There was a king who loved art very much. One day a(n)      came and said, "Plea

There was a king who loved art very much. One day a(n)      came and said, "Plea

There was a king who loved art very much. One day a(n)      came and said, "Please let me      a picture on a wall." The king happened to have a big new hall      . So he       the artist to work on one of the walls.
At the same time, another artist came and asked to work on the      wall. He promised he would make the same picture as the first artist’s       looking at the first artist’s work. The second artist asked to have a thick curtain       between the two walls       neither of them could see each other.
The following day they began to work. The first artist brought in a(n)       supply of paint, oil, water and so on. The second one came with a       and a bucket (桶).
A month later, the first artist’s work was completed, and the second artist said, "My wall is       too!"
The king went to       the first artist’s wall. He was pleased with it and gave the artist a large       of money. He then asked people to open the curtain.
      ! Each line was       the same as that on the opposite wall.
The king was quite satisfied and gave him double money. However, he       how the second man had made it.
"I just       the wall with the cloth," the man said       .The wall was made of white marble (大理石). He made it shine like a mirror. The reflection (倒影) of the first painting       up on it!
The       is a reflection of you too. If you are sad, the world will be sad. If you are happy, the world will be happy.
A.builtB.createdC.destroyed D.founded
A.put upB.put backC.put awayD.put on
A.even case
A.brieflyB.naturally C.safelyD.correctly



小题1:考查名词,结合空以及定冠词表特指的用法,可知D正确。于是国王允许艺术家在一面墙上作画。A. editor 编辑  B. server 侍者  C. actress 女演员
小题2:考查动词,结合本句,请让我为您作一幅画,可知B正确A. put 放 B. paint 绘画,作画 C. get 得到 D. copy 复制
小题3:考查动词,结合本句,国王刚好新建了一个大厅,可知A正确。A. built 建造 B. created 创造 C. destroyed 毁坏 D. founded 建立
小题4:考查动词,结合本句,于是国王允许艺术家在一面墙上作画。A. allowed 允许 B. realized 意识到 C. persuaded 说服,劝说 D. Decided 决定
小题5:考查形容词,结合第50空,每一个线条都和相对的墙上的画完全一致,可知B正确。A. same 相同的 B. opposite 相对的 C. similar 类似的 D. ordinary普通的 本句大意是说,同时,另一个艺术家也来到国王那里,想在对面的墙上作画。
小题6:考查介词,结合下文,本句大意说,另一个艺术家承诺不用看第一个艺术家的作品,就能做出一样的画来,可知B正确。A. with 有,和  B. without 没有  C. under 在……下方   D. upon 在…...上面
小题7:考查动词短语,本句大意,第二个艺术家要求在两面墙之间支起一个窗帘,可知A正确。此题考查动词短语辨析。A. put up 支起,竖起,张贴 B. put back  放回原处 C. put away收起来,放好  D. put on 穿上
小题8:考查状语从句引导短语,结合第42空,第二个艺术家要求在两面墙之间支起一个窗帘的目的就是彼此看不到,可知B正确。A. even if 即使  B. so that以便,为了 C. as if 好像  D. in case 以防,万一
小题9:考查形容词,本句大意,第一个艺术家带来了定期供应的涂料,油,水等等,可知C正确。A. common 普通的 B. artificial 人工的,矫揉造作的  C. regular 定期的,有规律的  D. extra 额外的
小题10:考查名词,结合第52空,另一位艺术家说他仅是用一块布去擦墙,可知D正确。A. mirror 镜子 B. stick 棍子  C. curtain 窗帘  D. cloth 布
小题11:考查形容词,本句大意,我的墙已经准备好了,可知D正确。A. present 在现场的  B. free 自由的,空闲的  C. useful 有用的 D. ready 准备好的
小题12:考查动词,本句大意,国王去看第一个艺术家的墙,可知A正确。A. see 看见 B. touch 触碰  C. research 研究  D. Cover 覆盖
小题13:考查短语,本句大意,国王很高兴,给了第一个艺术家一笔钱,可知B正确。A. a large number of 许多,后接可数名词复数 B. a large amount of 许多,大量,后接不可数名词 C. a total of 总数 D. many不与 of 连用
小题14:考查形容词,结合第50空,每一个线条都和相对的墙上的画完全一致,可知这是令人吃惊的,可知A正确。A. Amazing 令人吃惊的 B. Exciting 令人兴奋的 C. Famous 著名的 D. Valuable 有价值的
小题15:考查副词,本句大意是说,每一个线条都和相对的墙上的画完全一致,可知C正确。A. probably 大概 B. certainly 当然 C. exactly 确切地  D. hardly 几乎不
小题16:考查动词,本句大意是说,国王想知道艺术家是如何做到的,可知C正确。A. knew 知道 B. noticed 注意到 C. wondered 想知道 D. warned 警告
小题17:考查动词,本句大意是说,另一位艺术家说他仅是用一块布去擦墙,可知B正确。A. drew 画 B. wiped 擦 C. faced 面对 D. displayed 显示,陈列
小题18:考查副词,本句大意是说,另一位艺术家说他仅是用一块布去擦墙,他简洁地说,可知A正确 A. briefly 简单地  B. naturally 自然而然地 C. safely 安全地 D. correctly 正确地
小题19:考查动词,本句大意是说,第一幅画的倒影就出现在墙面上,可知D正确。A. set up 建立 B. added up 合计 C. took up 占据,从事  D. showed up 呈现
小题20:考查名词,结合本段,其实世界也是你自己的一个倒影,如果你是快乐的,那么世界也是快乐的,如果你是悲伤的,世界也是悲伤的,可知A正确。A. world 世界 B. story 故事 C. king 国王 D. painter 画家
I learned how our attitudes made a big difference in our everyday lives from my friend Mary.
She doesn’t have any pets. I happened to see her outside on a -30 degree morning walking a dog. I felt sorry for Mary, out there walking a dog that’s not hers in such cold weather. I thought maybe she was saying to herself, “Yeah, this is why I don’t have any pets! I hate walking dogs.”
Later that day I saw Mary and said, “I saw you out there walking a dog this morning. Are you unhappy because you had to walk it on such a cold day?” To my surprise, she said that she enjoyed getting out there and walking the dog and that she got good exercise because of the dog. She also said she had talked to her brother, the dog’s owner, who was on holiday in Orlando, Florida with his family. He said his children were enjoying Disney World and the resorts (胜地). His four-year-old son had breakfast with Mickey Mouse and said it was the best day in his life. Mary said, “If I can help my brother and his family have a wonderful time relaxing for a week, knowing that their pet is being loved and cared for, what more could I ask for?” She added, “It’s worth it for me to make the sacrifice (牺牲) so that they can go and have fun.”
I learned a lesson from Mary.
小题1:What do we know about Mary?
A.She liked exercising outside before that day.
B.In fact she likes taking care of dogs very much.
C.She likes helping others.
D.She was sorry for not going on holiday with her brother.
小题2:Why did the author feel sorry for Mary?
A.It was a cold morning.
B.He thought Mary was suffering because of others.
C.Mary didn’t have any pets.
D.He found Mary was unhappy to walk the dog.
小题3:Mary’s brother and his family could have a wonderful holiday because __________.
A.the children could have breakfast with Mickey Mouse
B.the children enjoyed Disney World and the resorts
C.Mary did not go with them
D.Mary looked after their dog
小题4:What lesson did the author learn from Mary?
A.Traveling is fun, and walking dogs is also fun.
B.Walking dogs will make you feel warm.
C.Helping others is also a kind of enjoyment.
D.Walking dogs is also a kind of exercise.
小题5:What can we infer from the passage?
A.The author mistook Mary that morning.
B.Mary would raise a dog after helping her brother.
C.Mary made a lot of sacrifices for her brother.
D.Mary disliked raising any pets.

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When two Bangs meet
Sheldon Cooper is a scientific genius on the popular American TV show, The Big Bang Theory (《生活大爆炸》). He finally met his match last year: Stephen Hawking.
This is not the first time that the scientist has appeared on TV. He has also been on Star Trek (in 1987) and The Simpsons (in 1989). Each time, he played himself.
Hawking, 71, is perhaps the world’s most famous scientist after Albert Einstein. He has spent his whole life studying the beginning and the end of the universe, including the Big Bang (宇宙大爆炸) theory.
The Big Bang theory explains the early development of the universe. According to the theory, about 13.7 billion years ago everything was all squeezed (挤压)together in a tiny, tight little ball, and then the ball exploded. The results of that explosion are what we call the universe.
Hawking has always tried to make science more popular with people. His book: A Brief History of Time was published in 1988. In the book he shares his understanding of the universe in simple language. The book tries to explain many subjects about the universe to common readers, including the Big Bang, black holes and light cones (光锥).
Hawking’s achievements are even greater if you think about his disability. When he was 21, Hawking caught a bad illness that slowly stopped him from moving or talking. Now he sits on a wheelchair with a computer by his side. To communicate, he moves two fingers to control the computer’s mouse. He chooses his words from the screen, which are then spoken by a voice synthesizer (合成器).
Hawking also believes that there might be aliens in space. However, he believes they are probably very dangerous, so we should not look for them. “I imagine they might exist in very big ships ... having used up all the resources from their home planet,” Hawking said in a British documentary(纪录片) named Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking. 
小题1:What does the “two Bangs” in the title refer to?
A.The director of “The Big Bang Theory” and the founder of it.
B.The director and the actor of “The Big Bang Theory”.
C.The founder of the “Big Bang” theory and its spreader.
D.The scientific genius on TV show and the one alive in real life.
小题2:Acting in The Big Bang Theory is Hawking’s _____ time on TV.
A.first B.second C.third D.fourth
小题3:According to Paragraph 5, Hawking wrote the book A Brief History of Time especially for _____.
A.scientists who study the universe
B.people who know a lot about the universe
C.people who know little about the universe
D.people who only know simple language
小题4:The Big Bang theory mainly explains _____. the universe startedB.what the universe is like old the universe the universe exploded
小题5:According to the passage, which of the following about Hawking is TRUE?
A.He was born with a disability.
B.He uses a computer to communicate.
C.He believes aliens are our friends.
D.He encourages people to look for aliens.

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Someone telephoned me today asking if I would be willing to bring food to a family in need. The mother was having a major operation and would be lying down for several weeks. Of course, I responded with an immediate “Yes!”. As I planned the meal in my head, I reflected on how many times over the years I had been asked to prepare food. I have done so countless times with a very open heart.
But the truly amazing thing is that I have received double over the course of my life. When my mother passed away, our house was filled with fresh dinners for weeks. A woman from the church of our community stopped by each evening with some food. The gift of food was her small way of trying to ease our pain.
Later in my life, when I was on bed rest during my pregnancy with twins, women of the church again stepped in to help. They arranged babysitting for my two-year-old daughter, and brought lovely dinners to our house. Even when I was put in the hospital, my husband would bring cooked meals to my hospital room. How we relied on these dinners to feed my tired husband and young daughter.
Food is all about comfort. It feeds our bodies, but it can also feed our souls. When you hear people talking about their favorite holidays, it usually includes their feelings connected with sharing food. I know I’ll have many more chances in my lifetime to prepare food for others. It is truly a gift I want to prepare and deliver to someone in need.
小题1:We can learn from the first paragraph that the author _____.
A.was tired of preparing food.
B.was glad to be able to lend a hand.
C.knew the family in need very well.
D.had to stay in bed for several weeks.
小题2:The author has given lots of food to others because _____.
A.she has received others’ food.
B.she is friendly to others.
C.she is a church member.
D.she is poor at cooking.
小题3:What do we know about the author’s family?
A.Her husband isn’t good at cooking.
B.Her family is too poor to buy enough food.
C.She has a babysitter taking care of her twins.
D.Her family lives not far from a church.
小题4:Which of the following is TRUE about the author?
A.She didn’t get enough food during her pregnancy.
B.Her mother died when she was in hospital.
C.She received food along with comfort in her hard times.
D.She thinks offering food is the best way to show love.
小题5:Which of the conclusion can we get according to the article?
A.Every man has his faults.
B.Actions speak louder than words.
C.A good beginning makes a good ending.
D.One good turn deserves another.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
At the age of five, Shizuka Arakawa started to take skating lessons. Her motivation was      :wearing pretty outfits! Very quickly, she    a passion for skating, and she decided to     all her free time to training. At the age of eight, she was already      to perform a triple salchow (三周跳). The young girl from     won five national championships, three times as a junior and twice as a senior.
In 1998 in Nagano, Shizuka Arakawa      for the first time in the Olympic Games, at the tender age of 16. Japan had high      for her.      the Emperor and Empress of Japan came to see her performance. She finished thirteenth in the      rankings. Four years     , she was not present at the Salt Lake City Games. The skater finished second in the Japanese national championships and was not    in the Japanese Olympic team. In     of this, Shizuka Arakawa was successful in    championships, such as the Four Continents and NHK(日本广播协会)Trophy. In 2004 in Dortmund, she became women’s world    skating champion.
In 2006, after a year-long period in which she almost      her career, Shizuka Arakawa took      in the Turin Olympic Games. A new coach and a new programme had     a new, invigorated(充满活力的)Shizuka. The short programme was a real challenge      the Japanese skater. She performed a noteworthy sequence to Chopin’s “Fantasie Impromptu”, finishing third. On 23 February, 2006, she performed a perfect long programme.      by Puccini’s “Fantasy for Violin”, she performed splendidly and she obtained a      of 191.34, which won her the top step of the winner’s podium(领奖台) in Turin.
A.complex B.bright C.simpleD.stupid
A.occupyB.spend C.referD.devote
A.ready C.willingD.used
A.China B.JapanC.AmericaD.Russia
A.attendedB.prepared C.enteredD.participated
A.Ever B.Already C.EvenD.Still
A.middle B.finalC.generalD.beginning
A.containedB.winC.held D.included
A.spite B.charge C.honorD.possession
A.othersB.another C.other D.else
A.partB.pride C.controlD.turns
A.resultedB.causedC.accessed D.produced
小题18: B.towardsC.forD.upon
A.Danced B.AccompaniedC.Followed D.Played
A.score B.levelC.point

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“How did Norman know, Sister Emma?”
“He overheard you and Aryan arguing. I suspect that he purposely overheard on you. Norman knew or concluded what profession Aryan practiced. He might well have followed Aryan on his explorations. Whether he did or not is beside the point. When Aryan came back yesterday afternoon, Norman certainly decided that he had made some find, for Aryan told Norman that he would be leaving for the capital to meet the detective the next morning. He probably followed Aryan to your room and overheard what passed between you.
“Since you could not act against the law of man and God, he would serve a natural justice in his own way. He took the jar of poison hemlock from the chemistry shop and when Aryan asked for a drink, he supplied it. Norman did not know the precise quantity needed and so Aryan did not suffer the full effects until after the bell called the community into the dining hall for the evening meal.”
Abbess was following Sister Emma closely.
“And then?”
“Then I began my investigation, and then the detective arrived seeking Aryan for an explanation for his death.”
“But who killed Norman?”
“Norman knew that sooner or later he would be discovered. But more importantly in his guileless (坦率的) mind there was also the guilt of having taken a man’s life to be considered. Norman was a simple man. He decided that he should accept the punishment—the honor-price of a life. What greater honor-price for the life of Aryan could he offer than his own? He also took a draught of poison hemlock.”
There was a pause.
小题1:What may have happened to Aryan?
A.He was killed by poison.B.He was found missing.
C.He was poisoned but saved.D.He went away with what he had found.
小题2:What did Abbess do according to Sister Emma when Aryan came back?
A.She talked with Aryan about Norman’s strange actions. .
B.She secretly discussed with Aryan about something secret.
C.She followed the two men and found what they were doing.
D.She let Sister Emma help find out the two men’s secret.
小题3:What can we conclude from the above story?
A.Abbess served the detective.
B.Emma knows all the people mentioned.
C.Aryan was sent to kill Abbess but failed.
D.Norman seemed very devoted to Abbess.
小题4:Which of the following might be true according to the above passage?
A.Abbess hired Norman to fight against Aryan.
B.Norman told everything to Emma.
C.Aryan worked for the detective.
D.All the people came from the capital.

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