完形填空。     When I entered Berkeley, I hoped to earn a scholarship. Having been a

完形填空。     When I entered Berkeley, I hoped to earn a scholarship. Having been a

完形填空。     When I entered Berkeley, I hoped to earn a scholarship. Having been a Straight-A student, I believed I
could  1 tough subjects and really learn something. One such course was World Literature given by
Professor Jayne. I was extremely interested in the ideas he  2  in class.
     When I took the first exam, I was  3  to find a 77, C-plus, on my test paper, 4 English was my best
subject. I went to Professor Jayne, who listened to my arguments but remained  5  .
    I decided to try harder, although I didn"t know what that  6  because school had always been easy for
me. I read the books more carefully, but got another 77. Again, I  7 with Professor Jayne. Again, he
listened patiently but wouldn"t change his  8  .
    One more test before the final exam. One more  9 to improve my grade. So I redoubled my efforts and,
for the first time,  10  the meaning of the word "thorough". But my  11  did no good and everything  12   as
    The last hurdle was the final. No matter what 13 I got, it wouldn"t cancel three C-pluses. I might as well
kiss the 14  goodbye.
    I stopped working hard. I felt I knew the course material as well as I ever would. The night before the
final, I even  15  myself to a movie. The next day I decided for once I"d have 16 with a test.
A week later, I was surprised to find I got an A. I hurried into Professor Jayne"s office. He   17  to be
expecting me, "If I gave you the A as you    18  , you wouldn"t continue to work as hard."
I stared at him,   19   that his analysis and strategy were correct, I had worked my head    20  , as I had
never done before.
    I was speechless, when my course grade arrived: A-plus. It was the only A-plus given. The next year I
received my scholarship. I"ve always remembered Professor Jayne"s lesson: You alone must set your own
standard of excellence.
题型:北京期中题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. take        
(     )2. A. sought      
(     )3. A. shocked      
(     )4. A. but          
(     )5. A. unchanged    
(     )6. A. reflected    
(     )7. A. quarreled    
(     )8. A. attitude    
(     )9. A. choice      
(     )10. A. memorized  
(     )11. A. ambition    
(     )12. A. stayed      
(     )13. A. grade      
(     )14. A. scholarship
(     )15. A. helped      
(     )16. A. fun        
(     )17. A. happened    
(     )18. A. valued      
(     )19. A. remembering
(     )20. A. out        
B. discuss      
B. presented    
B. worried      
B. so            
B. unpleasant    
B. meant        
B. reasoned      
B. mind          
B. step          
B. considered    
B. confidence    
B. went          
B. answer        
B. course        
B. favored      
B. luck          
B. proved        
B. imagined      
B. guessing      
B. over          
C. cover      
C. exchanged  
C. scared    
C. for        
C. unfriendly
C. improved  
C. bargained  
C. plan      
C. chance    
C. accepted  
C. effort    
C. worked    
C. lesson    
C. degree    
C. treated    
C. problems  
C. pretended  
C. expected  
C. supposing  
C. on        
D. get          
D. obtained    
D. anxious      
D. or          
D. unmoved      
D. affected    
D. chatted      
D. view        
D. measure      
D. learned      
D. method      
D. changed      
D. comment      
D. subject      
D. relaxed      
D. tricks      
D. seemed      
D. welcomed    
D. realizing    
D. off          
1-5 : ABACD    6-10:  BBBCD    11-15:  CBAAC     16-20:  ADCDD
     After spending three days in a wheelchair, I was ready to quit. Not only did I have to battle cracked
and uneven pavements, I had to deal with the bad attitude of pedestrians and a cold rain. But I didn"t give
up because of people like Tiffany Payne.
    Payne, who has been using a wheelchair for 18 years, laughed at me,
    "Imagine trying to get around town in the winter," she said.
    I could see her point: You"re battling to get to a doctor"s appointment, but no one has shoveled after a
big snowfall. Your choices: Move out and risk getting stuck, or reschedule the appointment.
    Those of us fortunate enough to get around on our own two legs don"t give a second thought to the
person in a wheelchair next to us at a crosswalk. That would require us to look down.
    So I decided to try using a wheelchair to get a sample of what their lives are like. It wasn"t long before
I saw that people who use wheelchairs are forced to deal with a lot of trouble.
    During my experiment, I was ignored by store staff while shopping and bumped into by inattentive
walkers without so much as an apology. Some people even gave me angry looks as if I were the one at
    Once in a store, a woman bumped into me trying to get to the new iPad. She didn"t say, "Excuse me."
    When salespeople did offer assistance, they talked to people who were with me, instead of me. I
wanted to yell, "Hey, I"m down here!"
    Some salespeople talked to me as though I were a child or acted like they didn"t want to be bothered
with me.
    People who use wheelchairs want to be treated like everyone else. They also comprehend, so you
don"t have to speak to them in a childlike, sing-song voice. It"s not very appealing, especially when the
person is an adult. And most importantly, remember they have feelings that can be hurt just like yours.
    Spending three days in a wheelchair made me look differently at those who have to use one. I hope
you do the same. 
1. The author writes the story to           .
A. help those in wheelchairs gain self-confidence
B. share his experience of acting as a wheelchair user
C. ask people to show sympathy for those in wheelchairs
D. call on people to respect and help those in wheelchairs
2. During his three days in a wheelchair, the author met all of the following difficulties EXCEPT          
A. bad road conditions
B. poor attitudes of ordinary people
C. terrible medical service
D. bad weather
3. What can we conclude from the article?   
A. A wheelchair user may feel offended when you do not address him or her directly.
B. Assistants in big stores are usually kind to people in wheelchairs.
C. People in wheelchairs should fight for fair treatment.
D. People in wheelchairs are usually hard to get along with.
4. Which of the following statements would the author agree to?
A. Look down on a person in a wheelchair.
B. Speak to a person in a wheelchair in a sing-song voice.
C. Treat a person in a wheelchair as you would treat any other person.
D. Offer assistance to a person in a wheelchair without asking for permission.
     By my third day in the hospital, I realized Tom didn"t visit. I couldn"t understand   1   my best friend
wouldn"t come to see me. Struggling against the   2  , I phoned his   3  . His mother answered, and when
I asked for Tom, she got   4   . "He"s not here right now," she said. I thought it was   5  that she didn"t tell
me where he was or   6   to have him call me. But I was so weak, I just let it   7   .I found out later that
Tom"s mother called my parents right after we rang   8   . My phone call really made her  9   , and she
  10    they talk to me. Later that night, my mom   11  . Did I remember drinking? Did I remember in a
car?I had   12   what she was talking about, so she finally told me the news: I"d hit a tree. Tom, in the 
 13  seat, was thrown from the car and killed instantly. The only reason I"d lived was because of my  14  .
    My first   15   was of shock.. I"d been drink-driving? Hit a tree? Killed Tom? I felt like the  16  person
in the world. Even after I was able to  17  several weeks later, I didn"t want to eat, I didn"t want to talk. I
just  18  at the wall in my  19    and cried. The only person I wanted to see was Tom. I didn"t feel like 
  20  with any of my old friends.
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题型:贵州省期中题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. if          
(     )2. A. pain        
(     )3. A. company      
(     )4. A. sad          
(     )5. A. unfair      
(     )6. A. offer        
(     )7. A. down        
(     )8. A. off          
(     )9. A. disappointed
(     )10. A. hoped      
(     )11. A. went by    
(     )12. A. understood  
(     )13. A. passenger  
(     )14. A. doctor      
(     )15. A. view        
(     )16. A. luckiest    
(     )17. A. stand up    
(     )18. A. looked      
(     )19. A. sickroom    
(     )20. A. drying out  
B. whether    
B. doctor      
B. office      
B. quiet      
B. wrong      
B. allow      
B. alone      
B. up          
B. shocked    
B. wished      
B. came by    
B. doubted    
B. drive      
B. friend      
B. reaction    
B. happiest    
B. get over    
B. stared      
B. office      
B. taking out  
C. how            
C. nurse          
C. school        
C calm            
C. strange        
C. permit        
C. be            
C. out            
C. anxious        
C. insisted      
C. called back    
C. no idea        
C. front          
C. luck          
C. action        
C. worst          
C. go home        
C. glanced        
C. dormitory      
C. setting out    
D. why        
D. wound      
D. house      
D. surprised  
D. unnecessary
D. refuse      
D. go          
D. back        
D. excited    
D. ordered    
D. sent for    
D. wondered    
D. spare      
D. seat-belt  
D. idea        
D. most lonely
D. eat out    
D. glared      
D. bedroom    
D. hanging out
     As one approaches some crossroads, one comes to a sign which says that drivers have to stop when
they come to the main road ahead. At other crossroads, drivers have to go slow, but they do not actually
have to stop (unless, of course, there is something coming along the main road); and at still others, they do not have either to stop or to go slow, because they are themselves on the main road.
    Mr. Williams, who was always a very careful driver, was driving home from work one evening when
he came to a crossroads. It had a "Slow" sign, so he slowed down when he came to the main road,
looked both ways to see that nothing was coming, and then drove across without stopping completely.
     At once he heard a police whistle, so he pulled in to the side of the road and stopped. A policeman
walked over to him with a notebook and pencil in his hand and said, "You didn"t stop at the crossing."
"But the sign there doesn"t say "Stop"," answered Mr. Williams. "It just says "Slow", and I did go slow."  
The policeman looked around him, and a look of surprise came over his face. Then he put his notebook
and pencil away, scratched his head and said, "Well, I"ll be scolded. I am in the wrong street!"        
1. Which of the following statements is correct? ?
A. Stop signs can be found at every crossroads.
B. At crossroads with a "Slow" sign, drivers never have to stop.
C. At crossroads with a "Slow" sign, drivers have to stop and then go slow.
D. At some crossroads, drivers needn"t stop or go slow.
2. What do you think the policeman would do in the end?
A. Fine Mr. Williams.                    
B. Take him to the police station.
C. Apologize to Mr. Williams.            
D. Give Mr. Williams his notebook and pencil.
3. Which might be the best title for this passage?
A. Signs at the crossroads              
B. A careful driver
C. A policeman and a driver            
D. Policeman in the wrong street
     Long, long ago, after a young woman finished her housework, she went to her grandmother and told
her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She didn"t know how she was going to   1   it and
wanted to give up. She was   2   fighting and struggling . It seemed as one    3   was solved, a new one
would appear.
     Her grandmother took her to the  4  . She filled 3 pots with water and placed each on a high fire, and
soon the pots came to   5  . In the first pot, she placed carrots, in the second, she placed    6  , and in the
last she placed ground (被碾成粉末状的) coffee beans. She let them sit and boil. In about 20 minutes she
turned off the   7   and placed them in a separate bowl.
  8    to her grandmother, she asked, "Tell me what you see."
     "Carrots, eggs, and coffee." She   9  . Her grandmother brought her closer and asked her to feel the
carrots. She did and noticed that they were   10  . The grandmother then asked the granddaughter to take
an egg and   11   it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard boiled egg.   12   , the grandmother
asked the granddaughter to   13   the coffee. The granddaughter smiled as she tasted its rich smell then
asked, "What does it mean, grandmother?"
     Her grandmother   14   that each of these objects had faced the same adversity (逆境) , boiling water.
Each responded   15   . The carrot went in strong and hard, however, after   16   the boiling water, it
softened and became weak. The egg had been easily broken. Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid
interior (内部) ,  17   after sitting through the boiling water, its  18  became hardened. The ground coffee
beans were unique,   19 . After they were in the boiling   20 , they had changed the water.
     "Which are you?" she asked her granddaughter.
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题型:贵州省期中题难度:| 查看答案


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(     )1. A. bring    
(     )2. A. tired of  
(     )3. A. question  
(     )4. A. bedroom  
(     )5. A. boil      
(     )6. A. coffee    
(     )7. A. doors    
(     )8. A. Driving  
(     )9. A. replied  
(     )10. A. hard    
(     )11. A. fry      
(     )12. A. Sadly    
(     )13. A. cool    
(     )14. A. explained
(     )15. A. simply  
(     )16. A. beating  
(     )17. A. or      
(     )18. A. dish    
(     )19. A. still    
(     )20. A. water    
B. pour      
B. absent from
B. problem    
B. study      
B. stop      
B. eggs      
B. lights    
B. Running    
B. wrote      
B. soft      
B. eat        
B. Fortunately
B. taste      
B. instructed
B. slowly    
B. reducing  
B. so        
B. part      
B. however    
B. oil        
C. make        
C. curious about
C. reality      
C. restaurant  
C. burn        
C. peers        
C. burners      
C. Referring    
C. found        
C. fresh        
C. break        
C. Therefore    
C. empty        
C. shouted      
C. similarly    
C. experiencing
C. and          
C. inside      
C. thus        
C. steel       
D. help          
D. exciting about
D. chance        
D. kitchen        
D. rise          
D. bowels        
D. taps(水龙头)  
D. Turning        
D. asked          
D. pretty        
D. sell          
D. Finally        
D. mix            
D. meant          
D. differently    
D. supplying      
D. but            
D. outside        
D. too            
D. sand          
                                                 Interview with a president
     While many teenagers may dream of meeting with pop star Jay Chou or NBA hero Yao Ming, Li Jing
had a far more powerful person on her mind. The Senior 2 from Beijing No.35 High School dreamt of
meeting Russian President Vladimir Putin.
     After more than a year of hard work and with a little good luck, Li fulfilled her dream. On October 11, 2004, the 16-year-old girl joined a team of Chinese journalists who went to the Kremlin, in Moscow, to
interview Putin.
     Li felt nervous before talking with Putin. "But his greeting and warm smile put me at ease," she said.
Li admires Putin very much, because of his strong will and style of leadership. "He looks very cool," Li
said. During her interview, Li asked Putin whether he plans to educate his two teenage daughters to be
officials in the future. Putin smiled and answered he hopes they can do whatever job suits their interests
and personalities.
     Although Li would only have several minutes, she started working on her interview questions last
August after applying for the opportunity. "Journalists work is by no means easy. You need to do lots of
homework on your interviewee," she said. She read many books about Putin and Russia in her spare
Li"s parents encouraged her to be a student journalist. "We fully support her, as long as it does not affect
her studies," said her father. Previously in her job for a student magazine, Chinese Young Journalists, she
wrote a letter to President Hu Jintao during the SARS epidemic.
     Li has learnt a lot from her experience. She said learning to manage her time and developing the
confidence to speak with important people were not the things she could learn in class.?
1. The underlined word "interviewee" in the fifth paragraph probably means ______.
A. the person who interviews?
B. the person who is interviewed?
C. the person who know how to interview?
D. the person who plan to interview a famous people?
2. Which of the following best describes Li Jing"s parents" attitude towards her being a student journalist?
A. They think to be a student journalist is purely a waste of time.?
B. They worry that to be a student journalist will affect her studies.?
C. They consider it is quite good for Li Jing on the condition of not striking her study.?
D. They neither support it nor object to it.?
3. Li Jing is different from those students of her age in that ________.
A. she doesn"t like pop star Jay Chou?
B. she hates meeting with the NBA hero Yao Ming?
C. she wants to meet neither Jay Chou nor Yao Ming?
D. she dreams of meeting the present powerful Russian leader?
4. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
A. Li realized her dream just because of her hard work.?
B. Li was at ease at the first sight of president Putin.?
C. Li considers Putin a great leader because of his strong will and style of leadership.
D. Li thinks it impossible to learn in class the confidence to speak with great people.