For nearly 100 years, the heartbroken Little Mermaid has sat on a rock looking o

For nearly 100 years, the heartbroken Little Mermaid has sat on a rock looking o


For nearly 100 years, the heartbroken Little Mermaid has sat on a rock looking out over Copenhagen"s port but now the sculpture ,based on the famous fairytale, is heading back out to sea, set for China.
The small bronze statue inspired by the tale of author Hans Christian Andersen and unveiled in 1913, is a major tourist attraction in Copenhagen. But her life has not always been easy. She has been beheaded twice, had her arm cut off, was blown off her rock in 2003 and was dressed in a Muslim headscarf two years ago in a protest - but she never left her native country.
This week she was lifted from the harbor, boxed, and shipped to Shanghai where she is the star guest in the Danish Pavilion at EXPO 2010 which runs until October 31. Details over her trip were not revealed due to security issues.
"The Little Mermaid," published in 1837, is a sad story about a mermaid who falls in love with a prince and gives up her life in the sea and her tail for legs.
The fairytale has been adapted many times into stage shows and into a Disney movie.
Copenhagen mayor Frank Jensen said in a statement that the loan of The Little Mermaid was part of a cultural exchange between Denmark and China. "I am convinced that she will be an excellent ambassador of Denmark, particularly since the Chinese already are very fond of Hans Christian Andersen and his fairytales," he said in a statement.
Her departure from Copenhagen will not leave the harbor empty. Chinese artist Ai Weiwei has created a video installation(设备/装置)to be installed at her spot.
The Little Mermaid"s 165 cm (65 inches) tall sculpture, which sits on a granite block, was created in 1913 by Edvard Eriksen.
小题1:The following statements are true EXCEPT________________.
A.the statue of The Little Mermaid will be given to China as a gift
B.the statue of The Little Mermaid is a major tourist attraction in Copenhagen
C.The Little Mermaid is a famous fairytale written by Hans Christian Andersen
D.the story of The Little Mermaid was once adapted into a Disney movie
小题2:The underlined word “departure” here means_______________.
小题3:From the passage, we can infer that ________________.
A.Chinese artist Ai Weiwei has created another Little Mermaid instead
B.the Danish people don’t like the statue of The Little Mermaid
C.the statue of The Little Mermaid will return to Denmark in the future
D.Edvard Eriksen wrote the story of the Little Mermaid



小题1:A 细节题。根据This week she was lifted from the harbor, boxed, and shipped to Shanghai where she is the star guest in the Danish Pavilion at EXPO 2010说明它只是到上海的世博会上来接受参观,并不是说就属于中国了,故A项描述错误。
小题2:D 推理题。根据本句Her departure from Copenhagen will not leave the harbor empty.以及This week she was lifted from the harbor, boxed, and shipped to Shanghai where she is the star guest in the Danish Pavilion at EXPO 2010可知这个塑像将会被运到上海。那么它离开丹麦…该该词是指离开。D正确。
小题3:C 推断题。这个塑像只是在世博会期间被运到中国参加世博会,结束以后还是要回到丹麦的。故C正确。
LONDON (AP) — England joins on Sunday the growing list of places that ban smoking in public buildings, taxis and other places including even Buckingham Palace with a tough law.
Pubs, clubs and restaurants will all be smoke-free. Taxi and delivery drivers have been warned that they too could be fined 50 pounds, or about $100, if caught lighting up inside work vehicles.
Experts say the bans have become an irreversible (不可逆转的) tread because of greatly rising health costs and public uneasiness over second-hand smoke. Some of the strictest smoking bans are in the United States, even though there is no federal anti-smoking policy. New York and Florida have strict bans, while California has certain outdoor smoking bans.
Spain, Italy, Iran, Norway, Sweden, Singapore, South Africa, Uruguay and new Zealand have passed legislation(立法) to restrict smoking. France banned smoking in many public places in February and plans to extend the ban to cafes and restaurants next year. Finland is introducing a ban in 2009.
Despite the spread of bans, the World Health Organization predicts a steady rise in tobacco sales. In its Tobacco Atlas, the WHO said that by 2030 there will be “at least another two billion smokers in the world” and an expected decrease in male smokers “will be offset by an increase in female smoking rates, especially in developing countries.”
In advance of the English ban, anti-smoking ads have coated bus stops and the British government has subsidized(资助) programs to help people quit. The rest of Britain—Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland —already have smoking bans in place.
小题1:The first two paragraphs mainly tell us_______
A.Buckingham Palace bans smoking
B.smoking ban comes into force in England
C.there’s no smoking in Buckingham Palace
D.smoking is against the law in England
小题2:Which of the following places may still be smoking areas in England?
A.Private housesB.Taxis.
C.Restaurants.D.London clubs
小题3:The underlined word “offset” in paragraph 5 probably means “________”.
小题4:What do we know from the passage?
A.Smoking has strictly been forbidden in cafes in France.
B.There is an extremely strict smoking ban everywhere in America.
C.Smoking situation is still serious across the world.
D.Related ads didn’t appear in England until the English ban was lifted.(解除)

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Restaurants in Europe, the United States and Japan are testing technology to let diners order their food direct from a screen at their table instead of depending on a fellow human being to note their choice.
Besides cutting costs, companies that sell the “e-menus” argue the bytes-for-bites way has a new value that can attract younger customers, and various photographs of steaks and gooey desserts attract diners to order more. It also could extend the TV dinner. How about a computer game dinner?
“It"s about impulse-buying,” said Adi Chitayat, Conceptic’s CEO. “If a person starts looking at pictures of chocolate cake, the chances are he"ll order it.” Frame, a restaurant in Tel Aviv with the system, is said to have its sales on tables with the e-menu increased by about 11% . Customers often call ahead to reserve (预定)spots equipped with screens, manager Natalie Edry told Reporters.
At one of the e-menu tables, IT worker Gil Uriel and his young family were enthusiastic as they checked out pictures of the dishes on offer and squabbled(争吵)overdesserts. “It’s more visual,” says Uriel, as his children clicked away furiously on a games function between courses. “We can still choose, we can still argue —but it’s much easier when we can all see it.”
小题1:The following are the advantages of “restaurants with” EXCEPT that         .
A.eating in them is more comfortable
B.the restaurants can save a lot of money
C.they can attract more youngsters to the restaurants
D.customers can see the pictures of their ordered foods
小题2:The underlined word “impulse—buying” in the 3rd paragraph means     .
A.having no idea in buying things
B.being uninterested in buying things
C.having no patience in buying things
D.being encouraged in buying things
小题3:According to the last paragraph, we know that       .
A.customers feel little interest in the e-menus
B.e-menus only attract a small number of customers still takes time for e-menus to be widely accepted
D.restaurants of this kind are refused by customers
小题4:This passage might be taken from      .
A.a food guideB.a website
C.a traveling magazineD.classic advertisements

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Like many other nations, China has been busy putting together evacuation (撤侨)plans for its citizens stuck in crisis-torn Libya.The real surprise has been just how many Chinese are living there.The foreign ministry does not know for sure but puts the figure at 30-40,000.
The huge contingent (代表团) in Libya, who work for at least 27 Chinese companies, has brought to light one of the new dilemmas facing China as its economic interests expand.For a mixture of reasons that are partly political, partly business, Chinese workers are now present in many of the most unrest and dangerous parts of the world, including places where anti-Chinese sentiment over jobs and working conditions is on the rise.One of the first wake-up calls was in 2007, when a group of Chinese women were kidnapped in Pakistan, an event which led to the siege of the Red Mosque in Lahore.In the same year, nine Chinese oil workers were killed in Ethiopia.In recent years, Chinese workers have been kidnapped in Cameroon, Congo and Afghanistan.
Publicly, Chinese diplomats admit that the country needs better contingency plans to deal with this sort of situation.Privately, they worry about a different issue: that such incidents will force them to get much more involved in domestic political disputes in far-off lands, pulling the government away from its commitment to a policy of non-interference.The nightmare, a few diplomats and academics admit, would be a large, violent attack on a group of Chinese which then prompted an intense nationalist reaction at home, forcing the government to take the sort of interventionist (干涉主义的) actions it tries to shun
Beijing gave some indication of how it will respond in the future with the decision on Thursday to send the frigate(护卫舰) Xuzhou, currently conducting anti-piracy tasks off the coast of Somalia, to Libya.Its mission will be to help the evacuation effort, but it is also a warning to any in Libya who might attack Chinese interests, as well as the latest indication of the growing global reach of China’s navy.As Andrew Erickson, a China expert at the US Naval War College says: “This latest initiative(方案) is part of a larger ongoing increase in Chinese power, presence, and influence around the world, and should come as no surprise.China has global interests, cannot free ride forever, and requires a presence in critical areas and situations in order to have a voice.”
小题1:What is the main idea of the passage?
A.There are many Chinese workers in the most unrest and dangerous parts of the world.
B.China should protect workers in the foreign countries.
C.China are taking actions to bring its citizens back from Libya.
D.The international situation is terrible
小题2:The underlined word “shun” in the third paragraph most probably means?
A.take part inB.avoidC.carry outD.refuse
小题3:Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.It remains unknown how many Chinese are living in Libya.
B.A large number workers are working abroad, which bring about advantages and disadvantages.
C.In no case will the Chinese government take part in solving the political problems in far-off lands.
D.Our government take immediate action to deal with this sort of situation.
小题4:What’s Not true about the frigate Xuzhou?
A.It is conducting anti-piracy tasks off the coast of Somalia.
B.It will help the evacuation effort.
C.It is a warning to Libya who might attack Chinese interests.
D.It indicates that China’s navy can reach an increasing number of parts of the global.

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Do you know what your child is going to do when the school bell rings at the end of the day? More than 14 million students leave school every afternoon and have nowhere to go, since they do not have access to affordable after-school opportunities. According to the National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center (NYVPRC), nine out of ten Americans think all youths should have access to after-school programs, but two-thirds of parents say they have trouble finding programs locally. The bad news is that situation may be getting worse.
After-school hours are the peak time for juvenile crimes and risky behaviors, including alcohol and drug use. The NYVPRC states that children who do not spend any time in after-school activities are 49 percent more likely to use drugs and 37 percent more likely to become a teen parent. Kids are also at the highest risk of becoming a victim of violence after school, particularly between the hours of 2p.m. and 6p.m.. The highest amount of juvenile crime occurs between 3p.m. and 4p.m. , when most children are dismissed from school.
The NYVPRC defines after-school programs as safe and structured activities that offer children opportunities to learn new skills. The skills students learn can range from technology and math to reading and art. Some programs also offer opportunities for internship(实习), community services , or mentoring. These programs have been shown to improve academic achievements, as well as relieve the stresses on working families. A report by the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Department of justice shows that students in after –school programs have fewer behavioral problems and more self-confidence , and can handle conflicts better than students who are not involved with these programs. In addition, according to the Harvard Family Research Project, after-school programs help students from low-income families overcome the inequities (不公平) they face in the school system.
小题1:What is the theme of the passage?
A.Prevention of juvenile crimes.
B.Risks kids face after school.
C.A research report on the stresses of students.
D.The benefits of after-school programs.
小题2:Which of the following is TRUE according to the first paragraph?
A.Most parents don’t believe in after-school programs.
B.Students are not willing to attend after-school programs.
C.It’s difficult for parents to find after-school programs for their children.
D.Parents don’t care about where their children go after school.
小题3:We learn from the second paragraph that __________________ .
A.the teachers should watch over kids after school
B.children are dismissed from school too late
C.after-school hours are a risky time for children
D.children should go home immediately school is over
小题4:The author of the passage probably __________.
A.fully support after-school programs
B.doubts the effects of after-school programs
C.believes structured activities are useless for children
D.thinks students today are too stressed
小题5:The underlined word “juvenile” in Paragraph 2 has a similar meaning to “_____” .

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Love, success, happiness, family and freedom——how important are these values to you? Here is one interview which explores the fundamental questions in life.
Question: Could you introduce yourself first?
Answer: My name is Misbah, 27 years old. I was born in a war-torn area. Right now I’m a web designer.
Q: What are your great memories?
A: My parents used to take us to hunt birds, climb trees, and play in the fields. For me it was like a holiday because we were going to have fun all day long. Those are my great memories.
Q: Does your childhood mean a lot to you?
A: Yes. As life was very hard, I used to work to help bring money in for the family. I spent my childhood working, with responsibilities beyond my age. However, it taught me to deal with problems all alone. I learnt to be independent.
Q: What changes would you like to make in your life?
A: If I could change something in my life, I’d change it so that my childhood could have taken place in another area. I would have loved to live with my family in freedom. Who cares whether we have much money, or whether we have a beautiful house? It doesn’t matter as long as I can live with my family and we are safe.
Q: How do you get along with your parents?
A: My parents supported me until I came of age. I want to give back what I’ve got. That’s our way. But I am working in another city. My only contact with my parents now is through the phone, but I hate using it. It filters(过滤)out your emotion and leaves your voice only. My deepest feelings should be passed through sight, hearing and touch.
小题1:In Misbah’s childhood,         .
A.he was free from worry
B.he liked living in the countryside
C.he was fond of getting close to nature
D.he often spent holidays with his family
小题2:What did Misbah desire most in his childhood?
A.A colorful life.B.A beautiful house.
C.Peace and freedom.D.Money for his family.
小题3:How would Misbah prefer to communicate with his parents?
A.By chatting on the Internet.B.By calling them sometimes.
C.By paying weekly visits.D.By writing them letters.
小题4:If there were only one question left, what would it most probably be?
A.What was your childhood dream?
B.What is your biggest achievement?
C.What is your parents’ view of you?
D.What was your hardest experience in the war?

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