完形填空。     Walking up to someone you don"t know and starting a conversation is   

完形填空。     Walking up to someone you don"t know and starting a conversation is   

题型:0101 期末题难度:来源:
完形填空。     Walking up to someone you don"t know and starting a conversation is    1    to making new friends.
Making small talk can also lead to important business relationships, but it takes confidence,   2    and practice.
Do it well, and people will feel at ease with you and enjoy your   3   . So how can you learn the    4    of small
      Before you go to a business convention or other    5    situation, prepare three things that you can talk
about. It can be something in the news, a good movie or a popular sports team"s recent win. Then you have a 
   6    to start with when you meet a new person. Also, don"t wait for someone to   7   you. Look for someone
who is standing alone, and start a conversation. Try a simple   8   that establishes some common ground like:
"The food looks delicious." or"There sure are a lot of people here." Then introduce yourself,"Hi, I"m Helen.
(Hold out your hand for a handshake.) I just moved here, and I love this weather."
      After you start a conversation, keep it going. Instead of asking questions that can be answered a yes or no,
ask open-ended questions like "What do you think of the convention?"
     It"s time to move on once you"ve made a good   9  . Be bright (smart and cheerful), be   10   (don"t talk too
long), be gone (there are more people to meet).
题型:0118 期末题难度:| 查看答案
题型:0118 期末题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. important 
(     )2. A. challenge
(     )3. A. attitude  
(     )4. A. art      
(     )5. A. popular  
(     )6. A. topic    
(     )7. A. enquire  
(     )8. A. method    
(     )9. A. description
(     )10. A. expert  
B. necessary 
B. opportunity
B. company   
B. lesson   
B. private   
B. object   
B. communicate
B. statement 
B. attraction 
B. cautious 
C. key         
C. analysis       
C. convenience 
C. characteristic
C. social      
C. suggestion   
C. instruct     
C. announcement 
C. impression   
C. brief       
D. positive         
D. preparation        
D. union          
D. importance       
D. enjoyable        
D. present          
D. approach         
D. movement         
D. conclusion       
D. enthusiastic     
1-5:  CDBAC 6-10:  ADBCC
     People travel for a lot of reasons. Some travelers go to see battlefields or religious shrines. Others are
looking for culture, or simply want to have their photos taken in front of famous places. But most Europeans
are willing to pay a lot of money and put up with a lot of inconveniences for the sun because they have so
little of it. Residents of cities like London, Copenhagen, and Amsterdam spend a lot of their winter in the
dark because the days are so short and much of the rest of the year is in the rain. Every summer, more than
25 million people travel to Mediterranean (地中海) resorts and beaches for their vacation. They all come for
the same reason: sun.
     The huge crowds mean lots of money for the economies of Mediterranean countries. Italy"s 30,000 hotels
are booked every summer. And 13 million people camp out on French Beaches, parks, and roadsides. Spain"s
long sandy coastline attracts more people than anywhere else. 37 million tourists visit yearly, or one tourist
for every person living in Spain.
     But there are signs that the area is getting more tourism than it can handle. The Mediterranean is already
one of the most polluted seas on earth. And with increased tourism, it"s getting worse. The French can"t figure
out what to do with all the garbage left by campers around St. Tropez. And in many places, swimming is
dangerous because of pollution.
     None of this, however, is damaging anyone"s fun. The Mediterranean gets more popular every year with
tourists. Obviously, they don"t go there for clean water. They stand traffic jams and seem to like crowded
beaches. They don"t even mind the pollution. No matter how dirty the water is, the coastline still looks beautiful. And as long as the sun shines, it"s still better than sitting in the cold rain in Berlin, London, or Oslo.
1. It can be inferred from the passage that Europeans travel mostly for the reason that ______.
A. they want to see battlefields or religious shrines
B. they are interested in different cultures
C. they would like to take pictures in front of famous sites
D. they wish to escape from the cold, dark and rainy days back at home
2. In Para.1, cities like London, Copenhagen, and Amsterdam are mentioned to show that ______.
A. they are not good cities in geography and climate
B. how rich their residents are
C. these cities lack places of historic interest and tourist spots
D. they have got more tourism than they can handle
3. According to the passage, which of the following countries attracts more tourists than the others?
A. Italy
B. Spain
C. France
D. Greece
4. The sentence "one tourist for every person living in Spain" (Para.2 ) means _______.
A. every year the number of tourists is equal to(等于) the number of people living in Spain
B. all the 37 millions people living in Spain are tourists
C. every person living in Spain has to take care of a tourist
D. every Spanish is visited by a tourist every year
5. Which of the following will damage the tourists" fun at Mediterranean resorts and beaches?
A. Polluted water.
B. Crowded buses.
C. Traffic jams.
D. Rainy weather
     Directions: Read the following passage. Complete the diagram by using the information for the passage.
Write NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS for each answer.
     For many years, parties have been an important social event. When 25 people or more gather at a certain
location in order to have fun and engage in conversation, it can be considered a party. Parties usually have
different drinks and food choices, and music is a large part of the event, very often.
     Birthday parties are held in honor of an individual who is having a birthday, and presents and gifts are
usually brought by attendees (出席者).The song "Happy Birthday to You" is very often sung by partygoers
for the person who is having a birthday.
      There are different kinds of Birthday parties. Adults may have birthday parties in restaurants or nightclubs, while children usually have parties at home or at funhouses. Sometimes children may have parties at water
parks or amusement parks, as well.
     Birthday parties may also happen in the manner of a surprise party, where the person having a birthday is
not told about the birthday preparations. Surprise parties include guests hiding in a location where the party is
to take place, then shouting"surprise!" when the guest of honor enters.
     Sporting event parties usually take place around a specific sports happening, such as the Super Bowl, the
World Cup or the World Series. People gather and eat, drink, and laugh as they talk about the happenings of
the games within that sporting event. These types of parties are very lively and usually loud.
     Nightly socialization parties include house parties and dance parties. House parties sometimes are held by
teenagers and young adults of college age in a set location; private houses are often the location of choice.
People who manage the music are hired to provide musical entertainment. Usually alcohol is included, resulting
in trouble for the attendants of the party.
     Dance parties include energetic music like disco or pop. People gather at these parties to dance, drink, and
have a good time. Usually people at these parities will be of younger ages between 18-28.

     Making friends is a skill.Like most skills, it improves with   1  . If you want to meet people and make
friends,you must be   2   to do things.You must first go where there are people.You won"t make friends
staying at home   3 . Join a club or group because talking with those who like the same things as you is
easier. Or   4   someone in some activities.
     Many people are   5   when talking to people.After all,meeting   6   means facing the unknown. It"s 
  7   to feel a little uncomfortable about it.Most of our   8   about dealing with new people come from
doubts about ourselves.We imagine other people are   9   us, finding us too tall or too short, too this or too
that.But don"t   10   that they must be feeling the same way. Try to   11   yourself as you are, and try to
make the other person feel comfortable.You"ll both feel  12  comfortable.  
     Try to act   13   even if you don"t feel that way.When you enter a room full of   14  , such as a new
classroom,walk straight,   15   at the other people and smile.If you see someone you"d like to speak to, say
something.Don"t  16  the other person to start a conversation. 
       17   someone new doesn"t mean that you will make friends with that person.   18   comes when both
people like each other,and "give and take".It takes time and  19  to develop.And there are some things that
   20   a new friendship from growing.

题型:0125 期末题难度:| 查看答案

(     )1. A. practice  
(     )2. A. eager     
(     )3. A. lonely    
(     )4. A. join      
(     )5. A. serious   
(     )6. A. friends   
(     )7. A. impossible 
(     )8. A. hopes     
(     )9. A. admitting 
(     )10. A. forget   
(     )11. A. change   
(     )12. A. less     
(     )13. A. basically 
(     )14. A. strangers 
(     )15. A. stare    
(     )16. A. give up  
(     )17. A. Seeing   
(     )18. A. Habit    
(     )19. A. effort   
(     )20. A. keep     

B. imagination       
B. anxious           
B. alone             
B. attend            
B. excited           
B. strangers         
B. strange           
B. fears             
B. admiring          
B. remember          
B. do                
B. still             
B. self-confidently
B. friends           
B. glare             
B. wait for          
B. Finding           
B. Interest          
B. energy            
B. protect         
C. time      
C. willing   
C. patiently 
C. take      
C. disappointed
C. families  
C. natural   
C. regrets   
C. realizing 
C. explain   
C. accept    
C. only      
C. obviously 
C. teachers  
C. look      
C. keep off  
C. Moving    
C. Friendship 
C. patience  
C. destroy   
D. management   
D. interested   
D. hopefully    
D. teach        
D. nervous      
D. classmates   
D. unbelievable 
D. surprises    
D. judging      
D. pretend      
D. forgive      
D. more         
D. exactly      
D. students     
D. glance       
D. send for     
D. Meeting       
D. Courage       
D. chance        
D. damage        
题型:0125 期末题难度:| 查看答案
题型:0125 期末题难度:| 查看答案


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                 FISH FOR FUN! DO NOT FISH FOR FOOD!
                                                           Department of Land and Forests
     You"ve probably heard a lot about the Internet, but what is it?
     The Internet is a computer network that uses the telephone system to connect together millions of
computers around the world.
     Maybe that isn"t very exciting but once you"re connected to the Internet, there are lots and lots of
different things you can do. You can send electronic messages or "e-mails" to your friends (as long as
they"re on the Internet, too), or you can sort through all kinds of information on something called the
World Wide Web.
     You don"t need to know how the Internet works in order to use it, but if you understand the basics,
it may help you work out any technical problems you have - and of course you can help your friends
with your knowledge!
     You may think that your telephone is just for talking. But as long as you have the equipment (设备),
you can use a telephone line to send computer data (数据) as well as sounds. If you connect your
computer with the telephone system, it can receive information from and to other computers (as long as
they are connected with the telephone system, too).
     Because there is not an organization which operates the Internet, no one exactly knows how many
people are connected to it. It"s thought that there could be 60 million people on the Net, connected up to
over 15 million computers! et
1. If you want to link your PC with the Internet, you need, first of all, to ______.
A. learn how to operate a computer
B. know how to make a telephone call
C. have a telephone
D. learn how to type on a computer
2. You can keep in touch with your friends by e-mail. The condition is that _______.
A. they also have their own telephones
B. they also have their own computers
C. you have already known their telephone numbers
D. they are also connected to the Internet
3. According to the writer, it"s better to _______.
A. know how to work out technical problems besides using the Internet
B. use the Internet besides working out technical problems
C. sort through all kinds of information on the World Wide Web
D. help your friends connect their PCs with the Intern