根据所给图示或短文内容补全下列空格, 注意有的空不只一个单词.Dear Maria,   I enjoyed __1__ your "What"s Cool?"

根据所给图示或短文内容补全下列空格, 注意有的空不只一个单词.Dear Maria,   I enjoyed __1__ your "What"s Cool?"

根据所给图示或短文内容补全下列空格, 注意有的空不只一个单词.Dear Maria,
   I enjoyed __1__ your "What"s Cool?" article in the school magazine, __2__ you didn"t ask me
the questions. Here"s what I think. I __3__ the hair clip, I __4__  the belt, and I __5__
the sunglasses. I __6__ the key ring, I __7__ the scarf, I __8__ the watch, and I __9__
the wallet. Can you please put my __10__ in next month"s magazine?
                                                  Yours sincerely,
1. reading 2. but 3. love 4. don"t mind 5. love 6. don"t mind 7. like 8. can"t stand 9. don"t like 10. opinions
完形填空Dear Zhao Pei,
       I got your story from my pen pal. I know you have many   1   rules in your house. It"s really    2  . In
my house I don"t have many rules. I can go out   3   school nights, but I need to go home   4   ten o"clock.
I like   5    the drums. It"s really noisy (充满噪音的) when I play them, but Mom doesn"t   6   it. She thinks
it"s OK. I have a computer in my room. I do my homework on my computer. I like playing computer games, and I often play them when I finish (完成) my homework. "Homework comes first," Mom   7   says to me.
I can sleep   8   on weekends and I enjoy   9   books in bed on weekend mornings. On Saturday afternoon, I usually clean my bedroom. Mom cleans the other rooms, but I often   10   her. On Sunday afternoons, I
go to the music club and play the drums with my friends. It"s fun.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
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(   )1. A. school  
(   )2. A. exciting
(   )3. A. for
(   )4. A. by  
(   )5. A. doing  
(   )6. A. stand  
(   )7. A. never  
(   )8. A. late
(   )9. A. reading
(   )10.A. feel
B. game  
B. boring  
B. on   
B. from
B. making  
B. mind  
B. always
B. hard
B. watching
B. stop  
C. family    
C. happy      
C. in        
C. after      
C. playing    
C. love      
C. only      
C. well      
C. looking    
C. help      
        When you come to Japan, you need to learn some rules for eating. They aren"t difficult to learn. 
         If you eat something with the Japanese, you can hear them say "itadaki-masu". This is to show
thanks for the food they eat and to the person who made the food. You can also hear the Japanese
say "gochiso-sama" when they finish eating. This is also to show thanks and to say the dishes (菜) are
good. They start to eat only when everybody is seated (就座) at the table.  They usually have a
conversation at meals, but they don"t speak while they are eating. 
       Remember the rules and they can help you. You should also remember that it"s good to eat every
根据以上短文内容A,判断下列句子正(T) 误(F) 。
(   )1. The Japanese say "itadaki-masu" to show the dishes are delicious.
(   )2. The Japanese usually say "gochiso-sama" before the meal.
(   )3. The Japanese usually start to eat after everybody sits at the table.
(   )4. The Japanese usually don"t talk to another person during the meal.
(   )5. Eating every dish is bad when you eat in a Japanese"s home.
A: Yesterday morning 1. I _____ , um, 2. I _____ … Oh, I can"t remember! Where 3._____ I?  
B: You 4._____ at school. You 5._____ in your office.  
A: Yes, that"s right. I 6._____ in my office. And yesterday afternoon I 7._____ …,er  …  
B: You 8._____ at a meeting.  
A: Ah, yes! I 9._____ at a meeting. Then in the evening I 10._____ at home.  
B: No, you 11._____ with your students. You12.  _____ in a restaurant.  
A: Ah, and my daughter 13. _____ there, too.  
B: No, she 14._____ at home.
     Zhang Wei is a Chinese _1_. He is not young, but he is not _2_. He is twenty-eight. He has a son. _3_ name is Zhang Lin. He is _4_. Mr. Zhang teaches English.  _5_ his class there are thirty _6_. They all _7   him. His wife (妻子), _8_ Zhang, is a nurse (护士). She is _9_ mother.
     Today is Sunday. _10_ is free (空闲) in Mr. Zhang"s family.
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(     )1. A. worker
(     )2. A. good  
(     )3. A. He    
(     )4. A. three  
(     )5. A. At  
(     )6. A. students
(     )7. A. likes  
(     )8. A. Miss  
(     )9. A. Mr. Zhang"s
(     )10. A. Every
B. student
B. twenty
B. His  
B. fifteen
B. On    
B. boy  
B. is like
B. Mr.  
B. Zhang Lin
B. Every one
C. teacher  
C. old    
C. She    
C. twenty-eight
C. In      
C. girl     
C. are like  
C. Mrs.    
C. Mr. Zhang  
C. One    
D. doctor          
D. friend          
D. Her            
D. eighteen        
D. Of              
D. boy and girl    
D. like            
D. Mis.            
D. Mr. Zhang"s son"s
D. All            
     I"m Tony. My best friends are Frank and Cindy. We often do many things together. Frank lives
next to my home and we are in the same class. He is thirteen years old and tall and medium build. He
has curly hair and blue eyes. He"s good-looking and very clever. He"s good at math and often helps
me with my homework. He likes wearing black pants and yellow T-shirts.
     Cindy doesn"t go to my school. She"s eleven years old. She is thin and medium height. She has
curlyblonde hair and her eyes are brown. She is good-looking, too, but a little bit shy. She is good at
playing the guitar. Her favorite subject at school is music. She often teaches Frank and me to play the
guitar after class.
     The three of us have great fun together, and we help each other and sometimes play video games
at my house.
1. What things do the three children do together? They _____.
A. play baseball
B. play video games
C. play the guitar
D. both B & C
2. _____ eyes are blue.
A. Frank"s
B. Cindy"s
C. My
D. Tony"s
3. _____ good at math.
A. Frank is
B. Cindy is
C. Iam
D. Tony is
4. _____ is good-looking, but a little bit shy.
A. Frank
B. Cindy
C. Tony
D. My friend
5. Where do they play video games? _____.
A. at school
B. at Frank"s house
C. at Cindy"s house
D. at Tony"s house