DAfter the September 11 terrorist attacks, some high schools in America wanted t

DAfter the September 11 terrorist attacks, some high schools in America wanted t


After the September 11 terrorist attacks, some high schools in America wanted the students to pledge allegiance(宣誓效忠) to the flag. Is it necessary or not? Let’s see how the kids think of this requirement.
Lea Mouallem, Marymount High School
I believe that saying the Pledge of Allegiance is a way of reminding our country that no matter what happens, we are united. I don’t think our president wants us to go and join the army now, but he wants to tell us that we will be able to overcome the disaster as a whole nation that is working together.
Harry Chin, 15, Culver City High School
I am not for the Pledge of Allegiance and I am not against the Pledge of Allegiance because I just say it so many times that it loses meaning. I say it every day at school in the second period. It doesn’t mean anything any more.
David Tran, 15, Warren High School.
The Pledge of Allegiance is another sign of country. We should have some respect to it. In many schools, we don’t say the Pledge every morning-we just stand up and let the National anthem ring through the silence. We said the Pledge of Allegiance on Sept. 12.
Danny Maryanor, 16, Santa Monica High School
I wonder why we were suddenly asked to recite the Pledge when many of us stopped after elementary school; and the Pledge was recited before the play of “Ode to Joy” (欢乐颂)with recorders. This was not to express patriotism(爱国主义), or even to remember those who lost their lives on Sept. 11.
I feel I cannot support a nation that in this time of crisis looks outward for revenge(报复)instead of inward for peace. Perhaps we should think more about our problems.
68.Saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag first appeared in American schools______
A.after Sept. 11, 2000     B.before Sept. 11, 2001
C.on Sept. 11, 2001           D.after Sept. 11, 2001
69.Who were for the Pledge of Allegiance?
A.Lea Mouallem; David Tran        B.Harry Chin; Danny Maryanor
C.Lea Mouallem; Danny Maryanor    D.Harry Chin; David Tran
70.Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Harry Chin thought the government required them to join the army.
B.Lea Mouallem thought the Pledge of Allegiance of no meaning.
C.Danny Maryanor felt the terrorist attacks happened partly because of America’s own problem.
D.The Pledge of Allegiance is of another country.
71.According to the passage, it can be imagined that________.
A.all high school students say yes to the Pledge of Allegiance.
B.all high school students say no to the Pledge of Allegiance.
C.all kids don’t agree to the requirement of saying the Pledge of Allegiance.
D.all high schools will require their students to pledge allegiance to the flag.

68---71   BACC   


It is natural that children are curious about the world around them. For example, they want to know how their hearts beat. They want to know why the ocean water tastes salty.
  As children grow up, they become curious about different kinds of things. When they are babies, they are interested in the parts of their bodies and in the smiles of their mothers. They become interested in the physical world around them: the plants, the animals, the sky. Later, they become interested in the things that people have made: wheels, bicycles, cars. And when they are adults, their curiosity continues. Sometimes this curiosity leads to a career (生涯、职业) in science.
  Scientists spend their lives trying to find out about the world.Those who work with the earth sciences study the earth, the oceans, and the skies. Other scientists who study living things work with the biological sciences. A third group of scientists study the physical sciences, e. g. physics, chemistry .
  These scientists have already discovered a lot about our world.For example, they tell us why your heart beats fast when you run. They say that when you are quiet, your heart normally beats sixty-five or seventy-five times a minute. Your heart is a pump (泵) that pumps blood to all parts of the body. The blood carries oxygen and nutrition. When you run, your muscles work very hard and use the nutrition that the blood carries to them. The muscles need oxygen, too . So your brain sends a signal to the heart. The signal means that the muscles need more nutrition and oxygen. Then the heart beats fast and sends blood quickly to the muscles. It may beat 90 to 140 times a minute.
  Of course, scientists cannot answer all of our questions. If we ask, “Why does the ocean water taste salty” scientists will say that the salt comes from rocks. When a rock gets very hot or very cold, it cracks. Rain falls into cracks. The rain then carries the salt into the earth and into the rivers. The rivers carry the salt into the ocean. But then we ask , “What happens to the salt in the ocean? The ocean does not get saltier every year.” Scientists are not sure about the answer to this question.
  We know a lot about our world, but there are still many answers that we do not have, and we are curious.
45.According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
   A.People are curious in the same way.
   B.People in different countries are interested in different things.
   C.Men and women are curious about different things.
   D.People of different ages are interested in different things
46.Scientists who work with the biological sciences study____.
A.the earth , the oceans and the sky          B.man-made things
C.plants and animals                               D.ocean water
47.When you run, your muscles need ____.
A.more nutrition and oxygen    B.more signals    C.more salt   D.water
48.A rock cracks _____.
A.in wet regions                                     B.in dry regions
C.at very high or very low temperatures               D.when salty water falls in
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Among the four skills in learning English ,which of these is the “Odd-Man-Out”?The answer is speaking. The other three you can do alone on your own. But you can"t really speak alone! Speaking to yourself can be “dangerous” because men in white coats may come and take you away!
Where can you find people to speak English? And how can you practise speaking when you are alone?At school if you pay to go to a language school ,you should use the chance to speak .If your teacher asks you to speak in pairs or groups with other students ,try to say as much as possible. Don"t worry about your mistakes. Just speak!
Conversation Clubs Many cities around the world have conversation clubs where people can exchange one language for another .Look in your local newspaper to find a conversation club near you .They are usually free although some may charge a small entrance fee.
Shopping Even if you don"t want to buy anything ,you can ask questions about products that interest you in a shop.“How much does this cost?” “Can I pay by cheque?” Often you can start a real conversation—and it costs you nothing!
Cafe and Bars There are often American, Britain, Irish and Australian bars in many large cities .If you can find one, you"ll probably meet many people speaking English as a first or second language.
Language is all around you Everywhere you go, you find language .Shop names, street names ,advertisements ,notices ,and car numbers....When you walk down the street ,practise reading the words and numbers that you see .Say them to yourself .It"s not exactly a conversation ,but it will help you to “think” in English .But don"t speak too loud!
Songs and Video Repeat the words of an English-language song singing with the music until it becomes automatic. It"s good practice for your memory and for the mouth muscles that you need for English.
Above all ,speak as much as possible! Make as many mistakes as possible! When you know that you have made a mistake, you know that you have made progress!
57.What does “Odd-Man-Out” probably mean according to the passage?
A.Someone or something appearing different from others.
B.Someone or something standing out of the group.
C.Someone or something arranged in pairs.
D.Someone or something easily mistaken for another.
58.What might happen if you speak to yourself loudly in public?
A.The police will take you away and punish you.
B.The doctors will force you to stay in hospital.
C.You will have to pay to escape being punished.
D.You will be forbidden to be member of the club.
59.Why does the writer say “Make as many mistakes as possible”?Because _______.
A.everyone will make mistakes in learning English
B.everyone will meet people speaking English with some mistakes
C.making mistakes is a must in making progress in learning English
D.making mistakes can make one realize the importance of speaking
60.According to the passage,which way is not likely to be accepted by English beginners?
A.Recite poems loudly along the riverside.
B.Listen to some English pop songs and video.
C.Find an Englishman to speak English with.
D.Take to the TV showing programmes at home.
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第一节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)
To improve relationship with others, you need to be aware of several sensible ways to complain.   21 , you need to be specific. Don’t say, “Boy, did you   22   like a fool at the party?” Instead, say, “You embarrassed me by getting drunk and telling   23  jokes to my parents.” Secondly, stick to the present. Don’t mention old offences from last month or last year. By doing this, you   24  attention from the problem at hand. Moreover, when you complain,   25   add insults. If you start calling the other person names, that will only   26  anger and hurt any chance of getting the person to really   27  you. A last point to remember is to complain privately. Never criticize the other person in front of friends, parents, children, or anyone else for that   28  . Criticizing in front of a third party has the same effect as   29 . This shames the person being criticized and makes it very   30  that the person will want to attack you orally rather than listen to you.
Remember sensible ways to complain yet?
Be specific.
Stick to the present.
Don’t add insults.
Complain privately.
21. A. To start with    B. Frankly speaking    C. In addition      D. Needless to say
22. A. conduct             B. undergo                 C. perform        D. act
23. A. temporary      B. controversial       C. offensive       D. dramatic
24. A. take away     B. set off             C. draw up        D. catch up
25. A. not                 B. barely           C. never           D. seldom
26. A. commit        B. deliver            C. involve         D. create
27. A. listen to             B. work for            C. look after       D. wait on
28. A. time           B. matter             C. person         D. party
29. A. jokes          B. criticism            C. insults          D. embarrassment
30. A. likely         B. natural            C. impossible      D. Frequent
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China may send naval ships to the seas off Somalia to help the fight against piracy(海盗行为) there, Chinese media on Wednesday quoted a Vice Foreign Minister as saying at the United Nations, Reuters reported.
"China is seriously considering sending naval ships to the Gulf of Aden and waters off the Somali coast for escorting operations in the near future," the Xinhua news agency quoted He Yafei as saying. He Yafei, speaking at a Security Council ministerial meeting, said that China welcomed global cooperation in the fight against Somali piracy, and supported efforts by other countries to send ships to the region, Xinhua reported.
Earlier this month a leading Chinese military strategist, Major-General Jin Yinan, urged the government to send ships, in comments generating debate about combating piracy in a country which has generally confined its navy to waters near home. Jin told a Chinese radio interviewer that "nobody should be shocked" if his government one day decided to send navy ships to deal with the pirates, whose recent victims have included ships from Chinese mainland and Hong Kong. Jin is the head of a strategy institute at China"s National Defense University.
While the military strategist is urging an active part, other scholars think the government should be cautious before a decision is made. The Chinese military ships should go there "only within the UN framework," said Pang Zhongying, a professor of international relations with Renmin University of China. Pang added that he also had some concerns over the Chinese navy"s capability. "I don"t think the Chinese navy has the capability to fight against unconventional threats far in the ocean," he said, adding supplying and refueling in the Indian Ocean are key challenges.
A sharp increase in attacks at sea this year in the busy Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean off Somalia has pushed up insurance costs, brought the Somali pirates tens of millions of dollars in ransom(赎金) and prompted foreign warships to the area. Among the captured ships are a Saudi supertanker loaded with $100 million of crude oil, the Sirius Star, and a Ukrainian cargo ship carrying some 30 Soviet-era tanks. The victims have also included a Hong Kong-flagged ship with 25 crew aboard and a Chinese mainland fishing boat reported seized off Kenya. NATO ships began anti-piracy operations off the Somali coast in late October, but they have failed to stop the attacks.
56. This year, many ships from different countries have been captured by the Somali pirates except _______.
A. a Saudi supertanker   B. a Ukrainian cargo     C.NATO ships      D. the Sirius Star
57. The underlined word "confined" in the third paragraph most probably means ________.
A. involved            B. restricted           C. confirmed        D. contract
58. From the passage, we learn that _______.
A. China has sent its navy to fight the Somalia pirates
B. some countries have launched their anti-piracy operations
C. the Somalia pirates often attacked foreign warships for ransom
D. The Chinese navy hasn’t the capability to travel far to combat pirates
59. When the Major-General Jin Yinan said "nobody should be shocked", he actually indicated that ________.
A. the Chinese people should keep calm about the government"s decision
B. no one should be frightened by the pirates" attack as the Chinese navy will defend them
C. it is reasonable for China to send its navy to fight against the Somalia pirates
D. if China had dealt with the pirates earlier, nobody would have been shocked
60. Professor Pang Zhongying’s main concern about the Chinese naval ships is that _______.
A. adding supplying and refueling far in the ocean is really a challenge
B. the Chinese navy has never fought against such unconventional threats
C. the fighting against pirates is not within the UN framework
D. the attacks in the Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean off Somalia has increased sharply
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City officials are hoping to use the power of dog droppings. San Franciscans already recycle more than 60% of their dogs’ droppings, but in this dog-friendly town, such wastes make up nearly 4% of residential waste, or 6,500 tons a year.
Within the next few months, Norcal Waste, a company that collects San Francisco’s wastes, will begin a trial program under which it uses biodegradable (生物分解的) bags and dog-waste carts to pick up droppings at a popular dog park.
The droppings will be thrown into a machine called a methane digester (沼气处理机), which is basically a tank in which bacteria feed on droppings for weeks to create methane gas.
The methane could then be piped directly to a gas stove, a steam heater, an air turbine or anything else powered by natural gas. It can also be used to produce electricity.
Someone doubts whether this plan is practical. But Norcal Waste spokesman, Robert Reed points to San Francisco’s creative food composting (混合肥料) program, which began 10 years ago. It is a proof that an unusual idea can work in this forward-thinking city. Norcal Waste collects 300 tons of food left over after meals per day from homes and restaurants and changes it into a rich fertilizer sold to grape farms and organic farms.
Methane digesters are nothing new. The technology was introduced in Europe about 20 years ago, and more than 600 farm-based digesters are in operation there. Nine are in use on California cow farms, and chicken and pig farms elsewhere in the United States also use them.
“The main obstacle is probably getting communities around the country the courage to collect dog droppings, to give value to something we’d rather not talk about,” Brinton, a recycling and composting consultant, said. “San Francisco is probably the king of pet cities. This could be an advantage of it, which is very important.”
Some other experts believe energy production from dog droppings must become more attractive economically before it gets popular. Landfill space is relatively cheap, and natural gas and electricity also remain fairly inexpensive. However, Reed said confidently, “Now, the city authorities asked us to look at dog waste specifically.”
61. How many dogs’ droppings can be recycled at present per year in San Francisco?
A. About 6,500 tons.                    B. About 169,000 tons.
C. About 260 tons.                          D. About 3,900 tons.
62. It can be inferred from the passage that        .
A. there are many pets that are treated well in San Francisco
B. Norcal Waste is a company of refuse (垃圾) treatment, which collects dog wastes only
C. most of the farms in Europe use Methane digesters
D. Brinton doesn’t feel optimistic about the collection of dog droppings in San Francisco
63. The underlined word “obstacle” in Paragraph 7 most probably means        .
A. interest         B. effect         C. difficulty       D. purpose
64. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. San Francisco is a city full of innovation.
B. Dog droppings can be changed into methane gas in several days.
C. It is the first time to utilize animal waste in San Francisco.
D. Utilizing dog droppings presently is more economical than the landfill.
65. Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?
A. Animal wastes collection by Norcal Waste
B. Changing dog droppings into energy
C. Methane digester technology in San Francisco
D. A dog droppings composting program
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