When Steve Maxwell graduated from college, he had an engineering degree and a hi

When Steve Maxwell graduated from college, he had an engineering degree and a hi

When Steve Maxwell graduated from college, he had an engineering degree and a high tech job — but he couldn’t balance his checkbook. “I took one finance class in college but dropped it to go on a ski trip,” says the 45-year-old father of three, who lives in Windsor, Colorado. “I actually had to go to my bank and ask them to teach me how to read my statement.”
One of the biggest obstacles to making money is not understanding it: Thousands of us avoid investing because we just don’t get it. But to make money, you must be financially literate. “It bothered me that I didn’t understand this stuff,” says Steve, “so I read books and magazines about money management and investing, and I asked every financial whiz (能手) I knew to explain things to me.”
He and his wife started applying the lessons: They made a point to live below their means. They never bought on impulse, always negotiated better deals (on their cars,cable bills, furniture) and stayed in their home long after they went for an expensive vacation. They also put 20 percent of their annual salary into investments.
Within ten years, they were millionaires, and people were coming to Steve for advice. “Someone would say, ‘I need to refinance my house — what should I do? ‘A lot of times, I wouldn’t know the answer, but I’d go to find it and learn something in the process,” he says.
In 2003, Steve quit his job to become part owner of a company that holds personal finance seminars for employees of corporations like Wal Mart. He also started going to real estate investment seminars, and it’s paid off: He now owns $ 30 million worth of investment properties, including apartment complexes, a shopping mall and a quarry.
“I was an engineer who never thought this life was possible, but all it truly takes is a little self education,” says Steve. “You can do anything once you understand the basics.”
小题1:The underlined part “live below their means” (in Paragraph 3) probably means “______”.
A.take effective measuresB.live a miserable life
C.spend more money than they hadD.spend less money than they had
小题2:Since Steve Maxwell became a millionaire, he ______.
A.has been unwilling to help others
B.hasn’t stopped learning from practice
C.has been willing to follow others’ advice
D.has stopped to invest in houses
小题3:What would be the best title for the passage?
A.A self made engineer
B.How to balance your checkbook
C.Don’t avoid investing
D.Educate yourself to become a millionaire
小题4:It can be inferred from the passage that ______.
A.self education is very important to one’s life
B.everyone should learn how to invest in their life
C.Steve Maxwell was quite interested in finance classes in college
D.Steve became rich because he saved every penny he had earned



小题1:D 推理题。根据该句的下一句They never bought on impulse, always negotiated better deals (on their cars,cable bills, furniture) and stayed in their home long after they went for an expensive vacation.说明他们量入为出,有节制,不乱花钱。故D的说法正确。
小题2:B 推理题。根据倒数1,2行‘A lot of times, I wouldn’t know the answer, but I’d go to find it and learn something in the process,” he says.说明他一直在学习,故B正确。
小题3:D 主旨大意题。本文讲述了Steve从自己的经历中取得经验,开始的时候他也不会理财,后来经过学习,合理花钱有节制,最终成为了百万富翁,通过这个情况告诉我们如何理财。故D正确。
小题4:A 推断题。Steve从自己的经历中取得经验,开始的时候他也不会理财,后来经过学习,合理花钱有节制,最终成为了百万富翁,他的所有的成功都是通过自己的个人努力,自我教育实现的。故A正确。
One important variable affecting communication across cultures is destiny (命运) and personal responsibility. This refers to the degree to which we feel ourselves the masters of our lives, contrary to the degree to which we see ourselves as subject to things outside our control. Another way to look at this is to ask how much we see ourselves able to change and act, to choose the course of our lives and relationships. Some have drawn a parallel between the personal responsibility in North American settings and the view itself. The North American view is vast, with large spaces of unpopulated land. The frontier attitude of “King” of the wilderness, and the expansiveness of the land reaching huge distances, may relate to generally high levels of confidence in the ability to shape and choose our destinies.
In this expansive land, many children grow up with a heroic sense of life, where ideas are big, and hope springs forever. When they experience temporary failures, they are encouraged to redouble their efforts, to “Try, try again.” Action, efficiency, and achievement are valued and expected. Free will is respected in laws and enforced by courts.
Now consider places in the world with much smaller land, whose history reflects wars and tough struggles: Northern Ireland, Mexico, Israel, Palestine. In these places, destiny’s role is more important in human life. In Mexico, there is a history of hard life, fighting over land, and loss of homes. Mexicans are more likely to see struggles as part of their life and unavoidable. Their passive attitude is expressed in their way of responding to failure or an accident by saying “ni modo” (“no way” or “tough lick”), meaning that the failure was destined.
This variable is important to understanding cultural conflicts. If someone believing in free will crosses paths with someone more passive, miscommunication is likely. The first person may expect action and responsibility. Failing to see it, he may conclude that the second is lazy, not cooperative, or dishonest. The second person will expect respect for the natural order of things. Failing to see it, he may conclude that the first is forcible, rude, or big headed in his ideas of what can be accomplished or changed.
小题1:The author thinks that one’s character is partly determined by ________.
A.physical sensesB.general attitude
C.financial backgroundD.geographic characteristics
小题2:According to the passage, Mexicans would think that Americans are ________.
小题3:The underlined word “subject” in Paragraph 1 probably means ________.
A.a topic of a discussionB.a branch of knowledge
C.a person being experimented onD.a person under the power of others
小题4:The author would probably agree that ________.
A.vast land may lead to a more controllable desire
B.heroic sense of life roots deeply in a small country
C.living in limited space contributes to an accepting attitude
D.fighting over land helps people gain high levels of confidence

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Some novels simply entertain and others contain a powerful message in the story line and characters. In his first novel, A Wind In Montana, Mitch Davies tells a story about young adults and how they accept responsibility for their lives.
A Wind In Montana is a marvelous tale of two teenagers, Rory Coleman and Victoria Beach, high school students at the same school, who struggle to make the right decision for themselves. As each of them nears adulthood, they become more concerned with the future and setting goals that will bring them happiness and fulfillment.
Without any advice from his parents, Rory chooses to pursue a profession in chemistry, applies for a chemistry scholarship, and determines to do everything he can to achieve it. Along the path, Rory finds that even though he has a plan, there are obstacles that could prevent him from realizing his goals. Victoria’s struggles are different from Rory’s. Although her father has decided that she should become a professional musician, Victoria has other plans for her life. Together, Rory and Victoria attempt to follow their dreams, despite the obstacles in their paths. A Wind In Montana contains a lesson for all teens about to enter adulthood - that disappointment and setbacks (挫折) are going to occur no matter how determined they are and that they need to develop skills along the way that will help them deal with them effectively.
There are so many major decisions facing teens today -social, parents, other influencing adults and school work - and there’s no guarantee that their plans will succeed, even if they make the so-called “right” decisions. A Wind In Montana explores how two teenagers struggle with their own unique decisions and how the choices they make affect their lives.
Mitch Davies’ book stands out among today’s teen books that deal with imaginary situations. A Wind In Montana is a real story about real people facing real-life situations. It’s entertaining and also helps readers think about their own lives and offers various ways to handle situations that may arise.
小题1:According to the passage, both Rory and Victoria _____.
A.have a strong sense of selfB.work hard at their courses
C.go against their parentsD.get along well with others
小题2:The third paragraph is mainly about _____.
A.the value of A Wind In Montana
B.Mitch Davies’ achievements
C.Mitch Davies’ writing style
D.the content of A Wind In Montana
小题3:Unlike other teen books, A Wind In Montana ______.
A.involves some imaginary situations
B.is based on real-life experiences
C.focuses on responsibilities teens should take
D.discusses the future of young adults
小题4:What’s the purpose of the passage?
A.To speak highly of an author.B.To report a piece of news.
C.To review a bookD.To collect materials for a book.

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Mo Yan"s Nobel Prize in Literature soon aroused public curiosity of the 57-year-old Chinese writer: Why was it he that was favored by the Swedish Academy? Chinese media seemed to be 36 as some journalists were reported to be on their way overnight to Gaomi City, Shandong, Mo"s 37  where he stayed with his family.
Born in 1955 into a rural family, Mo 38   out of school and became a farmer when he was a(n) 39. He joined the military and devoted himself to 40 after Chinese literary circles started rethinking deeply the Cultural Revolution. 
Mo"s novel "Big Breasts & Wide Hips" tells a story of a mother who struggled and suffered 41  and tangled (缠结的) fates with Chinese people in the 20th century. His more recent work "Frog" more directly 42 China"s one-child family policy, which helped 43 the country"s population explosion 44 brought tragedies to farmers in the past 60 years.
"I think the reason why I could win  the  45   is that my works present lives with unique Chinese 46 , and they also tell stories from a viewpoint of  47  human beings, which goes beyond differences of nations and races," Mo said to Chinese journalists. Mo also said many 48 arts originated from his hometown, such as clay sculpture, paper cuts, traditional new-year paintings, have 49 and influenced his novels.
Mo"s prize may give powerful encouragement to the country"s writers as the more 50 of Chinese lives their works are, the more possible they 51 as a world literature.
As the world"s fast-developing country with a long history, China will 52 meet conflicts with western civilizations.__53_, the country faces internally a wide gap between the rich and the poor, 54 environment pollution and an aging population. Paying more attention to such 55 , Chinese writers may create more works that record the nation"s journey to rejuvenation(复兴).With more Chinese writers like Mo, the world could learn a more real China. Perhaps, this is another reason for the Swedish Academy"s choice. (words:338)
A.hardship B.unemploymentC.diseaseD.accident
A.customsB.institutionsC.characteristics D.feelings
A.advancedB.elegantC.folk D.royal

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Every year many students went to the college bookstore to purchase the different textbooks that they need for their classes. Little do these students realize that, in doing so, they are throwing good money away. It may sound unbelievable but textbooks, in some cases, actually cost as much as, if not more than, college fees.
Many people think that college bookstores are the most convenient source for textbooks. Titles are usually kept and students may purchase new textbooks or choose to buy second-hand books and save money. But the money saved by purchasing second-hand textbooks from college bookstores is small compared to the amount they could save by shopping online.
More and more online booksellers have begun selling textbooks at heavily discounted prices. Online second-hand bookstores are another source for college books as they keep a large number of textbooks, which means sizable savings for students. Students should avoid purchasing their textbooks at the first store that they surf online since there are so many ‘unreal’ booksellers on the Net. Price isn"t the only factor to consider when making an online purchase. Students should also consider shopping costs and delivery time when making their decision.
Online auctions(拍卖) are another option for students seeking a bargain. This option, however, has its pros and cons. A plus is that students can get incredibly cheap books. One problem is that while online bookstores have a system in place that ensure you receive your order within a reasonable amount of time, with an auction purchase, however, you  must depend on the auction seller"s timetable.
One way that students can really save is by getting books for free. Project Gutenberg is one resource that English majors will find invaluable. Here students can legally download a huge collection of classic novels. In the past students needing help with their studies would often have to spend a lot of money buying expensive study guides. Today that is no longer the case. Cash-strapped students can now visit the website SparkNotes for free downloadable study guides as well as classics.
小题1:Which of the following is the best title of this passage?
A.Learning to Save on TextbooksB.Why Buy Textbooks
C.Online Shopping D.Tips for Buying Secondhand Textbooks
小题2:Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a source to obtain textbooks ?
A.College bookstores.B.Online used bookstores.
C.Online auctions.D.Second-hand bookstore centres.
小题3:The underlined expression “pros and cons” (paragraph 4) is closest in meaning to __________.
A.professionals and conservativesB.joy and sadness
C.advantages and disadvantagesD.processes and conditions
小题4:According to the passage, Project Gutenberg is probably __________.
A.a government project aimed at helping English majors
B.a project to help poor students get free learning materials
C.a website for English majors to get the guides from language experts
D.a website for students to get free sources for English learning
小题5:From the passage, we can learn that__________.
A.the cost of textbooks in college is low compared to the amount spent on tuition
B.online auctions are perfect for students seeking text books
C.students should visit many websites before buying their books
D.students should consider shopping costs and delivery time above all else when making their buying decision

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Saying “thank you” is probably the first thing most of us learn to do in a foreign language. After all, we’re brought up to be polite, and it is important to make a good impression upon other people — especially across national divides.
So, what exactly are you supposed to say when “thank you” is only the 20th most popular way to express gratitude? According to a recent survey, 19 other ways of expressing appreciation finished ahead of “thank you” in a poll of 3,000 people.
Pollsters(民测调查员) found almost half of those asked preferred the more informal “cheers”, while others liked to use such expressions as “ta”, “great” and “nice one”.
So, just what is the appropriate form of words to express your thanks?
Fortunately, the clue is in the language itself. “Cheers”, despite its popularity, is considered an informal way to say thank you — and this is a definite clue as to when you can best use it.
For instance, when going for a drink with friends, a smile and a “cheers” by way of thanks is not only appropriate to the situation, it is also culturally accurate.
“Ta”, originated from the Danish word “tak”, was the second-most popular expression of thanks, and is also commonly used in informal situations, along with phrases such as “nice one”, and “brilliant”. Interestingly, one word that didn’t make it into the top 20 was “thanks”, Thank you is shorter, more informal cousin.
“Thanks” can be useful, as it is able to bridge the divide between the formality of “thank you” and the downright relaxed “cheers”.
Certain words can double as an expression of thanks as well as delight. Again, the words themselves offer the clue as to when best to use them.
For example, words like “awesome”, “brilliant” and “you star” featured highly in the new poll and they can hint at both your pleasure at someone’s action, as well as serving to express your thanks. If you are on the receiving end of a “new” thank you, you can respond with a simple “no problem”, or “sure”.
Of course, in certain circumstances, a simple wave, nod or smile may be appropriate. For instance, if a car driver slows down to let you cross the road, simply raising your hand in acknowledgement is enough to show that you appreciate the driver’s consideration.
Sometimes, formality is necessary, and “thank you” is still the best choice in such situations. But students should not worry about when exactly to use certain expressions.
Many people in Western countries are worried that good manners are in decline. People are tired of seeing their acts of kindness and service pass without comment. So don’t think your “thank you” is clumsy or awkwardly formal. The chances are, if you said “thank you”, you made someone’s day. You star.
小题1:We can tell from the results of the poll that __________.
A.people are unconcerned about politeness nowadays.
B.“thank you” remains the best expression of gratitude.
C.there is a variety of expressions of appreciation.
D.there are more formal expressions than informal ones.
小题2:According to the passage, which is an appropriate response to “awesome” or “brilliant”?
A.Thanks.B.Sure. C.Nice one.D.Cheers. .
小题3:In the last paragraph the author encourages people to          .
A.show their gratitude to others.B.behave themselves well.
C.continue their acts of kindness.D.stop worrying about bad manners.
小题4:Which of the following can serve as the best title of this passage?
A.How to Appear More Polite .B.Ways to Show Gratitude.
C.Never hesitate to Say “Thank You”.D.Good Manners in Decline!

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