The question of whether war is inevitable is one which has concerned many of the

The question of whether war is inevitable is one which has concerned many of the


The question of whether war is inevitable is one which has concerned many of the world’s great writers. Before   36    this question, it will be useful to introduce some   37  concepts. Conflict,  38   as opposition among  social units-or individuals-directed against one another, is  39 from competition, which    40   opposition among social units   41  seeking to obtain something which is   42   inadequate supply. Competitors may not know about one another, which those who   43  in a conflict do. Conflict and competition are both   44   of opposition. The meaning of opposition has been stated as a process by which social unit function in the disservice of one another, opposition is   45  contrasted to cooperation, a   46   by which social units function in the service of one another. These   47   are necessary because it is important to emphasize that    competition between individuals or groups is inevitable in a world of limited   48  , but conflict isn’t . Conflict, nevertheless, is very likely to occur and is probably an essential and desirable   49  of human societies.
Many authors have 50 their arguments that war cannot be avoided on the idea that in the struggle for existence among groups of animals, only those which are best 51 remain alive. In general, however, this struggle in nature is competition, not conflict. Those who fail in this competition 52 starve
to death or are 53 by other types of animals. This struggle for 54 is not similar to human war, but is like the competition of 55 for jobs, markets, and materials. The most important quality of this struggle is the competition for the necessities of life that are not enough to satisfy all.
36.A.considering    B.solving C.answering    D.saying 
37.A.related    B.used     C.translated    D.sacred 
38.A.specified B.remarked     C.defined       D.claimed      
39.A.variable  B.distinguished      C.various D.isolated      
40.A.acknowledged       B.denies  C.assumes       D.means 
41.A.critically B.approximately     C.independently     D.costly 
42.A.on   B.for       C.with
43.A.enter      B.participate   C.fall      D.involve      
44.A.formations     B.classes  C.terms   D.reactions    
45.A.nevertheless   B.however      C.thus     D.maybe
46.A.procession     B.standard      C.process D.measurement     
47.A.accounts B.definitions   C.descriptions D.explanations      
48.A.resources C.sources D.materials    
49.A.matter    B.element       C.event   D.coincidence
50.A.concentrated  B.fixed    C.centered      D.based  
51.A.encouraged    B.accepted      C.adapted       D.adopted      
52.A.not only B.either   C.neither D.both   
53.A.killed     B.raised   C.fired    D.surrounded 
54.A.resistence       B.privilege     C.favour  D.employment      
55.A.workers  B.officials      C.individuals  D.residents    

36---55      AACBD   CDBBC   CBABD   CBAAC 

36.A 考虑这个问题之前,有必要介绍一些与之相关的概念。
37.A “相关的概念”,应用related。
38.C  define, “解释”,“下定义”,后面经常接as; specify,“指定”,“指明”。The regulations specify that you may use a dictionary in the examination。remark,“说”。claim,“要求承认某人之身份,所有权”。Does anyone claim this umbrella? 有没有人认领这把伞?冲突,指的是社会单位,团体或个人之间的对抗。它与“竞争”不同。竞争指的是社会单位间为夺取一种不足够的供应而进行的对抗。
39.B   distinguish from区别,不同;variable与various(多样的)后面一般不接from; isolated “与……隔离开来”。
40.D 对前面competition的解释,“意味着”。
41.C  critically批判地;approximately大致地;independently 独立地;不受控制地;costly形容词,昂贵的。根据文中含义,“竞争对手各自寻求物质,所以才会有冲突”。所以此外选C为宜。
42.D   in short(inadequate) supply“缺乏的”为固定搭配,一般不用其它介词。
43.B   enter in登记姓名,细节等。例:enter in an item in an account book将一笔账记入账本;fall in陷入,例fall in love with sb. involve in“卷入”,一般为卷入某个事件;participate in参与。竞争者们可能彼此不了解,而冲突者们则熟识对方。
44.B   formation,构成;terms,术语;reactions,反映;classes在此处指“种类,类别”。冲突和竞争都属于对抗。
45.C  选这类连接副词时,关键是弄清句与句之间意义关系。上句讲到对抗就是彼此不服务。这句讲到合作就是彼此服务。他们之间连接词自然就是“因此”了,因此他们相反。对抗与合作相反。合作指的是社会单位互相服务。
46.C  procession队伍,行列;standard标准;process过程;measurement衡量。上句中谈到对抗是彼此不服务时,用的是“a process by which social...”,此处与上句这部分结构完全相同,就可套用process一词。
47.B  accounts叙述;definitions,定义,概念;descriptions,描述;explanations,解释。文章第二句话是第一自然段主题句:介绍几个概念,然后作者分别介绍。本题中用these definitions“这些概念”则与上文浑然一体。对这些定义的理解非常必要,因为有必要强调,个人或团体之间的竞争在这个资源有限的世界是难免的,而冲突则是可免的。
48.A  resource资源,指国家、人类或个人所拥有的人力及物力,例:We must exploit the natural resources of our country. 我们必须开发本国的天然资源。source指河的源头:the source of Nile尼罗河的发源地。source还指出处,来源,例:The news comes from a reliable source.这项消息出自可靠的来源。origin起源,the origin of a quarrel 争吵的起因。此空前为a world of limited一个有限资源的世界,因此选A。
49.B 冲突很可能发生,它可能是人类社会必不可少、值得得到的要素。
50.D  base...on... 把……建立在……上。
51.C 只有那些适应(能力)强的才活下来。
52.B 看到or就会想到either; not only...but also; neither...nor...,both...and都是固定搭配。在竞争中失败的动物,要不就是饿死,要不就被别的动物***死。
53.A 由前句starve to death和or可知,此处应同death意义相近。
54.A 为生存的抗争不同于人类战争。
55.C  由后面的jobs, markets and materials可知,此处应填“个人”。 workers, officials和residents(居民)都以偏概全。

The word “plastic” comes from the Greek word “Platicos” and is used to describe_1_which can be easily shaped.
The history of plastics is longer than you might_2_.In fact _3_ manmade plastics ever to appear on the market was made over a hundred years ago. It was called “celluloid(赛璐璐)”.It was discovered by both an Englishman and an American in the same year._4_it was the Americans who first produced it on a large scale during the year 1860.Everybody was _5_by this new material which could be moulded (用模子做) into shapes and _6_so cheap to buy.
Poor young men _7_in cities with lots of smoke and dirt were_8_ to buy white celluloid collars(领子).The collars were hard and uncomfortable. But they did not have to be sent to wash. The poor young men _9_ rub them clean every evening with soap and water! Poor mothers,
_10_ had not been able to afford playthings _11_their children, were now able to buy them playthings _12_ of celluloid. But celluloid had one very serious fault. It caught fire very easily. In fact it burned even more quickly than wood or cloth. There were many terrible accidents, particularly _13_ children. For years scientists worked hard to find a better plastic material than celluloid. They had _14_ success. Then in 1932 an American scientist called Baekeland produced a hard plastic material which did not burn. _15_ became known _16_ bakelite(酚醛塑料).Other plastic materials like bakelite were _17_ produced. They _18_ to make electrical fittings and plates and cups. Poor people liked them because they were both cheap and safe, but rich people _19_ them because they were cheap, and because they could only be made _20_dark colours.
1. A. something    B. everything  C. thing            D. anything
2. A. wish        B. think       C. want            D. hope
3. A. first         B. at first      C. for the first      D. the first
4. A. So          B. But        C. And            D. As
5. A. surprised     B. excited     C. told            D. frightened
6. A. be          B. were       C. was             D. is
7. A. waiting      B. running    C. walking          D. working
8. A. going      B. sure        C. about            D. able
9. A. could       B. ought to     C. must            D. should
10. A. which      B. who       C. whom            D. that
11. A. for        B. like        C. in               D. of
12. A. done       B. produced   C. worked           D. made
13. A. between    B. on        C. among            D. about
14. A. much      B. great.      C. never             D. little
15. A. The man   B. He         C. It                D. The scientist
16. A. as        B. with        C. by               D. to
17. A. already    B. still         C. also             D. yet
18. A. used      B. hoped       C. were used         D. had
19. A. took     B. loved       C. enjoyed           D. disliked
20. A. in       B. by          C. from            D. of
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In order to be a success in the American business world, you must “get along” with people. You must learn to conduct yourself in such a way _1_ you earn the affection and respect of others._2_ we have already pointed out, Americans_3_ business and pleasure. Therefore, learning how to _4_ informally can be a help with your American business _5_.Americans like to talk about a _6_of different topics—sports, politics, cars, popular movies and television shows and personal interests. Many large American cities have sports teams. If you are _7_ with Americans in the United States, it would be a good idea to _8_out about the local sports teams so that you can _9_ in the almost inevitable discussions about “how our _10_ will do this year” .Politics can be a _11_ topic unless everyone is of the same mind _12_.Limit your discussions to asking questions of your friends. Most Americans are _13_ owners and some are even obsessive about the subject. You can contribute _14_talking about cars you have owned or by _15_ information you have read in automotive magazines. Americans watch television almost every night and attend movies regularly,
_16_ naturally television shows and the _17_ movies become topics for discussions. If you are unable to _18_ American television or attend American movies, reading the _19_ section of such magazines as Time News week will keep you up to date on _20_is popular in America.
1. A. which         B. where        C. as           D .that
2. A. While         B. Since        C. As           D. Because
3. A. mix           B. enjoy        C. like          D. manage
4. A. conduct        B. appear       C. behave       D. chat
5. A. friends            B. efforts      C. contacts      D. companies
6. A. bit               B. total        C. group        D. number
7. A. meeting           B. working     C. living        D. playing
8. A. find              B. learn        C. go           D. stay
9. A. work            B. participate    C. succeed      D. break
10. A. group           B. business      C. company     D. team
11. A. common         B. sensitive     C. special.       D daily
12. A. politically        B. economically  C. professionally D. personally
13. A. house           B. car          C. business      D. land
14. A. to              B. toward       C. by           D. through
15. A. collecting        B. sharing       C. gathering     D. analyzing
16. A. so              B. therefore     C. thus          D. hence
17. A. interesting       B. exciting      C. excellent      D. latest
18. A. witness          B. look         C. watch        D. glance
19. A. entertainment     B. sports        C. business      D. movie
20. A. which           B. that          C. what         D. as
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Marriage is still a popular institution in the United States, but divorce(离婚) is becoming_1_as“popular”.Most American people get married, _2_,at the present time, and fifty percent of American marriages end _3_ divorce. However, four out of five divorced people do not _4_ single. They get married a second time to _5_ partners. Sociologists(社会学家)tell us that in the next century, _6_American people will marry three _7_ four times in one lifetime. Alvin Toffler, an American sociologist, _8_this new social form serial(连续的)marriages. In his book Future Shock, Toffler gives many _9_ for this change in American marriage. In modern society, _10_ lives don"t stay the same for very long.Americans_11_ change their jobs, their homes, and their circles of _12_So,the person who was a _13_ husband or wife ten years ago is sometimes not as good ten years _14_After some years of marriage, a husband and wife can _15 _that their lives have become very different, and they don"t 16the same interests anymore. For this reason, Toffler says, people in the twenty first century will not _17_ to marry only one person for an _18_ lifetime. They will plan to stay married to one person for perhaps five or ten years, and then marry _19_.Most Americans will expect to have a “marriage carrier”that _20_ three or four marriages.
1. A. already           B. almost          C. ever        D. even
2. A. anyway           B. then            C. but         D. therefore
3. A. with            B. from            C. in          D. for
4. A. live              B. take            C. make       D. stay
5. A .new             B. old              C. young       D. pretty
6. A. most             B. main            C. few         D. mostly
7. A. and             B. by              C. or          D. to
8. A. asks             B. calls             C. tells        D. lets
9. A. causes           B. chances           C. problems    D. reasons
10. A. human"s         B. people"s          C. person"s      D. man"s
11. A. frequently       B. quickly           C. rapidly      D. fast
12. A. parents         B. classmates         C. neighbors    D. friends
13. A. polite           B. strict              C. good      D. unfriendly
14. A. late             B. latter           C. lately       D. later
15. A. imagine         B. feel              C. believe     D. suppose
16. A. enjoy           B. hold             C. divide      D. share
17. A. desire          B. plan              C. wish       D. design
18. A. entire         B. extreme           C. total       D. whole
19. A. the other       B. others             C. other       D. another
20. A. appears        B. happens           C. includes     D. carries
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Museums have changed.They are no longer places that one “should”go but to enjoy.
At a science museum in Canada,you can feel your hair stand on end as harmless electricity passes through your body.At the Children’s Museum in New York,you can play an African drum.There are no “Do Not Touch”sign in some other museums in the USA.
More and more museum directors have realized that people learn beat when they can become part of what they are seeing.In many science museums,the visitors are encouraged to touch,listen,operate and experiment so as to discover scientific rules for themselves.
The purpose is not only to provide fun,but also help people feel at home in the world of science.If people don’t understand science,they will be afraid of it;and if they are afraid of science,they will not make the best use of it.
One cause of all these changes is the increase in wealth and spare time.Another cause is the growing number of young people in the population.Many of them are college students or college graduates.They see things in a new and different way.They want art that they can take part in.The same is true of science and history.
The old museums have been changing and the government is encouraging the building of new,modern museums.In the States and Canada,there are more than 6 000 museums,almost twice as many as there were 25 years ago.
53.The directors of the museums have realized______.
A.people learn beat when they look at something.
B.visitors prefer to learn from museums
C.people are interested if they take part
D.the importance of scientific rules
54.Why has the growing population of young people caused the changes in museums?
A.Because they are stronger.
B.Because they have less spare time.
C.Because they are better educated.
D.Because there are more young people.
55.Which of the following is not shown in Paragraph Two?
A.People are encouraged to take part in what they are seeing.
B.People are enjoying themselves fully in modern museums.
C.People will understand better by trying to discover the scientific rules themselves.
D.People should go to a museum to learn something.
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London—Lazy students can now give up on work altogether as two Oxford University students have made scores of A-grade essays(论文)on the website for students to copy.
The essays are on the new website,“”
The website includes an “Essay Lab”designed to make cheating(舞弊)as effective and effortless as possible.
Its homepage announces to surfers(网上冲浪者):“The Essay Lab is a bank of hundreds of A-Level essays covering popular topics.”
“Next time you are asked to write an essay,why not see what we have on the subject—if you are in a lazy state of mind you can even use our guide to writing the essays and then just hand them in.”
Nick Rose and Jordan Mayo,both 19 and first from Manchester,spent much of their first year as students at the university setting up the website.There is no charge for downloading the essays.
“I have never been very good at essay writing,”Rose admitted.“We don’t see essay bank as a cheating way.It’s a surprising valuable resource.You can learn a lot by reading other people’s work on the subject.”
Among other tips,the website suggests inventing important speeches to give essays extra weight:“Popular people to quote(引用)are Douglass Hurd or Disraeli.”
Hurd was a foreign secretary in the 1980s and Disraeli was a 19th century prime minister.
Teachers are expressing their opinions by e-mail that they are angry about the website that “encourages students to cheat”,but students disagree.
According to Rose:“Exams are a fight.It’s us against them.”
65.It can be inferred from this passage that______.
A.students who visit the website“”are all lazy
B.students in Oxford University are all lazy
C.websites in Oxford University are all set up by students
D.websites can provide people with different kinds of information
66.Nick Rose and Jordan Mayo set up their website for the purpose of______.
A.helping students to cheat in exams
B.helping students to improve their writing
C.making money to pay for their schooling
D.making their teacher free
67.What Rose said at last suggests that in England______. is difficult for students to pass their exams is difficult for teachers to finish their teaching
C.students are not satisfied with the education system
D.students are too lazy to learn anything
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