阅读理解。     There"s no doubt that fast food has become an important part of modern

阅读理解。     There"s no doubt that fast food has become an important part of modern

阅读理解。     There"s no doubt that fast food has become an important part of modern life, especially among teenagers.
According to research, in the UK 80% of meals are eaten outside the home. And more than 50% of teenagers
eat, on average, more than one hamburger every three days. The percentage is high and nutritionists (营养专
家) are worried, but is fast food really as harmful as they say it is?
     Here is what two experts, Jake Hyde and Ursula Birkbeck, have to say on the subject. " Fast food is junk
food," says Jake Hyde.
     "Fast food is of very little nutritional value. It is full of fat, especially the harmful type, which is found in
meat, butter, cheese and mayonnaise. We need to cut down on fat if we want to stay healthy. Another thing
is that fast food contains too much salt and sugar and too many additives (添加剂 ). It is also low in vitamins
and fiber, because it includes hardly any vegetables. As a result, it doesn"t provide us with enough nutrients,
just lots of calories. Most teenagers who have made fast food an important part of their diet are overweight.
This, along with the fact that they hardly ever take any exercise, puts their health at risk. It can lead to serious
health problems like heart disease or diabetes."
     "People shouldn"t feel guilty every time they have a burger," says Ursula Birkbeck." What is in it not that
bad. Don"t forget that red meat is a good source of iron and cheeseburgers (干酪汉堡包 ), for instance,
contain calcium. Chips, which most people think are unhealthy, are not so bad after all, because potatoes are
rich in Vitamin C. However, we shouldn"t eat too much sauce or mayonnaise. Nowadays, fast food restaurants
pay attention to health matters and nutrition. They have improved the quality of their food, use fewer additives,
vegetable oil for cooking and some even use low-fat products. Also, most places offer salad bars, which give
people the chance to balance fast food with vegetables that contain other nutrients. So, people don"t need to
prevent fast food from their diet completely. It"s all a matter of what type of fast food they choose to eat, how
often and what else they eat during the day."1. From the first paragraph we know that _____.A. it"s doubtful that fast food has become an important part of modern life
B. most meals in the UK are eaten inside the home
C. over half of the British teenagers average over one hamburger every three days
D. nutritionists are sure that fast food is very harmful 2. The underlined word "mayonnaise" in Paragraph 3 is a type of ______. A. fat
B. food
C. meat
D. additive 3. The difference of the two experts" opinions lies in ______ . A. whether fast food has little nutritional value
B. whether fast food is full of fat
C. whether fast food has improved its quality
D. whether fast food restaurants pay attention to health matters 4. What would be the best title for the passage? A. Fast food-junk food
B. Fast food-friend or enemy?
C. Which expert is right?
D. The fast food restaurants are improving
1-4: CBAB
阅读理解。     Sales of laptop computers passed desktops (台式电脑) in the US for the first time ever this fall, according
to market research firm IDC.
     That" s bad news for backs, necks and shoulders.
     "Laptops are basically not designed based on human bodies-unless you" re 2 feet tall," says physician
Norman J. Marcus, a muscle (肌肉 ) specialist in New York City.
     When you work at a computer, the keyboard should be at elbow height, so your upper and lower arms
form an angle (角度) of 90 degrees or more. The monitor (显示器) should be at about eye level so you can
rest back in a chair with back support.
     But most users simply set their laptops on a desk or table. The keyboard is too high, which makes your
arms reach up, your shoulders rise and your wrists (手腕) bend down. The monitor is too low, which pulls
your head and neck forward and down and this may hurt your back.
     That" s OK if you use your laptop occasionally, for short periods. But if you use one for hours without
stopping-as do millions of college students, business travelers, video-gamers and growing numbers of office
workers-you" re setting yourself up for muscle problems that can make your entire upper body hurt.
      Experts have warned about laptop problems for years-but without success. People continue to abandon
large and heavy desktops in favor of the smaller and lighter laptops. And WiFi (无线局域网 ) connections let
us use laptops anywhere-in bed, on the floor-and in all kinds of positions.1. What Norman J. Marcus says in Paragraph 3 means _____ . A. laptops are so badly designed
B. muscle pains are mainly caused by laptops
C. laptops are not suitable for people of usual height
D. laptops cause a lot of diseases easily2. It can be known from the passage that ______. A. we had better not use laptops too frequently
B. there are no suitable places for laptops
C. we shall buy desktops instead of laptops
D. desktops will face a hard future3. Which of the following statements can be learned from the passage? A. Using laptops doesn" t do harm to people" s health.
B. People pay little attention to the risks of laptop use.
C. Most people use laptops more often than desktops.
D. Laptops bring people more disadvantages than advantages. 4. The main purpose of the passage is to _____ . A. show that laptops are widely used in the US
B. tell us people prefer laptops to desktops
C. persuade people not to use laptops any more
D. warn people of health problems caused by laptops
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阅读理解。     United Nations warn animals important to agriculture are dying out forever. The UN Environment Program
and Food and Agriculture Organization showed us a report. The findings are based on the information collected
in 170 nations during the past ten years.
     FAO officials say the world has lost about one thousand kinds of farm animals in the past one hundred years, and that 1/3 of them are at risk of disappearing. FAO officials are concerned about farmers producing enough to feed the world" s population. FAO has got the information about over 4,000 kinds of birds and animals
population. 740 of those breeds no longer exist. 1,300 others are said to be endangered or at high risk of
     Many of them are important than animals. For example, in Madagascar, Renitelo cattle have almost
disappeared. In the Philippines, the Banaba chicken is now rare. Fewer than 1,000 of the birds remain. In
Mexico, the Chiapas sheep are at the export (出口 ) of animals from industrial to developing countries. The
report says animals from industrial nations are often considered more productive in developing countries.
However, the animals are best for the environment of areas they are from. Now the UN is starting a five-year
project to help countries better understand the issue.1. Which of the following is the opposite to " extinct" ? A. exist
B. disappear
C. endanger
D. risk

2. The Banaba chicken may be _____ .

A. kept in the wild
B. raised on farms
C. eaten up
D. living long 3. Why are farm animals exported to developing countries?A. The animals are more delicious.
B. The developing countries are unable to raise animals.
C. The exported animals grow up more quickly or cheaper.
D. Some can have illness more easily. 4. What is the proper title of the passage?A. No Animals, No Nature
B. A Five-year Project
C. The Protection of Nature
D. The Findings of Endangered Animals by FAO
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     Though its number is increasing ,the Hainan deer is not yet out of the woods of endangerment. That is , it is
in great danger.
     The Hainan deer, or EId"s deer, is found only in Hainan Province of South China. It looks similar to the sika
deer, but bears no plum flower spots on the body.
     In the Datian Nature Reserve of Hainan the deer population has increased from 26 in 1976 to the present
500. But with the development of the island in recent years, the Hainan deer is faced with more serious
challenges to go on living.
     The Datian Reserve is only 13 square kilometers in area, which is too small for the Hainan deer to find good
places or enough food.
      Because more and more people have moved to the island and settled here, more land is used for building.
Weak deer which are driven out by their fellows are threatened by human neighbours. Illegal hunting is pushing
the valuable deer into difficult situation.
     The Hainan deer is brown, with the female lighter in colour, and has a clear black line across the back. They
like to feed in bamboo forests, bushes and grassland under the rocks. They belong to herbivores, which feed on grass instead of meat.
      From mid-January to June is the breeding season for the Hainan deer. The male deer fight against one
another with their antlers to determine the order to breed. The top winner has many more choices than the
     In September, the female deer start to bear fawns. The little deer follow their mothers until two years of age.

1. From the passage we know the Hainan deer _____.A. has no antlers
B. has no plum flower spots on the body
C. is out of the woods of endangerment
D. hasn"t increased since 1976 2. What makes the Hainan deer endangered? A. More land is being developed.
B. The Datian Reserve is too small.
C. Illegal hunting.
D. All of the above. 3. During the period, from mid-January to June, the male deer fight against each other in order to _____.A. get more choices to breed
B. get enough food
C. get good places
D. get more baby deer4. The writer wrote this article mainly to ______ . A. tell us that the number of Hainan deer is increasing
B. introduce us a most precious deer
C. let us know where Hainan deer live
D. warn us that the Hainan deer is endangered
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阅读理解。     When humans and nature go head to head, nature often ends up losing. Rivers get polluted. Trees are
knocked down. Natural resources are exhausted. That"s what makes the Galapagos Islands so special-it"s
one of the few pristine (原始状态的) places on Earth that nature can truly call its own.
     For people used to having wild animals run at the scent of humans, a visit to the Calapagos is a real
eye-opening experience. Over 1,600 kms west of Ecuador (厄瓜多尔) ,the islands are home to a unique
variety of animals that have absolutely no fear of people. Visitors can play on the beach with sea lions and
giant sea turtles, swim with dolphins and whales, and get close enough to the penguins to count the eggs
in their nests.
     The islands were declared a national park over 40 years ago, and the number of human visitors is tightly
limited to avoid damaging the environment or putting stress on the animals. Tourists have to pay a $100 daily
visitors fee,a nd can"t step off the boat unless accompanied (陪同 ) by an official guide. Once on the islands,
you have to stay on the trail, but that rarely presents a problem: the animals are so curious about people that
they"ll usually come up to say hello.
      "It"s a little like being in a zoo," said one traveler." But instead of us looking at the animals, the animals are
looking at us.
     Aside from the wildlife, one of the islands" more unusual features is its post office. You can send postcards
for free, but the catch is that there"s no postman to collect them. Instead, travelers pick up mail addressed to
people who live near them back home, and then hand-deliver the postcards when their trip is finished. 1. The Galapagos Islands are _____.A. terribly polluted
B. near Ecuador
C. in the Atlantic Ocean
D. independent of Ecuador 2. Which animal is NOT mentioned in the passage? A. Whales.
B. Sea lions.
C. Goats.
D. Dolphins. 3. On the Galapagos Islands the mail is delivered by____. A. the government
B. the post office
C. the tourists
D. the guides 4. What would be the best title for the passage?A. The Anti-Zoo
B. Humans and Nature
C. Go Head to Head
D. Ecuador-An Island Country
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     China"s giant panda habitat (栖息地) was included on the World Heritage List Wednesday at the 30th session
of the World Heritage Committee( WHC) in Vilnius, capital of Lithuania.
     Another Chinese site applying for inclusion, the ruins of the Shang Dynasty capital in Anyang, Henan
Province, is also due to be discussed by members.
     After deliberation, the 30th session of the WHC unanimously (一致性地) agreed to include the giant panda
habitat, making it the 35th Chinese site on the list. 
     "We greatly thank the Chinese Government for submitting (提交) such a good application to the WHC to
enrich tile World Heritage List," said the WHC.
     "We greatly thank the Chinese Government for its tremendous effort to protect such a precious site of
bio-diversity (生物多样性)."
     Wang Fengwu, a member of the Chinese delegation at the meeting, told Chinese reporters that the decision
would prompt effective protection of rare and endangered animals and plant species.
     The giant panda habitat of Sichuan Province covers a 9,510 square-kilometre area including the
world-renowned Wolong Nature Reserve,
China has spent 20 years trying to get the area included _____,said
Wang, who is also deputy director general of the Department of Urban Development at the Ministry of
      The application topped a list of 37 proposed new sites vying (竞争) for inclusion. The giant panda habitat is
home to at least 300 giant pandas and a variety of endangered flora (植物).
     The World Wildlife Fund"s former China director James Harkness once said that the panda"s territory
contained some of the most critical regions for bio-diversity conservation in the world.

1. What"s the best title of the passage? ( Please answer within 10 words. )
2. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?
   After much consideration, all the members of the 30th session of the WHC agreed to include the giant
   panda habitat as the 35th Chinese site on the World Heritage List.
3. Please fill in the blank in the 7th paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.
   ( Please answer within 10 words. )
4. What benefits will the decision bring to China? ( Please answer within 30 words. )
5. Translate the underlined sentence in the passage into Chinese.
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