Friedrich Dobl, a Yugoslav working in Germany, was fed up with traffic jams. At

Friedrich Dobl, a Yugoslav working in Germany, was fed up with traffic jams. At

Friedrich Dobl, a Yugoslav working in Germany, was fed up with traffic jams. At long weekends and holiday times when he wanted to get him quickly he always found himself behind hundreds of other cars moving slowly along the notorious foreign workers’ route through Germany and Austria.
How easy it all was for police and emergency services. A siren, a flashing light? And like magic everyone was out the way. Going home from work one night he passed a garage. And there in front of him was the answer to his problems. An old ambulance(救护车) was for sale. The red cross had been removed. But not the flashing light, and the siren. He tried the light. It flashed magnificently. He tried the siren. That too sounded impressive. He bought the ambulance and opened up for himself a dream world of motoring. It began early in the morning, all his luggage in the back of the ambulance and motorway in Germany looking reasonably clear. Soon, as always, a long line of traffic appeared ahead. He switched on the flashing light and set off the siren. Cars swiftly slowed and pulled off the fast lane. Other cars stopped and drivers waved him ahead to an open road all his own. In record time he crossed the border into Austria. The big bluff was working. Police even waved him through the confusion caused by an accident.
But then the Yugoslav made his big mistake. Until then he had only stopped for petrol. Now he was driving past a real accident, lights flashing , to late realize that it was not another traffic jam as he assumed. They stopped him, and after hearing the story of his ride across two countries fined him 12. 5 pounds.
小题1:At long weekends and holidays Friedrich Dobl used to ____. home in Germany
B.get caught in terrible traffic jams other foreign workers
D.get to the place where he worked by a special quick route
小题2:Why did he decide to buy the ambulance?
A.because he had always wanted one
B.because he wanted to resell it at a higher price
C.because he liked the siren and the flashing light
D.because he knew that other traffic would get clear of the way for an ambulance.
小题3:The red cross had been removed ____.
A.but he soon put up a new one
B.because the vehicle did not look like an ambulance any more he asked the garage to paint another one on
D.but the siren and the flashing light still worked
小题4:Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?
A.How to Drive quicklyB.How to Avoid accidents
C.A quick Way Home? By An Ambulance D.A Safe way Home? Non-Stop


小题1:B 细节题。根据第一段2,3行At long weekends and holiday times when he wanted to get him quickly he always found himself behind hundreds of other cars说明他遇见了交通堵塞,故B正确。
小题2:D 细节题。根据第二段1,2行How easy it all was for police and emergency services. A siren, a flashing light? And like magic everyone was out the way.他知道救护车可以快速达到,故D正确。
小题3:D 细节题。根据第2段4,5,6行But not the flashing light, and the siren. He tried the light. It flashed magnificently. He tried the siren. That too sounded impressive.说明the siren and the flashing light还是有用的,故D正确。
小题4:C 主旨大意题。文章讲述的是一个人买了一辆旧的救护车了,一达到快速到达目的地的目的。
A number of times Rosemary edged closer to Gordon , meaning to take his arm, but he edged away from her. She thought that she had offended him deeply, and that he was disappointed because she had pushed him away. She would have apologized if he had given her half a chance. But as a matter of fact, he was scarcely thinking of this any longer. It was the money business that was troubling him now. And the fact was that he would soon have to confess it. What nonsense it made of all he had said! Presently she stopped him, and swung him round to face her. “Gordon, why won’t you speak to me?” she said. “Are you still angry with me for what happened just now?”
“No, I was never angry with you. You’re not to blame. Something else has been worrying me all the way along, I’ve only eight pence left. I had just enough money for today when we started out, but that dinner bill upset everything. Can you lend me some money?’
Rosemary was amazed. “What does it matter if you’ve only eight pence left? How can you let yourself be worried by a thing like that? As though I objected to lending you money, aren’t I always telling you that I want to pay for myself when we go out together?’
“Yes, and you know how I hate you paying.”
“Oh, how silly you are.” She said. “Do you think there’s anything to be ashamed of in having no money?”
Gordon’s face went bright pink. “Of course there is ! It’s the only thing in the world there is to be ashamed of. I can’t be a complete human being—I don’t feel a human being –unless I’ve got money in my pocket.”
小题1:What gave Rosemary the idea that she had hurt Gordon’s feelings deeply?
A.He didn’t say he was sorry.
B.He pushed her away when she tried to take his arm.
C.He didn’t say he was sorry.
D.He wouldn’t let her touch him.
小题2:Rosemary made him look at her because ______.
A.she wanted to ask him a questionB.she wanted to see his face
C.she was angry with himD.he had been rude
小题3:Gordon felt that if he asked rosemary to lend him some money _____.
A.he would lose some of his self-respectB.she would refuse to
C.he would have to confess his lossD.she would be angry
小题4:It is clear that Gordon had not intended to _____.
A.tell her he had a little money leftB.accept any money from her
C.blame her for making him angryD.have such an expensive dinner

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As a kid, I spent my summers with my grandparents in Texas. And every few summers, we’d __16__ the caravan (旅游团队), a group of Airstream trailer owners who __17__ together around the U.S. and Canada.
I loved and worshipped my grandparents and I really looked __18__ to these travels. On one particular __ 19__ ,I was about 10 years old. I was rolling around in the backseat. My grandfather was __20__ . And my grandmother had the passenger seat. She smoked throughout these trips, and I hated the __21__.
At that age, I’d take any excuse to make estimates(估计) and do minor __22__.At any rate, I decided to do the math for my __23__. I estimated the number of  cigarettes per days, estimated the number of __24__ per cigarette and so on. When I was satisfied that I’d come up with a reasonable number, I poked my head  into the __25__ of the car, tapped my grandmother __26__ the shoulder, and proudly proclaimed, “At two minutes per puff, you"ve taken nine years off your __27__!” Because the ad said, every puff of a cigarette takes some  number of minutes __28__ smoker’s life.
I expected to be applauded for my __29__ and arithmetic skills. That’s not what happened.__30__, my grandmother burst into __31__. I sat in the backseat and did not know what to do. My grandfather was a highly intelligent, __32__ man. He had never said a harsh word to me. He pulled __33__ onto the shoulder of the highway. He stopped and got out of the car, __34__ me, and after a bit of silence,he gently and __35__ said, “Jeff, one day you’ll understand that it’s harder to be kind than clever.”  
A.takeB.join C.attend D.visit
A.holidayB.researchC.trip D.return
小题6: D.type
A.over C.awayD.up

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I used to live in a separate room. I loved living   36  . But one day it all changed when my brother Mike asked to  37  my room. At first, my parents said “no” to him, but at last my mother  38  . I cried and begged my parents not to do this, 39  it didn’t work.
As soon as Mike entered my room, my room began to become  40  . To my anger, he often left his unwashed clothes everywhere!
One evening, I was doing my homework on my computer while Mike was listening to music. Later, I left my  41  to get some water. A shock was  42  me when I returned. He had used my computer to play games. I had  43    to save the homework. Sadly, he closed the program  44  saving it--- all my effort had disappeared! I shouted at him at the top of my  45  . He cried a lot as my mother   46  him. My mother also asked him to leave my room  47  .
Then I did my homework once again. At 11:00PM, I  48  it. I was about to turn off my computer when I saw the  49  of my brother that he had put on my table. I looked at his lovely face and remembered how he was crying when my mom punished him. I really felt  50  for him.
I went to him. He was  51  in my parents’ bed. I kissed his forehead. He woke up, 52  and said, “I’m sorry, I won’t bring you  53  again.”
I was so  54   and I hugged him, saying, “From now on, my room is not only  55  . It is ours!”
A.somewhere B.alone C.sadly D.differently
A.clean B.paintC.visit D.share
A.left B.agreedC.smiled D.moved
小题4: B.if C.but
A.dirty B.emptyC.beautifulD.dark
A.waiting forB.looking throughC.looking afterD.thinking of
A.decided B.forgotten C.wanted D.tried
A.on B.for C.after D.without
A.water B.desk C.voice D.head
A.surprised B.praised C.served D.beat
小题12: once B.on time chance D.after all
A.droppedB.finishedC.improved D.changed
A.coat B.toy
A.good B.sorry C.lucky h D.appy
A.playing B.crying C.sleeping D.eating
A.showed up B.gave upC.went up
A.informationB.trouble C.advice
A.movedB.angry C.upsetD.nervous
A.his B.ours C.theirs D.mine

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“I"ve changed my mind. I wanted to have a telescope, but now I want my daddy back." Lucien Lawrence’s letter to Father Christmas written after his schoolteacher father had been knifed to death outside his school gate, must have touched every heart. Lucien went on to say that without his father he couldn"t see the stars in the sky. When those whom we love depart from us, we cannot see the stars for a while.
But Lucien, the stars are still there, and one day, when you are older and your tears have gone, you will see them again. And, in a strange way, I expect that you will find your father is there too, in your mind and in your heart. I find that my parents, long dead now, still figure in many of my dreams and that I think of them perhaps more than I ever did when they were alive. I still live to please them and I" m still surprised by their reactions. I remember that when I became a professor, I was so proud, or rather so pleased with myself, that I couldn"t wait to cable my parents. The reply was a long time in coming, but when it did, all Mother said was “I hope this means that now you will have more time for the children!” I haven" t forgotten. The values of my parents still live on.
It makes me pause and think about how I will live on in the hearts and minds of my children and of those for whom I care. Would I have been as ready as Philip Lawrence have been to face the aggressors (挑衅者),and to lay down my life for those in my care? How many people would want me back for Christmas? It"s a serious thought, one to give me pause.
I pray silently, sometimes, in the dead of night, that ancient cry of a poet “Deliver my soul from the sword (剑), and my darling from the power of the dog.” Yet I know the death comes to us all, and sometimes comes suddenly. We must therefore plan to live forever, but live as if we will die tomorrow. We live on, I"m sure, in the lives of those we loved, and therefore we ought to have a care for what they will remember and what they will treasure. If more parents knew this in their hearts to be true, there might be fewer knives on our streets today.
小题1:According to the whole text we can see that the first paragraph ________.
A.explains the importance of a telescope
B.shows the writer"s pity on the kid
C.acts as an introduction to the discussion
D.makes a clear statement of the writer"s views
小题2:In the second paragraph the author mainly wants to explain to us ________. much he misses his parents now
B.why his parents often appear in his dream
C.when Lucien will get over all his sadness proud he was when he succeeded in life
小题3:In the writer"s opinion, the value of a person’s life is ________. leave behind a precious memory to the people related have a high sense of duty to the whole society care what others will remember and treasure share happiness and sadness with his family
小题4:What feeling did the author’s mother express in her reply?
A.Proud. B.Happy.C.Disappointed. D.Worried

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The train shakes back and forth, its wheels making a loud noise against the tracks. Outside the window the freezing cold of winter rules. The carriage is filled with cold, ___1___ passengers.
Suddenly a little boy ___2___ his way through the grown-up legs and sits down by the window. He is all alone among the ___3___ grown-ups. What a brave child, I think. His father ___4___ very strange happens suddenly. The ___5___ little boy slides down from his seat and leans his hand on my knee. ___6___, I think that he wants to ___7___ me and return to his father, so I help him to stand up. But instead he leans forward and holds his ___8___ up towards mine. He wants to say something to me, I think. I lower my head to receive the ___9___. Wrong again! What I do receive is a ___10___ kiss on the cheek.
The boy calmly returns to his seat, leans back and continues looking out of the window. I am ___11___. What just happened? A child is kissing ___12___ grown-ups on the train. How can anybody want to kiss such a man that has so much beard? Soon enough, all of my neighbors are certainly ___13___. Nervous and a little surprised, we ___14___ at the father. When he sees our questioning ___15___ as he gets ready for his stop, he offers a clue(线索).
“He’s so happy to be alive,” the father says. “He has been very sick.”
Father and son ___16___ into the crowd moving toward the exit. The doors close and the train goes on. On my cheek I can still ___17___ the child’s kiss—a kiss that has triggered(触发) some soul-search inside me. How many ___18___ kissing each other from the joy of being alive? How many even give much thought to the privilege(特权)of ___19___?
The little kisser had taught us a sweet but serious lesson: Be careful you don’t let yourself ___20___ before your heart stops!
A.In no timeB.For a momentC.In a whileD.Once in a while
A.go aroundB.come atC.keep onD.insist on
A.a childB.a kissC.livingD.death

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