开放作文(满分15分)请根据下面提示,写一篇短文。词数不少于50。 In your English class, the teacher shows the p

开放作文(满分15分)请根据下面提示,写一篇短文。词数不少于50。 In your English class, the teacher shows the p

In your English class, the teacher shows the picture below and asks the class to discuss it. Your classmates may have different understandings.
Look at the picture carefully and tell the class how YOU understand it.

Vocabulary support:
千里马:    swift horse
磨坊:      mill
    As is depicted in the picture, a horse is grinding the wheat into flour in a mill. Swift horse as it is, it seems to spare no effort to do this tiring job.
The picture vividly delivers a message to us all that we are supposed to plant our feet on solid ground despite the fact that we may sometimes possess outstanding abilities. It is an established fact that those who have distinguished abilities are expected to achieve higher goals. Nevertheless, they would be well advised to reach their goals step by step or even by performing some boring tasks. Just like the swift horse in the picture, it trains itself by grinding the wheat, which can serve as a preparation for its long journey in the future. Doing the seemingly tedious work can not only build up our strength but also shape our character. In other words, treating the boring work seriously can develop our patience as well as responsibility, which is of vital importance to our sustainable development.
As for us teenagers, there is no doubt that only by committing ourselves to daily practices can we fully realize our potentials.
Possible version 2:
As is vividly depicted in the picture, the “Swift Horse”, firmly restricted in a simple and crude mill, has no alternative but to slowly grind the wheat into flour just like an awkward donkey.
The ridiculous picture reflects a common but thought-provoking social problem that usually talented people are merely assigned with some trivial tasks, which is definitely regarded as a waste of resources. Able as they are, they have no chance to carry out their ideals. As a matter of fact, the “Swift Horse” is supposed to have achieved more success or accomplished more challenging assignments. However, he is bound to the improper working environment and required to do the simple and boring job, which absolutely retards his progress. In addition, we should make it clear that everybody has the potential to succeed. Thus, employers must provide employees with suitable opportunities to make good use of their talents, while teachers must recognize students’ advantages and teach them in accordance with their aptitudes.
In a word, as far as we teenagers are concerned, only if everybody is given the opportunity to display his talents fully, we’ll have an infinitely bright future.

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注意:  1. 词数100左右,邮件的格式已为你写好。2. 可根据内容要点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
3. 文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。
4. 参考词汇:旱灾—drought   庄稼—crops      捐赠—donate vt.  donation n.
Hi, John!
I’m glad to receive your e-mail. In your e-mail, ___________________________________________
Best wishes!
Li Hua
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2011年3月22日——第十九届世界水日。假设你是银川一中某班的学生 ,22日参加了你班开展的一系列节水宣传活动。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,以日记的形式记录当天的活动内容

提示词:宣传材料leaflets;危机crisis; 干旱draught ;  
March 22,2011  Tuesday                                               Sunny
Today is 19th World Water Day._______________________________________________
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
1. 这幅漫画描述了什么?
2. 你对漫画中的家长有何看法?                                 
3. 你认为这幅漫画想要告诉我们什么?
1. 可参照图示及图下文字内容及文章开头作必要的发挥       
2. 词数150左右。开头已经写好,不记入总词数。
3. 作文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。
We can see in this cartoon that the parents of a student are meeting with their child’s teacher.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
In your spoken English class, your teacher shows you the following picture.You are asked to describe the picture and explain how you understand it.
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