"Oh, you must have been a spoiled(宠坏的) kid. You must be really bossy. I wonder w

"Oh, you must have been a spoiled(宠坏的) kid. You must be really bossy. I wonder w

"Oh, you must have been a spoiled(宠坏的) kid. You must be really bossy. I wonder what you"re going to be like to deal with?" That"s often the response Angela Hult gets when people find out she"s an only child, she told ABC News, Despite such negative(消极的) remarks, Hult has decided to have only one child herself. And she"s not alone.
According to the US" Office for National Statistics, women approaching the end of their childbearing years had an average of l.9 children in 2004, compared with 3.1 for their counterparts in 1976. The percentage of one-child families in Britain had risen from 18 percent in 1972 to 26 percent in 2007.
But even though only children are becoming increasingly common, the traditional view that they"re selfish, spoilt and lack social skills holds strong. Even parents of only children, like Hult, are made to feel guilty about having only one child. Worried that they"re being selfish and endangering their child"s future, they flock to online discussion forums seeking advice. Soon, however, they ask themselves: is this social prejudice really reasonable?
"There have been hundreds and hundreds of research studies that show that only children are no different from their peers(同龄人) ," Susan Newman, a social psychologist at Rutgers University in the US, told ABC News.
This raises another question: why are only children still viewed with such suspicion?
"There is a belief that"s been around probably since humans first existed that to have just one child is somehow dangerous, both for you and for the continuation of your race," Toni Falbo, a professor of educational psychology, told the Guardian." In the past a lot of children died, You"d have had to be crazy to only have one. "
Times, of course, have changed and infant mortality(婴儿死亡率) has largely reduced. So what do only children themselves say?
Kayley Kravitz, a blogger for The Huffington Post, grew up as an only child and highly recommends the experience. "Being an only child taught me the most valuable skill of all: the ability to be alone," she said.
小题1:Which of the following could be the best title for the text?
A.Are only children lonely?
B.Are only children common?
C.Are only children dangerous?
D.Are only children different?
小题2:What does Susan Newman mean?
A.Only children are as good as their peers.
B.Only children are more selfish and spoiled.
C.Parents feel guilty about having only one child.
D.Parents will endanger their only child"s future.
小题3:What is the common belief since human existed?
A.The infant death rate always stays high.
B.People are crazy to have only one child.
C.It"s easy for only children to earn their living.
D.It"s hard to continue the family line with only one child.
小题4:An only child like Kayley _______.
A.must be difficult to persuade
B.can possibly learn to be alone
C.should value special skills
D.need ignore bad experience
小题5:What"s the author"s attitude towards having only one child?



小题1:根据“Hult has decided to have only one child herself. And she"s not alone...is this social prejudice really reasonable?...hundreds of research studies that show that only children are no different from their peers(同龄人) ”可知,文章主要说的独生子女是否有不同之处,大量研究显示独生子女与同龄人没有不同。故选D。
小题2:根据“"There have been hundreds and hundreds of research studies that show that only children are no different from their peers(同龄人) ,"”可知,Susan Newman认为独生子女和同龄人一样,没有什么不同,故选A。
小题3:根据“"There is a belief that"s been around probably since humans first existed that to have just one child is somehow dangerous, both for you and for the continuation of your race,"”可知,人类有史以来都有一种观念--种族的延续,独生子女不利于家族的延续,。故选D。
小题4:根据“"Being an only child taught me the most valuable skill of all: the ability to be alone,"”可知,即使是独生子女,他们也能学会独立。故选B。
小题5:根据“Times, of course, have changed and infant mortality(婴儿死亡率) has largely reduced. So what do only children themselves say?”可知,作者在文中提到了传统观念,又说到了独生子女的看法,作者对独生子女的态度是中立的。故选A。
A baby born in India has been declared the world"s seven billionth person by child rights group Plan International. Baby Nargis was born at 07:25 local time (01:55GMT) in Mall village in India"s Uttar Pradesh state. Plan International says Nargis has been chosen symbolically as it is not possible to know where exactly the seven billionth baby is born. In addition to baby Nargis in India, Bangladesh, the Philippines and Cambodia have all identified seven billionth babies. The United Nations estimated that on Monday 31 October, the world"s population would reach seven billion.
Populations are growing faster than economies in many poor countries in Africa and some in Asia. At the same time, low birth rates in Japan and many European nations have raised concerns about labor shortages.
Population experts at the United Nations estimated that the world reached six billion in October 1999. They predict nine billion by 2050 and ten billion by the end of the century. China"s population of one and a third billion is currently the world"s largest. India is second at 1.2 billion. But India is expected to pass China and reach one and a half billion people around 2025.
India will also have one of the world"s youngest populations. Economists say this is a chance for a so-called demographic dividend. India could gain from the skills of young people in a growing economy at a time when other countries have aging populations. But economists say current rates of growth, although high, may not create enough jobs. Also, the public education system is failing to meet demand and schooling is often of poor quality. Another concern is health care. Nearly half of India"s children under the age of five are malnourished(营养不良).
Michal Rutkowski, the director of human development in South Asia at the World Bank, says reaching seven billion people in the world is a good time for a call to action. He says, “I think the bottom line of the story is that the public policy needs to become really, really serious about sex equality and about access to services—to fight against malnutrition, and to provide for access to health services, water and schooling.”
小题1:What is true about the world"s seven billionth person?
A.Baby Nargis is not the only child chosen as the seven billionth baby.
B.Baby Nargis has been chosen carefully so it is exactly the seven billionth baby.
C.Three countries have all declared Baby Nargis as the seven billi011th baby.
D.The United Nations declared Baby Nargis as the world"s seven billionth person.
小题2:Which of the following problems do many European countries worry about?
A.Labor shortage.B.Poor health care.
C.Not enough jobs.D.Schooling of poor quality.
小题3:According to population experts, how long will it take for population to grow from six billion to nine billion?
A.About 12 years.B.About 40 years.C.About 50 years. D.About 110 years.
小题4:What does the underlined phrase “demographic dividend” in the fourth paragraph refer to?
A.Possibility of lower birth rate.
B.Benefit gained by working young people.
C.Chances for more employment.
D.Disadvantages caused by aging population.
小题5:Which of the following public policies does Michal Rutkowski call on?
A.To encourage late marriage.B.To reduce world"s population.
C.To gain economic equality. D.To improve health and education.

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Of the thousands of different kinds of animals that exist in the world man has learned to make friends with an enormous number. Some are pets, and offer him companionship, some give protection, and some do hard work which man can not do for himself. Dogs , which serve man in all three capacities(能力), are found in various species in all countries of the world. The    Husky can live in the cold polar regions,and the Saluki is at home in the hottest parts of Central Africa.The inhabitants (居民)of certain countries are dependent for their very lives on the camel. In the West Indies the little donkey, strong and sure-footed, carrying heavy loads even in mountainous, places, is a familiar sight.
Trained and tamed for many generations, domestic animals are not accustomed to roaming in search of food and shelter. They look to their masters to provide for their needs, and as  long as these are supplied, they are content to do what their masters require.
All domestic animals need proper food .It must be suitable for them, sufficient in quantity, fresh and clean. Some people feed a pet dog or cat on odds and ends of table scraps(剩饭), and then wonder why the animal seems tired and dull. The quantity of food depends on the size of the animal and the amount of exercise it takes. Overfeeding is as bad as underfeeding. Containers for food and water must be washed regularly if the animal is to maintain good health.
Even well-cared-for animals may sometimes fall ill. If this happens, the wise master seeks the best advice he can get. All sorts of medicines and treatments are available for sick animals, and in some countries organizations exist to provide them free of at a cheap price. Useful, friendly, hardworking animals deserve to have some time, money and attention spent on their health.
小题1:What main idea does the author want to convey in the first paragraph?
A.There exists thousands of species of animals in the world.
B.Man came to establish a close relationship with a number of animals.
C.In some regions a donkey seems to be a very useful beast.
D.An animal will be useless unless domesticated.
小题2:When an animal doesn’t get enough food, it will probably    
A.refuse to obey its masterB.immediately fall ill
C.require its master to offer some foodD.seek for food on its own
小题3:Which of the following is NOT true of dogs according to the passage?
A.They can act as friends, guards ,and servants to man.
B.They have great adaptation for the environment.
C.There live a great variety of species of dogs on the globe.
D.The Husky and the Saluki are the strongest species ever known in the world
小题4:To keep a domestic animal physically fit, its owner is advised    
A.not to hesitate to spend enormous amount of money on it
B.to pay attention to its proper feeding
C.not to allow it to take excessive amounts of exercise
D.to join some sort of pet-keeping organizations
小题5:Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?
A.Domesticated Animals-Man’s Best FriendsB.Proper Diet- the Road to Health
C.The Advantages of Raising Domestic AnimalsD.Some Tips on Pet- keeping

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Nowadays more and more Chinese teenagers find life more difficult without their parents. They don’t know how to do       . Because their parents do almost __   for them at home . This is a big __ __.
Joy is 14 years old. One day her __ __ went away       business, so she had to stay at __ __alone. At first she thought she would be happy       her parents were not in. She could do everything      she liked. But it was six o’clock in the afternoon, she felt    . “Oh, it’s time to have __ __. Where can I get my __ _?” she said to _ __. Later she found some food in the fridge, but she       know how to cook. At that moment, she missed her       very much. At last she could only go to the supermarket and       some food to __ __.
Many__ _ are      as Joy. So I think they should learn some basic _ _ skills, like cooking, tidying up their rooms or dressing themselves      . They shouldn’t depend too much on their parents.
A.homework B.houseworkC.businessD.some shopping
A.nothing B.somethingC.everythingD.some
A.question B.quarrelC.fightD.problem
A.parents B.uncleC.aunt D.brother
A.in B.atC.withD.on
A.whenB.whoC.where D.that
A.herselfB.himselfC.myself D.themselves
A.couldn’t B.didn’tC.might not D.wouldn’t
A.madeB.gaveC.bought D.saw
A.drinkB.eatC.make D.give
A.menB.womenC.adults D.teenagers
A.the same B.difficult C.differentD.warm-hearted

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
When was the last time your family sat down together to have a dinner?
The speed at which we live today no longer allows for slow eating habits. Most people work long hours. There is lots of fast food and eating out is now on the increase. Often, food is eaten in front of the television in silence, or a child eats alone in front of the computer.
When I was a child, every evening around the same time, one of the children would be asked to set the table, and then we"d go and wash our hands: before the meal. This was the time of day when we would talk about our day at school. But now things have changed a lot.
A family environment plays an important role for children in learning to communicate with others and understanding table manners, such as waiting for others to finish before leaving the table and not speaking with a mouth full of food. Parents’ likes and dislikes of a certain food will also influence a child"s own likes and dislikes. Studies have shown that children who often eat with their families have better results at school than children who eat with their families less than twice a week.
Regular meal times give children the chance to discuss their problems with family members. They can also learn to respect others around the table. Talking to your children over dinner is the best way of having their-trust. Children learn good eating habits from their parents at a very young age. Family meals are important. Prepare them for your children.
小题1:Some families eat less together because __________.
A.most children live in a school
B.people are busy with their work
C.table manners change a lot
D.food in the restaurant is better
小题2:Children who often eat with their families _________.
A.turn out to do better in their studies
B.prefer to share food with others
C.show concerns about families
D.are interested in cooking
小题3:Which word can best describe the writer"s attitude towards eating together with families?
小题4:Which would be the best title of the passage?
A.Table manners of a familyB.The importance of meals
C.Why should the family eat together?D.How to choose food for your family?

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
As the mobile phones so widely appear in our daily life, someone said it would be cool if you didn’t have a mobile phone nowadays. It might be true to some extent, but as for an adult, a mobile means contact. It connects your work, relatives, friends, etc. It should do great deeds for us.
Months ago, my uncle gave his dear son a phone, because my nephew’s school is far from his home. He can only come back once a term, and the phones haven’t been so expensive yet. However, someone has criticized (批评) the young people for playing on mobiles, but not using. They are fond of sending messages, taking pictures and so on. They buy expensive, high level and fashion types for showing. They play on the mobiles day in and day out ….. Holy cow!
So, what happens to youngsters around you? Do they have a phone? What do they use it for? Do you think it’s necessary for teenagers who are still in school to have a phone?
In my view, mobile phones are only a tool for communication purpose, just like any other tools which have the potential (潜力) to be misused. In my opinion, I can see young people using it for security reason, emergency purpose, etc. If the parents can afford to pay big phone bills for their kids, well, that’s their business, like the old saying goes, “live and let live.”
--- Mary Smith
From psychological (心理学的) point of view, teenagers are more likely to be relaxed or pleasure-oriented. They would like to make something different. Buying brands that are considered “COOL” is important to them. They want others to like and admire themselves, and sometimes, even exaggerate(夸大)their own personality to show off. This can be seen as a kind of psychology during this certain range of age.
--- Dick Gates
Currently, people should tend to be more sociable, and age should not be seen as a barrier for teenagers to own their phones. They also need to set trends on the social circuit (社交圈). But here parents should play an important role in controlling their children about how to use the phones more properly.                                         
小题1: We can learn from the first sentence of the passage that ________.
A.people admire those who don’t have mobile phones
B.people don’t like to have mobile phones nowadays
C.mobile phones are too popular among people now
D.mobile phones are not as useful as before
小题2: Why are some teenagers criticized according to the second paragraph?
A.They use mobile phones for playing instead of using.
B.They don’t use mobile phones for their study.
C.They play “Holy Cow” games in mobile phones.
D.They buy expensive, fashionable mobile phones.
小题3:By saying “live and let live”, Mary Smith means that _________.
A.teenagers shouldn’t use mobile phones
B.parents should buy mobile phones for their children
C.teenagers can use mobile phones if their parents don’t mind
D.teenagers should use mobile phones for communication
小题4:What is Dick Gates’ attitude towards whether teenagers should use mobile phones?
A.Supportive.B.Objective. (客观的)
C.Negative. (消极的)D.Uninterested.

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