

My dad was a fisherman.He had his own boat but it was hard making a living on the sea.He worked hard and would stay out until he caught enough to feed the family.
He was a big man,and he was strong form pulling the nets and fighting the seas for his catch.when you got close to him,he smelled like the ocean.
When the weather was bad he would drive me to school in his old truck.That truck was older than he was.You could hear it coming for blocks.On the way,I would shrink down into the seat hoping to disappear.He would stop right in front of the school.it seemed that everybody would be standing!
One day I decided I was too old for a goodbye kiss.When we got to school,he had his usual big smile.He started to lean toward me,but I put my hand up and said ,"No Dad." It was the first time I had ever talked to him that way."Dad,I'm too old for goodbye kiss.'" My Dad looked at me for the longest time,and his eyes started to tear up.I had never seen him cry.He turned and looked out.
"You're right," he said."You are a big boy……a man."
It wasnt long before my dad went to sea and never came back.I wish that my dad would give me just one more kiss…… to feel hisold face……to smell the sea on him.I wish I had been a man then.If I had been a man I would never have told my dad I was too old for a goodbye kiss.
1.The author didn't want his father kiss him goodbye again because he thought___.
A.his father was too old B.he was afraid his classmates would laugh at him
C.his father smelled D.their car was too old
2.The author's father would drive him to school when_____.
A.he got up late B.it was raining C.his mother was ill D.it was sunny
3.The best meaning of the phrase "shrink down" in the third paragraph is_____.
A.lie down to rest B.sit straight to be safe
C.get smaller to hide himself D.get up to show himself.
4.The author wrote this story mainly to tell us that_____.
A.his father worked hard for the family B.he misses his father very much
C.his early life was hard D.his father died in an accident
1.B He had his own boat but it was hard making a living on the sea意为父亲用自己的船来勉强维持全家的生活.(说明家里不富裕,作者害怕被嘲笑)2.B When the weather was bad he would drive me to school in...


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