拼写单词 满分5分小题1:After a while he ___________(道歉) to me for his rudeness小题2:There ar

拼写单词 满分5分小题1:After a while he ___________(道歉) to me for his rudeness小题2:There ar

拼写单词 满分5分
小题1:After a while he ___________(道歉) to me for his rudeness
小题2:There are concerns that the refuges may not ___________(活下来) the winter.
小题3:She has __________(康复) her health now.
小题4:He was_________ (吸引) by her smile.
小题5:I am afraid this isn’t a very___________(方便的) moment to see you.
小题6:I need some __________(额外的) money.
小题7:She has had the ___________(利益) of a first-class education.
小题8:Do what you are told and don’t __________(争辩) with me.
小题9:We should do __________(身体的) exercise every day.
小题10:She _________(承认) having stolen the car.


小题8:考查动词短语。argue with+某人,与某人争论。
单词拼写. 根据句意,填入正确的单词形式(注意词形的变化;仅限一词).
小题1:Just two days after we had received our c_________________ orders to join the D-Day landing troops, we found ourselves outside a peaceful village.
小题2:The boy was one of the _______________(幸存者) of the invasion.
小题3:The criminal was _________________(判处)to death.
小题4:Millions of fans admire his athletic ability, ___________ _ (动力)and confidence.
小题5:E_____________, your child will leave home to lead her own life as a fully independent adult.
小题6:If you say that something is c____________, you mean it has so many parts or aspects that it is difficult to understand or deal with.
小题7:He is one of those people               (值得) to make more than the minimum wage.
小题8:Finally the barber picked up a pair of s           and a comb, and cut my hair.
小题9:The barber had a magnificent m_____________, which he used wax to keep in shape.
小题10:In 2003, there were fifteen peacekeeping operations , involving nearly 37,000 p____________(soldiers and civilians).
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
根据首字母或汉语提示,写出完整的单词,注意形式变化。将此部分答案写在答题卷相应的空格上。(共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)
小题1:Music can refresh the body and __________ the soul.(启迪)
小题2:Guilin is known throughout the world for its __________. (风景)
小题3:Yesterday police stareted a __________ to reduce road accidents.(运动)
小题4:Chinese citizens enjoy the freedom to believe_______ in and the freedom not to believe in it.(宗教)
小题5:Changes in the climate are due to pollution of the __________.(大气)
小题6:He treated the students as friends and taught them how to combine  t__________ with practice.
小题7:Sheisaluckygirl s__________ byjoyandhappiness.
小题8:The evidence  c__________ that this product is safe and effective.
小题9:Fresh air is  f__________ to good health.
小题10:The government declared a state of  e__________ to deal with all damage caused by the earthquake.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:The car was so badly damaged that it couldn’t be repaired and had to be _____(放弃) as a total loss.
小题2:One’s appearance is not _______ (有关的) to whether he can do things well.
小题3:We believe that young children should never ________(反驳) what their parents say.
小题4:My first two shots missed the ______(靶).
小题5:There is no _______ (通路)to the street through that door.
小题6:Lily, could you r______ me a latest movie which is popular among your people?
小题7:I have a______ myself to the new work environment.
小题8:The new employees were presented to the rest of the s______ at the company’s meeting.
小题9:Terry was chosen by our class to p_______ in the sports meeting in the school.
小题10:The new discovery is b_____ to be of great benefit to humans,” the researcher said confidently.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:a               a. more than enough; plentiful
小题2:h               n. A country"s ~ is all the qualities, traditions, or features of life there that have continued over many years and have been passed on from one generation to another.
小题3:a               n. public praise for someone or something
小题4:r           to   v. to mention or speak about someone or something
小题5:v               v. that can be seen
小题6:e               n. An~ is a group of government officials, headed by an ambassador, who represent their government in a foreign country;
小题7:t               n. private teacher, esp one who teaches a single pupil or a very small group
小题8:l               v. to steal from a captured city during wartime, or by a corrupt official
小题9:p              v. make (sth) known to the general public, esp by presenting it in an easily understandable form
小题10:d              n. an assistant exercising full authority in the absence of his or her superior and equal authority in emergencies
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:Christmas Day is a r____________(宗教的) festival.      
小题2:Visitors were not p ____________(许可)to take photographs.
小题3:My grandfather is as e____________ (精力充沛的) as a young man.
小题4:Reaching the top of the tower, he was out of b____________(呼吸).
小题5:She would never f___________ (宽恕) him.
小题6:Children show c_______________(好奇) about everything.
小题7:The rain will b __________ (有益于) the crops greatly.
小题8:The s__________ (告示牌)says“No smoking”
小题9:The photo shows a famous s _____________(场景) from the film of Oliver Twist.
小题10:Each of us has our own s ____________ (强项) and weaknesses.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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