There is one difference between the sexes on which every expert and study agrees

There is one difference between the sexes on which every expert and study agrees

There is one difference between the sexes on which every expert and study agrees: men are more aggressive than women. It shows up in 2-year-olds. It continues through school days and persists into adulthood. It is even constant across cultures. And there is little doubt that it is rooted in biology.
If there"s a woman’s trait(特点) which is the same as men’s aggressiveness, it"s what social scientists refer to as the result of "education". Feminists have argued that the caring nature of women is not biological in origin, but rather has been forced into women by a society that wanted to keep them in the home. But the signs that it is at least partly inborn are too numerous to ignore. Just as tiny infant girls respond more readily to human faces, female toddlers(学步者) learn much faster than males how to pick up nonverbal cues(非言语暗示) from others. And grown women are far more skilful than men at interpreting facial expressions: A recent study by University of Pennsylvania brain researcher Ruben Gur showed that they easily read emotions such as anger, sadness and fear. The only such emotion men could pick up was disgust.
  What difference do such differences make in the real world? Among other things, women appear to be somewhat less competitive--or at least competitive in different ways--than men. At the Harvard Law School, for instance, female students enter with qualities just as outstanding as those of their male peers. But they don" t qualify for the well-known Law Review in proper numbers, a fact some school officials owe to women" s discomfort in the incredibly competitive atmosphere.
  Students of management styles have found fewer differences than they expected between men and women who reach leadership positions, perhaps because many successful women deliberately imitate men. But an analysis by Purdue social psychologist Alice Eagly of 166 studies of leadership style did find one difference: Men tend to be more “autocratic”-making decisions on their own--while women tend to consult colleagues more often.  Studies of behavior in small groups turn up even more differences. Men will typically dominate the discussion, says University of Toronto psychologist Kenneth Dion, spending more time talking and less time listening.
小题1:The passage mainly discusses__________.
   sex differences are demonstrated in social relations hormone determines sex differences
C.why there are differences between males and females
D.why men and women have different social roles
小题2:Which of the following is true of women"s nurturing nature according to the passage?
A.It is not inborn in any sense.
B.It is inspired by women’s families.
C.It is caused by social prejudice.
D.It is partly biological in origin.
小题3:The Harvard Law School example in paragraph 3 suggests that_________.
A.women are not as competitive as men is not the fight profession for women
C.women are as excellent as men when they are young
D.academic qualities are not equal to performance
小题4:Which of the following statement is true according to paragraph 4?
A.Men leaders should consult colleagues and subordinates more often.
B.Female leaders" success is due to their imitating male leaders.
C.Men and women are different in their leadership style.
D.Decisiveness is an important quality for a successful politician.
小题5:It can be inferred from the passage that the writer_________.
A.denies the difference sexes make in real life prejudiced against men
C.discourages women to be competitive
D.treats sex difference objectively



小题1:主旨题.本文在前两段论述了男女性别的差异,在第三段第一句提出问题“这种差异在现实中有什么意义”,紧接着后面开始阐述这种差别所导致的男女在竞争及工作中的不同表现. 故选A。
小题2:细节题. 由第二段第三句“But the signs that it is at least partly inborn are too numerous to ignore.”可知,女性的这个特征有先天方面的原因. 故选D。
小题3:主旨题.该段的主旨句是第二句“…women appear to be somewhat less competitive…”, 该句提出了“女性在竞争力方面不如男性”的观点,后文所举例证即是为了证明这一观点.故选A。
小题4:判断题. 由文章第四段最后一句“Men tend to more…mote often.”可知,男性比较专断而女性则喜欢和同事商量再做决定. 从而看出男女在管理方式上的差异. 故选C。
I once had my Chinese MBA students brainstorming on “two-hour business plans”. I separated them into six groups and gave them an example: a restaurant chain. The more original their idea, the better, I said. Finally, five of the six groups presented plans for restaurant chains. The sixth proposed a catering(餐饮) service. Though I admitted the time limit had been difficult, I expressed my disappointment.
My students were middle managers, financial analysts and financiers from state-owned enterprises and global companies. They were not without talent or opinions, but they had been shaped by an educational system that rarely stressed or rewarded critical thinking or inventiveness. The scene I just described came in different forms during my two years’ teaching at the school. Papers were often copied from the Web and the Harvard Business Review. Case study debates were written up and just memorized. Students frequently said that copying is a superior business strategy, better than inventing and creating.
In China, every product you can imagine has been made and sold. But so few well-developed marketing and management minds have been raised that it will be a long time before most people in the world can name a Chinese brand.
With this problem in mind, partnerships with institutions like Yale and MIT have been established. And then there’s the “thousand-talent scheme”: this new government program is intended to improve technological modernization by attracting top foreign-trained scientists to the mainland with big money. But there are worries about China’s research environment. It"s hardly known for producing independent thinking and openness, and even big salary offers may not be attractive enough to overcome this.
At last, for China, becoming a major world creator is not just about setting up partnerships with top Western universities. Nor is it about gathering a group of well-educated people and telling them to think creatively. It’s about establishing a rich learning environment for young minds. It’s not that simple.
小题1:Why does the author feel disappointed at his students?
A.Because there is one group presenting a catering service.
B.Because the six groups made projects for restaurant chains.
C.Because all the students copied a case for the difficult topic.
D.Because the students’ ideas were lacking in creativeness.
小题2:Which of the following scenes is NOT considered as lack of creation?
A.Papers were often downloaded from the Internet.
B.Students often said that copying is a preferable business strategy.
C.Students combine knowledge and critical thoughts to solve a problem.
D.Case study debates were written up as well as recited.
小题3:The underlined word “scheme” in the forth paragraph means__________.
小题4:We can infer from the passage that ___________.
A.China can make and sell any product all over the world
B.high pay may not solve the problem of China’s research environment
C.cooperation with institutions has been set up to make a Chinese brand
D.the new government program are aimed at encouraging imagination
小题5:Which is the best title of the passage?
A.Look for a New Way of LearningB.Reward Creative Thinking
C.How to Become a CreatorD.Establish a technical Environment

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The HOPE IS A GAME--CHANGER PROJECT will deliver unbreakable soccer balls to kids who, all too often, see things horrible, broken and not survive the simplest of circumstances. The project started taking form well before anyone knew where it would lead –which is to test the power of like-minded people working together to turn inspiration into action.
Four years ago Bobby was in Rwanda offering help to the people there and taking photos of a child soldier named Moise with his “soccer ball”,which was a pile of rubbish tied together with a string. This “ball” was the only thing Moise could call his own --- no family, no home, no place to go. Forced to fight in the Congo and having killed three people at the unbearably young age of seven, the boy’s spirit was broken. And Bobby knew, as he took one photo after the next, that he’d never forget him. In fact, he returned the following year to tell Moise he had stayed deep within his heart ---but he was gone.
I recently helped Bobby launch his new book The Power of the Invisible Sun which features a photo of Moise, his ball, and kids from war-torn areas around the world. All of his earnings go towards the HOPE IS A GAME-CHANGER PROJECT for the kids he visited over the past decade. They caught the emotional landscape from heartbreak to joy, but share the undeniable longing for recovery and hope.
Bobby and I share the unchangeable belief that delivering hope is really a game-changer, especially to a child. We believe that each indestructible ball will come to represent a lasting symbol of hope. A light no matter how small---The Power of the Invisible Sun.
This holiday season, I ask you to think about whether you are doing enough to help someone else in the world. Or as Bobby likes to put it, consider “taking a concrete baby step”, which added together, can create transformational change. It’s my great hope that the HOPE IS A GAME-CHANGER PROJECT will change the lives of children the world over --- one book, one ball at a time.
小题1:In the first sentence of the passage, the writer implies that        . live an unsafe life in parts of the world
B.the balls sent to kids should be of good quality
C.young kids can not overcome the difficulties intend to break their toys into pieces
小题2:The purpose of The HOPE IS A GAME-CHANGER PROJECT is to        .
A.send ball gifts to kids in poor countries
B.collect money to help kids in need
C.comfort kids in war-torn areas
D.offer kids help to change their lives
小题3:How may Bobby feel about Mosie?
A.He was very proud of Mosie’s bravery.
B.He felt sorry for Mosie’s ruined childhood.
C.He thought money could solve Mosie’s problem.
D.He felt happy to tell him what was in his heart.
小题4:Which of the following about Bobby’s new book is TRUE?
A.It earned a lot of money to help kids like Mosie.
B.The photos inside reflected the kids’ hopeless life.
C.Its title shows the author’s belief to change the world.
D.It changed the life of the kids recorded in the book.
小题5:The underlined part in the last paragrph probably means        .
A.starting the first step as a baby does
B.taking an active action from now on
C.making great changes step by step
D.doing some small but good deeds

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For those who are conditioned to think that learning only happens in a classroom, the world of self-learning can be a little daunting. How do we best take   1  of these new opportunities?
Your interest in the subject is the essential driver of success. You can’t learn what you do not want to learn. Emotion is an important part of the learning   2  . If you are even moderately interested in a subject, give yourself  a chance. The key is to get started. If you can create some pleasurable   3 , you may find that the subject grows on you.
Don’t expect to understand things, much less remember them, the first time you study them. Trust that things will get clearer   4  your brain comes to grips with new information. It is like a cross-word puzzle. As you start to put the pieces together, or string the words together, the full picture becomes clearer. The brain learns all the time, but    5   its own schedule. Learning does not take place according to a schedule laid down by a curriculum or teacher. Some things are easier to learn than others. Some things just take    6  to click in. Keep at it, and you will gradually find that things that seem difficult at first , will become easy with time.
Your brain is struggling to form patterns to    7   new input from your learning activities. Sometimes, no matter how long you focus on one subject, your brain is not going to pick it up. If you are stuck, move   8  . Then cover the same general information from a different source, a different book, or a podcast, or an online lecture or a video. Try to become a  grazing learner, roaming the countryside,     9  a feedlot learner, just standing there in one spot. The broader your base, the easier it is to learn. Just as the “rich get richer”, the more you know,     10  you can learn.
Take full advantage of the Internet, iTunes, and     11  mobile devices, not to mention good old-fashioned books and magazines. Learn during “dead time”. Listen in your car, on the train, or   12  jogging. Have your learning with you while waiting in the doctor’s office, or listen while checking out at the supermarket. Anytime is     13 time. Remember, you are learning through exposure, not by nailing things down. It is more like moisture accumulation in a    14  , rather than building a brick wall.
The more varied your learning content, and the more varied the ways in which you learn, the       15 the puzzle will become. Different learning activities suit different people, at different times of the day. Vary your activities in order to keep your interest level   16   . Even if listening and reading work best for you, treat yourself to the odd video lecture, or get-together with other learners. This will renew your batteries.
The “loneliness of the distance learner” is a thing of the   17 . Join a learning communityon the web, where members share their knowledge and experience. Search for the communities that suit your interests and learning style. You will find encouragement, advice and stimulus from fellow learners,        18   from tutors, teachers and coaches. In these communities, you can measure your progress against your own goals, or compare your experience     19   that of other learners. You can even teach and help others, which is a great way to learn.
Never has it been easier nor more exciting to be a learner. Let constant learning be a major part of your life-style. The   20       will be constant, personally, socially, and professionally.
(   ) 1. A. advantage    B. place               C. possession         D. example
(   ) 2. A. progress      B. process             C. pressure            D. proposal
(   ) 3. A. roads          B. streets              C. routines            D. building
(  ) 4. A. with           B. if                     C. unless               D. as
(   ) 5. A. on              B. to                   C. with                D. for
(   ) 6. A. shorter               B. sooner              C. longer              D. lower
(   ) 7. A. take with     B. com with          C. go with            D. cope with
(   ) 8. A. down          B. on                   C. away               D. off
(   ) 9. A. more than   B. less than           C. rather than               D. other than
(   ) 10. A. less           B. quicker             C. lower                      D. more
(   ) 11. A. same         B. similar             C. familiar            D. various
(   ) 12. A. while               B. before              C. after                D. if
(   ) 13. A. playing     B. learning            C. talking             D. speaking
(   ) 14. A. cloud               B. sky                 C. earth               D. sea
(   ) 15. A. cleaner      B. clearer              C. harder              D. lower
(   ) 16. A. down               B. up                    C. in                   D. out
(   ) 17. A. present      B. day                  C. past                 D. night
(   ) 18. A. as long asB. as far as            C. as well as          D. as soon as
(   ) 19. A. without     B. with                C. to                   D. beyond
(   ) 20. A. awards      B. words               C. remarks            D. rewards
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Don"t blame genes for aging facial skin. A new study of twins suggests you can   1  those coarse(粗糙的) wrinkles, brown or pink spots, and dilated(膨胀的) blood vessels on too much time in the sun, smoking, and being overweight.
Because twins share genes, but may have  2 exposures to environmental factors, studying twins allows an, "opportunity to control for genetic susceptibility(敏感性)," Dr. Elma D. Baron, at Case Western Reserve School of Medicine in Cleveland, Ohio, and colleagues  3 in the latest issue of Archives of Dermatology.
Their analysis of environmental skin-damaging factors in 65 pairs of twins hints that skin aging is  4 more to environment and lifestyle than  5  factors.
But when it   6  skin cancer, the researchers say their findings support previous reports that   7  environment and genes affect skin cancer risk.
Baron"s team   8  facial skin of 130 twins, 18 to 77 years old, who lived 9  in the northern Midwest and Eastern regions of the U.S. who were  10  the Twins Days Festival in Ohio in August 2002.
At this time, each of the twins also  11   reported how their skin burned or tanned  12   sunscreen(防晒霜), their weight, and their history of skin cancer, smoking, and alcohol drinking.
The study group   13  of 52 fraternal and 10 identical twin pairs, plus 3 pairs who were unsure of their twin status. Identical(同卵的) twins share all of their genes and fraternal twins share only about half.
From these data, the researchers  14 strong ties, outside of twin status, between smoking, older age, and being overweight, and having facial skin with evidence of environmental  15 
 16  contrast, sunscreen use and drinking alcohol appeared correlated with   17   skin damage.
Baron and colleagues say the current findings, which highlight ties between facial   18 and potentially avoidable  19  factors -- such as smoking, being overweight, and   20  overexposure to the sun"s damaging rays -- may help motivate people to minimize these risky behaviors.
(    ) 1. A. blame                     B. owe                 C. take                 D. bring
(    ) 2. A. same                       B. different           C. similar             D. common
(    ) 3. A. explain                    B. confirm            C. declare             D. shout
(    ) 4. A. equal                             B. related              C. close                D. strict
(    ) 5. A. characteristic           B. personal           C. natural             D. genetic
(    ) 6. A. comes to                 B. talks of             C. refers to           D. gets to
(    ) 7. A. all                          B. neither             C. both                 D. either
(    ) 8. A. examined                B. checked            C. inspected          D. interviewed
(    ) 9. A. most                       B. usually             C. mostly              D. always
(    ) 10. A. joining                  B. representing      C. attending          D. remarking
(    ) 11. A. separately              B. lonely              C. commonly               D. truly
(    ) 12. A. with                             B. on                    C. in                    D. without
(    ) 13. A. consisted                      B. made up         C. contained        D. included
(    ) 14. A. documented           B. recorded           C. reported           D. noted
(    ) 15. A. damage                 B. exploration       C. protection         D. material
(    ) 16. A. In                         B. By                   C. As                    D. At
(    ) 17. A. lesser                    B. more                C. no                    D. fewer
(    ) 18. A. look                             B. aging                      C. expression               D. wrinkle
(    ) 19. A. environmental               B. genetic             C. emotional         D. psychological
(    ) 20. A. protected                      B. planned            C. unprotected       D. prevented
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Cutting meat production and consumption by 30 percent would help to reduce carbon emissions(排放) and improve health in the most meat-loving nations, scientists said on Wednesday.
Using prediction models, British and Australian researchers  1  that improving efficiency, increasing carbon capture and  2  fossil fuel dependence in farming would not be enough to  3   emissions targets.
But combining these steps  4  a 30 percent reduction in livestock(家畜)  5  in major meat-producing nations and a similar  6  in meat-eating, would lead to "substantial population health benefits" and cut emissions, they said.
The study found that in Britain, a 30 percent  7  intake of animal-source saturated(饱和的) fat by adults would reduce the  8  of premature(过早的) deaths from heart disease by some 17 percent -- equivalent to 18,000 premature deaths reduced in one year.
In Sao Paulo, Brazil, it could mean as  9  as 1,000 premature deaths reduced in a year, they said.
  10  the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization, 18 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions are from meat production and experts say rising  11  for meat, particularly in countries with growing economies, could  12  livestock production up by 85 percent from 2000 levels  13  2030.
The scientists said global action was needed to maximize the benefits of cutting meat production and  14 , and that the environmental  15  "may apply only in those countries that currently have high production levels."
The study was  16  in The Lancet medical journal as part of a series in climate change and health  17  the Copenhagen global climate summit scheduled next month.
In a second study, British scientists found that increased walking and cycling, and  18  cars, would have a much greater impact on health  19  low-emission vehicles in rich and middle-income countries.
Andrew Haines, director of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and head of the research series, said delegates at Copenhagen needed "to understand the potential  20  impacts of their plans."
(   ) 1. A. invented             B. experimented    C. found               D. proved
(   ) 2. A. increasing          B. speeding           C. stopping           D. reducing
(   ) 3. A. meet                  B. change             C. break                      D. adapt
(   ) 4. A. by                     B. with                 C. to                    D. in
(   ) 5. A. sale                   B. eating               C. production               D. use
(   ) 6. A. cut                    B. increase            C. addition            D. consumption
(   ) 7. A. lower                 B. higher              C. more                D. less
(   ) 8. A. amount              B. number            C. quantity            D. deal
(   ) 9. A. much                 B. many                      C. few                  D. little
(   ) 10. A. According to     B. Apart from       C. As well as         D. In addition to
(   ) 11. A. resistance          B. fear                  C. demand            D. anxiety
(   ) 12. A. weaken            B. strengthen         C. drive                D. broaden
(   ) 13. A. in                    B. by                    C. from                D. after
(   ) 14. A. evaluation               B. consumption     C. process             D. store
(   ) 15. A. advantage         B. disadvantage     C. pollution          D. improvement
(   ) 16. A. written             B. claimed            C. delivered          D. published
(   ) 17. A. along with               B. from behind      C. ahead of           D. in front of
(   ) 18. A. more                B. fewer                      C. no                    . none
(   ) 19. A. then                 B. as                    C. that                  D. than
(   ) 20. A. health              B. body                C. spirit                D. emotion
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