完形填空。     I stood in the doorway, watching my older brother carefully putting cl

完形填空。     I stood in the doorway, watching my older brother carefully putting cl

完形填空。     I stood in the doorway, watching my older brother carefully putting clothes into his bag. I coughed
 uneasily. Finally __1__  that I was there, Rocky turned toward me with a sad smile.
     "I"m __2__ tomorrow," he said.
     "I know." My __3__  was almost a whisper (低声). I was __4__  at myself for being so weak ,but I
 wasn"t about to cry .
     "My   20   is early ,so there is still __5__  time to come to the airport," he said .Seeing the __6__ look
 on my face , he quickly added, "I promise (答应) I won"t leave without saying goodbye."
      I tried to say __7__ , but didn"t . It"s always __8__ to keep quiet if you"re about to cry . "You
 promised you wouldn"t cry," he said to me, thinking that I was close to __9__ .
     I remember the day he taught me how to ride a bike. __10__ I thought he was always right behind me,
 holding the seat to keep me from __11__ . I was happy with this, but he knew he couldn"t hold me up all
 my life . He told me that one day he would have to let go.
     His coughing stopped my thinking .What was left to say? How could I say __12__  to the person who
 taught me everything?
     The next morning I __13__ , looked at my alarm clock , and realized he had left __14__  ago .We
 never even said goodbye.
     Goodbye, Rocky! Although he may have been many miles away, I knew he heard me, even if it was
 only an answer in his heart.(     ) 1.A.forgetting
(     ) 2.A.arriving  
(     ) 3.A.voice      
(     ) 4.A.glad      
(     ) 5.A.ship      
(     ) 6.A.enough    
(     ) 7.A.surprised  
(     ) 8.A.anything  
(     ) 9.A.stranger  
(     ) 10.A.tears    
(     ) 11.A.At last  
(     ) 12.A.riding    
(     ) 13.A.goodbye  
(     ) 14.A.gave up  
(     ) 15.A.minutes   B.realizing        
B.From now on      
B.stood up        
B.hours                                  C.watching        
  C.At first        
  C.looked up        
  C.days               D.learning    
  D.So far      
  D.woke up      
1—5: BDACB   6—10 : ACCBA     15—20: CDADB

阅读理解     Two foreign(外国)students are playing the game of go(围棋)with Chinese students. They are from the United
Kingdom. They come to Blue Tassel in Suzhou,Jiangsu. They will have classes with Chinese students for two years.
They have four classes in a week. They will learn Chinese culture(文化) by playing go, guzheng and making jiaozi.
     What is the boy doing? He is leading(引导) students up to buses. He is a student at Qingdao NO. 9 Middle school
in Shandong. This month, Qingdao opens 17 new bus lines(线路). These lines are for the students" safety(安全) on
the way to and from school. The lines pass 26 schools and help more than(超过) 3,000 students.1. Where do the two foreign students come from?
2. How many(多少) classes do they have in a month?
3. What will they learn at school?
4. Why does Qingdao open the new lines?
5. How many students can get help?
题型:辽宁省期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解     Locus  lives in Norway. He lives in the country. He doesn"t like the country. He wants to live in the city.
     Locus  goes to Oslo. Oslo is a big city. He finds a nice apartment. He pays(支付) some  money for the apartment.
     Locus is hungry. So he goes to a restaurant to have lunch. After lunch, Locus wants to go back to his new
apartment. Where is his apartment building(建筑物)? He can"t remember(记得)! "My apartment building is big."
Locus thinks. He looks for a gray apartment. Many apartment buildings are gray!
     "My apartment building is on a busy street." Locus thinks. He looks for an apartment building on a busy street.
Many apartment buildings are on busy streets!
     Locus is lost.He can"t find his apartment building! "What can I do?" He has to ask the police for help. He finds
his apartment building at last(最后).1. The underlined(被画线的) word "country" here means(意思是)__________ in Chinese
2. Locus can"t remember the __________ his new apartment building.
3. Locus"s new apartment building isn"t on a __________street.
4. It"s __________ for Locus to find his apartment building.
5. With the help of(在…帮助下) the __________, Locus finds his apartment building.
题型:辽宁省期中题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。     Mr Johnson worked in a  1  .Three years ago,when he was sixty-eight, heretired (退休).But a lot
of people come to ask hem   2  .He"s vevy  3   in the daytime and he wants to have a good rest at night.
Half a year ago a young man moved in the room upstaivs.At first he was   4   but later. he and his friends
talked loudly,sang and danced until it was late at night.Mr Johnson was  5 ,but he didn"t say anything.
It was the young man"s birthday yesterday. 6  friends came at seven in the evening,The drank  7    and
made a lot of noise.The olk man couldn"t fal asleep the whole night.This moning,as soon sa he got up,
he went   8  
      And began to knock at the door.The young man opened the door and let the old man go in."Did
you hear me  9  the ceiling(天花板)last night,young man?"asked Mr Johnson.
     " 10 , sir,"said the young man."I don"t mind it.it was very noisy in my house, too."
题型:四川省同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:安徽省期中题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. factory        
(     )2. A. look them over  
(     )3. A. basy            
(     )4. A. friendly        
(     )5. A. thirsty        
(     )6. A. The whole      
(     )7. A. too much        
(     )8. A. to upstairs    
(     )9. A. beat            
(     )10. A. That"s right  
B. school              
B. look over          
B. free                
B. quiet              
B. tired              
B. His whole          
B. very much          
B. upstairs            
B. to beat            
B. Don"t do that again
C. hospital          
C. to look them over
C. ill              
C. helpful          
C. pleased          
C. His all          
C. much too          
C. to downstairs    
C. was beating      
C. Don"t worry      
D. shop                  
D. to look over them      
D. happy                  
D. careful                
D. unhappy                
D. All his                
D. a lot of              
D. downstairs            
D. beated                
D. It doesn"t matter    
     "Mary, come and clean your room!" Mary"s mum says. Mary wants to go outside to play, so she puts (放) all the
rubbish (垃圾) under her bed. "Mum, the room is clean now, "she says. "I am going outside to play now."
     She runs into the garden. This is her favorite place. A small bird is on Mary"s hand. "You are a nice bird, "Mary
says. "①Does your mum ask you to clean your room every day?"
     "Everyone has to clean his room or his garden. If I put my rubbish all around and don"t clean it, do you have
②一个玩耍的好地方?"asks the bird.
     After hearing (听到) the bird"s words, Mary runs into the house and says to her mother, "I"m sorry, Mum. ③"
1. The correct order (正确顺序) of the things is _____.
a. Mary plays in the garden.
b. Mary puts the rubbish under her bed.
c. Mum asks Mary to clean her room.
d. A bird comes and talks with Mary.
2. 在第二段“This is her favorite place”句子中, "This" refers to (指的是) "Mary"s _____".
3. 将划线部分①翻译成汉语
4. 将划线部分②翻译成英语
5. 选择一个恰当的句子放在③处_____
A. I"ll play with the bird every day.
B. I"ll clean my room every day.
C. I"ll do my homework every day.
D. I"ll put all the rubbish in the garden.
     An old tiger lives in the forest. He seldom (很少) goes to look for food himself. He orders (命令)other
animals to   _1_   him something to eat.
     One day he sees a monkey and says, " I"m __2_ , Monkey.  Go to the village and bring me a fat pig."
     "Oh, Tiger," says the monkey. " I __3_ do that. There    4 _ another tiger over there. He also wants a fat
pig. He will not let me do anything __5_ you. I am afraid of him."
     "What?" cries the tiger. "Show   _6_   that tiger. I will talk to him."
     "Come   _7_  me, then." Says the monkey. 
     The monkey and the tiger get to a bridge above the river. "Now look down   _8   the river." Says the
monkey. "Do you    9   the head, the white teeth and large green eyes of a tiger?"
     "Yes, I do," cries the old tiger. "I will eat him up." With these words the tiger   10_   the river.
题型:湖北省期中题难度:| 查看答案


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(     )1. A. make      
(     )2. A. full      
(     )3. A. can      
(     )4. A  has      
(     )5. A. to        
(     )6. A. my      
(     )7. A. with      
(     )8. A. above    
(     )9.A. look at    
(     )10.A. walks onto

  B. have          
  B. hungry        
  B. may            
  B. have          
  B. on            
  B. me            
  B. to             
  B. on             
  B. see            
  B. jumps(跳)into

C. let        
C. thin      
C. can"t    
C. are        
C. with      
C. I          
C. for        
C. at        
C. read      
C. runs into  

D. bring    
D. fat      
D. don"t  
D. is      
D. for      
D. mine    
D. on      
D. up      
D. look    
D. walks to