Everyone likes living in a clean and comfortable environment. If the envionment(

Everyone likes living in a clean and comfortable environment. If the envionment(

Everyone likes living in a clean and comfortable environment. If the envionment(环境) are bad, it will affect(影响)our body, and make us not feel well. Sometimes we may be terribly ill. At that time we don’t want to work, and we have to stay in bed and rest at home. So the envrionment is very important to us.
It’s germs that makes us ill. There are germs everywhere, They are very small and you can’t find them with your own eyes, but you can see them with a microscope(显微镜)They are very small and there may be hundreds of them on a very small thing, Germs can always be found in dirty water. When we look at dirty water under the microscope, we shall see them in it. Germs can also be found in air and dust(灰尘). If you cut your finger, some of the dust from the floor may go into it, and you will have much pain in it. Sometimes the germs will go into all of your boby, and you will have pain everywhere.
To keep us healthy, we should try to our best to make our environment become cleaner and tidier. This needs us to act together.
小题1:The writer tell us that________.
A.we like working when we are ill
B.germs can’t live in the water.
C.we can’t feel ill if the environment is bad.
D.we feel well when the environment is good.
小题2:Germs are________.
A.very small things that you can’t see with your eyes.
B.the things that don’t effect people.
C.the things that you can find with your eyes.
D.the things that are very big.
小题3:Where can germs be found? They can be found_________.
A.on the small thingB.in air and dust
C.only in dirty waterD.everywhere
小题4:How will you feel if germs go into the finger that is cut?
A.I will feel nothing.B.I won’t mind.
C.I will feel tense.D.I will feel painful.
小题5: From the passage we know that________.
A.environment doesn’t affect our life
B.we don’t need to improve our environment
C.germs may make us ill
D.if the environment is better, germs will be more.



小题1:主旨题:根据第一段If the envionment(环境) is bad, it will affect(影响)our bodies, and make us not feel well.描述,可知好的环境会让我们感觉良好.故选D.
小题2:细节题:根据第二段They are very small and you can’t find them with your own eyes, 描述,可知细菌很小我们的肉眼看不见,选A.
小题3:细节题:根据第二段There are germs everywhere,描述,可知细菌到处都是,选D.
小题4:细节题:根据第二段If you cut your finger, some of the dust from the floor may go into it, and you will have much pain in it.描述,可知如果细菌进入受伤的手指,会感到疼,选D.
小题5:细节题:根据第二段Sometimes the germs will go into all of your boby, and you will have pain everywhere.描述,可知细菌会让我们生病.故选C.
We find that bright children are rarely held back by mixed ability teaching. On the contrary, both their knowledge and experience are enriched. We feel that there are many disadvantages in streaming(把……按能力分班) pupils. It does not take into account the fact that children develop at different rates. It can have a bad effect on both the bright and the not-so-bright child. After all,it can be quite discouraging to be at the bottom of the top grade!
Besides, it is rather unreal to grade pupils just according to their intellectual(智力的) ability. This is only one aspect of their total personality. We are concerned to develop the abilities of all our pupils to the full, not just their academic ability. We also value personal qualities and social skills, and we find that mixed-ability teaching contributes to all these aspects of learning.
In our classrooms, we work in various ways. The pupils often work in groups: this gives them the opportunity to learn to co-operate, to share, and to develop leadership skills. They also learn how to deal with personal problems as well as learning how to think, to make decisions, to analyze and evaluate, and to communicate effectively in order to have the ability to become leaders. The pupils learn from each other as well as from the teacher.
Sometimes the pupils work in pairs;sometimes they work on individual tasks , and they can do this at their own speed. They also have some formal class teaching when this is suitable. We encourage our pupils to use the library, and we teach them the skills they need in order to do this efficiently. An advanced pupil can do advanced work:it does not matter what age the child is. We expect our pupils to do their best, not their least, and we give them every encouragement to attain this goal.
小题1:We can know from the passage that the author’ s attitude towards “mixed-ability teaching”  is______.
A.approvingB.disapproving C.questioningD.inactive
小题2:The underlined words “held back” in Paragraph 1 probably means “______”.  
A.drawn to their studiesB.forced to study in the lower classes
C.made to remain in the same classes D.prevented from advancing
小题3:Which of the following is NOT MENTIONED in the third paragraph?
A.Pupils also learn to develop their reasoning abilities.
B.Pupils also learn how to participate in teaching activities
C.Group work gives pupils the chance to learn to work together with others.
D.Group work supply pupils with the chance to learn to be good organizers.
小题4:The author’s purpose in writing this passage is to ______.
A.offer advice on the proper use of the library
B.recommend pair work and group work for classroom activities
C.argue for teaching bright and not-so-bright pupils in the same class
D.tell us the importance of proper formal classroom teaching

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Discover Nature Schools programs
Becoming Bears (Kindergarten-2 grade)
By becoming baby bears, children learn from their “parent” to survive the seasons. Kids will find safety in the spring and learn kinds of food bears eat during the summer, and then create a cave for winter hibernation(冬眠). After learning the skills needed to survive, students will go out of the cave as an independent black bear able to care for themselves. (1.5-2 hours)
Whose Clues? (3-5 grade)
Kids will discover how plants and animals use their special structures to survive. Through outdoor study of plants and animals, kids will recognize their special structures and learn how they enable species to eat, avoid their enemies and survive. Using what they have learned, kids will choose one species and tell how they survive in their living places. (3-4 hours)
Winged Wonders (3-5 grade)
Birds add color and sound to our world and play an important ecological (生态的) role. Students will learn the basics of birds, understand the role birds play in food chains and go bird watching using field guides and telescopes. Students will do hands-on activities. Students will use tools to build bird feeders, allowing them to attract birds at home.(3-4 hours)
Exploring Your Watershed (6-8 grade)
We all depend on clean water. Examining how our actions shape the waterways around us. Go on a hike to see first-hand some of the challenging water quality problems in a city. Students will test the water quality to determine the health of an ecosystem.
● Each program is taught for a class with at least 10 students.
● All programs include plenty of time outdoors. So please prepare proper clothing, sunscreen and
insect killers for children.
● To take part in a program , please email dcprograms@mdc.mo.gov.
小题1:What can kids do at Becoming Bears?
A.Watch bears’ performances.
B.Take care of bears
C.Dress up as baby bears to learn about bears.
D.Learn how to survive a bear attack.
小题2:Kids who are interested in plants will choose______________.
A.Winged WondersB.Exploring your Watershed
C.Becoming BearsD.Whose Clues?
小题3:According to the passage, all the four programs _____________.
A.have the same teaching hours
B.have outdoor activities
C.are offered during summer holidays
D.are designed for primary school students

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A study shows that nearly ninety percent of teens report that they have tried alcohol. That’s an increase of 23 percent in just four years!
Each year, 1.1 billion cans of beer are drunk by students aged 15-19 years old. Beer is the most common alcoholic drink among teens—81 percent of the drinkers had tried it. Beer is followed by wine with 63 percent, hard liquor(烈酒) with 53 percent and wine coolers with 35 percent.
When the young people are asked why they drank, the most common answer is that drinking is “something to do”. If a teen’s parents drink alcohol, the teenager is more likely to start drinking at an early age. Also, tens see all of their friends drinking alcohol so they think it is the must-to-do thing. Peer pressure is probably the hardest thing teens have to deal with. What’s more, teens often drink alcohol because it makes them feel older and cooler.
Researchers asked 56,000 students about their drinking habits and grades, to see how drinking might affect their grades in school. The results seem to be clear. Students who got a C level or lower tend to use three times as much alcohol as those who got B’s or A’s.
Alcohol use can be deadly. About 8,100 young people are killed per year in alcohol-related accidents. Eight young people die per day as a result of a drunk-driving accident. Between 50 and 65 percent of all teen suicides (自***) occur after the young people drink.
So you see, drinking the alcohol doesn’t always end up with a good time. The next time you try to push someone to drink or someone tries to push you to drink, please remember this. One drink can set the habit for life. Why not throw it away?
小题1:The reasons for teens’ drinking alcohol are mentioned EXCEPT that _______________.
A.they think it is cool to drink alcohol
B.their parents set a bad example to them
C.alcohol can make them happier
D.peer pressure plays an important role
小题2:What can we learn from paragraph 4?
A.Drinking alcohol makes students stupid.
B.Good students never try alcohol.
C.Drinking habits have something to do with IQ.
D.Students with poor grades tend to use more alcohol.
小题3:The passage was written mainly to ______________________.
A.show the bad effect of drinking alcohol
B.show how many teenagers drink alcohol
C.tell teenagers not to try alcohol
D.tell the reasons why teenagers drink alcohol.

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Some snakes eat other snakes, even poisonous ones. The poison does not do them any harm(伤害). Snakes can swallow(吞下) things that are bigger around than they themselves are. This is possible because the jawbones(腭骨) are loosely joined, and the mouth can stretch(伸展)to make room for a fat animal. The snake’s slim body stretches to make space for the animal when it is inside.
Many snakes eat birds’ eggs or frogs(青蛙). Others eat pests(害虫), mice and other animals that harm crops on farms. Because snakes do this valuable work, you should never kill one. It is too dangerous for you to kill a poisonous one. Leave that job to experts.
小题1: Which of the following groups of food is usually had by a snake?
A.Mice, crops, birds’ eggs.
B.Pests, frogs, some animals, plants.
C.Birds’ eggs, frogs, all animals, other snakes.
D.Mice, frogs, pests, some animals, other snakes.
小题2:We should not kill a snake because       
A.it is poisonous
B.it can do something useful for man
C.it will strike you in return
D.we are not experts
小题3:Snakes may do some valuable work by       
A.eating pests, mice and some harmful animals
B.doing harm to other animals
C.eating birds’ eggs and frogs
D.both A and C
小题4:In writing this passage the writer mainly wants us to       
A.have a better impression(印象) about snakes
B.like snakes
C.kill snakes with the help of experts
D.regard snakes as one of man’s best friends

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As rain begins to fall from the clouds, it is very pure. However, as it falls through the air it dissolves some of the gases in the air ,It also collects bits of dust and microbes(微生物)that are floating in the air, When the rain reaches the ground it begins to pick up more dust and dirt, Many kinds of mineral substances dissolve in the water ,Sand and nud cannot dissolve in water.
Since water is so important to us, it is very important that the water we use should be clean , Otherwise, we might get some of the diseases that are carried by water Many microbes are harmful ,They are so small that we cannot see them ,These microbes must be removed or killed before the water is not clean, people who drink this water may get these diseases, Thus , to provide people with clean water, the government purifies the water.
Purification is a long process and consists of three stages: storing ,purifying and distributing ,The first stage is storing , Man-made lakes called reservoirs are used for this purpose ,Water from the rains ,other lakes, streams and rivers is collected in the reservoirs ,This water is usually dirty and muddy.
In the second stage shich is purifying , water from the reservoirs is filtered in a special pond, Stones, sand and other unwanted tiny things are caught in it, After that, tiny microbes are still present in the water ,These microbes are removed by “airing ”the water and by adding a chemical substance called chloring(氯)to the water ,This kills all the microbes in the water ,A fter this the water can be safely used for drinking.
The third stage is the distribution of the purified water to homes ,hospitals, offices ,factories and other places, This is done through a network of pipes of various sizes, These pipes must be make of a suitable material.
小题1:From Paragraph 1, we can learn that           
A.Rain has contained gases when it forms in the clouds
B.Dust and microbes are dissolved in rain when rain falls on the ground
C.The closer rain is to the ground, the more impure things it contains
D.Sand and mud are things rain collects when it falls through the air
小题2:According to Paragraph 2 ,the following statements are wrong except that        
A.All the microbes in water are harmful so water must be purified
B.some diseases can spread through drinking water if it is not clean
C.Water is safe to drink if only harmful microbes are removed from it
D.it is the govrnment’s responsibility to make drinking water clean
小题3:What can we know about man-made lakes?
A.It is used through the whole process of purification
B.Only rain water can be collected and stored in it
C.Water collected can be stored and filtered in it
D.Water from them contains a lot of impure substances
小题4:What is the function of the chemical substance chlorine?
A.to air the waterB.to catch tiny things
C.to kill microbesD.to remove harmful gases
小题5:What is probably this passage?
A.A news reportB.A book reviewC.A magazine articleD.A school paper

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