信息匹配。 阅读应用文和相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。      Two men on a touring holiday in Britain were in

信息匹配。 阅读应用文和相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。      Two men on a touring holiday in Britain were in

 阅读应用文和相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。      Two men on a touring holiday in Britain were injured by an explosion (爆炸) in their motor truck in the
center of Norwich yesterday. 
     Several people rushed to give help and helped to put out the fire inside the truck. A light American bus
rushed to save drivers before Norwich firemen arrived. The men-American Mr Gary House, aged 25,of Ohio,
who was Driving,and his passenger Mr Charles Lynn,23,of Vancouver were taken to Norfolk and Norwich
Hospital with minor(轻微的)burns.
     "I heard this explosion. It was pretty loud. I thought it could have been a bomb." said Mr Leslie Webster,
manager of the market, who was working in his office in Red Lion Street."I looked out of the window and
saw this man jump from the truck and roll on the ground. Then another man came out of the truck.   3    
      "I came downstairs to get a fire extinguisher (灭火器),but by the time I got outside, someone who came
from the bank. was in the truck with an extinguisher." 
       4    One was taken into the market office to await treatment. "The second man insisted on going back
into the truck to see if everything was all right, and five minutes later he came out with a drawer that was
burning," he added. The explosion was also heard inside the bank. Office workers provided afire extinguisher
and telephoned for medical help.
     Although a window was blown out, damage inside the truck was mainly superficial (表面的).
     The two men spent the last six months touring the Continent and had traveled to Norwich from
Shettertor.  5   A. They were allowed to leave after treatment.
B. Mr Webster, who lives at 71,Trinity Street, Norwich, said both the two injured were shocked.
C. At the time of the accident their wives were shopping in the city.
D. Shoppers and businessman in Red Lion Street were shocked by a loud bang (突然巨响), and
    seconds later the two men jumped over from the truck, which had stopped outside Barelays bank.
E. Their wives were traveling with them but they remained unburned.
F. He seemed to be in a worse state, parts of his trousers were hanging below his knees.
1-5: DAFBC

     It was early afternoon and the harbor (海港) was quiet. Mr Bates, the keeper of the lighthouse (灯塔), went
to the village. He left his daughters Rebecca and Abigail to look after the lighthouse.
     As Rebecca was about to prepare some water for the evening meal, she noticed a strange ship coming to
the harbor. It stopped and lowered two little boats, which turned and started toward land: At that time people
feared every ship they did not know, for the year was 1814 and America and Britain were at war.
     Rebecca and Abigail held their breath to see what these two boats would do. Closer and closer they came,
until finally they entered the harbor. They were full of British soldiers!
     No help was to be seen. What could they do? How could they warn the town soldiers? They had no boat,
and there would be no time to run to the village. Rebecca thought fast and then she had an idea. Calling to
Abigail to follow, she ran to the room where the guns were stored. But instead of reaching for the guns, she
took hold of the fife (军笛 ) and the drum(战鼓 ).
     Then the two young women ran along the wooded path to the shore (海岸). Hiding behind tall trees, they
started to play the fife and the drum. Abigail beat out Roll Call. Rebecca joined in with Yankee Doodle. Soon
 Rebecca saw the boats had stopped!
The girls went on playing. A moment later, a flag was raised on the warship-the signal for the boats to return.
Once everyone was on board, the enemy ship set sail for the open sea.
     The British were fooled, and the" American Army of Two" won the day.

1. Why did Rebecca take the fife and the drum instead of the guns? A. She would leave the guns for the soldiers.
B. She would welcome the British soldiers.
C. She loved to play the fife and the drum.
D. She wanted to frighten the British soldiers away.2. The underlined part " American Army of Two" in the last paragraph probably refers to____. A. Rebecca and Abigail
B. the two British boats
C. the fife and the drum
D. the two town soldiers3. The British ship left the harbor because____. A. the British found the weather was too bad
B. a lot of American ships came to stop the British
C. the British thought the American soldiers were coming
D. some of the British soldiers were killed by the American 4. Which of the following words could NOT be used to describe Rebecca and Abigail"s action?____ A. Brave.
B. Honest.
C. Clever.
D. Great.
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完形填空。     I hated math and was really bad at it when I was young, so I found others to allow me to copy their work.
Even though they knew they were   1   me, there were lots of people who were glad to"help". In this way, I 
  2   a few tests.
     But one day something   3   happened. Our teacher changed our   4   for the exam and I was sitting beside
a boy that I seldom   5   with before. As I could only answer a question or two, I had to turn to him   6   I didn"t want to have a sea of red crosses (叉号) in my paper.
     I signaled (示意) to him and managed to   7   his attention. When he asked me what I wanted, I   8   asked
him for the answers. To my surprise, he   9   without any hesitation (犹豫). Of course, I was really   10   at his behavior and thought badly of him.
     After the test he   11   me, telling me that I could get good grades in math and that all I needed was to put
more  12   into studying the subject. I was still   13   with him, but I couldn"t get his words out of my mind.
     From that day on, I began to   14   more time to my math. Slowly, the subject I   15   hated so much turned
into such an interesting thing. I started to pass my math tests with my own   16   . Time passed and I was
getting many As in my math even till my higher studies.
     Till today, I am still   17   to my friend who didn" t allow me to copy his work. He   18   if he provided me
with the "help" during the test, there would be no   19   for me to shine. So let others shine and don" t ever rob (掠夺) others of their opportunity to show their   20   .
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(     )1. A. protecting 
(     )2. A. made up    
(     )3. A. amazing    
(     )4. A. seats      
(     )5. A. copied     
(     )6. A. when       
(     )7. A. give       
(     )8. A. finally    
(     )9. A. agreed     
(     )10. A. worried   
(     )11. A. came up to
(     )12. A. interest  
(     )13. A. familiar  
(     )14. A. spend     
(     )15. A. sometimes 
(     )16. A. method    
(     )17. A. close     
(     )18. A. wondered  
(     )19. A. doubt     
(     )20. A. talent    
B. harming        
B. worked out     
B. important      
B. plans          
B. talked         
B. although       
B. turn           
B. immediately    
B. promised       
B. annoyed        
B. got along with 
B. effort         
B. patient        
B. devote         
B. seldom         
B. help           
B. thankful       
B. announced      
B. problem        
B. action         
C. cheating   
C. gave up    
C. strange    
C. papers     
C. debated    
C. until      
C. get        
C. actually   
C. refused    
C. troubled   
C got tired of
C. strength   
C. honest     
C. add        
C. always     
C. ability    
C. kind       
C. knew       
C. chance     
C. style      
D. punishing     
D. got through   
D. terrible      
D. desks         
D. studied       
D. if            
D. take          
D. usually       
D. left          
D. surprised     
D. looked up to  
D. practice      
D. mad           
D. save          
D. never         
D. work          
D. connected     
D. found         
D. need          
D. idea          
      Christmas was just a week away and I had five people left to shop for and only three dollars.
     "Let"s set a price limit(限制)on our gifts this year," I suggested to my best friend Joanie.
     "That"s a good idea,"Joanie agreed."How about nothing over five dollars?"
      "How about sixty cents?" I felt like the biggest cheapskate in the world.
     "I guess this is where I"m supposed to say it"s not the gift but the thought that counts,"Joanie smiled.
     It is almost impossible to buy anything under sixty cents, so it was really going to have to be very small
gifts with very big thoughts.
     Finally, Christmas Day arrived. I gave my mother a candle with a note that said," You are the brightest
light in my life." She almost cried when she read the note.
     I gave my brother a wooden ruler. On the back of it I had painted,"No brother in the world could measure
up to (比得上) you." He gave me a bag of sugar and had written on it, " You " re sweet."
     For Joanie, I painted a pair of shoes with a note that said, " No one could ever fill your shoes (代替你)."
She thanked me and said I always tickted (搔) her and made her laugh. 
     To my other two friends, I gave Annie a paper fan and a note on it,"I" m your biggest fan." I gave Helen a
calculator (计算器) that cost one dollar and I painted a message on the back,"You can always count on(依靠)
me." My mother knows she is the most important person in my life.
     My brother thinks I" m sweet. Joanie thinks I" m funny and make her laugh, which is important because her
dad moved away last year and she misses him and is sad sometimes.
1. When Christmas neared, the author worried that she _____.
A. had few friends to give her gifts
B. had little money to buy gifts for others
C. didn" t know what gifts her friends would like
D. didn" t have enough time to shop
2. The underlined word "cheapskate" in Paragraph 4 may mean a person who _____.
A. is the poorest in the world
B. buys the cheapest skateboards
C. spends as little money as possible
D. buys the cheapest things in the world
3.The author gave her mother a candle because it represents  _____.
A. her life
B. her mother" s life
C. her role in her mother" s life
D. her mother" s role in her life
4. What lesson can we learn from the passage?
A. It is an art to choose gifts.
B. It is the thought not the gift that matters.
C. How to choose cheap gifts.
D. Giving gifts improves friendships.
     I was on my merry way when I saw this old lady. She was   1   to go back home after going to the
laundromat (自助洗衣店). She was   2   her little cart (手推车) with two wheels on the front but it didn"t 
  3   because of a big bump (凸块). She pushed so   4   that one of the wheels came off. I stopped and got
the   5   and put it back on the lady"s laundry cart. I asked her if she would like me to take her home after I 
  6   my shopping and she replied,"   7   ." She was so happy.
     I didn"t know how far she was going and my son and my daughter were   8   for me in the car. I   9   to
get my things and when I was at the register (收款机) I let her know that it would not  10   much longer and
she waited   11   for me. When I finished I told her I was  12   and with a big smile she got up. When my
son saw me with her, he got out of the   13   and didn"t ask me anything   14   for me it was not   15   to do
things like this. I asked her where she  16   and it was about 10 blocks away. When I took her home she was
so  17  and I also gave her a large bottle of juice that I   18   for my kids in the shop. My children just knew
that this was the right thing to do.
     I was   19   that I had done this and later on I thought to myself this was also an educational   20   for my
teenage children. We work by example.
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(     )1. A. managing    
(     )2. A. fixing      
(     )3. A. change    
(     )4. A. hard        
(     )5. A.cart       
(     )6. A. started  
(     )7. A. Yes         
(     )8. A. paying      
(     )9. A. stepped   
(     )10. A. take     
(     )11. A. worriedly  
(     )12. A. smart      
(     )13. A. corner     
(     )14. A. if         
(     )15. A. unusual    
(     )16. A.worked      
(     )17. A. skillful   
(     )18. A.bought      
(     )19.  A.kind     
(     )20. A.problem   
B. helping      
B. repairing    
B. move         
B. fast         
B. way          
B. remembered   
B. Sorry        
B. looking      
B. walked       
B. stay         
B. patiently    
B. easy         
B. car          
B. because      
B. unforgettable
B. studied      
B. grateful     
B. made         
B. regretful    
B. tool         
C. asking       
C. pushing      
C. fall         
C. slowly       
C. wheel        
C. suggested    
C. Excuse me    
C. waiting      
C. climbed      
C. rest         
C. secretly     
C. ready        
C. home         
C. so           
C. unfair       
C. shopped      
C. hopeful      
C. collected    
C. glad         
C. guide        
D. trying      
D. pulling     
D. break       
D. calmly      
D. bump        
D. finished    
D. No problem  
D. sending     
D. rushed      
D. give        
D. bravely     
D. tired       
D. laundromat  
D. until       
D. unreal      
D. lived       
D. powerful    
D. ordered     
D. afraid      
D. experience  
     My father works for the Coca-Cola Company, and as a result of that, I am always changing schools to go
to new places for his job. Right before I moved to California, I had lived in Ohio for six years. I had many
close friends, and it was very hard for me to be able to leave them. When I first moved, my friends and I
talked all the time.
     Then I noticed I started to call my friends less and less each week as I had begun to make friends out here
in California. It came to the point where I never called any of my friends from Ohio anymore, because I felt
that I did not need to talk to them anymore.
     After one of my friends from Ohio called me and told me not to forget who my real friends were, I realized
that I had become a completely (完全地 ) different person. I had adapted (适应) to the new "California" ways
and completely left all of my friends who really cared about me in Ohio behind out of my life. They were the
friends that always cared for me and were there when I needed them the most and I almost let that slip away
(溜走 ).
     As soon as I realized my huge mistake, I started to make more and more calls to my friends from Ohio to
try to keep our friendships.
1. The author moved from Ohio to Califomia _____.
A. to make more friends
B. to start a new life
C. for his father"s work
D. for his own study
2. The author"s attitude towards friendship changed ______.
A. before he left his friends in Ohio
B. as soon as he arrived in California
C. after he made more calls to his friends in Ohio
D. after he received a friend"s call from Ohio
3. What do the underlined words in the last paragraph refer to?
A. The author forgot his old friends in Ohio.
B. The author quarreled with his friends in Ohio.
C. The author disliked his friends in California.
D. The author made too many friends in California.
4. Which sentence shows the main idea of the passage?
A. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
B. Make new friends, but keep the old.
C. Books and friends should be few but good.
D. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.