Mrs. Amatuli was my teacher in the fourth grade. One day at lunch time,I was get

Mrs. Amatuli was my teacher in the fourth grade. One day at lunch time,I was get

Mrs. Amatuli was my teacher in the fourth grade. One day at lunch time,I was getting ready to eat my same old tuna fish(金枪鱼)sandwich and suddenly Mrs. Amatuli asked me if she could buy my sandwich from me. She explained that I could use the money to buy a hot lunch from the cafeteria.
I was thrilled. I never bought my lunch at the cafeteria. It was too expensive for my family,and I always carried my lunch and brought the bag back home to use again the next day. My sandwiches were either bologna(大香肠)or tuna fish. It rarely varied beyond that.
You can understand my delight when I had the opportunity to buy a hot lunch.
When we finished lunch that day. Mrs. Amatuli took me aside and said she wanted to explain why she had bought my sandwich. I really didn’t care why, but it gave me a few minutes of her precious attention so I was very quiet as she explained. You see,she was Catholic and she told me that Catholics didn’t eat red meat on Fridays—they ate fish on Fridays.
Oh,I couldn’t wait to get home and tell my mama that from now on 1 wanted tuna fish on Fridays. After my mama understood why,she gladly fixed tuna fish for me on Fridays. She even fixed it on brown bread because she knew Mrs. Amatuli liked brown bread. From then on. every Friday I could get in line with the rest of the kids for a hot lunch. I didn’t care how many of the kids complained about cafeteria food—it tasted divine to me!
I realize now that Mrs. Amatuli could have fixed herself a tuna sandwich of Friday. But she bought my sandwich because she saw a 1ittle girl who was thrilled over the simple act of having a hot lunch.
I will never forget her for her compassion and generosity and what I should do is to follow her example.
小题1:Mrs.Arnatuli bought the writer’s sand wish because_____________.
A.she was tired of cafeteria food
B.she hated getting in line with kids
C.she didn’t eat red meat on Friday
D.she wanted to show care to the writer
小题2:What can we learn about the cafeteria food?
A.It was terrific.B.It was terrible.
C.The writer enjoyed it.D.Most kids were fond of it.
小题3:The underlined word "divine" in Paragraph 5 means___________.
小题4:Which of the following can best show the theme of this text?
A.It is hard to please all.
B.Better to give than to receive.
C.Love makes the world go around.
D.The more you offer,the more you are rewarded.



小题4:这是主旨大意题。根据文章倒数第二段揭示了Mrs. Amatuli买作者的三明治的真正原因,最后一段则提到作者将效仿她的热情和慷慨,所以本文的主题应是“爱能感动世界”。故选C。
I was sitting in the surgical waiting area at the hospital waiting for word of my wife"s operation. The small room was filled with other families and friends, who were ___36___ waiting to hear how their loved ones were doing.
There was a young boy sitting quietly in the ___37___ . He held a small box of ___38___ in one hand and a tablet(写字板) in the other. Every so often he"d place the tablet on his lap and draw something. As the hours passed I began to see the room almost ___39___ . And there was a strange silence.
"Daddy, when is Mommy going home?" the young boy asked, breaking the ___40___.
"Tomorrow." his father replied. The boy picked up his crayons and ___41___ something on the tablet.
I ___42___ him as he moved his feet back and forth, looking up at the ceiling and then toward the sunshine-filled window. "When"s ___43___, Daddy?" he asked. His father ___44___ him over to sit by him. "Come, ___45___ here next to me," he said with a gentle tone in his voice.
___46___ his things, the little boy walked slowly to his father"s side from the corner.The man ___47___ out and held his son by his shoulder.
"There are three days in life. Yesterday, today and tomorrow. One is over and done, one we live in, the other we ___48___ . We can"t live in yesterday, but if we are happy enough today, we will be even happier tomorrow," he said in an attempt to ___49___ the boy.
The little boy looked at him for a moment and said, "If Mommy is going home tomorrow, I"ll be ___50___. So, I want it to be tomorrow already, Daddy."
Now hanging on every word of this ___51___ , I leaned forward to hear his response. It was ___52___.
"Son, the one great thing about today is once it ___53___, it is already almost tomorrow."
I thought about how ___54___ it was. Even in my adult life, I still live waiting for what tomorrow may ___55___. Now I know that it is already "almost tomorrow".
A.frighten B.satisfyC.persuadeD.warn

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Learning to drive is important to the independence of teenagers, but it is also a great responsibility.Although having a law that keeps 16-year-old drivers from having more than one teenager in the car with them at first seems unfair, there are convincing reasons for this requirement.
The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety reports that teens are four times more likely than older drivers to be involved in an automobile accident.It also reports that 16-and 17-year-old drivers are twice as likely to have an accident if they have two teenage friends in the car and four times as likely to have one if they have three or more teenage friends in the car with them.Fatal ( 致命的) crashes of 16-year-old drivers involve the highest percentage of speeding, driver error, and number of passengers.This information is enough to cause any reasonable person to wonder about the wisdom of allowing new teen drivers to take a carload of friends anywhere, even if the law permits it.
A study at the National Institutes of Health indicates that the part of the human brain that controls judgment and evaluates the consequences of our actions might not be fully formed until the age of 25.Until this study, researchers had placed the age at 18.If this is true, it could explain the reckless (鲁莽的) behavior of many teens, behavior that often extends into their twenties.It also could be a strong reason for being cautious about the driving circumstances of young people.
This is not the only study that indicates such caution is necessary.One study at Temple University in Philadelphia examines the results of peer(同龄人) pressure in risky driving situations.The study, which uses a driving game, has an individual guide a car through a course, both alone and in the presence of friends.Three different age groups participated in the study: 13-16, 18-22, and 24 and older.Members of the oldest group showed caution whether driving alone or with friends present, but the two younger groups took more chances when they were with their friends.Furthermore, because these drivers were accustomed to the noise and distraction of many passengers, they were unable to see their own mistakes.Once again, this is a good indication that a law restricting the number of teenagers in the car with a young driver is a good idea.
小题1:What does the author mainly tell us in Paragraph 2?
A.Many deaths have occurred because of inexperience and overconfidence.
B.It" s reasonable to severely limit the passenger number of teen drivers.
C.New teen drivers have to ask permission before driving with friends.
D.There are many causes behind the teens" driving accidents.
小题2:From the two studies, the author probably suggests that ______.
A.different age groups have different peer pressure
B.teenagers often give wrong judgments above passengers" noise
C.underdeveloped brain makes teens ignore their mistakes
D.driving circumstances are bound up with(与…密切相关) the risk of accidents
小题3:We can infer that the law restriction can probably ______.
A.protect teens on the highway
B.raise teens" sense of responsibility
C.reduce the number of fatal crashes
D.force teens to drive with caution
小题4:With which statement would the author most likely disagree?
A.Some teenagers have risky behavior while driving.
B.Certain laws treat teenagers and adults differently.
C.We still need more studies on teen driving.
D.Driving is important to a teenager" s sense of independence.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
As for visiting Walt Disney World. People usually have trouble in arranging. The following will give you some practical suggestions on paying a valuable visit to the famous park.
When to go?
While it’s always busy, Disney World is slightly slower between mid-January and March. It’s summer when the visitors , combined with the heat and humidity(潮湿), are crowded. Your best choice is either early in the morning or late in the day--- often you can enjoy more rides in the first or last two hours of the day than you can the entire rest of the day combined.
Where to stay?
The question: to stay on Disney World Resort property or not. Disney World offers three resort pricing: Deluxe(豪华的), Moderate, and Value, with good facilities and in-hotel attractions. That said, they all offer “Extra Magic Hours”(early access to the theme parks), guaranteed entry when the parks are over-crowded, and frequent shuttle service to the many attractions. Off-property hotels will have shuttle transfers, but often at less regular intervals(间歇),wasting more time in transport. You’ll also need a rental car, which adds to the expense, making up for saving in the hotel rate. The “Magic Your Way Package” is a good value if you have a large family.
What to do?
Make use of the “Fast Pass” , which , for no extra cost, allow you to insert your entrance ticket into a particular machine at the attraction and receive a schedule ride time a little later on. For example, use your Fast Pass ticket at a ride just before getting lunch. Once you’re done eating, you can return to the ride and jump right on during the busiest time of day. At the Animal Kingdom, the animals are most active either early or late in the day, so plan accordingly. Thankfully this is fit for the least busy times of day in the park. Study the map of the park the night before to plan your visit. You’ll save time by knowing where things are and where you’re headed.
小题1:Visitors who use Fast Pass tickets ________ 
A.can get discounts on tickets
B.will have a well-planned ride time
C.will often be checked at the exit
D.have to pay more for their tickets
小题2:If you have referred to the map of the park, you ________ 
A.are sure to save time
B.will get the lowest-priced tickets
C.can learn the park’s location
D.may have your lost tickets replaced
小题3:The underlined word “this” in the text probably refers to the fact that ________ 
A.there are more visitors at that time
B.animals are active at that time
C.the Animal Kingdom attracts fewer visitors
D.Fast Pass benefits visitors a lot
小题4:It can be learned from Part 2 that _________
A.every visitor will have a rental car for free
B.all the shuttle transfers are convenient for visitors.
C.three typed of resort pricing are offered by Disney World
D.Young couples are advised to take the Magic Your Way Package

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Perhaps what we like most about the successful man who has a sense of humor is that he doesn"t seem to take himself too 36 . The average person expects the man in a powerful   37  to be too vain and self-centered. “Walt Dizzy is just a plain, ordinary guy. It"s absolutely amazing,” Harvey tells his friends, “He"s really not different from any one of us. Boy, I"ll tell you, success didn"t spoil him.”   38 it was Walt Dizzy"s aptitude for making the people around him feel 39  that relaxed everyone who met him and gave people the impression that he’s “one of the boys’’.
It"s always a surprise and a   40  when people discover that successful individuals are basically not different from anyone else. The majority of people   41   highly successful men and women to be very solemn and earnest because they   42 such big decisions. An executive who has a relaxed   43   and good sense of humor leaves a favorable impression. You"ve undoubtedly often heard someone say,  44   discussing one of these tycoons(大人物), “I can identify with him.” The party who makes the remark has absolutely    45  in common with the tycoons, but the    46  atmosphere, not the man himself, becomes the means of identification.
Greeting someone  47   whom you are about to do business with a warm smile is the best way to introduce yourself. People can"t  48   immediately liking such an individual. He seems humble, and they"re impressed with his informal manner. They notice his “human side,” and he   49   them over at once. People want to cooperate with this kind of man. A   50   first meeting sets the stage beautifully for the formal discussions.
On the other hand, there"s the humorless, dull type who turns you completely   51   .Stanley Shtick, president of a large food company, is a good   52 . “He is the coldest fish I’ve  53    met,” says Zelda Zoftik, “You would think he was the King of England, the way he acts,” she  54  . “The longer it is before I meet with him again, the   55  .”

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Learning how to be patient with people can be challenging for some. After all, not everybody is gifted with great patience. The good news is that it is something that can be learned and eventually perfected.
When the customer before you takes ages to pay for his or her groceries, you tap your foot impatiently and cough every now and then; but no, the customer is still not hurrying up. It takes all of your power not to make a scene.  However, if you picture that customer to be someone you like (say your partner), then you will find yourself not getting too annoyed, right? So the next time you find yourself losing patience with somebody, simply visualize that person to be someone you really, really like and your patience will extend its life.
The second step on how to be patient with people involves whistling. When you whistle a happy tune, you instantly cheer up. You can sing your favorite song if you can"t whistle - it really doesn"t make a difference. What"s important here is that you have done something that makes you feel good. And when you feel good, you are more likely to be patient with the people around you.
Next, when you"re stressed, it"s almost impossible to learn how to be patient with people. If you know you"re going to be in a situation where your patience will be tested, meditate or get yourself a massage(按摩) first. Don"t dive into anything unless you"ve managed to clear yourself off negative emotions. Remember: the more stressed you are, the faster you"ll lose your temper. The less stress you have in your life, the longer your patience.
Learning how to patient with people is not a necessity in life. You"ve seen people who manage to survive day to day with incredibly bad tempers after all. But do you really want to live like they do? If, however, you want a life that has better quality than that, then just follow these steps and embrace the fact that patience is a virtue.
小题1:what does the underlined phrase in paragraph 2 mean?
A.quarrel publiclyB.make something appear away D.feel happy
小题2:Which of the following can best summarize the topic of paragraph2?
A.We should love everyone around us.
B.Show your impatience when your customers aren’t in a hurry.
C.Think of others fondly.
D.To be patient is really difficult occasionally.
小题3:When you realized that your patience is being examined, you should________. is possible to control it
B.let it known by whoever you are facing whatever you like and don’t care what others say
D.learn to relax yourself in a possible way
小题4:Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the text?
A.We have to learn to be patient with others because it can benefit us.
B.When you are under pressure, it is unavoidable to be impatient.
C.Doing something that you like may make you feel good when you are impatient.
D.Patience is a quality that can be improved.

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