This site , all-birds. com, is about bird watching. Enjoy your browsing. There i

This site , all-birds. com, is about bird watching. Enjoy your browsing. There i

This site , all-birds. com, is about bird watching. Enjoy your browsing. There is much to learn and see.
Bird Watching Equipment
Some items that might make bird watching more enjoyable are binoculars ( 双目望远镜) , a camera, some kind of system for keeping notes, and maybe a back pack. Birders often keep lists of the birds they see along with notes about the habits. There is some great bird log software that will let you keep records on your computer. For more details on choosing binoculars see our Binocular -Optics page.
If you are walking through a wooded area just wear clothes you would wear on any hike or field trip. You are best off wearing clothes with dull colors that mix into the background. Greens, browns, and grays are good. Avoid fabrics that rustle(沙沙响)easily. Depending on the birds you are watching you may want to get rain gear, rubber boots and warm clothing. For birds such as owls that you might look for in the evening a strong flashlight is also handy.
Choosing a Bird Field Guide
Take a good field guide to identify birds. Look for clear color pictures that make it easy to recognize one bird from another. Next to each picture should be detailed descriptions of each bird"s anatomy, habits, and what it eats. The guide should have information about what habitat each species uses. Many guides have maps showing the range of different birds along with their migration patterns.
Where and When to see Birds
Learning the habitats of birds in your area will increase the number of birds you see, and make  your birding more enjoyable. If you know that Meadow larks are likely to be in open grassy areas, and  dippers are forage along stream beds, you may be looking for them if you are in those types of  habitats. Edge areas where different types of habitats meet will likely have more species in them. You  are more likely to see specific birds at certain times of the day. For example songbirds are easier to see  two to three hours after dawn, or just before sunset. This is when songbirds are most actively feeding.  Many small birds will be silent or even hidden during the rest of the day. After sunup is the best time to see eagles and hawks. Visibility is best for hunting at this time, and they can soar on the thermal currents from the warmed air. Birds like owls are more likely to be seen in the evening. Many  shorebirds and waders rest at high tide and feed when the water rises or falls.
Photographing Birds
Patience in Bird Photography
Most birds are afraid of people, and all species have their own comfort zone. With a little  time you can learn the comfort zone of the birds you are photographing. Once they know that you  are not a threat you may be able to get closer.
Type or Style
Your reason for photographing birds may determine your style and the kind of equipment you  use. If you are just recording the kinds of birds you see you don"t need to get as close, and you  can use less expensive equipment, then you need for high quality prints.
Photographing Birds in Flight
Photographing birds in flight can be fun. Many digital cameras have a tracking function. With these you focus on the bird, and then as you track it the lens will keep focus.
Use Your Yard
Choose an open area where the birds will get direct sunlight, showing off their magnificent colors.
Try using props
Birds will often land on a stick or post near a seed feeder before going to the feeder. The background was just an out of focus fence but you can use anything you want for a background, and then wait for a bird to perch.
小题1:The main purpose of the passage is to _____.
A.attract more people to photograph birds birders learn how to identify and understand birds on people to set some comfort zones for birds
D.inform birders of the results of a scientific research on birds
小题2:Clothes in ______ are highly recommended when you are going bird watching.
小题3:________ are likely to be seen at 7 in the morning.
A.Owls B.ShorebirdsC.SongbirdsD.Larks
小题4:Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the passage?
A.A stick in the yard may scares birds off when you are photographing them.
B.It will be wise for birders to hire a guide for themselves.
C.Birders have to bring some notebooks to keep records of birds" habits.
D.A flashlight will come in handy when you look for owls.



小题1:主旨大意题。全文旨在向观鸟者介绍观鸟的相关知识。故B项正确。A项不能覆盖全文。由Once they know that you  are not a threat you may be able to get closer一句可知,鸟类的comfort zone在它们认为你不会威胁到它们时是可以进入的,故而C项错误。D项意为告知读者鸟类科研成果,显然不是本文的写作意图。
小题2:细节题。由Greens, browns, and grays are good.一句可确定C项正确。
小题3:细节题。由For example songbirds are easier to see  two to three hours after dawn, or just before sunset.一句可确定C项正确。
小题4:推断题。由Birds like owls are more likely to be seen in the evening.一句可推定D项正确。flashlight: 手电筒。由文章最后一句“鸟类喜欢落在stick或post(柱子)之类的东西上”可知A项错误。
B项文中没有提及,文中的Bird Field Guide指手册、指南等书籍,而非导游。由文章第一段There is some great bird log software that will let you keep records on your computer.一句可知,观鸟者可以使用软件在电脑上记录,故C项错误。
What if we could replace oil with a fuel which produced no pollution and which everybody had equal access to? The good news is that we can. In fact, we are swimming in it--- literally.
Hydrogen is one of the building blocks of the universe. Our own sun is basically a big, dense cloud of the stuff. And hydrogen can be used to create electricity for power, heat and light.
The problem is that hydrogen is everywhere and nowhere at the same time. It does not exist as a material on its own, but is always part of something else. So it has to be separated before it can be used.
Most commercial hydrogen in use now is created from natural gas. As oil will start to run out in around the year 2030, it makes sense to produce as much hydrogen as possible as soon as we can. But natural gas supplies will also begin to run out soon after. Another source is needed.
Researchers are now using electricity to make water into hydrogen. Companies are working on the problem in their own areas. The first commercial hydrogen “fuel cells” for computers and mobile phones have already come on to the market. Auto companies have also invested over US $2 billion in the production of hydrogen fuelled cars.
The nations of a hydrogen fuelled planet would not fight over energy recourses. There would be a great reduction in pollution. The only by-product of creating hydrogen is pure drinking water--- something that is very scarce in many parts of the world. But that is not where the good news ends. Once the costs of producing hydrogen have been brought down, it will possibly provide power for a third of the Earth’s population that has no electricity.
And electricity creates wealth. In South Africa over the last decade there has been a large programme of electrification. Thanks to the programme, people do not have to spend their days looking firewood to burn for heat. And with electric light, they can work long into the night.
Some scientists see radical changes in the way the human race co-operates. Hydrogen creates electricity, and is also created by it. With dual use fuel cells, everyone who consumes energy could also produce it. Late at night, a man drives home in London and connects his car into the “world-wide hydrogen web,” which it supplies with electricity. A few hours later, a man in Beijing uses that electricity to power the hydrogen cell in his car. Hydrogen could be the first democratic energy source.
Like all dreams of the future, it seems very far away. But the threat of war and terrorism in the Middle East has made governments and businesses more aware of the need to end oil dependency and spend more time and money on hydrogen resource. So maybe the threat of war is not a completely bad thing for the future of the human race.
小题1:What does the underlined word “it” in the last but one paragraph refer to?
A.wealthB.hydrogenC.electricity D.fuel
小题2:What is the problem with using hydrogen as energy?
A.It has by-products.
B.It has to be separated from other materials.
C.It will make energy too cheap.
D.It is too far away from us.
小题3:Why does the author give the example in the last but one paragraph ?
A.To tell us that we produce energy while using hydrogen power.
B.To tell us that hydrogen power does not produce pollution.
C.To show hydrogen power can stop war.
D.To show hydrogen power is cheap.
小题4:What is the author’s attitude about the future?
A.skepticalB.negative C.indifferent D.positive
小题5:What is the passage mainly about?
A.war and energy B.the future of hydrogen as an energy resource
C.the disadvantages of oilD.How to end war

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
The UK has a well-respected higher education system and some of the top universities and research institutions in the world. But to those who are new to it all, sometimes it can be confusing.
October is usually the busiest month in the college calendar. Universities have something called Freshers’ Week for their newcomers. It’s a great opportunity to make new friends, join lots of clubs and settle into university life.
However, having just left the comfort of home and all your friends behind, the prospect (前景) of meeting lots of strangers in big halls can be nerve-wracking (令人焦虑不安的). Where do you start? Who should you make friends with? Which clubs should you join?
Luckily, there will be thousands of others in the same boat as you worrying about starting their university social life on the right foot. So just take it all in slowly. Don’t rush into anything that you’ll regret for the next three years.
Here are some top advice from past students on how to survive Freshers’ Week:
● Learn rules. Make sure you know British social etiquette (礼节). Have a few wine glasses and snacks handy for your housemates and friends.
● Be kind. Sometimes cups of tea or even slices of toast can give you a head start in making friends.
● Be sociable. The more active you are, the more likely you’ll be to meet new people than if you’re someone who never leaves his room.
● Bring a doorstop. Keep your door open when you’re in and that sends positive messages to your neighbors that you’re friendly.
So with a bit of clever planning and effort, Freshers’ Week can give you a great start to your university life and soon you’ll be passing on your experience to next year’s freshers.
小题1:We can learn from the passage that ______.
A.Freshers’ Week usually comes in September in UK
B.all the students are required to join certain clubs in UK
C.many freshers are worried about how to fit university life
D.most of the students in the UK spend three years in universities
小题2:Why does the author suggest having wine glasses and snacks handy?
A.To pass the busy university life.
B.To help make friends with other freshers.
C.To show yourself a drinker as others.
D.To enjoy the time in a happy way.
小题3:The main purpose of the passage is to _______.
A.tell the newcomers how to make a new start in universities
B.introduce something about higher education system of the UK
C.inform the freshers of British social etiquette
D.advise the freshmen how to behave well in the beginning

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
One of my China Dialogue colleagues in Beijing recently bought a Philips energy-saving light bulb to replace a standard one.He was happy with his choice.It may have cost 30 yuan (just under US$4.50) - ten times the price of a filament (灯丝) bulb - but he wanted to save energy as part of his low-carbon lifestyle.And according to the shopkeeper, he would save, in the long run, much more than the 30 yuan he was spending.
Yet only one month later, his expensive light bulb blew up, before he had saved even a small part of the purchase price.Will he stick to his high-cost, low-carbon lifestyle?
China"s environmental organizations have started to advocate low-carbon lifestyles and the decrease of carbon footprints to help fight against climate change.But they have overlooked one fact: in China, low-carbon living comes at a high cost.It means buying energy-saving bulbs and appliances, and environmentally friendly building materials and daily goods.Cost can no longer be the only standard for purchases.An energy-saving and environmentally friendly product is more expensive than a standard alternative - whether it"s a simple light bulb or the house it shines.For average consumers, even buying an ordinary bulb is a huge burden.How can we persuade ordinary people to choose an energy-saving residence? This is not a trend they can afford to follow; perhaps this fashion is only for the rich.
Most consumers today do not cause huge carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.Their responsibility lies not in choosing a low-carbon lifestyle today, but in avoiding a high-carbon life in the future.The principle of "common but differentiated responsibility" - a basis of sustainable development - can be applied here as well.
In China, low-carbon living still is resisted by a lack of social infrastructure(基础设施). Even if your salary allows you to make that choice, nobody is there to help you accomplish it.
Consider energy-saving homes. You need to find out whether or not the developer has used natural materials wherever possible; how effective the insulation(绝缘物、隔热物) is; and what the green credentials of installed equipment are.You can read up a little, but you"ll still be lucky to avoid being puzzled by the developers" marketing.Many so-called energy-saving buildings are nothing of the sort, and some are even more energy-hungry than the average home - as Li Taige warned in his article "Energy-efficient buildings? Not always", on China Dialogue last August.
小题1: What may probably be the best title of this passage?
A.To purchase a cheap bulb - your wise alternative.
B.To choose an energy-saving residence - a must of your life
C.To learn a low-carbon lifestyle - each citizen"s responsibility
D.To learn a low-carbon lifestyle - a promising but difficult purpose
小题2:Why does the writer say this fashion is only for the rich in the fourth paragraph?
A.Because the cost is a very important standard for purchases.
B.Because buying an ordinary bulb is very expensive.
C.Because energy-saving products are more expensive than the common alternatives.
D.Because rich people like to follow this trend.
小题3: What does the writer think of energy-saving homes?
A.Most of them are environmentally friendly.
B.They are musts of low-carbon lifestyle of Chinese.
C.They are huge burdens for Chinese people.
D.Many of them are more in name than in reality.
小题4:We can infer from the passage that ____.
A.Using energy-saving bulbs and appliances is a fashion.
B.It"s easy for most Chinese to try to learn a low-carbon lifestyle.
C.All citizens in China don’t have the same responsibility in living a low-carbon lifestyle.
D.Most Chinese families cannot afford to purchase an energy-saving residence.
小题5:What is the writer"s attitude towards the low-carbon lifestyle?
A.informative and entertainingB.supportive but cautious
C.negative but wiseD.positive and active

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Cast your mind back to the past twenty years and hardly did anyone have their own email account. The Internet had just taken off in 1991 and people were only using office and PC­based email exchanges.
In the mid 1990s external email providers appeared. The most famous of these was Hotmail, the first free email provider and web­based email service. Sabeer Bhatia and Jack Smith launched Hotmail on July 4, 1996. And Microsoft took note of and bought Hotmail for $400 million on December 30, 1997, a nice birthday present for Bhatia who turned 29 that day. It was relaunched as MSN Hotmail and in 2007 was relaunched again as Windows Live Hotmail.
Fast forward the present day and most of us have at least a personal web­based email account. It seems impossible to live without them. One of the biggest advantages of email is the fact that communication has become so much easier, especially with those across different time zones. Email takes seconds to send a message whereas letters, as we used to communicate by, could take weeks. Of course there was the fax, that beeping invention from the 1980s, but it wasn’t as secure as email and you never knew if the person on the other end had picked up your fax or if it had got lost somewhere in the office.
In conclusion, one of the best inventions from the 1990s has to be email. But sometimes people are too closely connected to their email and have a compulsion to check it several times a day. At work, people have become lazy and instead of going to speak to the person sitting next to them, they send an email,causing an in box to pile up with more time spent reading email and responding rather than working. Clearly, an invention that saved time because of its quick and speedy connection can now also cause us to waste a lot of time.
小题1:The earliest web-based email came into being probably _______. 2007
小题2:The author mentions “fax” in the third paragraph in order to tell us that _______. is exactly as good as email is much better than email is less convenient than email is easier and faster than email
小题3:The underlined word “compulsion” in Paragraph 4 probably means “_______”.
A.strong desireB.common senseC.special curiosityD.general idea
小题4:Which is the main idea of the last paragraph?
A.We should check email boxes frequently.
B.Lazy people like sending an email.
C.Email brings us great convenience.
D.Good inventions also cause problems.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
I am a psychologist. I first met Timothy, a quiet, overweight eleven-year-old boy, when his mother brought him to me to discuss his declining grades. A few minutes with Timothy were enough to confirm that his self-esteem(自尊) and general happiness were falling right along with them. I asked about Timothy’s typical day. He awoke every morning at six thirty so he could reach his school by eight and arrived home around four thirty each afternoon. He then had a quick snack, followed by either a piano lesson or a lesson with his math tutor. He finished dinner at 7 pm, and then he sat down to do homework for two to three hours. Quickly doing the math in my head, I found that Timothy spent an average of thirteen hours a day at a writing desk.
What if Timothy spent thirteen hours a day at a sewing machine instead of a desk? We would immediately be shocked, because that would be called children being horribly mistreated. Timothy was far from being mistreated, but the mountain of homework he faced daily resulted in a similar consequence —he was being robbed of his childhood. In fact, Timothy had no time to do anything he truly enjoyed, such as playing video games, watching movies, or playing board games with his friends.
Play, however, is a crucial part of healthy child development. It affects children’s creativity, their social skills, and even their brain development. The absence of play, physical exercise, and free­from social interaction takes a serious toll on many children. It can also cause significant health problems like childhood obesity, sleep problems and depression.
Experts in the field recommend the minutes children spend on their homework should be no more than ten times the number of their grade level. As a fifth­grader, Timothy should have no more than fifty minutes a day of homework (instead of three times that amount). Having an extra two hours an evening to play, relax, or see a friend would soundly benefit any child’s life quality.
小题1:What does the underlined word “them” in the first paragraph probably refer to?
A.Timothy’s parents.B.Timothy’s grades.
C.Psychologists.D.The students.
小题2:What did the writer think of Timothy after learning about his typical day?
A.Timothy was very hard­working.
B.Timothy was being mistreated.
C.Timothy had a heavy burden.
D.Timothy was enjoying his childhood.
小题3:Which of the following statements best describes the writer’s opinion?
A.Children should be allowed enough time to play.
B.Playing board games works better than playing video games.
C.The more they play, the more creative children will become.
D.The depression caused by homework makes children unwilling to play.
小题4:According to the passage, how long should a third­grader spend a day doing homework?
A.About ten minutes.
B.No more than twenty minutes.
C.No more than thirty minutes.
D.About fifty minutes.

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