    
D. should      
D. best        
D. editor      
D. surprise    
D. How        
D. if          
D. after      
D. bottom      
D. ago        
D. approach    
     It was a normal Saturday morning, and everyone was in a good mood. The year was 2000 and I was
then only 6 years old. I remember it like it was yesterday though. We were just eating breakfast when we
received a phone call. We received phone calls all the time, so it was nothing new to me. However, this
phone call was an important one. I soon heard and saw my mother crying on the couch(沙发)with my
father comforting her. My brother, sister, and I didn"t know what had happened, as they had not told us
yet. Later, I was told that my grandfather was in the hospital because he had a heart attack. I did not know what to think. I had never heard of a heart attack, but I figured (认为) that it must be serious if he was in
the hospital.
     My grandfather and grandmother lived far away from us and we did not get to see them often. It was a long trip. My mother rushed to the hospital while my father stayed at home with my brother, sister and me.
     I do not think my young sister was really understanding it all yet. My mother returned a little later with
bad news. My grandfather had died before she got there. I was speechless. I had loved my grandfather
greatly. He was the one who taught me how to fish and enjoy the outdoors.
1. Why didn"t the morning phone call surprise the author?
A. Because he/she was only 6 years old.
B. Because the phone call was a case as usual.
C. Because he/she was just eating breakfast.
D. Because it was a normal Saturday morning.
2. The author"s mother began to cry       .
A. after the father comforted her on the couch
B. before she received the important phone call
C. when she knew her father was in the hospital
D. as her children didn’t understand what had happened
3. The author"s family seldom got to see the grandparents because       .
A. they had no spare time                
B. the old couple lived too far away
C. the old couple were often in hospital
D. they didn"t have a private car
4. We can know from the passage that       .
A. both the father and the mother went to the hospital
B. the author cared much about his/her grandfather
C. people with a heart attack should be in hospital at once
D. the mother was in time for having a word with her father
5. It can be inferred from the passage that       .
A. the author"s family was poor in 2000
B. the author"s father wasn"t sad at all
C. the author"s sister knew a heat attack was a serious disease
D. there were three children in the author"s family