Dorothea Shaw is 71 years old and nearly blind, and she chose to live alone far

Dorothea Shaw is 71 years old and nearly blind, and she chose to live alone far

Dorothea Shaw is 71 years old and nearly blind, and she chose to live alone far away from people. She lives in Belize — a county the size of Wales with a population only that of Swansea. Her home is at Gales Point, a tiny village which can be reached only by sea or air; after a 10-mile walk into the hills one finally reaches a piece of land and two small houses so hidden in the thick over-grown forest that only a handful of people know Dorothea is there.
She lives happily and totally alone – growing her vegetables, looking after her trees and dogs, cats and chickens. Once a month or so an old friend passes by with her food supplies and letters-usually including a letter from her sister in Scunthorpe and some bits of clothing from friends in Canada. Sometimes a local man will come and cut wood for her and a group of British soldiers will come across her and be greeted with the offer of a cup of coffee.
At night she lies in her tiny sleeping room with the dogs on the floor, the cats on the table near the typewriter and one of the hens settled down in a corner of the bookshelf, and listens for hours to any Spanish, English, German or French broadcasts she can find on her radio. Sometimes she gets lonely but most of the time the animals and the radio are company enough.
But recently the very things that she had tried to get free from so well have begun to catch up with her. The peace of the forest has been destroyed by the noise of earth-moving machines not many miles away. What she once only heard of distantly on the radio is now on her doorstep. Things began to change three years ago. The new main north-south road in Belize was cut through the forest only four or five miles away. “Now more people know I’m here.” She says. “I feel more and more uneasy each day.”
小题1:Dorothea’s small houses ________.    
A.are entirely surrounded by trees
B.have always been her home
C.were built for just a few people
D.are in a county with the same population as Wales
小题2:Dorothea lives in the tiny village because ________.
A.she doesn’t like living near peopleB.she is too old to move
C.machines destroyed her homeD.there’s nowhere else for her to live
小题3: Dorothea doesn’t get lonely since she has _______ with her.
A.her sisterB.some animalsC.friends from CanadaD.a postman
小题4:Dorothea spends a lot of time __________.
A.growing all the food she needsB.cutting down trees
C.listening to the radioD.studying languages




第二节 完形填空(共20 小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A 、B、 C 和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
"Dr. Papaderos, what is the meaning of life?"
The _36___ laughter followed, and people stirred to go.
Papadakos held up his hand and __37___ the room and stared at me, asking with his eyes if I was serious and seeing from my eyes __38___ I was.
"I will answer your question."
Taking his wallet out of his hip pocket, he __39___ into it and brought out a very small round ___40__.
And what he said ___41__ like this:
"When I was a small child, during the war, we were very poor and lived _42__in a remote village. One day, on the road, I found the broken pieces of a mirror from a wrecked German motorcycle. "I tried to find all the pieces and put them together, but it was not__43___, so I kept only the largest piece. I made it round. I began to play with it as a ___44__, interested by the __45___ that I could reflect light into dark places where the sun would ___46__ shine. It became a game for me to get light into the most__47____ places I could find---in deep holes and dark closets.
I kept the little mirror, and, __48___ I went about my growing up, I would take it out in idle moments and continue the ___49___ of the game. As I became a man, I __50___ to understand that this was not just a child"s game but a metaphor (隐喻) for what I might do __51___ my life. I came to understand that I am not the light or the ___52__ of light. But light---truth, understanding, knowledge---is there, and it will shine in many dark places __53____ I reflect it.
"I am a fragment (碎片)of a mirror whose whole design and shape I do not know.__54____, with what I have I can reflect light into the black places in the ___55___ of men. This is the meaning of my life."
36. A. common    B. usual     C. ordinary   D. general
37. A .cheered     B. stopped   C .stilled     D. cleaned 
38. A .that        B. what      C. where    D. whether
39. A. fished      B. looked    C dipped     D. slipped    
40.A. coin        B. toy       C. mirror    D. present
41.A. came       B. sounded    C. read     D. went
42. A. hopefully   B. peacefully  C. hopelessly  D. plainly
43.A. possible     B. difficult   C. easy       D. reasonable
44.A.child        B .treasure   C. tool       D. toy        B. truth       C .fact       D. result
46. A. always     B. seldom     C. still        D. never
47 .A .unavailable  B. difficult    C. interesting  D.  inaccessible
48. A. as          B. before     C. after       D. while
49.A .difficulty    B .challenge   C. content     D. rule
50 .A. grew       B. tended     C. used       D. failed
51. A. for         B. to        C. about        D .with 
52 .A. player       B. resource  C. origin       D. source
53.A. if only       B. only if    C. as far as     D. now that
54. A. Therefore    B. Otherwise  C. However   D. Besides
55. A. hearts       B. minds     C. eyes       D. brains
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

For those who long ago lost interest in the annual CCTV Spring Festival Gala, some new online offerings might be pleasant alternative. They started appearing 2002 and could have a phenomental (非凡的)presence this year.
The online versions keep the essence of the CCTV one, but replace the less popular parts. To draw viewers, there is no shortage of big name stars. Some A-list performers, including singers XuWei, SunNan and crosstalk performers, can be found here. The interesting part, however, is the host of the celebrities who have risen to fame online, from Xidan Metro Girl (西单女孩)to Sister Lotus (芙蓉姐姐), for example. The anchors are the Back Dormitory Boys(后舍男生), a Chinese group who gained fame for lip-synch(假唱) songs by the Backstreet Boys and other pop stars.
What’s more significant is that it’s unprecedented in its interactivity.
“In online Spring Festival galas, I can vote for an earlier broadcast of programs that I like,” said Yu Ting, 23, a Peking University student. “I can also just click for my applause, and can even throw “tomatoes” or “rotten eggs” at those acts I really don’t like. I’m like the master of ceremonies or virtual producer of my own gala.”
Obviously, this has put an extra burden on the performers, who have to worry about being dropped by the audience at any time. However, it means original fun for netizens who like to “direct” their own entertaining bits.
No matter what you taste, the online Spring Festival galas offer multiple choices for the holiday. Everyone gets to enjoy whatever he or she likes.
64.What is the meaning of the underlined word?
A. the worst parts  B. the best parts  C. the less popular parts   D. the original parts
65.what is true about the Back Dormitory Boys?
A. It’s a pop group good at crosstalk.
B. It’s a pop group made up of six handsome boys.
C. They often sing songs by the Westlife.
D. they sing their songs in a special way.
66.From the passage, we can learn about the online Spring Festival Galas that            .
A. They started appearing in 1983.
B. People often take tomatoes and rotten eggs with them when watching
C. People can’t give their support in any way.
D. People enjoy the feeling of being the master of the galas.
67. You can find the passage in a _____________.
A. newspaper   B. guidebook   C. storybook   D. catalog
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共35分)
Educating girls quite possibly harvests a higher rate of return than any other investment available in the developing world. Women’s education may be all unusual field for economists(经济学家), but increasing women’s contribution to development is actually as much an economic as a social issue.  And economics, with its focus on incentives(鼓励),provides an explanation for why so many girls are deprived of(剥夺) an education.
Parents in low-income countries fail to invest in their daughters because they do not expect them to  make an economic contribution to the family: girls grow up only to marry into somebody else’s family and bear children. Girls are thus seen as less valuable than boys and are kept at home to do housework while their brothers are sent to school — the prophecy(预言) becomes self-fulfilling, trapping women in avicious circle(恶性循环) of neglect.
An educated mother, on the other hand, has greater earning abilities outside the home and faces an entirely different set of choices. She is likely to have fewer but healthier children and can insist on the development of all her children, ensuring that her daughters are given a fair chance. The education of her daughters then makes it much more likely that the next generation of girls, as well as of boys, will be educated and healthy. The vicious circle is thus transformed into a virtuous circle.
Few will argue that educating women has great social benefits. But it has enormous economic  advant-ages as well. Most obviously, there is the direct effect of education on the wages of female workers.  Wages rise by 10 to 20 percent for each additional year of schooling. Such big returns are impressive by the standard of other available investments, but they are just the beginning. Educating women also has a significant impact on health practices, including family planning.
Topic: The significance of female ______76_____ in developing countries
Educating girls is more beneficial than any other _____77_____.
From low-income families
From educated mothers’ families
Girls are of 1ess _78_than boys.
Development should be for all __79__
There is ___80__ investment in daughters.
Girls are made to stay at home, _____81___ housework.
Girls and boys have ____82____
A vicious circle
A virtuous circle
Educating girls ____83____ to social benefits, ____84_____ advantages
and health practices, including family planning.
Educating girls in developing countries is important and rewarding.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

My mother only had one eye . During elementary school , there was a time  36  my poor mom came to my classroom . She was such a(n)  37  that I threw her a hateful look and ran out . soon word  38  that I had a one-eye mother . Everybody  39  me . So I told myself that I would grow up and become  40  , because I hated my mom and our desperate  41  . Then I studied really hard and later became a powerful businessman . I was living happily in Seoul when my mother  42  came to see me . I felt  43  the whole sky was falling apart on me . My little daughter ran away ,  44  of my mom’s eye . I asked my mother coldly , “ Who are you ? I don’t know you !” as if she were a(n)  45  . My mother quietly answered , “ Oh , I’m sorry . I may have got the wrong  46  ,” and disappeared . Thank God ! She didn’t recognize me . I was quite  47  .
One day , a letter  48  a school reunion came to my office . I decided to take part . After the reunion , I  49  to my old home , only to find my mother falling on the cold ground with a  50  in her hand , which read :
My son ,
I think my life has been enough now . I won’t visit Seoul anymore , but would it be too much if I wanted you to visit me once in a while ? I  51  you so much . And I was so glad when I heard you were coming for the reunion . But I decided not to go to the school . I’m  52  that I was an embarrassment for you . You see , when you were very small , you got a(n)  53  , and lost your eye . As a mother , I couldn’t  54  watching you grow up with only one eye , so I gave you mine . I was so proud of my son seeing a new world for me , in my place , with that eye . You mean the world to me .
My world shattered(崩裂). Then I cried for the person who  55  for me—my mother .
36    A   when               B.     which             C.               whose                   D     as
37    A   achievement     B.     experience      C.         encouragement  Dembarrassment
38    A   showed off       B.     moved about   C.               got around             D     turned over
39    A   turned to          B.     laughed at       C.               contributed to        D     cared for
40    A   generous          B.     devoted          C.               successful              D     lucky
41    A   poverty            B.     illness            C.               desire                    D     hunger
42 A       unfortunately    B.     Unnecessariy   C.        unlikely         Dunexpectedly
43    A   even though      B.     as if              C.             in case                   D     if only
44    A   afraid               B.     proud             C.               sure                      D     full
45    A   owner              B.     beggar            C.               relative                  D     friend
46    A   number            B.     way               C.               direction                D     address
47    A   depressed         B.     worried          C.               relaxed                  D     puzzled
48    A   including          B.     considering     C.               concluding             D     regarding
49    A   returned           B.     responded       C.               replied                  D     recovered
50    A   book                B.     photo             C.               newspaper             D     letter
51    A   hate                 B.     miss               C.               like                       D     envy
52    A   glad                 B.     delighted        C.               sorry                     D     excited
53    A   incident            B.     experience      C.               affair                    D     accident
54    A   stand                B.     help               C.               appreciate              D     understand
55    A   learned             B.     cried              C.               fell                       D     lived
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Edwin Powell Hubble was born in 1889 in Marshfield , Missouri . He spent his early years in the state of Kentucky . Then he moved with his family to Chicago , Illinois . He attended the University of Chicago . He studied mathematics and astronomy .
He was a member of the University of Chicago championship basketball team in 1909 . He was also an excellent boxer . Several people urged him to train for the world heavyweight boxing championship after college . Instead , he decided to continue his studies . He went to Queen’s College at Oxford , England . At Oxford , Hubble studied law . He was interested in British Common Law , because his family had come to America from England many years before . He spent 7 years at Oxford .
In 1913 , Hubble returned to the United States . He opened a law office in Louisville , Kentucky . After a short time , however , he decided he did not want to be a lawyer . He returned to the University of Chicago . There , once again , he studied astronomy .
Hubble watched the night sky with instruments at the university’s Yerkes Observatory . His research involved a major question astronomers could not answer : What are nebulae(星云)?
In his research paper , Hubble said the issue could be decided only by more powerful instruments . And those instruments had not yet been developed .
Soon after , Hubble bagan working with a larger and more powerful telescope at Mount Wilson . Its mirror was 250 centimeters across . It was the most powerful telescope in the world for 25 years .It had the power Hubble needed to make his major discoveries .
From 1922 on , Edwin Hubble began examining more and more distant objects . His first great discovery was made when he recognized a Cepheid variable star . It was in the outer area of the great nebula called Andromeda . Cepheid variable stars are stars whose brightness changes at regular periods .
Hubble’s discovery ended a long dispute . He proved wrong those who believed nebulae lay inside the Millky Way . And he proved that nebulae were galaxies themselves . Astronomers now agree that far distant galaxies do exist .
72. Why did Hubble close his law office ?
A. Because it could not bring him fortune .
B. Because he was tired of office work .
C. Because he wanted to be devoted to astronomy .
D. Because he couldn’t control himself sometimes .
73. The larger and more powerful telescope at Mount Wilson_______.
A. belonged to the state of Kentucky
B. was once the most powerful
C. cost Hubble all his money
D. was of little help to Hubble’s research
74. Which of the following statements is NOT true about Edwin Powell Hubble ?
A. He studied law for three years at Oxford , England .
B. He corrected people’s wrong idea about nebulae .
C. He made some important discoveries at Mount Wilson .
D. He showed little interest in sports while studying astronomy at college .
75. Cepheid variable stars’ brightness can be described as__________.
A. changeable       B. fixed          C. weak           D. colorful
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