Thanksgiving Thank God for giving me such good family,such good teachers,such good friends,such good food,such good place,such good health and so on.I am a lucky man in the world.What a fortunate life I have.Since I was born,my mum took care of me and two of my younger brothers and one sister.At that time,my father was away from home to earn our living,so that mum had to look after four little chiledren on her own.Saddly,I remembered my health was not good which made me easy to get sick when I was a little child.My mum had to bring me along to see the doctor and followed doctor's descritions to feed me with the medicine.Luckily,I was away from sick when I started my primary school.Here,I say,"thank you,my mum".You are one of the great mothers in the world.When I was growing up,teachers,like Mr or Mrs?,they taught me how to learn,how to behave.As a growing child or teenager,I got many questions about study or life and I was confused.How lucky I could get the answers from my great teachers.Thank you to my teachers!My classmates,my friends,thank you for being with me all the time.You are ones who make my life full of joy and fun.Remember we went travelling or BBQ or KTV or birthday party or whatever activity together,what a great time we had when we joined together.Thank you so much.Looking around the whole world,there is wars,like Iraqi war,and there is people living in Africa who don't have enough food so that they are easy to get sick or even die.Here I am,I have such peaceful and wonderful place to live,I have plenty food to eat.I have my healthy body.How lucky I am,thank God.I wish people can have good life as I have,or even better life.And I wish all of you enjoy your beautiful life now and in the future.
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