Years ago, a Southern woman was in one of my workshops. When asked to tell a sto

Years ago, a Southern woman was in one of my workshops. When asked to tell a sto

Years ago, a Southern woman was in one of my workshops. When asked to tell a story that  36 her character (品质), she described an  37 when she was 5. She was at her grandfather’s house  38 up in a beautiful white skirt and new gloves ,   39 as she could be.
Her grandfather told her she could go into the  40 and get herself a cookie. Next to the cookies was a pile of coins. Sure that no one was  41 , she took one of the coins, too.
When she 42 with her cookie, her grandfather asked her to show him her  43 . She held out only her left hand  44 , and he said, “Show me the other hand.” When she unwillingly did  45 , showing the coin, she saw  46 in her grandfather’s eyes.
He paused a moment and then 47 her up, saying, “Darling, you can have anything in the world that I have, but it breaks my heart that you’d ever  48 it.” Some 50 years later, this story of how her grandfather gave her the gift of  49 still brought tears to her eyes.
Few things have as large an influence on  50 the values of a child as the strong pain of lovingly administered shame (羞愧). It helps judge right from wrong and gives a   51 emotional (感情的) dimension to moral (道德的) and character issues.
Kids, and adults for that matter, learn from their  52 . Parents, teachers and coworkers can remind them of their moral responsibilities without shaming or  53 them.
What we can’t do is just let  54 go, unless we want to send the message that’s okay. What we allow, we  55 . And we should never encourage anything other than moral excellence.
A.changed B.affected C.formed D.built
A.occasion B.adventure C.accident D.incident
A.put B.brought C.dressed D.held
A.proud B.patient C.creativeD.absurd
小题5: B.supermarket
A.looking B.passing C.followingD.listening
A.fled B.returned C.arrived D.continued
A.hands B.coins C.cookies D.gloves
A.quickly B.politely C.cautiously D.suddenly
A.also C.even D.though
A.disappointment B.surprise C.excitement D.pleasure
A.sent B.called C.took D.hugged
A.possess B.stealC.hide D.sell
A.confidence B.determination C.honesty D.courage
A.shaping B.judging C.destroying D.acquiring
A.different B.similar C.practical D.powerful
A.experiences B.mistakes C.adventures D.books
A.troubling B.endangering C.hurting D.cheating
A.misbehaviors B.faults C.burdens D.sufferings
A.encourage B.agree C.adjust D.refuse



小题1:B 动词辨析。A改变B影响C形成D建设;当被要请求讲述一个影响她品质的故事,她讲述了一个她5岁的时候发生的小事情。
小题2:D 名词辨析。A场合B冒险C事故D小事件;她描述了一个在她5岁的时候,所发生的事情。
小题3:C 短语辨析。Put up搭建,留宿;bring up抚养,呕吐;dress up打扮;hold up延误;她在爷爷家里穿着一件白色的连衣裙。
小题4:A 形容词辨析。A自豪的B耐心的C有创造力D荒谬的;因为她穿着很好,所以她很自豪。
小题5:C 上下文串联。根据get herself a cookie中的煎饼,说明是进来厨房。
小题6:A 动词辨析。A看见B通过C跟随D听;因为没有人看见,所以她偷偷地拿了一个硬币。
小题7:B 上下文串联。上文叙述她进了厨房那东西吃,现在回到了爷爷的身边。
小题8:A 上下文串联。根据44空前的left hand可知爷爷要看她手里的东西。
小题9:C 副词辨析。A迅速地B礼貌地C小心地;谨慎地D突然;她只是小心地把左手伸了出来,右手没有拿出来。
小题10:B 上下文串联。本句的so就是指前句“Show me the other hand.”她不愿意这样做。
小题11:A 名词辨析。A失望B惊讶C兴奋D快乐;她把右手里银币拿了出来,爷爷的眼里慢是失望。
小题12:D 动词辨析。A送B打电话C拿走D拥抱;爷爷停顿了一会,然后把她抱了起来。
小题13:B 上下文串联。根据上文的描述可知她是在没有人的时候,偷偷拿了硬币。所以爷爷才说她偷了东西让他很伤心。
小题14:C 名词辨析。A信心B决心C诚实D勇气;根据上文可知爷爷给她讲述的是诚实的重要性,所以当她想起这件事的时候,仍然很难受。
小题15:A 动词辨析。A塑造B判断C破坏D活动;在塑造孩子的价值观方面没有说明比羞愧有更大的影响了。
小题16:D 形容词辨析。A不同的B相似的C实用的D强大的;这可以帮助孩子辨别是非,给道德情感很大的感情限制。
小题17:B 名词辨析。A经验B错误C冒险D书本;本句是指人们要从所犯的错误中学习。
小题18:C 动词辨析。A麻烦B使…危险C伤害D欺骗;在不欺骗和羞辱他们的情况下,父母,老师和同事会提醒他们所承担的道德道德责任。
小题19:A 名词辨析。A不端行为B过错C负担D痛苦;我们不能做的事情就是不能让这些不端的行为不受处理。
小题20:A 动词辨析。A鼓励B同意C调整D拒绝;我们允许做鼓励做的事情中做重要的就是道德上的优秀。
I never thought I would have a life-changing experience at Wal-Mart.
Although my thoughts were only on speed, the checkout line I was standing in wasn’t moving as quickly as I wanted, and I glanced toward the cashier. There stood a man in his seventies, wearing glasses and a nice smile. I thought, well, he’s an old guy!
For the next few minutes I watched him. He greeted every customer before scanning the items. Sure, his words were the usual, “How’s it going?” But he did something different—he actually listened to people. Then he would respond to what they had said and engage them in brief conversation.
I thought it was odd (古怪的). I have grown accustomed to people asking me how I was doing simply out of robotic conversational habit. After a while, you don’t give any thought to the question and just say something back. I could say, “I just found out I have six months to live,” and someone would reply, “Have a great day!”
But that wasn’t the end. He gave them the change, walked around the counter, and extended his right hand in an act of friendship. He looked the customers in the eyes. “I sure want to thank you for shopping here today,” he told them. “You have a great day. Bye-bye.”
The looks on the faces of the customers were priceless. There were smiles and some sheepish grins (咧嘴一笑). All had been touched by his simple gesture—and in a place they never expected. They would gather their things and walk out, smiling.
Of course, he did the same to me and I got to know his name, Marty.
56. 小题1:The checkout line the writer was standing in moved slower than expected because ________.
A.the cashier couldn’t work as fast as others
B.there were some big purchases
C.the cashier did more than scanning the items
D.the writer was not patient enough
57.小题2:According to the writer, when common people ask you “How’s it going?”________.
A.they don’t really care what you may answer
B.they are just practicing their conversation ability
C.they are asking about your private information
D.they don’t expect to hear any negative answers
58.小题3:What was most customers reaction on Marty’s behaviors?
A.They thought it priceless.B.They were in some way moved.
C.They thought it awful and odd.D.They felt somewhat annoyed..
59.小题4:What does the writer intend to express through the text?
A.Our everyday life is always full of surprises.
B.Most customers enjoy being treated this way.
C.Being different is a good way of doing business.
D.A little positive action can make a big difference.

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A little boy asked his mother, “Why are you crying?” “Because I’m a woman,” she told him.
“I don’t understand,” he said. His mum just hugged him and said, “You  36 will.”
Later the little boy asked his father, “Why does my mother seem to cry for no reason?” “All women cry for no reason,”  37  so much could his dad say.
The little boy grew up and became a man, still  38  why women cry.  39  he gave a call to God, and when God got on the phone, he asked, “God, why do women cry so  40 ?”
God said, “When I made the woman she had to be  41 . I made her shoulders 42 enough to carry the weight of the world; yet, gentle enough to give  43 .”
“I made her  44 childbirth and the rejection that many times comes from her children. I gave her hardness that allows her to keep going when everyone else  45 , and to take care of her family in spite of sickness and fatigue (劳累) without  46 . I gave her the sensitivity to  47 her children under any and all circumstances,  48  her child has hurt her very badly. I gave her wisdom to carry her husband through his 49 . I gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never  50 his wife, but sometimes tests her strengths and her resolve to stand beside him  51 . And finally, I gave her a tear to shed. She can use it whenever it is needed.”
“You see, the beauty of a woman is not in the  52 she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she  53 her hair. The  54 of a woman must be seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart and the place where love  55 .”
A.surely B.neverC.probably D.seldom
A.only B.even C.almost D.hardly
A.hopingB.knowing C.wondering D.expecting
A.ActuallyB.Generally C.Luckily D.Finally
A.easily B.rarelyC.simply D.excitedly
A.clever B.beautiful C.specialD.ordinary
A.thick B.fat C.wide D.strong
A.sympathy B.comfortC.kindness D.mercy
A.stand B.load C.acceptD.burden
小题10: away up out
A.difficulty B.danger C.restD.complaining
A.control C.respectD.satisfy
A.even if case that though
A.minds B.helpsC.refuses D.hurts
A.nervously B.tiredly C.determinedly D.unselfishly
A.clothes D.glasses
A.washes B.dyes C.cuts D.combs
A.figure D.appearance
A.hides B.lives C.stores D.comes

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Dear Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul,
Most people don’t really know what pressures a typical teenager has to go through. Sure, our parents and grandparents were once teens, but things are so different now. It has never been to tougher (严格)to a teenager.
It had never been more important to be in the “right group” or to have the “right brand” of shoes. And those are the easy things to deal with. We also face problems with family, friends, relationships and school pressures.
When it gets to be too much, I turn to my friends. One friend I could not live without is Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul. Your books have been so inspiring to me and have helped me to deal with and understand the problems I go through.
For example, I went through a confusing time with my friends when we got to junior high. I had known these friends since kindergarten, and when we began junior high it seemed like some of them began to change. We started hanging out with different groups, and we slowly grew so far apart that it seemed as if we had never been friends. I felt confused and hurt.
Sometime during this period I read the story Friends Forever in Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul Ⅱ.I felt so much better after reading it. It was like a weight had been lifted from me when I realized that many friendships went through changes and that we weren’t the only friends to experience them.
People change, but that doesn’t mean we have to lose the friendships we once shared. My friends and I still spend time together when we can and care about each other a lot. That things are different doesn’t mean I have to forget about all the good times we had. I will always keep the memories in a safe place in my heart.
小题1:According to the author, parents and grandparents
A.didn’t have to overcome difficulties when in their teens.
B.don’t fully understand the pressures of being a teenager now
C.can easily deal with things such as choosing friends and shoes.
D.don’t need to give help to teenagers with pressures and problems
小题2:Why did the author feel confused and hurt when he got to junior high?
A.Because he was afraid that he had lost his friends.
B.Because he and his friends weren’t in the same school.
C.Because he was too busy to be with his friends.
D.Because his friends refused to hang out with him.
小题3:What does the underlined word “them” in Para.5 refer to?
小题4:In the letter the author mainly tells us that
A.people change but friendships always last.
B.changes sometimes cause hurt and confusion
C.people will go through many changes in life
D.friendships should be kept with skills

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I am a good mother to three children. I have tried never to let my profession stand in the way of being a good parent.
I no longer consider myself the center of the universe. I show up. I listen. I try to laugh. I am a good friend to my husband. I have tried to make marriage vows(誓约) mean what they say. I am a good friend to my friends, and they to me. Without them, there would be nothing to say to you today.
So here"s what I wanted to tell you today: Get a life. A real life, not a desire of the next promotion(提升), the bigger paycheck, the larger house.
Get a life in which you are not alone. Find people you love, and who love you. And remember that love is not leisure(空闲), it is work. Pick up the phone. Send an e-mail. Write a letter. And realize that life is the best thing and that you have no business taking it for granted.
It is so easy to waste our lives, our days, our hours, our minutes. It is so easy to exist instead of to live. I learned to live many years ago. Something really, really bad happened to me, something that changed my life in ways that, if I had my choice, it would never have been changed at all. And what I learned from it is what, today, seems to be the hardest lesson of all.
I learned to love the journey, not the destination. I learned to look at all the good in the world and try to give some of it back because I believed in it, completely and totally. And I tried to do that, in part, by telling others what I had learned. By telling them this: Read in the backyard with the sun on your face. Learn to be happy. And think of life as a deadly illness, because if you do, you will live it with joy and passion as it ought to be lived.
小题1:The best title of this passage probably is________.
A.Love your friends B.Live a real life
C.Don"t waste time D.Be a good mother and wife
小题2:The underlined sentence "It is so easy to exist instead of to live" in the fifth paragraph probably has the same meaning as________. is so easy to keep alive but not to live a real life is very hard to live a real life is so easy to make a living is more difficult to exist than to live a happy life
小题3:What"s the author"s attitude toward work?
A.Do it well to serve others.
B.To earn enough money to make life better.
C.Try your best to get higher position and pay.
D.Don"t let it affect your real life.
小题4:It can be inferred from the passage that_________.
A.the author is a success in personal life
B.the author didn"t try her best to work well
C.the author spent all her time caring for her children
D.the author likes traveling very much

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Recently, one of my best friends, whom I"ve shared just about everything with since the first day of kindergarten, spent the weekend with me. Since I moved to a new town several years ago,we"ve both always looked forward to the few times a year when we can see each other.
Over the weekend, we spent hours and hours, staying up late into the night, talking about the people she was hanging around with. She started telling me stories about her new boyfriend, about how he experimented with drugs and was into other self­destructive(自我毁灭的) behavior. I was blown away! She told me how she had been lying to her parents about where she was going and even stealing out to see this guy because they didn"t want her around him. No matter how hard I tried to tell her that she deserved better, she didn"t believe me. Her self­respect seemed to have disappeared.
I tried to convince her that she was ruining her future and heading for big trouble. I felt like I was getting nowhere. I just couldn"t believe that she really  thought it was acceptable to hang out with a group of losers, especially her boyfriend.
By the time she left,I was really worried about her and exhausted by the experience. It had been so frustrating,I had come close to telling her several times during the weekend that maybe we had just grown too far apart to continue our friendship, but I didn"t. I put the power of friendship to the final test. We"d been friends for far too long. I had to hope that she valued me enough to know that I was trying to save her from hurting herself. I wanted to believe that our friendship could conquer anything.
A few days later, she called to say that she had thought long and hard about our conversation, and then she told me that she had broken up with her boyfriend. I just listened on the other end of the phone with tears of joy running down my face. It was one of the truly rewarding moments in my life. Never had I been so proud of a friend.
小题1:In the writer"s opinion,her friend ________.
A.was a girl with no self­respect
B.could find a better boyfriend
C.was brave enough to stick to her own choice
D.didn"t value the writer"s suggestion
小题2:What did the writer worry about?
A.She would lose the friendship with her.
B.Her friend"s parents would be worried about their daughter.
C.Her friend would get into great trouble with the boy.
D.Her friend"s boyfriend would be in great trouble.
小题3:We may learn from Paragraph 3 that the writer________.
A.didn"t want to go anywhere else
B.understood her friend"s hanging with her boyfriend
C.couldn"t believe that her friend"s choice was acceptable
D.doubted that she could in any way help her friend
小题4:What can be concluded from the passage?
A.Friendship starting from childhood is not reliable.
B.Friendship is a cure for any injury in life.
C.Friendship should be everlasting once begun.
D.Friendship can have magical power in life.

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