


As Christmas approaches, towns and cities around the UK are preparing for a very British celebration.
The switching on of a town" s Christmas lights has become an increasingly competitive event over the years, with some councils (会议) spending lots of money to attract A-list famous persons to do the honors.
The American singer Mariah Carey flew to London in November to switch on the lights at one of the city"s biggest shopping centers, while Jim Carrey lighted Oxford Street and promoted his new film at the same time.
Traffic in the historic English city of Bath was brought to a halt as thousands of fans crowded to see the Hollywood actor Nicolas Cage conducted the switching-on ceremony.
Some celebrations do not go according to the plan, as was seen in Birmingham when dozens of people were injured as the famous British boy band JLS took the stage.
Not all towns can afford to bring in an internationally-known star, so many switchon ceremonies are handled by ex-TV talent show competitors.
Pantomime (圣诞童话剧) stars are also much in demand at this time of year, as they aim to promote their Christmas shows.
But if your council hasn"t got the budget to bring in a famous face, what are the cheaper alternatives?
A town in the west of England chose to let the public decide by giving their suggestions online.The result: a 21-year-old DIY store worker was given the honor.
"I was amazed and delighted to be asked," said Scott Parker, "it"s just a special gift and not something I"d, ever thought about before."
56.According to the passage, what kind of special celebration can you see at Christmas in UK?
A.People meeting their favorite stars and getting special gifts.
B.Well-known persons invited to make a performance in public.
C.A-list persons lighting Oxford Street and promoting their films.
D.Switching-on ceremonies that are conducted by honored persons.
57.The underlined word "halt" in Paragraph 4 probably means "______" .
A.start  B.stop              C.ban       D.run
58.Which of the followings can be learned from the passage?
A.Mariah Carey is invited to Bath to switch on the lights.
B.Pantomime stars rarely appear at events like this.
C.Not all those who switch on the Christmas lights can make lots of money.
D.Average persons can not get a chance to switch on the Christmas lights.
59.The following are famous persons EXCEPT _____.
A.Scott Parker     B.Mariah Carey         C.Nicolas Cage       D.Jim Carrey

56—59  DBCA  

In today"s world, we rely on computers as never before. They are used for everything from ordering a pizza to running hospitals and military defense systems. Banking and credit card information is stored and accessed by computers. So what happens when a computer gets infected with a virus? One effect is that people"s access to their e-mail accounts is cut off. A more serious possible consequence is that billions of dollars could be lost.
A virus is a computer program that copies itself onto other programs and infects them. Similar to an easily spread disease, a computer virus goes from computer to computer, either adding to or changing the tasks a program is designed to do.
The first computer viruses were created in the mid "80s and had varying effects. Some caused files to be deleted, or made the letters on the screen appear to fall off. Others displayed a specific message once the computer was turned on.
Viruses today are much more widespread and dangerous than ever before. Perhaps the most damaging to date has been the "I Love You" virus. "I Love You" appeared in May 2000 and has possibly been the most destructive virus in terms of monetary loss.
The virus is released when an attachment to a fake e-mail message is opened. By changing the names of files on computers, "I Love You" makes them difficult to access. It also searches for important personal information, including passwords, which it sends to a web site for others to see.
It is estimated that more than 45 million people in 20 countries have had their computers infected by the "I Love You" virus. Some say the cost of repair and lost business has been more than US$10 billion.
If you own a computer, it is important to keep it in good health by installing an anti-virus program. If updated frequently, it will protect your e-mail access--not to mention your wallet.
68. What does "virus" mean in the article?
A. An easily spread disease.            
B. A contagious (传染的) computer program.
C. An extremely small organism (生物) which causes disease.
D. A parasite (寄生虫) in computer.
69. How does "I Love You" virus spread?
A. It is spread when an e-mail account is opened.  B. It is spread through on-line chatting.
C. It is spread through e-mail.                 D. It spreads from web site to web site.
70. Which of the following is the best way to guard against virus?
A. To load an up-to-date anti-virus program into our computer 
B. Not to use an e-mail account.
C. To upgrade our computer.          
D. Not to use the Internet.
71. What is the purpose of the article?
A. To warn us against virus.            B. To remind us the importance of being healthy.
C. To stress the importance of computer.  D. To warn us to economic loss.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
When important events are happening around the world, most people turn to traditional media sources, such as CNN and BBC for the news.However, during the war in Iraq in 2003, many people followed the war from the point of view of an unknown Iraqi citizen who called himself “Salam Pax ” .(Salam Pax means peace)
Salam Pax wrote a diary about everyday life in Baghdad during the war, and posted it on his website.Pax’s online diary was a kind of website known as a “blog”.Blogs are online diaries, usually kept by individuals, but sometimes by companies and other groups of people.They are the fastest growing types of website on the Internet.
A blog differs from a traditional website in several ways.Most importantly, it is updated much more regularly.Many blogs are updated every day, and some are updated several times a day.Also, most blogs use special software or websites, which can help ordinary people easily set up and start writing their own blogs.
There are many different kinds of blogs.The most popular type is an online diary of links where the blog writer surfs the Internet and then posts links to sites or news articles that they find interesting , with a few comments about each one .Other types are personal diaries, where the writer talks about their life and feelings.Sometimes these blogs can be very personal.
There is another kind of blogging, called “moblogging ”, short for “ mobile blogging ”.
Mobloggers use mobile phones with cameras to take photos, which are posted instantly to the Internet.The use of mobile phones in this way made the headlines in Singapore when a high school student posted a movie he had taken of a teacher shouting at another student on the Internet.Many people were shocked by what the student did, and wanted phones with cameras to be banned from schools.
Many people think that as blogs become common, news reporting will rely less on big media companies, and more on ordinary people posting news to the Internet.They think that then the news will be less like a lecture, and more like a conversation, where any one can join in.
小题1:Which statement about Salam Pax was true?
A.He worked for CNN.
B.Salam Pax was not his real name
C.He was famous as a host in BBC
D.He used a mobile phone for his blog
小题2:What is the biggest difference between blogs and traditional websites?
A.Blogs are updated much more often B.Blogs contain links to other websites
C.Blogs use special softwareD.Blogs contain personal information
小题3:According to the passage, which statement about the future is most likely ? In the future …
A.everyone will have a blog
B.large media companies will be unnecessary
C.people will be able to learn the news from other points of view
D.blogging technology will be banned
小题4:What is the passage mainly about ?
A.the history of the InternetB.new types of media
C.the war in IraqD.the increase of using computers

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Every year there are hundreds of earthquakes in different parts of the world. In September, 1923, Tokyo and Yokohama were both destroyed by an earthquake and the fires that followed it. They had to be completely rebuilt. One of the most serious earthquakes was in China’s Shanxi province in 1556. It killed almost one million people.
We measure an earthquake’s strength on the Richter Scale. The Richter Scale was introduced in 1935 in Southern California in the USA. It measures earthquakes on a scale of one to ten. Any earthquake measuring five or more is usually serious.
The Earth’s crust(地壳) is made up of rock called plates. As these plates move, they sometimes crash against each other, causing the crust to quake. In cities such as Tokyo, where small quakes happen quite often, many modern buildings are designed to be flexible so when the Earth moves, they move with it.
Earthquakes can also break up gas and oil pipes. This can cause fires to break out, which can do as much damage as the earthquake itself.
Another effect of earthquakes is tsunamis. These are huge waves created by earthquakes beneath the sea. They can be many meters high and cause great damage to coastal towns and cities, China, Japan, Russia and the USA have the highest occurrence(发生) of earthquakes in the world.
小题1:The passage is mainly about       .
A.scientists who study earthquakesB.the way of measuring earthquakes
C.a usual natural disasterD.what people should do in the earthquake
小题2:The earthquake in Shanxi Province       , which in NOT true?
A.happened in 1556B.killed one million people
C.was the only earthquake in ChinaD.caused a lot of damage
小题3: Earthquakes        
A.don’t cause much damageB.are not serious
C.most possibly happen in JapanD.happen all over the world
小题4:According to the passage we know that tsunamis        .
A.can cause earthquakes
B.are caused by earthquakes
C.only happen on land
D.are a way of measuring earthquakes

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Is there a nationwide shortage of nurses? It’s hard to say.However, some characteristic symptoms often indicate that there is indeed a shortage.
One symptom is the vacancy rate, or the percentage of budgeted positions that are unfilled.New England’s hospitals currently report that an average of 7 to 12 percent of their registered nurse positions are vacant, the highest level since the last shortage in the late 1980s.Vermont has a relatively low vacancy rate, at 7.8 percent.But its vacancies were at 1.2 percent just five years ago.
Another symptom is the increased use of stopgap measures to fill empty positions.For instance, many nurses report an upswing in how frequently they are asked to stay past their shifts.According to Murphy, working in the St.Elizabeth’s Hospital, “The shortage has definitely created a lot of opportunities of overtime for our nurses, whether they want them or not.” Similarly, a national survey of registered nurses shows that in an average week, nurses in the U.S.work 2.4 more hours than they are scheduled to.Much of this extra time is voluntary, as nurses earn overtime pay when they stay to fill in blanks in the schedule.
When they can’t fill open positions by more traditional means, health care providers hire temporary staff to tide them over.Travelling workers are the largest part of the temporary health care workforce, hired for thirteen-week reduction at health care facilities facing short-term lack of workers.Temporary workers, mainly nurses, cost hospitals $ 7.2 billion in 2000.
“Any successful solution to the shortage depends on convincing more people to become nurses, and that is not an easy goal to reach.To achieve it,” says Buerhaus, “society needs to place more value on nursing.Legislation (法规) can’t do that – it should come from people.” And if this continues, we might have to learn to care for ourselves in the hospital.
小题1:The temporary staff hired by a hospital _______.
A.cost a large part of the hospital’s budget
B.meet the need for nurses in the hospital for a short time
C.should work on a weekly basis and on a scheduled timetable
D.ought to work passively for thirty continuous weeks
小题2:According to Buerhaus, what is a successful solution to the nurse shortage?
A.To convince people of the benefits of being a nurse.
B.To ask the government for help to work out specific legislation.
C.To publicize the past achievements of nurses.
D.To make people aware of the importance of being a nurse.
小题3:What’s the probable meaning of the underlined word “upswing” in Paragraph 3?
小题4:What’s the author’s attitude towards nurse shortage?

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第二节:完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
As the drought(干旱) continued to seem to be endless, a small community of mid-west farmers were wondering what to do next. The rain was important not only to keep their crops     36    , but to support the townspeople"s way of     37    . Since the problem needed immediate    38    , the local church felt it was time to call a prayer meeting to ask for    39   .
In what seemed an unclear remembrance(纪念) of a Native American   40    , the people began to arrive. After they were all    41    , the pastor(牧师)on his arrival watched as the townspeople continued to arrive. He slowly    42     his way to the front to officially    43    the meeting.
Everyone was taking the opportunity to     44    with close friends. When the pastor     45     the front, his thoughts were on quieting those     46     and starting the meeting.
47    he began to ask for quiet, his eyes    48     through the crowd and he took     49     of an eleven year-old girl sitting in the front row.
Her face was shining     50     excitement and she     51     sat in her place. Next to her, was a bright red umbrella,    52     for use. The beauty and innocence(纯真) of the girl made the pastor smile as he     53     the faith she had. No one     54     at the meeting had brought a/an     55    .
They had all come to pray for rain, but she had come expecting God to answer with the needed rain.       
36.A. wealthy     B. healthy          C. powerful      D. necessary
37.A. work        B. entertainment     C. stay          D. life
38.A. attention          B. solution         C. fiction        D. conservation
39.A. rain          B. help           C. money             D. advice
41.A. covered     B. crowded        C. occupied      D. seated
42.A. found       B. struggled       C. felt           D. made
43.A. end              B. close          C. begin        D. hold
44.A. talk              B. tell            C. say           D. drink
45.A. arrived     B. reached         C. got           D. hurried
46.A. possible     B. patient              C. pure          D. present
47.A. As         B. Until          C. Though        D. Unless
48.A. got         B. went          C. looked             D. saw
49.A. hold         B. sight          C. notice        D. glance
50.A. for         B. with           C. by            D. at
51.A. quietly     B. calmly              C. anxiously     D. worriedly
52.A. eager        B. ready         C. curious         D. awful
53.A. recognized    B. promised       C. realized        D. allowed
54.A. even         B. else            C. still          D. also
55.A. apron       B. raincoat         C. record        D. umbrella
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