In America,drivers’ education is part of the regular high school curriculum(课程).

In America,drivers’ education is part of the regular high school curriculum(课程).

In America,drivers’ education is part of the regular high school curriculum(课程). Every student in his or her second year of high school is required to take a class in driver’s education. However, unlike other courses,it is not given during the regular school year.Instead it is a summer course.
The course is divided up into two parts:class time for learning laws and regulations, and driving time to practise driving.Class time is not unlike any other class. The students study the basic traffic laws from a text to pass the written driving test that is given to anyone who wants to get a driver’s license.
Driving time is a chance for the students to get behind the wheel (steering wheel) and practise starting steering,backing up,parking,switching lanes,turning corners,and all the other maneuvers (操作) required to drive a car.Each student is required to drive a total of six hours.The students are divided up into groups of four.The students and the instructor go out driving for two hour blocks of time.Thus,each student gets half an hour driving time per outing.The instructor and “driver” sit in the front seats and the other three students sit in the back.
After the student has passed the driver’s education course and reached the appropriate age to drive(this age differs in every state but in most cases the person must be 16 years old),they can go to a designated(指定的) state office to take their driver’s test,which is made up of an eye examination,a written test,and a road test.The person must pass all three tests in order to be given a driver’s license.If the person did well in his or her driver’s education class,he or she will pass the test with flying colors and get a driver’s license.
.In America,the driver’s course mentioned above           . considered as part of the advanced education given to anyone wanting to get a driver’s license carried on at the same time as other courses offered to all the students of Grade 2 in high schools
We can infer that the students are required to_________in their whole driving practice.
A.spend at least six hours drivingB.get half an hour driving for two hour blocks of timeD.go out driving for tweleve times
Which of the following is Not True for the students wanting to get their driver’s license?
A.They must have their eyes examined.
B.They must be 16 years of age.
C.They should go to have their driver’s test.
D.They ought to do well in their driver’s course.
In the last sentence,“with flying colors” means           .



Hawaii has planned to be the first U.S. state to roll out(正式推出)electric car stations statewide --- a move towards weaning the islands off oil.
Hawaii, which is far away from the U.S. mainland, imports foreign oil for almost 90 percent of its energy needs. One–third of that oil is used to power cars and buses on island streets. This move will help Hawaii meet its goal of reducing fossil fuel use by 70 percent by 2030.
Better Place, a Palo Alto, California-based company, will build the car recharging stations and provide recharged batteries for electric cars. The company will purchase renewable energy --- such as wind power --- from Hawaiian Electric Co.
Better Place picked Hawaii for the first statewide rollout in part because the islands are a contained environment, with few vehicles (车辆) coming in and out. Better Place would need to build a bigger network across several states to serve some mainland markets. Hawaii also has rich renewable energy resources, including wind, solar and wave power. This is important because Better Place won’t use oil. Better Place plans to recharge its batteries at night with power from Hawaii’s wind farms. That power normally goes unused because of Hawaii’s low nighttime energy needs.
Hawaii is an ideal place to show off Better Place technology because the state welcomes over five million tourists each year from the U.S. mainland, Japan, Canada and the rest of the world. “If we can get them into electric cars when they rent, we do two great things,” Shai Agassi, Better Place’s founder and chief executive officer, said. “One, we avoid emissions (排放物); two, we use the opportunity to educate them, to teach them in Hawaii how it needs to be done in the rest of the world.”
However, Hawaii doesn’t expect to spend any money to improve the network. Maybe it needs to offer tax breaks or other ways to encourage people to buy electric vehicles when they are first offered.
The underlined part “weaning the islands off oil” (in Para 1) probably means _________.
A.exploring the islands for oil
B.stopping Hawaii’s dependence on oil gradually
C.importing more oil from other islands
D.increasing the amount of oil used there
Why is Hawaii chosen to be the first state where car recharging stations will be built statewide? _________
①There are few cars in Hawaii.
②Hawaii can provide environmentally friendly energy.
③Plenty of oil has been found in Hawaii.
④Hawaii is separated from the mainland with few vehicles coming in and out.
A.①, ③B.②, ③C.②, ④D.①, ④
When visitors to Hawaii rent electric cars, they _________.
A.will be taught it is necessary to do as Hawaiians do to protect the earth
B.will be offered tax breaks
C.need to be told what should be done before travelling
D.should be given the chance to try two things before driving
We can infer from the passage that _________.
A.Better Place is a company producing electric cars
B.people are not encouraged to buy electric cars
C.electric cars will be recharged with power from renewable resources
D.Hawaii now has reduced the use oil by 90 percent

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Last year, Jack Bleed cut through the bone of his ring finger while working. The 31-year-old resident of North Little Rock, Arkansas, waited for about six hours at a nearby medical center while the medical staff there called all over town — even as far away as Dallas and Memphis — to find a hand surgeon to reattach his finger. Finally, a willing doctor was located in Louisville, Kentucky. But even though Bleed had insurance(保险), he would have to hire a private plane to get himself there, at a cost of $4,300. In the end, he charged the cost to two credit cards, and his finger was saved. His insurance company eventually covered the cost of the plane, but his experience makes people aware of the fact that trauma(外伤) care in the United States is not only geographically limited, but in many places, non-existent.
Only eight states — New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Illinois, New Mexico, California, Oregon, and Washington — have local, fully functional trauma systems. The remaining states have partial systems, and 12 — including Arkansas — have no trauma system at all.
Although the President has signed a bill of $12 million for the purpose of supporting trauma care systems nationwide, many in Congress(国会) are unwilling to spend government money for a service they think should be paid for by states, says Wayne Meredith, medical director for trauma programs at the American College of Surgeons. Meanwhile, many states have also failed to find the dollars to support trauma systems. To make matters worse, many people without insurance depend heavily on the emergency care services, placing a huge financial burden on the medical centers that serve them.
For the same reason, doctors, too, often go unpaid. They are unwilling to perform emergency care, worsening critical shortages of neurosurgeons, orthopedists, and hand surgeons — the very types of specialists Bleed needed at short notice.
Supporting a trauma care system doesn’t take much. A half-penny sales tax in Miami-Dade County makes its outstanding system work. In Arkansas alone, says Wayne Meredith, a well-funded trauma system would possibly prevent 200 to 600 deaths each year. If trauma care systems were to work well across the nation, experts say, many thousands of lives each year could be saved. “You don’t get much better return on your investment than that,” Meredith says.
In Paragraph 1, the writer uses Bleed’s case to ______.
A.make a comparisonB.describe a person
C.introduce a topicD.tell a story
Many people in Congress argue that trauma care systems should be supported by ______.
A.the President B.each state companiesD.the US government
The example of Miami-Dade County shows that ______.
A.its tax policy is admirable
B.running a trauma system is profitable
C.a trauma system is not expensive
D.sales tax is not heavy in small counties
Why are the present trauma care systems in some states not satisfactory?
A.They are shared by all the states.
B.They are short of financial support.
C.The doctors are not well trained.
D.The hospitals can’t provide low-cost services.

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In the early stages of skill or character development, imitation(模仿) is helpful. When I first learned to cook, I used recipes (菜谱) and turned out some tasty dishes. But soon I grew bored. Why follow someone else’s way of cooking when I could create my own? Imitating role models is like using training wheels on a child’s bicycle; they help you get going, but once you find your own balance, you fly faster and farther without relying on them.
In daily life, imitation can hurt us if we subconsciously (下意识地) hold poor role models. If, as a child, you observed people whose lives were bad, you may have accepted their fear and pain as normal and gone on to follow what they did. If you do not make strong choices for yourself, you will get the results of the weak choices of others.
In the field of entertainment, those stars look great on screen. But when they step off screen, their personal lives may be disastrous. If you are going to follow someone, focus on their talent, not their bad character or unacceptable behaviors.
Think of the movies, books, teachers, and friends that have affected you most deeply. The world is changed not by those who do what has been done before them, but by those who do what has been done inside them. Creative people have an endless resource of ideas. The problem a creator faces is not running out of material; it is what to do with the material knocking at the door of imagination.
.Imitation proves useful when you        .
A.know you are uniqueB.lose the balance of life
C.begin to learn something newD.get tired of routine practice
To avoid the bad result of imitation, we should________.
A.forget daily fear and painB.choose the right example
C.ask others for decisionsD.stay away from stars
According to the author, the world moves on because of those who are          .
A.eager to influence others with their knowledge
B.ready to turn their original ideas into reality
C.eager to discover what their ancestors did
D.willing to accept others’ ideas
The trouble a creator faces is          .
A.the lack of strong motivationB.the absence of practical ideas to search for more to use imagination creatively
The author’s purpose in writing this passage is to __________.
A.emphasize the importance of creativity.
B.criticize the characters of role models. imitation with creation.
D.explain the meaning of success.

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The greatest recent changes have been in the lives of women, during the twentieth century there was an unusual shortening of the time of a woman’s life spent in caring for children. A woman marrying at the end of the 19th century would probably have been in her middle twenties, and would be likely to have seven or eight children, of whom four or five lived till they were five years old. By the time the youngest was fifteen, the mother would have been in her early fifties and would expect to live a further twenty years, during which custom, chance and health made it unusual for her to get paid work. Today women marry younger and have fewer children. Usually a woman’s youngest child will be fifteen when she is forty five and is likely to take paid work until retirement at sixty. Even while she has the care of children, her work is lightened by household appliances (家用电器)and convenience foods.
This important change in women’s way of life has only recently begun to have its full effect on women’s economic position. Even a few years ago most girls left school at the first opportunity and most of them took a full time job. However, when they married, they usually left work at once and never returned to it. Today the school leaving age is sixteen, many girls stay at school after that age, and though women tend to marry younger, more married women stay at work at least until shortly before their first child is born. Very many more afterwards, return to full or part-time work. Such changes have led to a new relationship in marriage, with both husband and wife accepting a greater share of the duties and satisfaction of family life, and with both husband and wife sharing more equally in providing the money and running the home, according to the abilities and interest of each them.
小题1: According to the passage, around the year1990 most women married       .
A. at about twenty five       B. in their early fifties
C. as soon as possible after they were fifteen D. at any age from fifteen to forty five
小题2:We are told that in an average family about1990        .
A.many children died before they were five
B.the youngest child would be fifteen of eight children lived to be more than five
D.four of five children died when they were five.
小题3: When she was over fifty, the late 19th century mother       .
A.would expect to work until she died
B.was usually expected to take up paid employment
C.would be healthy enough to take up paid employment.
D.was unlikely to find a job.
小题4: Many girls, the passage says, are now likely to       .
A.marry so that they can get a job
B.Leave school as soon as they can
C.give up their jobs for good after they are married
D.continue working until they are going to have a baby
小题5: According to the passage, it is now quite usual for women to       .
A.stay at hone after leaving school
B.marry men younger than themselves
C.start working again later in life
D.Marry while still at school

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In one way of thinking, failure is a part of life. In another way, failure may be a way towards success. The “spider story” is often told. Robert Bruce, leader of the Scots in the 13th century, was hiding in a cave from the English. He watched a spider spinning a web(蜘蛛织网). The spider tried to reach across a rough place in the rock. He tried six times without success. On the seventh time he made it and went on to spin his web. Bruce is said to have taken heart and to have gone on to defeat the English… Edison, the inventor of the light bulb, made hundreds of models that failed before he found the right way to make one.
So what? First, always think about your failure. What caused it? Were conditions right? Were you in top from yourself? What can you change so things will go right next time?
Second, is the goal(目标)you’re trying to reach the right one? Try to do some thinking about what your real goals may be. Think about his question, “If I do succeed in this, where will it get me?” This may help you prevent failure in things you shouldn’t be doing anyway.
The third thing to bear in mind about failure is that it’s a part of life. Learn to “live with yourself” even though you may have failed. Remember, “You can’t win them all.”
小题1: This passage deals with two sides of failure. In paragraph 1, the author talks mainly about __         .
A.the value of failure people would fail
C.famous failures
D.the cause of failure
小题2:The underlined phrase “made it” means ______ .
小题3:The lesson the spider taught Robert Bruce seems ______ .
B.straight forward
小题4:The author tells you to do all things except ______ .
A.The think about the cause of your failure check out whether your goals are right for you consider failure as a part or life bear in mind that you will never fail in your life
小题5: Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Bruce and Edison were successful examples.
B.Failure may be regarded as a way toward success.
C.Edison learned a lot from the lesson the spider taught Robert Bruce.
D.One may often raise a question whether his goals are worth attempting.

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