On March 5th year is "learn from comrade lei feng" 42 anniversary.After 40 years,China's young,lei feng's spirit always shines,has become one of our national spirit and indispensable part of ZhengDangNian,lei feng's spirit.
Study thunder feng requires not only embodies in behavior,but also to study and work in the well into work,lei feng's spirit,to hale style.To integrating theory with practice,the accumulation of social experience,learn some social skills,accomplish truly study thunder feng advancing with The Times.
Every year in March,many people think that learning lei not new,Some think lei feng's spirit is outdated.Lei feng's spirit really out of date?We think lei feng's spirit is the national spirit in this era of specific performance,is a good time to perfect symbol.One for all,all for one.The selfless and selfless dedication.Lei feng's spirit is a kind of social morality,is simple and noble virtues.
Learning is the key to improve individual lei public morality and in the process of learning from the side of the minor matter,starts from the self..For more than 40 years,people have been missed and revered with a young lei feng.People from his experience with the power of moral integrity,feel "helpfulness" noble spirit,it is of enduring long lei feng's spirit with basis.This is not time lei feng spirit out the root cause of the stage.
Lei feng's spirit,because we ZhengDangNian's lei feng,we call lei feng,we need to have a new era characteristics were LeiFengShi couple.
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