The New York Times announced Wednesday that it intended to charge frequent reade

The New York Times announced Wednesday that it intended to charge frequent reade

The New York Times announced Wednesday that it intended to charge frequent readers for access to its website, a step being debated across the industry that nearly every major newspaper has so far feared to take.
Starting in early 2011, visitors to will get a certain number of articles free every month before being asked to pay a standard and fixed fee for unlimited access. Subscribers to the newspaper’s print edition will receive full access to the site.
But executives of The New York Times Company said they could not yet answer fundamental questions about the plan, like how much it would cost or what the limit would be on free reading. They stressed that the amount of free access could change with time, in response to economic conditions and reader demand. Still, publishers fear that money from digital subscriptions would not make up for the resulting loss of audience and advertising income. is by far the most popular newspaper site in the country, with more than 17 million readers a month in the United States, according to Nielsen Online, and analysts say it is the leader in advertising income, as well. That may make it better positioned than other general-interest papers to charge—and also gives The Times more to lose if the move produces an opposed result.
The Times Company has been studying the matter for almost a year, searching for common ground between pro-and-anti pay campaigns—a debate mirrored in dozens of media-watching blogs-- and the system will not go into effect until January 2011. Executives said they were not bothered by the possibility of absorbing barbs(挖苦) for moving cautiously.
“There’s no prize for getting it quick,” said Janet L. Robinson, the company’s president and chief executive. “There’s more of a prize for getting it right.”
小题1: What’s the function of the first paragraph?
A.It servers as a comment.
B.It serves as a background
C.It serves as a lead-in
D.It serves as a conclusion.
小题2:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Non-paying subscribers will get no access to
B.Readers will be charged more to read articles on
C.Readers will get more free online articles to log on NYTimes. com more often.
D.Subscribers to the paper’s print edition will also enjoy full access to the site.
小题3:Which of the words can best describe The Time Company’s attitude towards its announcement?
小题4: What is the main idea about the passage?
A.The Times to offer free access to its web site.
B.The Times to increase audience to its web site.
C.The Times to attract advertisement to its web site
D.The Times to charge for frequent access to its web site.



小题1:细节题;从第二段的句子:Subscribers to the newspaper’s print edition will receive full access to the site.可知订阅报纸的人可以免费享有网站的内容。选D。
小题1:推理题:从第三段的句子:executives of The New York Times Company said they could not yet answer fundamental questions about the plan, like how much it would cost or what the limit would be on free reading.可知时报公司的态度是:草率的,轻率的,选B
小题1:主旨题:从第一段的主题句;The New York Times announced Wednesday that it intended to charge frequent readers for access to its website, 可知答案是D
The Haitian tsunami gave scientists a chance to find out how well vital and potentially life-saving warning systems were working.
Noaa’s Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory has developed a warning system that picks up signals of tsunamis directly from the sea-floor.
It is called Dart-the Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis. If seismometers(地震仪) detect an earthquake, the Dart buoys(浮标) will determine what is happening to sea levels, and whether a big wave might be on the way. This information is then sent via satellite to a central location which can organize an alarm. Within 50 minutes of the Haiti earthquake, this system was able to issue an alarm to other countries in the Caribbean to say that a small tsunami had been caused to start, and that was unlikely to affect them.
Dr Bernard said, “The first 30 minutes following the earthquake, we have to rely on education.” The critical aspects of this are: do you feel the earthquake; do you see the ocean draw down; and do you hear that loud roar? If so, you should run for higher ground.
“But after the first few minutes, it’s crucial that we have the technology—the measurements to avoid unnecessary evacuation(疏散撤离)and tell people when it is safe to return.” Right now, there are 50 of these Dart buoys all over the globe—four of which are in the Caribbean.
Dr Bernard says that, with 75 to 100 buoys worldwide, this system could provide global tsunami warnings within one hour.
“That’s for everywhere we know that tsunamis have happened. If we wanted to go to half an hour detection, we could probably double or multiply by four times that number,” he said.
“In some countries, including Haiti, there may not be enough resources to support a specific tsunami warning centre for something that happens so infrequently.”
He said that this system was relatively inexpensive to fix and operate.
“To get it down to an hour for everywhere affected would cost $50m initial investment and then 10% of that to maintain it,” he said.
“That’s not a terribly expensive system considering the potential savings of lives.”
小题1:In which section would you probably read the passage in a newspaper?
A.Education and Society
B.Culture and Leisure
C.Science and Technology
D.Health and Medicine
小题2: How many buoys would at least be needed for global tsunami warnings within half an hour?
小题3:Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A.The system can warn people of the coming of tsunami directly after the earthquake.
B.We can’t escape the danger of tsunami within 30 minutes following the earthquake.
C.Each country can easily afford a tsunami warning centre though it seldom happens.
D.It’s worthwhile to spend money on the warning system for possible savings of lives.
小题4: Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?
A.Tsunami Assessment
B.Earthquake detecting
C.Disaster Warning System
D.Life Saving System

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AAAGH! The Generation 90s is coming!
Wearing earphones, using complex Net language and constantly text messaging friends, the Gen-90s following the Gen-80s begin to make their world debut (初次登台).
Each generation or age group has its own symbols and lifestyle. Read on and judge for yourselves if you fit the Gen-90s group.                
These little devices seem to grow on the heads of the Gen-90s. They might lead to MP3, MP4 or MP101 players, giving these young people a plugged-in, cool and perhaps self-addicted look, of course, life is not always music to the ears.      
Martian language
They have created their own code-like online language. It’s a mixture of English, Japanese and Chinese that perhaps only Martians can understand. This is an imaginative generation, though they need to be careful to keep it out of their term papers.                 
Saying “cheese” to their own digital cameras is usual for this generation. A little bit of narcissism (自恋) never hurts anyone. It helps them reflect a little on their own lives.But be aware of the risks of posting private photos online.
They can type their mobile phones as fast as they can speak. This is a generation that respects efficiency. However, oral communication is important and will never go out of style.
小题1:According to the passage, if you belong to the Gen-90s , you will _______ .
A.just appreciate yourself and ignore others’ strengths.
B.have your own symbols and lifestyle.
C.have the same symbols and lifestyle of the Gen-80s. music and dance very much.
小题2:According to the text, the writer will choose ______ as a good example to the Gen-90.
A.Li Hua likes music and always wearing iPod
B.Zhang Chao is not only an imaginative boy but do everything efficiently.
C.Lily is a shy girl and she doesn’t like making friends.
D.Fangfang likes being taken photos and often posting them on line.
小题3:According to this passage, which is FALSE?
A.Not all teens are cautious about posting photos.
B.They type their mobile phones so fast that it can catch the speed of speaking.
C.The Gen-90s have a preference for some music players, and even regard them as a necessary part of life.
D.They don’t use the cool and complex online language in formal writing.
小题4:The main idea of the passage is about________.
A.the Gen-90s’ happy life
B.the difference between the Gen-80s and the Gen-90s
C.the Gen-90s’ unique lifestyle and some practical warnings
D.the similarities between the Gen-80s and the Gen-90s

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Garden building is considered an important part of Chinese culture. Some people say that if you have never walked through a Chinese garden, you cannot say that you have really visited China.
Traditional Chinese gardens are located in North China in such places as Beihai Park, the Summer Palace, the Forbidden City. In larger imperial gardens, the main buildings are connected by an imaginary(虚构的) line in the middle of the garden on the north-south axis(轴). Other features of imperial gardens are colored-paintings, man-made hills and lakes.
Most private gardens are found in the south, especially in cities south of the Yangtze River. Private gardens were mostly built at one side or at the back of the houses. Around the beautiful scene are small open areas with beautiful shaped-doors through which visitors can enjoy the sights. They are open on all sides and are often near the water so that the whole scene can be enjoyed. Suzhou, known as the home of gardens, displays the most and the best Chinese traditional private gardens. Different parts of it are examples of the garden style of the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties.[
The landscape(自然风景) garden contains a number of pleasant natural scenes and some fairy tales. The ancient Chinese used to call the garden landscape “Jing” , which means “scene” in English. Good examples include the ten West Lake Scenes in Hangzhou, the twenty-four slim West Lake in Yangzhou and the eight Daming Lake Scenes in Jinan.
小题1: The passage tells mainly about ________. important part of Chinese culture to enjoy Chinese gardens
C.where foreigners can find Chinese gardens
D.the characters of different style of Chinese garden building
小题2:Which of the following is NOT true for the imperial garden?
A.There is a north-south axis in the center of garden
B.They were built because of some fairy tales.
C.There are man-made hills and lakes in the gardens.
D.They have colored-paintings.
小题3:According to the passage, we can learn that _______.
A.Chinese people often invite foreigners to visit a Chinese garden.
B.The landscape garden reflects different styles of the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties.
C.All three kinds of gardens make up the important part of Chinese culture which is appreciated by the people all over the world.
D.People enjoy the private gardens more than other two styles.

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Look at the picture. It’s a nice    1   . In the picture you can see a teacher’s     2  on his desk. It’s a Chinese book. There are fifty desks and fifty chairs in the room. There is also a big blackboard. You can see a girl and    3   boys.
The girl’s    4   is Julia. She is thirteen. The boy with the football is Tom. He likes playing    5  . The other boy is Tony. They    6   the same coats and they are the same age. They look the same. I    7   they are twins. Tom is a    8   boy. A book is in his hand. You    9   see the teacher.   10   is the teacher? He is taking the picture.
A.aren’tB.can’tC.doesn’ not

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Even if you are naturally shy, these three tricks will help you to quickly build a new social circle in any new city.
1. Take pictures
One of the great things about taking pictures at an event or party is that it gives you an excuse to get in touch with the person later. Everybody loves seeing pictures of themselves, and it’s very easy after taking a picture to say “If you’d like I can email it to you”. This can be the seed that leads to new connections. The next time you hear about a fun event email your new contacts to let them know about it.
2. Eat alone in public
You might feel self-conscious eating by yourself but it has an important benefit: you are much easier to approach when you are alone. People may be afraid of interrupting you or being rude if you are in a conversation with someone else. Bring a book or newspaper to read (this will make you feel less self-conscious). Plus, having an interesting book with you will give others an excuse to start a conversation if they’ve read it.
3. Join a class, sports team, or club
Yoga, salsa dancing, volleyball, Toastmasters (a public speaking club), a class for work, etc. Take up a new hobby or continue an old one!
These are all great places to meet new people, primarily because you will be forced to see the same people over and over again in the class. You will automatically make friends with them if you have a common interest and are forced to see each other again.
* In the beginning, never turn down an invitation from someone, even if it’s something you wouldn’t normally do.
* Email your new friends with fun things to do instead of always asking what their plans are. If they have a better plan you can drop yours and join them. This will help establish you as someone who is contributing value instead of just taking it (people want this in a friend).
* Don’t let little things in life upset you or be a negative person. People don’t want to be around someone like that!
小题1:____ can give you an excuse to start new connections.
A.Taking pictures of othersB.Eating by yourself in public
C.Reading interesting booksD.Joining group activities
小题2:When having meals, you’d better ____ if you want to make new friends.
A.sit on your own in public places
B.start a conversation with those who have friends aside
C.invite others to your apartment to eat together
D.approach others to show conscious friendliness
小题3:According to the text, which of the following is NOT mentioned as an advantage of joining a   class?
A.It helps you find out your interest and take up a new hobby.
B.It helps you find out people who share a common interest with you.
C.It offers an opportunity to meet the same people repeatedly.
D.It is a good way to meet new people and make friends in a new city.
小题4: Which of the following pieces of advice is a tip from the text?
A.Try to be outgoing and talkative instead of being shy.
B.Never turn down an invitation from your friends.
C.Offer suggestions on how to spend time together.
D.Don’t give a negative response to any request.
小题5:By writing the text, the author intends to tell us ____.
A.why you should change when you move to a new city
B.why you should make new friends in a new city you can make new friends in a new city you can keep in touch with strangers

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