Frist I want to make an comparison between me and Joe in Little Women. In the case of the bad temper and unladylike characteristics,I am a copy of Joe. In another aspects like always being tough and happy no matter what happens, I am also another version of Joe living in the real world. I love to find out new things and solve diffcult problems.I am always a searcher who are eager to explore the world around me. Believe me, I am completely a woman soldier,keeping fighting for my best as well as for my team. Talking of being an expert, I would say,now, I am an expert in everything I am interested in,including cooking and learning, especially in learning maths. And I am confident that,if in the future,something inspires my interest,I will definitely become an expert in that.
First,I have drawn an analogy between Jo in Little Women and me. I am a hot-tempered, tough and unladylike girl who keeps optimistic in face of any challenging situation, a Jo in the real world. I am an eager searcher who continues exploring the world around me and finding ways to solve difficult problems. I am, like Jo, a woman solider, fighting for my interest and that of those I love. People always consider that I am swollen with pride when I am bragging that I am an expert in nearly everything. But I do fall in love with everything that has provoked my interest, for example, math.
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