Now the school did not comply with the provisions for students, to pressure the students made great pressure. As of now, some classmates this summer day at school for their complaints is decorated a lot of homework. There are many vacation plan originally all will turn into soup! Statistics from the large now is not a good student support school homework. The student thought for our students whose since then it should come true. So canceled vacation homework is very obvious.
If the school during the vacation to students in large amounts of homework, this arrangement for children. It would make complaints. Learning aversion You can go to school, even under the speculation, can decorate the homework now students to finish the homework can seriously again a few students? Now the progress made many network through the also play euphemistically played head. Take this summer vacation homework, now many networks have appeared many help do homework "gunmen". If the students feel their reasonable, can put a lot of his homework all over these "gunmen" to do. Until the summer, students also play a comfortable and complete the homework. The so-called network and the gunmen "do" to send a happy are a small fortune. Afterwards, homework by yourself school students to talk. When the teacher to student submit written homework is full, they never thought oneself but Jane grounding into another "FanWei!"
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