英语作文 the weather 怎么写,主要抓住哪些内容,只给了这个题目.
英语作文 the weather 怎么写,主要抓住哪些内容,只给了这个题目.
The weather
Here is the weather for Beijing for the next two days. It will be cloudy and rainy in the evening tomorrow. The highest temperature will be 28 centigrade degrees and the lowest temperature will be 20 centigrade degrees. The day after tomorrow will be sunny. And the highest temperature will be 32 centigrade degrees and the lowest temperature will be 24 centigrade degrees. Thank you very much.
如: There are four seasons here in Beijing. It is windy and warm in spring. In summer it is hot and sometimes it rains heavily. Autumn is the nicest season of the year. It's neither too cold nor too hot. It's cool and the sky is very blue. It's cold in winter. And sometimes the temperature can reach more than 10 minus centigrade degrees.
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