阅读理解。     America"s greatest technological achievement, the Hoover Dam, now has

阅读理解。     America"s greatest technological achievement, the Hoover Dam, now has

阅读理解。     America"s greatest technological achievement, the Hoover Dam, now has a companion
piece, a bridge held up by the longest arch in the Western Hemisphere(半球).The Mike
O"Callaghan-Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge, connects the US states of Arizona and Nevada,
crosses the vast chasm (峡谷) 890 feet above the Colorado River that is controlled by the dam.
     The striking 1,900-foot-long structure will improve traffic in the region and help protect the
dam from being destroyed. It is the seventh highest bridge in the world, behind four in China,one
in Papua New Guinea and one in the US state of Colorado.
     "The Hoover Dam is the greatest civil engineering achievement in America"s history," said the
bridge project manager Dave Zanatell. "Our goal was not to outdo or outshine it. Our goal was to,
in a respectful way,do something that would be great for our generation and that would stand besides
Hoover Dam in a respectful and quality way that would become a part of Hoover"s legacy (遗产)."
     Just as the Hoover Dam was built in the heart of the Great Depression (大萧条) and was seen as
an example of the nation"s can-do spirit, some hope this project can also provide some uplift.
The bridge is surprising: at 1,050 feet, its support arch holds up a roadway that lies on 300-foot-Iong
concrete pillars (柱子), some of the tallest in the world. It contains 16 million pounds of steel.
     The idea of the bridge came into being in the 1960s because the top of the Hoover Dam has been
a narrow two-lane road that is the fastest route from Arizona to Las Vegas and then the Pacific
Northwest and Canada.
     Access to the dam from each direction is a dangerously winding route,but massive trucks and
passenger vehicles shared it for decades. During the day,when thousands of tourists travel to the dam
from Las Vegas three times as many accidents as on a normal road will happen.
The bridge has a sidewalk on the side facing the dam. The wall on both sides is 54 inches high,so
walkers can take photos there.1.Which of the following is true of the Hoover Dam?A. It was completed recently.
B. It was built during the hard times.
C. It has the longest arch.
D. It"s the seventh highest dam in the world. 2.What is one of the purposes of building the bridge?A. To protect the dam.    
B. To save the cultures.
C. To outdo the dam.    
D. To develop the tourism.3.The underlined word "uplift" in Paragraph 4 means"______",A. lift of the heavy object
B. support in money
C. spiritual encouragement
D. instruction in technology4.Which of the followings shows the right position of the bridge and dam? 
5.The text is mainly about_____.A. the Hoover Dam
B. American western development
C. a tour along the Colorado River
D a recently built bridge
1-5:  BACAD

     Carbon monoxide(一氧化碳) poisoning kills and injures many people and animals around
the world. The gas has been a problem since people first began burning fuels to cook food or to
create heat. It is a problem in all parts of the world that experience cold weather.
     Carbon monoxide is called the silent killer because people do not know it is in the air. The gas
has no color. It has no taste. It has no smell. It does not cause burning eyes. And it does not cause
people to cough. But it is very deadly. It robs the body of its ability to use oxygen.
     Carbon monoxide decreases the ability of the blood to carry oxygen to body tissues. It does this
by linking with the blood. When the gas links with the blood, the blood is no longer able to carry
oxygen to the tissues that need it.
     Damage to the body can begin very quickly from large amounts of carbon monoxide. How
quickly this happens depends on the length of time a person is breathing the gas and the amount of
the gas he or she breathes in.
     Carbon monoxide poisoning has warning signs. But people have to be awake to recognize them.
Small amounts of the gas will cause a person"s head to hurt. He or she may begin to feel tired. The
person may feel sick. The room may appear to be turning around. The person may have trouble
thinking clearly. People develop severe head pain as the amount of gas continues to enter their blood.
They will begin to feel very tired and sleepy. They may have terrible stomach pains.
     Medical experts say carbon monoxide affects people differently. For example, a small child will
experience health problems or die much quicker than an adult will. The general health of the person
or his or her age can also be important. An older adult with health problems may suffer the effects of
carbon monoxide more quickly than a younger person with no health problems. People with heart
disease may suffer chest pains. They may begin to have trouble breathing.

1. Why is carbon monoxide called the silent killer?A. Because it tastes and smells good.
B. Because it is not easily noticed.
C. Because it kills and injures people.
D. Because it always harm people..2. How does carbon monoxide harm people?A. It makes people"s blood unable to move.
B. It decreases the amount of blood in the body.
C. It makes body tissues full of blood.
D. It makes the blood less able to carry oxygen.3. When people breathe in small amounts of the gas, they may ________.A. feel a little dizzy
B. suffer a severe headache
C. go around in the room
D. have a terrible stomachache4. Which of the following about carbon monoxide poisoning is true?A. Adults are affected more seriously than children.
B. Young people are more severely affected than old people.
C. People in poor health may have more severe consequences.
D. People with heart problem only suffer from chest pains.5. The purpose of the passage is to ________.A. warn people not to burn fuels to keep warm in the winter
B. list the damages that carbon monoxide brings to people
C. give advice on how to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning
D. introduce some knowledge about carbon monoxide poisoning
题型:广东省同步题难度:| 查看答案

     Bringing a giraffe into the world is a tall order.A baby giraffe falls 10 feet from its mother"s
womb (子宫) and usually lands on its    1_.Within seconds it rolls over and tucks(缩拢) its legs
under its body.Gary Richmond describes how a newborn giraffe learns it first   2   in his book,
A View from the Zoo.
     The mother giraffe   3   her head long enough to take a quick look.Then she   _4   herself
directly over her calf.She waits for about a minute, and then she does the most   5   thing.She
swings her long leg outward and kicks her baby.
     If the baby giraffe doesn"t   6   , the violent process is repeated over and over again.The   _7  
to rise is very important.As the baby calf grows   8   , the mother kicks it again to stimulate(激励)
its efforts.Finally, the calf stands for the first time on its   9   legs.
     Then mother giraffe does the most remarkable thing.She kicks it off its feet again.  10   ?
She wants it to remember how it got up.In the wild, baby giraffes must be able to get up as    11  
as possible to stay with the herd(鹿群), where there is   12   .Wild animals and hunting dogs all   13 
young giraffes, and calves would be punished if the mother didn"t   14   her calf to be watchful and
get up quickly.
     Irving Stone   15   this.He spent a lifetime studying   16   , writing novelized biographies of
such men as Michelangelo, Vincent van Gogh, and Charles Darwin.
     Stone was once asked if he had found a   17   that runs through the lives of all these exceptional
people.He said, "They are   18  over the head, knocked down, and for years they still get   19  .
But every time they are knocked down, they stand up.You cannot   20   these people.And at the
end of their lives they"ve accomplished some modest part of what they set out to do.

(     )1.A.back      
(     )2.A.look      
(     )3.A.raises    
(     )4.A.throws    
(     )5.A.difficult
(     )6.A.get up    
(     )7.A.demand    
(     )8.A.excited  
(     )9.A.strong    
(     )10.A.Why      
(     )11.A.slowly  
(     )12.A.danger  
(     )13.A.hate    
(     )14.A.teach    
(     )15.A.accepted
(     )16.A.kindness
(     )17.A.history  
(     )18.A.injured  
(     )19.A.nowhere  
(     )20.A.change  B.side      
B.work on  
B.support   C.front      
C.lie down  
C.blame      D.head        
D.come up      
题型:江苏同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     From a very early age,some children exhibit better self-control than others. Now,a new study
that began with about 1,000 children in New Zealand has tracked how a child"s low self-control
can predict poor health,money troubles and even a criminal record in their adult years.
     Researchers have been studying this group of children for decades now. They observed the
level of self-control the youngsters displayed. Parents,teachers,even the kids themselves,scored
the youngsters on measures like "acting before thinking" and "Persistence in reaching goals."
     The study led by Moffitt of Duke University and colleagues followed 1,000 children from
birth to age 32 in Dunedin,New Zealand.
     "The children who had the lowest self-control when they were age three to ten,later on had
the most health problems in their 30s," Moffitt said,"and they had the worst financial situation.
They were more likely to have a criminal record and to be raising a child as a single parent on a
very low income. Moffitt explained that self-control problems were widely observed,and weren"t
just a feature of a small group of misbehaving kids.
     Moffitt said it"s still unclear why some children have better self-control than others,though she
said other researchers have found that it"s mostly a learned- behavior,with relatively little genetic
influence. But good self-control can be set to run in families because children with good
self-control are more likely to grow up to be healthy and prosperous parents. But the good news,
Moffitt said,is that self-control can be taught by parents,and through school curricula that have
been shown to be effective.1. From the first two paragraphs we learn that______.A. the research has been carried out for five years
B. self-control was assessed by children"s intelligence
C. self-control in kids tends to determine their future
D. children"s self-control is almost the same at early age2. Children with low self-control are more likely to ______.A. adopt negative behaviors      
B. get good school performance
C. have better financial planning      
D. become wealthy in later life  3. According to Moffitt,_____.A. only good genetic factors can shape their lives in the future
B. willpower as a child really influences people"s chances of adulthood
C. self-control in childhood has nothing to do with criminal activity
D. scientists know well why some children have better self-control4. What can be inferred from the passage?A. Self-control cannot be taught in schools.
B. The study is restricted within few participants.
C. Good parenting can improve self-control and life success.
D. It"s never too late to deal with self-control problems.5. Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?A. Kids are encouraged to take risks at an early age
B. Child"s self-control predicts future health,success
C. Children"s development cannot be changed by teachers
D. How to teach the kids a bit of self-control in schools          
题型:山东省模拟题难度:| 查看答案

     Cheating is common in various kinds of exams in college. Students don"t feel shame to cheat in exams.
They know that if caught cheating in an exam, the punishment will not be serious. This leads to frequent
cheating in exams.
     At the University of Nevada, after students photographed test questions with their cellphone cameras,
transmitted them to classmates outside the exam room and got the answers back in text messages, the
university put in place a new monitoring system.
      With their electronic tools, students these days find it easier to cheat. So college officials find themselves in a new game of cat and mouse, trying to gain an advantage over would-be cheats this exam season with a
range of strategies-cutting off Internet access from laptops, or demanding the surrender of cellphones before tests.
     Mr. Dapremont said technology had made cheating easier, but added that plagiarism in writing papers
was probably a bigger problem because students can easily lift other people"s writings off the Internet.
     Still, some students said they thought cheating these days was more a product of an attitude, not the tool at hand. Pressure to succeed sometimes clouds everything and makes people do things that they shouldn"t
do. Students today feel more pressure to do well in order to graduate from school and secure a job.
     Whatever the reasons for cheating, college officials say the battle against it is wearing them out. First,
people who cheat in exams will lose interest in studying. Second, they believe studying isn"t meaningful.
Even though they don"t do anything, they can still pass. Third, people who cheat in exams will influence
Plenty of hard working people will see that their results are lower than people who cheat in exams. Thus,
we must prevent cheating in exams. We reduce the opportunities for cheating in exams.
     The vast majority of Americans still believe that honesty is an important part of the American character.
For that reason, there are numerous watchdog committees at all level of society. Although signs of dishonesty in school, business, and government seem much more numerous in recent years than in the past, could that because we are getting better at revealing such dishonesty?
     Many educators feel that as students gain confidence in themselves and their abilities, they are less likely
to cheat. Surprisingly, some efforts to prevent cheating may actually encourage cheating-a person may feel " they don"t trust me anyway", and be tempted to " beat the system". Distrust can be contagious(传染的).
But, so can trust.
                                       Title: Cheating in exams in college

题型:江苏同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:湖南省期末题难度:| 查看答案


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Facts●Cheating in exams is common in college.
●Students don"t take cheating in exams as  1  behaviour
Means of cheating
and plagiarism
●Use   2  .  
●Surf the Internet.
   3  for cheating●Cheats are not   4 seriously.
●The latest technology makes it   5  for students to cheat.
●Heavy pressure makes students want to do well so as to ensure   6  and a job.
  7  of cheating ●People will become   8in studying.
●People will believe studying doesn"t make   9_.
●People cheating in exams will influence others negatively.
Solution●Educators and students should   10each other.
     Long ago, operation usually had to be done while the sick man could feel everything. The sick man had to be held down on a table by force while the doctors did their best to save him. He could feel all the pain
if his leg or arm was being cut off, and his fearful cries filled the room and the hearts of those who
     Soon after 1770, Josept Priestley discovered a gas which is now called "laughing gas". Laughing gas
became known in America. Young men and women went to parties to try it. Most of them spent their time laughing, but one man at a party, Horace Wells, noticed that people didn"t seem to feel pain when they
were using this gas. He decided to make an experiment on himself.He asked a friend to help him.   
     Wells took some of the gas, and his friend pulled out one of Wells" teeth. Wells felt no pain at all.  
     As he didn"t know enough about laughing gas, he gave a man less gas than he should have. The man
cried out with pain  when his tooth was being pulled out.    
     Wells tried again, but this time he gave too much of the gas, and the man died. Wells never forgot this
terrible event.
1. Long ago,when the sick man was operated on, he ______.
A. could feel nothing            
B. could not want anything
C. could feel all the pain        
D. could do anything
2. Using the laughing gas, the people did not seem to ______.
A. be afraid of anything    
B. feel pain    
C. want to go to the parties    
D. be  ill
3. If a man took less laughing gas than he should have when an operation went on, he ______.
A. felt nothing                
B. felt very comfortable  
C. still felt pain              
D. would die
4. One who took too much of the laughing gas ______.                  
A. would laugh all the time        
B. would be very calm
C. would never feel pain          
D. would die.