我与大自然交朋友的作文怎么写 急
我与大自然交朋友的作文怎么写 急
My friends
Everyone in the world is not alone.We have families also friends.People become friends with millions of reasons and also some become friends without any reason.People have different characteristics may also become friends as a kind of mutual compensation.The three friends below can all give me some advice when I was misled in life.
My friend’s name is Jack.We did not become friends immediately when we met in middle-school.He is the same age as me,but he is like some kind of a tutor to me.And he is tolerant to my fault all the time.It is he who made me know the definition of friendship.I was a mischievous boy at that time and I was hanging out with some hooligans.He wanted to save me a better future by driving me back to my studies.The way he chose seemed weird,because he did not persuade me like teachers or my parents.He tried to join us.He hanged out with us actually with me only.“Making the wrong friends is just like taking drugs.”,he once said to me.That was the reason why he chose the weird way to persuade me.A strong mind always helps.I also remembered that once I made him very angry by cheating him.But the moment I wanted to say sorry to him,he told me that friends indeed would never say sorry to each other.From then on the world “sorry” was gone in my dictionary.We need not to forgive each other but to understand each other.
For children,parents stand for the authority and are strict.My mother is a very capable woman in educating.As for me,my mother is just like an elder sister.She has her own way to educate me and never uses force to regulate my behavior,which makes her distinct from other parents.Even when I was a teenage,she preferred talking to me instead of physical punishment.The most serious punishment as I could remember was that I stood at the corner of our garden,for my dog and I made the vegetables a mess.I appreciated that my mother gave me the opportunities to learn from the experiences.I got to know that through my 18th birthday present.The present was a cell phone.I used to be a faddist.My mother wanted to make me more rational on money.And I was crazy about cell phones when I was in high school.She decided to by me a very experience mobile phone as my present for my 18th birthday.Then she told me that fad was nothing but to fade away.I did not take this immediately as well as some other things happened like this.And she would wait until I got to know the right myself.
Jane is not the most beautiful girl I have ever met.But she is the most suitable one to be my girlfriend.She is optimistic and progressive.Before meeting her,I thought I was some kind of a loser of life and I treated everything in the world with hatred.It is Jane that gets me to the right way.One day she asked me what I wanted to be in the future.I said nothing.That was the only moment I saw sadness slipped over her face.Then she gave me a smile and told me that I would be the best if I wanted to.“There is no difficulties if you put your heart into something.” She said to me.She also changed my bad temper.When I was wildly complaining I was not fairly treated in the basketball competition to the referee,she would pull me away in case I would be punished by the authority.Jane also forgave my carelessness.She did not blame me that I often remembered her birthday three or more days later and even I got her things lost due to my inattention.
I was told that once people become friends they will get benefits from each other all life along.I am lucky to be bestowed with Jack,Jane and my mother.And they are the persons whom I always can count on in my life.
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